• Breaking News

    Wednesday, July 15, 2020

    [Last Month] Machine Learning Courses for FREE from Coursera. Due to COVID-19, Coursera has made free some of their Courses and you can earn a Certificate for FREE until 7/31/20. Computer Science

    [Last Month] Machine Learning Courses for FREE from Coursera. Due to COVID-19, Coursera has made free some of their Courses and you can earn a Certificate for FREE until 7/31/20. Computer Science

    [Last Month] Machine Learning Courses for FREE from Coursera. Due to COVID-19, Coursera has made free some of their Courses and you can earn a Certificate for FREE until 7/31/20.

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 01:47 AM PDT

    Offer valid until 7/31/2020, while supplies last. You just need to complete the course during this period. Main Article

    Share it with everyone! Everyone needs to know.

    1. Getting Started with AWS Machine Learning ( offered by Amazon Web Services)
    2. Machine Learning for Business Professionals (offered by Google Cloud)
    3. Data Science Math Skills (offered by Duke University)
    4. Build Your First Android App (Project-Centered Course). Offered by CentraleSupélec
    5. Introduction to Programming with MATLAB
    6. C++ For C Programmers, Part A (offered by University of California, Santa Cruz)
    7. Cloud Computing Basics (Cloud 101). Offered by "LearnQuest"
    8. Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals for AWS Professionals (offered by Google Cloud)

    Happy Learning!

    submitted by /u/ewan_m
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    This "Ship City" programming challenge seems pretty hard. I can't think of a simple way to do it.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 08:29 AM PDT

    Tips on finding your interest in CS

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 03:20 PM PDT

    Hello everybody! About a year ago, I started to learn programming to expand my skillset but am having a hard time finding what interests me in the field and applying my skills outside of schoolwork.

    I'd love to hear from you guys how you came to find what interested and motivated you within the field of study and what that is. And also, any advice for a novice like me!

    submitted by /u/fluffyfishies1
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    I think I've found a new solution for a simple problem

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 02:09 PM PDT

    Hey guys, the thing is, I was practicing algorithms and trying to solve this problem.

    Ended up implementing something a little different than the solution given on the site and other places where I have found similar problems.

    I believe that my solution has a slightly better time complexity (in exchange of a lot more memory usage).

    I have written about it here, if anyone is interested, and have named it after myself, because it might be the only time that I create an algorithm hehe.

    If anyone find an error, plese let me know.

    submitted by /u/alysson_cs
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    What are the types of Problems being worked on in Academic Computer Graphics?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2020 04:32 AM PDT

    Or a bit less general, what are some unsolved, hard Problems from Computer Graphics that are being worked on?

    submitted by /u/Fuyboo
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    I built a decentralized legal-binding smart contract system. I need peer reviewers and whitepaper proof readers. Help greatly appreciated!

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 06:44 AM PDT

    I posted this on /r/cryptotechnology . It attracted quite a bit of upvotes but not many potential contributors. Someone mentioned I should try this sub. I read the rules and it seems to fit within them. Hope this kind of post is alright here...

    EDIT: My mother language is french (I'm from Montreal/Canada). Please excuse any blatant grammatical errors.

    TLDR: I built a decentralized legal-binding smart contract system. I need peer reviewers and whitepaper proof readers. If you're interested, send me an email to discuss: info@steve.care . Thanks in advance!

    Hi guys,

    For the last few years, I've been working on a decentralized legal-binding contract system. Basically, I created a PoW blockchain software that can receive a hash as an address, and another hash as a bucket, in each transaction.

    The address hash is used to tell a specific entity (application/contract/company/person, etc) that uses the blockchain that this transaction might be addressed to them. The bucket hash simply tells the nodes which hashtree of files they need to download in order to execute that contract.

    The buckets are shared within the network of nodes. Someone could, for example, write a contract with a series of nodes in order to host their data for them. Buckets can hold any kind of data, and can be of any size... including encrypted data.

    The blockchain's blocks are chained together using a mining system similar to bitcoin (hashcash algorithm). Each block contains transactions. The requested difficulty increases when the amount of transactions in a block increases, linearly. Then, when a block is mined properly, another smaller mining effort is requested to link the block to the network's head block.

    To replace a block, you need to create another block with more transactions than the amount that were transacted in and after the mined block.

    I expect current payment processors to begin accepting transactions and mine them for their customers and make money with fees, in parallel. Using such a mechanism, miners will need to have a lot of bandwidth available in order to keep downloading the blocks of other miners, just like the current payment processors.

    The contracts is code written in our custom programming language. Their code is pushed using a transaction, and hosted in buckets. Like you can see, the contract's data are off-chain, only its bucket hash is on-chain. The contract can be used to listen to events that occurs on the blockchain, in any buckets hosted by nodes or on any website that can be crawled and parsed in the contract.

    There is also an identity system and a vouching system...which enable the creation of soft-money (promise of future payment in hard money (our cryptocurrency) if a series of events arrive).

    The contracts can also be compiled to a legal-binding framework and be potentially be used in court. The contracts currently compile to english and french only.

    I also built a browser that contains a 3D viewport, using OpenGL. The browser contains a domain name system (DNS) in form of contracts. Anyone can buy a new domain by creating a transaction with a bucket that contains code to reserve a specific name. When a user request a domain name, it discovers the bucket that is attached to the domain, download that bucket and executes its scripts... which renders in the 3D viewport.

    When people interact with an application, the application can create contracts on behalf of the user and send them to the blockchain via a transaction. This enables normal users (non-developers) to interact with others using legal contracts, by using a GUI software.

    The hard money (cryptocurrency) is all pre-mined and will be sold to entities (people/company) that want to use the network. The hard money can be re-sold using the contract proposition system, for payment in cash or a bank transfer. The fiat funds will go to my company in order to create services that use this specific network of contracts. The goal is to use the funds to make the network grow and increase its demand in hard money. For now, we plan to create:

    A logistic and transportation company

    A delivery company

    A company that buy and sell real estate options

    A company that manage real estate

    A software development company

    A world-wide fiat money transfer company

    A payment processor company

    We chose these niche because our team has a lot of experience in these areas: we currently run companies in these fields. These niche also generate a lot of revenue and expenses, making the value of exchanges high. We expect this to drive volume in contracts, soft-money and hard-money exchanges.

    We also plan to use the funds to create a venture capital fund that invests in startups that wants to create contracts on our network to execute a specific service in a specific niche.

    I'm about to release the software open source very soon and begin executing our commercial activities on the network. Before launching, I'd like to open a discussion with the community regarding the details of how this software works and how it is explained in the whitepaper.

    If you'd like to read the whitepaper and open a discussion with me regarding how things work, please send me an email at info@steve.care .

    If you have any comment, please comment below and Ill try to answer every question. Please note that before peer-reviewing the software and the whitepaper, I'd like to keep the specific details of the software private, but can discuss the general details. A release date will be given once my work has been peer reviewed.

    Thanks all in advance!

    P.S: This project is not a competition to bitcoin. My goal with this project is to enable companies to write contracts together, easily follow events that are executed in their contracts, understand what to expect from their partnership and what they need to give in order to receive their share of deals... and sell their contracts that they no longer need to other community members.

    Bitcoin already has a network of people that uses it. It has its own value. In fact, I plan to create contracts on our network to exchange value from our network for bitcoin and vice-versa. Same for any commodity and currency that currently exits in this world.

    submitted by /u/steve-rodrigue
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    Made a podcast about technical interview tips for jobs in CS.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 12:06 PM PDT

    Enjoy! Leave us your resume if you'd like us to review it on a future podcast!


    submitted by /u/joom_enhance
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    Ordering a Pizza with Code

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 02:28 PM PDT

    Hey guys,

    So I've been pretty bored during quarantine and while sitting on the couch around lunch time one day I saw a Domino's commercial I figured "why not order a pizza with code." I made a demo let me know what you all think -- my github is linked in the description of the vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kd30O2TT0Nk

    For those who aren't big video people:

    1. I used the python port of the domino's api by ggramar. Using this I was able to take a message from a user and first decode it to get the items, turn the items into item ids, and then order from my local domino's
    2. To make it so I didn't have to turn on my computer each time I wanted pizza I created a flask application and got a phone number from Twilio (with a free trial) so I could text my number and using a webhook, run the code to order Domino's.

    Here is the code: https://github.com/eriktoor/pizza-api

    submitted by /u/coder_et
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    Best (preferably free) resources (pdfs, MOOCs, YouTube etc) for learning DBMS and SQL, both theory and practical?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 01:25 PM PDT

    So, I have a DBMS course in my college. I will just add the syllabus down below. I need to learn both theory and practical aspects of DBMS and SQL.

    UNIT - I Database System Applications: A Historical Perspective, File Systems versus a DBMS, the Data Model, Levels of Abstraction in a DBMS, Data Independence, Structure of a DBMS Introduction to Database Design: Database Design and ER Diagrams, Entities, Attributes, and Entity Sets, Relationships and Relationship Sets, Additional Features of the ER Model, Conceptual Design With the ER Model

    UNIT - II Introduction to the Relational Model: Integrity constraint over relations, enforcing integrity constraints, querying relational data, logical data base design, introduction to views, destroying/altering tables and views. Relational Algebra, Tuple relational Calculus, Domain relational calculus.

    UNIT - III SQL: QUERIES, CONSTRAINTS, TRIGGERS: form of basic SQL query, UNION, INTERSECT, and EXCEPT, Nested Queries, aggregation operators, NULL values, complex integrity constraints in SQL, triggers and active data bases. Schema Refinement: Problems caused by redundancy, decompositions, problems related to decomposition, reasoning about functional dependencies, FIRST, SECOND, THIRD normal forms, BCNF, lossless join decomposition, multi-valued dependencies, FOURTH normal form, FIFTH normal form.

    UNIT - IV Transaction Concept, Transaction State, Implementation of Atomicity and Durability, Concurrent Executions, Serializability, Recoverability, Implementation of Isolation, Testing for serializability, Lock Based Protocols, Timestamp Based Protocols, Validation- Based Protocols, Multiple Granularity, Recovery and Atomicity, Log–Based Recovery, Recovery with Concurrent Transactions.

    UNIT - V Data on External Storage, File Organization and Indexing, Cluster Indexes, Primary and Secondary Indexes, Index data Structures, Hash Based Indexing, Tree base Indexing, Comparison of File Organizations, Indexes and Performance Tuning, Intuitions for tree Indexes, Indexed Sequential Access Methods (ISAM), B+ Trees: A Dynamic Index Structure.


    Concept design with E-R Model

    Relational Model


    Practicing DDL commands

    Practicing DML commands

    Querying (using ANY, ALL, IN, Exists, NOT EXISTS, UNION, INTERSECT, Constraints etc.)

    Queries using Aggregate functions, GROUP BY, HAVING and Creation and dropping of Views.

    Triggers (Creation of insert trigger, delete trigger, update trigger)


    Usage of Cursors

    This is the minimum I have to learn and I would obviously love to learn more but the resources should be concise and preferably free. Doesn't matter if it is a video, pdf or online course.

    submitted by /u/Yagami888
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    [R] Facebook & CMU Introduce TaBERT for Understanding Tabular Data Queries

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 04:35 PM PDT

    A team of researchers from Carnegie Mellon University and Facebook AI recently introduced the tabular data model TaBERT. Built on top of the popular BERT NLP model, TaBERT is the first model pretrained to learn representations for both natural language sentences and tabular data, and can be plugged into a neural semantic parser as a general-purpose encoder. In experiments, TaBERT-powered neural semantic parsers showed performance improvements on the challenging benchmark WikiTableQuestions and demonstrated competitive performance on the text-to-SQL dataset Spider.

    Here is a quick read: Facebook & CMU Introduce TaBERT for Understanding Tabular Data Queries

    The paper TaBERT: Pretraining for Joint Understanding of Textual and Tabular Data is available on Facebook Content Delivery Network.

    submitted by /u/Yuqing7
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    Epidemic Exposure Notification with Smartwatch using Proximity Based Privacy Preserving Approach.

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 03:00 PM PDT

    For you who have read this book, what is the math / physics needed to read it?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 06:32 PM PDT

    How do you deal with books that don't have solutions?(aka what to do when you hit a wall)

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 07:59 AM PDT

    Hey friends,I'm studying Theory of computation and the book's exercises are on a whole other level than either the examples my prof gives or the book itself has.

    the exercises are a jump in logic in every possible way.

    and I'm wondering,people that study with books what is it that you do exactly?

    so far,I have not been able to finish one book in any subject,books put me to sleep,and even as I push through,I get hit with the most ridiculous exercises and with no solutions on the net,or finding solutions that are trash,I tend to just give it up.

    books never did it for me,I get by just fine using other sources my GPA is not an issue in the slightest.

    I just heard alot of talk about correct programming practices for example, and how books give you knowledge that you can't get any other way.

    so I'll say again,people that rely solely(or for the most part) on books,what is it that I should do to be able to tackle such behemoths?!show me the way friends! I wanna become a book person so bad,it's been a goal that I keep failing over and over again.

    submitted by /u/MomSpaghetti95
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    [R] Introducing TayPO, a Unifying Framework for Reinforcement Learning

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 01:51 PM PDT

    A team of researchers from Columbia University and DeepMind have proposed a Taylor Expansion Policy Optimization (TayPO) framework that combines two leading algorithmic improvement methods.

    Here is a quick read: Introducing TayPO, a Unifying Framework for Reinforcement Learning

    The paper Taylor Expansion Policy Optimization is on arXiv.

    submitted by /u/Yuqing7
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    Supercomputing using peer to peer distributed networking

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 05:55 AM PDT

    Supercomputing is mostly calculated by the amount of flops a network of computers can offer. But what if you could create a mesh of computers spread across the world to serve individual creators, scientists and designers? That's what this company aims to achieve with its peer to peer computing network using idle computers spread across the world.

    Recently Folding@home became the biggest supercomputer with over 1 exaflops worth of computing power just using its distributed computing network for covid research. More here:


    What challenges do you think are present in mesh networking? I believe latency is one (as you can't compare it with mellanox 100gig Infiniband connects)

    submitted by /u/imapurplemango
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    Platforms/Companies/Individuals which do auditing of various applications with regard to how much data it collects

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 10:33 AM PDT

    Floating point multiplication

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 10:24 AM PDT

    Hey Guys, I was reading Quantization Tutorial and under "Quantization Arithmetic" section, the following figure states:


    "In practice, after the integer multiplication of significand above, a rescaling operation is usually needed when the multiplication results in a number is too large for the representation, as Figure 7. Rescaling moves part of the significand result to exponent, and round the remained significand in a nearest rounding approach. The right half of Figure 7 is an example. Because some digits are abandoned, floating-point multiplication loses some information."

    Figure 7

    Can someone please explain this rescaling operation or provide a tutorial/video?

    Also, in Figure 7, the Right Hand Side shows the example multiplication of 2 hex numbers: 0xab.cdef which results in 0x734C.C2F2A. I don't understand the last step of the RHS example.


    submitted by /u/grid_world
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    Tools to know before you start coding

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 01:13 PM PDT

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