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    Wednesday, July 22, 2020

    Do any of your professors have some good ds and algos lessons up on YouTube for remote learning I can watch? learn programming

    Do any of your professors have some good ds and algos lessons up on YouTube for remote learning I can watch? learn programming

    Do any of your professors have some good ds and algos lessons up on YouTube for remote learning I can watch?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 10:43 AM PDT

    Or also any written things that are accessible to anyone, thx.

    submitted by /u/MisterMomito
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    One of my first completed projects - Meet Note Knight, a Java-based Notepad clone that features password-based file encryption! (and a few other small tweaks)

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 08:21 PM PDT

    Hey folks,

    I was in a pretty awful programming drought during lock down, and oddly enough, going back to work got me programming again in my free time. I whipped this project up in about 5 days or so, inspired by Windows Notepad! I usually fail to finish projects that I start, and this is one of the first ones that I consider a truly finished project - at least until you all tell me it's broken ;)

    Here are its features:

    • All the features you know and love from Notepad! minus printing and zoom.. since I don't use them
    • Files are encrypted using SCrypt password-based key derivation and AES
    • Search Google for selected text! (instead of Bing..)
    • Better find and replace, now with regex!

    Take a look!


    submitted by /u/0x198d
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    One of my first projects that I'm proud of - A sorting algorithm visualiser - Looking for some feedback!

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 02:15 PM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    Just wanted to share one of my first projects that I'm proud of to try and guage some reactions, I've only been programming for 1 ish years and would love to see if anyone had any insights into where I may have gone wrong and where I could improve in the future.

    Link - https://github.com/nathanjukes/Sorting-Algorithm-Visualisation-Tool

    I created it within WinForms and primarily stuck to writing all of the code myself, I think the only area that I needed help with was the GDI library.

    I hope you enjoy using it and I hope that it is able to teach you about algorithms that you didn't already know of!

    Thanks for reading, any advice for the future is gladly welcomed :)

    submitted by /u/eNJAy145
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    Why is it not said more frequently that in computer science and programming, when talking about logarithms, it's base 2?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 08:27 PM PDT

    Like when talking about time complexity, if something is O(log(n)) then that means log base 2 of n, which isn't intuitive to someone who is just learning about time complexity. Fortunately out of all the different videos and reading I've done for CS in general, but more specifically for understanding time complexity, one video that I remember took the time to clarify, "Oh yeah, by the way, when talking about log in programming, it's almost always referring to base 2".

    I feel like this should be a more commonly said bit of information.... why isn't it? Or is it and I just somehow haven't seen it much?

    submitted by /u/Missing_Back
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    Twitch Streaming

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 10:04 PM PDT

    I'm thinking about doing Twitch streams where I help people with their programming assignments/questions over Zoom or something like that.

    Do you guys know about any streams like that / would you be interested?

    submitted by /u/lymn
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    Need help developing an application for a smartcard reader

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 06:52 PM PDT

    Hi all!

    I am trying to develop an application that would scan Smartcard via a Reader and just enter the Unique IDs to an excel sheet.

    I will already have added all the info against the Unique IDs. I am currently having problems of reading the data off of SmartCards.

    Does anyone have any pointers about how do they work and where should I get started?

    Here's the SmartCard reader: https://imgur.com/a/m6kaeO0

    submitted by /u/AdilAsif
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    Do I need to learn C/C++ or Java to learn DS and Algorithms?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 10:33 PM PDT

    I have learnt JavaScript basics and I want to learn DSA. Do I need to learn C++ or Java as when I search for tutorials on YouTube mainly they teach using these languages. Thank You for your help!

    submitted by /u/ArSah3
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    Having an extremely hard time with Python

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 10:28 PM PDT

    I am somewhat comfortable creating things with Java, JavaScript, and C and have a good understanding of each of them. I've been learning C# and things have been going pretty smooth.

    I've been needing to use Python during my internship and I'm getting absolutely f**ked. I went through Automate the Boring Stuff as fast as I could and later realized I can't even write a for loop. Everything just isn't working or clicking for me, from the syntax to the god damn indentation.

    Sorry for ranting, I'm just very frustrated and have never had a hard time learning a programming language like this before.

    Does anybody have some advice for me?

    submitted by /u/ExpectedJungle
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    Back to college for CS degree @ 30

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 10:08 PM PDT

    Hello folks,

    Would anyone happen to know how long it would take me to get a computer science degree attending a full time state college, if i already have an undergraduate in finance? I know its best to check with the school to be sure, but just wanted to see if anyone here knew off the top.

    Thank you for your time

    submitted by /u/anonmouse2020
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    How do I actually begin making projects in python?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 07:39 PM PDT

    So I have a few ideas for some simple projects I would like to make, but how do I even get started? I do have vs code installed, so do I just open a project there and just begin coding? Also what is git hub used for, do you just put your code on the website in your profile?

    submitted by /u/datopotatogames
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    A blog for Data Structures and Algorithms in C++.

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 06:23 PM PDT

    Hi everyone!

    Sometime last year I decided I'd jump into the blogging bandwagon and write about programming and related things. So I decided I'll try and create a resource for students taking Data Structures and Algorithms courses. Mostly, I talk about the theory and implementation of the data structures we learn about in class - but if you're like me - struggle to wrap our head around. I hope that this turns out to be the one resource I had while I was studying the course, with simple explanations, code to follow along (and possibly contribute to - yay GitHub!), and well-researched reading material for when I didn't have time to trawl through the web looking for answers.

    There's still a lot for me to learn and that's why, along the way, I'm also trying to be open about my learning process and inviting criticism and feedback - with the hope that we can all get better, collaboratively! I post regularly on Medium and the GitHub repository for the code is here.

    To quickly sum it up, there's data structures and algorithms theory, code to follow along and contribute to, StackOverflow research and discussions about programming concepts that seem fun to talk about on the way. Do check it out.


    submitted by /u/Solublex
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    How to map API response property name to internal class property name with different casing?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 10:03 AM PDT

    I am actually learning typescript now. I googled how to do it in typescipt but couldn't seem to find the solution. Let's say I have this response in Pascal case returning from an external API.

    { "Name": "hey", } 

    In my class, I am using camelCase for the properties.

    export interface Person { name: string; } 

    How do I map them?

    const response = await this.httpService .get<Person>(getPersonAPIUrl, { headers: requestHeaders }) .toPromise(); 

    Right now, I will get undefined when I try to get the value of response.data.name.

    submitted by /u/ricdota
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    Cool projects that I might do in Python?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 11:51 PM PDT

    So I want to improve my Python knowledge and I'm therefore looking for a project to let me do exactly that. I remember that somewhere in the internet used to be some lists of cool projects to do if you ever get stuck, but I don't exactly remember where to find them, as I have been looking for the for some time without a real result. Could you point me towards some of these lists or some projects that might be interesting?

    Little sidenote: I'm not trying to learn Python, as I already know its basics, I just want to find some cool project!

    submitted by /u/TheMasterSimo
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    [Python] (deep vs shallow) Copying Lists

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 11:39 PM PDT

    I'm trying to look at the difference between


    and other copying behaviors.

    Where is e[2] getting the 13 from?!?

    import copy a = [1,2,[3,4]] for i, element_a in enumerate(a): print('a['+str(i)+'] = ', element_a) print('_________') a[2][0] = 10 b = a[:] for i, element_b in enumerate(b): print('b['+str(i)+'] = ', element_b) b[2][0] = 11 print('_________') c = list(b) for i, element_c in enumerate(c): print('c['+str(i)+'] = ', element_c) c[2][0] = 12 print('_________') d = copy.copy(c) for i, element_d in enumerate(d): print('d['+str(i)+'] = ', element_d) d[2][0] = 13 print('_________') e = copy.deepcopy(a) a[2][0] = 10 for i, element_e in enumerate(e): print('e['+str(i)+'] = ', element_e) print('_________') 

    Why isn't e[2] = [3, 4] or at least e[2] = [10, 4] ?

    a[0] = 1 a[1] = 2 a[2] = [3, 4] _________ b[0] = 1 b[1] = 2 b[2] = [10, 4] _________ c[0] = 1 c[1] = 2 c[2] = [11, 4] _________ d[0] = 1 d[1] = 2 d[2] = [12, 4] _________ e[0] = 1 e[1] = 2 e[2] = [13, 4] 

    I didn't even mention (d) in the creation of e, why is there a 13?

    submitted by /u/Gavinaldi
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    Exercise 21007 - problem solved

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 11:32 PM PDT

    Found an old my programming lab post on this sub. No one could answer it the way the shitty system wanted it. Here it is I got it.

    Write a loop that reads strings from standard input where the string is either "land", "air", or "water". The loop terminates when "xxxxx" (five x characters) is read in. Other strings are ignored. After the loop, your code should print out 3 lines: the first consisting of the string "land:" followed by the number of "land" strings read in, the second consisting of the string "air:" followed by the number of "air" strings read in, and the third consisting of the string "water:" followed by the number of "water" strings read in. Each of these should be printed on a separate line.

    submitted by /u/EdwardTheAlbanian
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    Tree problem

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 11:16 PM PDT

    We are given a tree with N nodes. Each node has a color Ci. We are also given N−1 queries and in each query, we are told to destroy a previously undestroyed edge. Every time we destroy an edge, we have to report the number of pairs of nodes that get disconnected. Here, two nodes i and j are said to be disconnected if before the destruction you could reach from i to j using edges not yet destroyed, and if Ci=Cj. How to approach this question? some of my test cases are running using dfs but some are showing time limit exceeded.

    submitted by /u/admin_3123
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    [C++] Need help with the loops for a basic school project

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 11:09 PM PDT

    Hello I'm a new coder and I am currently enrolled in a C++ class for beginners and I could use some help for my first project. We are supposed to make a retail sales cashier but I just can't figure out the loops at all. We have only learned simple selection and repetition statements so far and I know that's all I need but I just can't seem to figure it out.

    Project Overview

    Starter Code

    What I have so far

    Any help is appreciated, thank you guys in advance.

    submitted by /u/Ebraam101
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    How to make my career plan towards mobile development?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 06:07 AM PDT

    Hey everyone, so I just talked to my boss and he's willing to invest in me and my career switch. He's willing to facilitate whatever I need to become a mobile developer, but for that he needs me to present a career plan/path. So in a powerpoint or something that shows where I want to be at the end of this year and what I need to achieve that.

    I've been doing Tim Buchalka's Kotlin master class over on Udemy for a few months now. I've made a couple of apps now but I'm not quite there yet.

    I'd like your help in creating my career path. He wants tangible things like; Is there a certificate I can achieve with Kotlin? If so where and how much?

    My plan so far:

    • Finishing Tim's course
    • Learning GIT and also look for some sort of certificate
    • Learning Kotlin co-routines
    • Getting to know rxjava
    • Learning and getting my first Java certificate?
    • Learning and getting my second Java certificate?

    My employer is a contractor and my goal is to get an assignment as a junior mobile dev at the end or beginning of next year.

    Any suggestions modifications are more than welcome :-)

    submitted by /u/Neptune19
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    How can software engineering land you a job in cybersecurity?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 10:53 PM PDT

    I know only a little c++, java and sql. I want to pen test in cybersecurity how can i?

    submitted by /u/mimes74
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    How to save your data in Production?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 07:07 PM PDT

    Hello Everyone, need help with the next doubt, i usually program as a hobby, so i only made programs in development, and stay there. now i wanna create an app, and moved into production, specially my doubt is how do you save the data for your application, because in development i usually create a database or API, where my program get the data, an of course if i run that program in other computer or not start the server, the app will fail.

    For that reason, i think in create a simple app an moved to production environment.

    The app is a Daily To do app, in C#. where every hour should show a notification, if there is a pending task to complete. for that reason i need to save the data.

    This is my question -> how do you save your data locally? i mean, when your build the app, it can be used in another computer, without need the user to create the database or a server started.

    I hope to be clear enough, thanks in advance.

    Happy coding.

    submitted by /u/darthgero
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    I have learned HTML and CSS. What's next?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 12:04 PM PDT

    I'm currently in AS( First year of my A level). I have learned html and css as a hobby. I definitely want to get in University under a preferably Engineering degree(could be pure science subjects too, have passion for both), what language should I learn next to strengthen my skill set in these particular fields?

    submitted by /u/sadat126
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    A weird problem with Telnet smtp typos I could not understand

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 10:34 PM PDT

    So I am trying to use Telnet to check for valid email especially commercial ones that may not valid in online email validators.

    Anyway, I found a really weird problem I could not understand:

    Let's say I typed:

    MAIL FROM:JQP@bar.com

    If I ever made a typo in the middle and corrected it using backspace, I will still get either a 502 Unrecognized command error or a 555 Syntax error depends on where I first made the typo.

    If I made the typo on the command like MAIL FROM I will get 502 and if I made the type on the content after MAIL FROM I will get 555.

    Either way, the point is that Telnet will register the command as an error regardless of rather I fixed the typo or not. This means for valid commands, I have to never make a typo while typing the command...


    submitted by /u/Doctor_VictorVonDoom
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    Is there a way to disassociate my git credentials from the commit history of a repository?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 10:34 PM PDT

    I was working in a project for someone else but as of recently we decided to stop working together and I will be giving him the code of his project so he can hire any other developer to continue working on it, however, I'd like to disassociate my own name from the commit history of that repository for personal reasons, is this possible at all without entirely removing the .git folder and therefore removing the entire commit history?

    submitted by /u/iwanttobemayor
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    What is the difference between Javascript and Ruby?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 10:26 PM PDT

    They are mostly used for the same thing. Web design.

    Which one has a higher demand? And which one is better to work with, search for jobs, etc?

    submitted by /u/ElVerdaderoArgento
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