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    Friday, July 24, 2020

    Naming Inspirations For Your Latest Web Projects web developers

    Naming Inspirations For Your Latest Web Projects web developers

    Naming Inspirations For Your Latest Web Projects

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 07:20 AM PDT

    Hey everyone! I've been a long-time lurker on this subreddit but I've decided to post this here cause I think it'll be helpful for a lot of you who are trying to figure out how to name your latest web projects:

    I recently built One Word Domains, which is a tool that allows you to browse through a list of all the available and brandable one-word domains out there. I did this as an attempt to scratch my own itch (I couldn't find a good name for my newest project), but turns out a lot of other people had the same itch as well - after launching it two months ago, it got to #2 on Product Hunt and the front page of Hacker News, and has had over 30K users who bought 400+ domains that were listed on the site.

    If any of you are looking for the best available one-word domain names for your side project, feel free to check out the site - there's over 100,000 available one-word domains there on 20+ TLDs (.ai, .app, .co, .io, .com, .org, .net, .me, .so, and even .com with get- prefix etc.)

    Also, if you have any feedback about One Word Domains - I'd love to know!

    submitted by /u/thestevensteel
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    How to get clients as a young web developer?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 01:46 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm 15 and I've been creating websites with Weebly when I was 8, then almost 4 years ago I learned html, css, js, php and WordPress.

    Last year I started making websites for clients sponsoring my service in a Minecraft forum, I had quite a good business but then the forum closed and I was left with nothing.

    At the moment I am trying to save some money to build a PC for myself, since I am using my family's one.

    Do you have any suggestion for me? Since I don't have clients, in order to keep myself busy and to learn new things I've been making some Saas and open source projects. I really liked making those so much and I will definitely keep doing it, but since I would like to monetize my work, I am asking here you today for some suggestions.

    Thanks in advance. (Sorry, English is not my first language)

    submitted by /u/mooonmatt
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    Question for web developers looking for a job.

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 01:01 PM PDT

    Web developers looking for jobs: what entices you to apply to a particular job posting? The reputation of the company? The variety of work? The type of software being used? What other perks make you want to apply to a specific job, and on the other side of things...what types of things are red flags, and make you NOT want to apply?

    submitted by /u/skinnypup
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    What do the developers of Github use for source control

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 07:58 AM PDT

    This comes to me as a shower thought on a regular basis.

    Does Github have a repo on Github which contains the source code for Github? Like some kind of Github-ception. I can't imagine they would use a rival like Gitlab.

    Does anybody know how the Github devs manage the source code for the actual Github platform?

    submitted by /u/CashewNutsAreMoreish
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    Why are ECMASCRIPT and CSS (and others) so reluctant to add objectively good superset features like those in TypeScript & Sass?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 02:27 PM PDT

    The elephant in the room is implementation effort. All the auto formatters, browsers, linters, syntax highlighters, and everything else will have to updated, which can be hell.

    The number two reason I can easily think of is browser support. Yes, they could just say the new ES version is essentially TypeScript, and CSS4 is essentially SASS, but getting the major browsers to support it would be hell, and and even longer for users to all update their browsers.

    Next may be that the new features would slow down existing interpreters, so it wouldnt be worth it.

    Curious what you guys think. I think features like $ for CSS variables, or nesting selectors would not be insanely difficult to implement, but I'm curious what you guys think.

    submitted by /u/ZeroSevenTen
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    Best Courses or Books For Object Oriented Programming

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 03:30 PM PDT

    I'm a self-taught freelance WordPress developer.

    I'm pretty good at PHP but would like to learn more about proper coding practices (SOLID, unit testing, proper use of classes, etc)

    Looking for any recommendations on classes that can teach me the theory. I'd especially like classes that show real world examples.

    I don't mind if the course is in another language (Node, Java, Python, etc)
    Anybody got any recommendations?

    submitted by /u/JackRobsonGateshead
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    PolyAvatar - A plugin by me

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 03:07 PM PDT

    Hi, everyone. I am creating a vanilla js plugin to generate polygonal avatars using canvas.

    I would loveto hear from you what you guys think about the whole thing.

    The source code is at https://github.com/programad/polyavatar and you can see some samples at https://programad.github.io/polyavatar/

    I am planning on adding the following features on next updates:

    • Little level number indicator;
    • Change colors;
    • Little online indicator;
    • Little badge;
    submitted by /u/programad
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    What frameworks and technologies should I learn for Back-end?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 11:05 AM PDT

    So, since I started web developing, I've always focused on Front-end development using React as my main framework, and using Firebase to handle all non Front-end things. I do feel pretty confident with my front-end skills.

    I always wanted to learn some back-end stuff to be more competent in that field, the thing is that there's a lot of things and I don't know where to start, I've read about express, node.js for servers, REST. (Are these the best for back-end? If not which ones are the most used by the community, which are the ones with rising popularity, the easiest to learn) But don't know how to use them. So I've been depending on Firebase the whole time, and I want to cut that dependance a bit.

    Which technologies should I learn? I don't know where should I start, the order in which I should learn these things, what are you guys using these days?

    Thank you in advance

    submitted by /u/AvengedFenix
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    MDN Web Docs: 15 years young

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 07:00 PM PDT

    An open-source calculation engine that allows you to perform Excel-like calculations in your business applications

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 02:41 AM PDT

    I surveyed about 30 websites in my (small) industry. I recorded CMS, web host, and speed

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 08:12 AM PDT

    Not sure if anybody will be interested in this, but figured I'd share. I found it interesting to see what technologies that these mostly small websites used.

    There's a couple of companies with IT departments in there, but for the most part these are mom and pop companies. They probably hired a freelancer to throw up hosting and a WordPress for them.

    Screenshot of findings

    How data was gathered:


    • Lots of WordPress CMS's
    • Lots of GoDaddy web hosts
    • Atrocious page load times. Lots of websites are not optimized at all, and totally bloated. Probably with WordPress plugins. I'm sure using web hosts like GoDaddy and HostGator isn't helping either.
    • Companies with IT departments were more likely to use AWS or CloudFlare, and probably custom made their tech (Wappalyzer didn't detect anything).

    The two DreamHost websites are mine. I was pleasantly surprised to find one of my websites at the top of the list.

    submitted by /u/RedDragonWebDesign
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    specr.me - a website which easily lets you share your computer specs (I made a thing!)

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 04:35 PM PDT

    Issue compiling SASS and SCSS with LiveReload

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 04:35 PM PDT

    I just installed LiveReload on my Macbook running Catalina 10.15.6 (19G73). I also installed the browser extension and enabled access to page URLS. I also updated my Ruby to 2.7.1.

    When I save an SCSS or a SASS file, I get the following error message in LiveReload:

    /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.6/usr/lib/ruby/2.6.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:54:in `require': cannot load such file -- ubygems (LoadError) from /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.6/usr/lib/ruby/2.6.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:54:in `require'

    Can anyone guide me in how to fix this?

    submitted by /u/Fribbio
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    Favicon and pwas

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 04:09 PM PDT

    This always confuses me. I understand for something to be a pwa it has to have the service worker and a valid manifest and any apple stuff of course using the meta tags. With that it's installable or potentially deep linked to a related application if the manifest configures it that way.

    But... Use something like real favicon generator and it generates the web manifest the application title meta tag etc.

    So there's a lot of overlap here.

    I always struggle with how to break these two things apart for configuration. Because....

    If you're providing the favicons it's literally 1 extra step to wrap up a pwa.

    So I guess the only real difference in config here is popping in a service worker adjusting the manifest for any display modes, shortcuts, etc and bam it's a pwa. Excluding design of course. I mean purely in terms of head configuration.

    Or am I missing a fundamental difference in the interplay between the favicons manifest being generated and a pwas definition?

    submitted by /u/DjangoNinja
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    What do you think about Wisej?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 07:13 AM PDT

    I randomly ran into this .Net framework, and as I tried to read articles about it, or anything, I found nothing. Has anyone had experience with it?

    submitted by /u/RivoN0Mad
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    Is there a standard create-react-app-like CLI for generating non-React templates?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 03:52 PM PDT

    I recently published a custom template for create-react-app and thought it was cool to have all the files and git set up, package.json filled in with the app name, etc.

    What I'm wondering is whether there's a similar CLI package to create projects with arbitrary templates. For example, I would run

    npx create-app --template typescript-eslint-prettier my-app

    to generate a project named my-app from a template I had previously created with TypeScript, eslint, and prettier set up.

    I know GitHub allows a repo to be set as a "template repository," which makes it easy to create a new project from it. But with that, I would still have to then clone the new repo and fill in project-specific details manually.

    submitted by /u/loveofphysics
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    Any tips on how to make a site load more efficient?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 03:34 PM PDT

    I am a young and inexperienced developer. Because of this I don't know that much about development in general. Therefore, I am looking for tips on how to improve.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Sandyran_
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    Is it possible to make a small website builder (drag and drop) with vanilla JS?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 03:33 PM PDT

    I'm currently learning web development for like 2 months now and I've got an idea to build a small web builder, something like WordPress / Wix but of course smaller like for example a drag and drop button, table, etc.. with editable values using HTML, CSS, and vanilla JS? And will it be easier if I learn something like React?

    submitted by /u/DrakeFirst
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    Create drop down element under a TR element?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 03:22 PM PDT

    So here's what I am trying to do. I have a table with 4 columns. The first is for a drop down arrow (which I have programmed to add content below each row), and the rest are text columns. What I am trying to do is make it so that I can create a drop down summary of each row. However, when I try to create a row element below the selected row element, the summary is text wrapped when it reaches the column boundaries. I dont want this and I want the row to essentially ignore the column boundaries and stretch as far as the page will allow (because I want to wrap the text my own way)

    I think a good example of what I want would be something like this:

     Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 v Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempo... 

    I know I can do it by setting the row's white-space property to "nowrap," but when text surpasses the boundary of the 1st column, it just pushes the next two columns together. How can I get this to work? Is it possible?

    submitted by /u/Apprehensive_Car2242
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    Auto updating based on another site in Reactjs

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 03:09 PM PDT

    Hey all I'm working on a website for a local bar that is currently manually updating their UFC events and images every month. I'm wondering if anyone knows of an open API to get upcoming events and update my clients thumbnail etc in react.

    If this doesnt exist could anyone point me in a good direction towards automating this?

    basically I would like to create a link to this page https://www.ufc.com/events with a background that updates based on theirs to reflect the latest fight.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/BinxyPrime
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    What do you recommend with React for front-end design?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 03:06 PM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    I am currently teaching myself web development, I don't know much about the best practices so my question might sound dumb to you. I've recently learned Bootstrap 4 and already styled a home page. Recently, I've learned the basics of React and I thought that rebuilding my previous page and extending its functionalities with React was a good way to practice.
    At first, I found Reactstrap which seems to be a "Reactified" version of Bootstrap; however, I'd like to know if there is any design package build with React in mind from the start. What are the standards in the industry? What are the good practices? In several months, I'd like to become a freelancer, what do you think I should train using?

    Thank you a lot for your help!

    submitted by /u/djolablete
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    How would you justify an expensive upgrade in tech?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 05:00 AM PDT

    I work at a small software company where we develop and maintain a web-app. This application is built using C# MVC for the backend (which we really love and are completely satisfied), and plain old jQuery for the backend, which really makes writing new areas and maintaining old ones a mess. We lose a lot of time for stupid ghost syntax error (vanilla JS) and every time we need to make something advanced everything get messy with global functions, no modularity, difficulty with reusing "components", etc...

    In the past years, I started using Angular (2+) for personal projects and everything felt more organized, structured, and clear in an Angular application. I'm not gonna list here all the pros (you probably know more than me), but I have the feeling jQuery was an awesome technology that simply isn't suited for large or complex applications.

    Here we come to the point: upgrading from a vanilla JS + jQuery to TS + Angular stack would obviously cost A LOT. Almost everything on the frontend has to be rebuilt. On the other hand, I, as a developer, think it would give us a lot of benefits over time, not only internally (dev time, ease of execution, etc...) but also for the quality of the product, less bugs, more testability, etc... But all those features are very hard to measure, and we could only make predictions for the future, therefore it seems almost impossible for me to promote such a change to management. Let's also consider a more advanced framework would also bring initial friction, as the team has to gain confidence with it.

    Do you have any experience promoting such changes in your company? How did you approach management to get it approved?


    submitted by /u/stjimmy96
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    Need advice building a .net core web api

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 02:43 PM PDT

    My work is building a new web API and Vue front end to replace our current .net MVC app. The existing app was very poorly managed and has become a disaster, which is part of the motivation to rebuild.

    The current plan is to have 2 layers, a (Business Logic + Data Access layer) they are calling the component layer, and then the controllers to service web requests, I have my doubts about their approach

    The general flow would be a request that comes into the controllers which have injected relevant components, it then uses the components to get data and perform any business logic. The components are using entity framework to get data and projecting the data to a DTO before it is returned.

    I don't like that our data access and business logic are coming from the same place, I already can see it causing circular dependencies, for example, the business logic to process a sale resides in the ContractComponent but this logic requires us to create payment records and other various records, so now the ContractComponenet is needing to inject the PaymentComponent and other components, which means if down the road the PaymentComponent needs info about contracts it will need to inject the contractComponent and now these two objects are injecting each other.

    Am I right to think that mixing data access and business logic like this is a bad idea? what would you guys recommend I suggest as an alternative.

    submitted by /u/Varteix
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