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    Thursday, July 23, 2020

    Are we ever going to see any improvements to the way browsers handle LAN web pages? Are there any projects or RFCs working on it? Ask Programming

    Are we ever going to see any improvements to the way browsers handle LAN web pages? Are there any projects or RFCs working on it? Ask Programming

    Are we ever going to see any improvements to the way browsers handle LAN web pages? Are there any projects or RFCs working on it?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 06:25 PM PDT

    Right now, your options are basically to have no security whatsoever (And lose out on lots of JS capability), to have people install a certificate (And have consumers be unhappy), or to click through an SSL warning (And scare people off, while making them unhappy).

    There are tons of IoT products that desperately need a LAN web UI, in fact, for many the lack of any kind of LAN offline connectivity is the biggest flaw.

    It's impossible to develop any kind of local network service for non technical users, besides requiring them to install an app that can handle the security and discovery.

    Current web tech doesn't seem to have any way to solve this, what we really need is a whole new TLD for sites identified by a public key(With human readable subdomains of course) that can be locally discovered, and paired/trusted just like Bluetooth can be, and preferably also resolvable through traditional DNS if you can't find it locally, so you can set up remote access.

    I guess the enterprise types don't trust keys that aren't renewed yearly, but if consumers trust Bitcoin keys, I don't see why they shouldn't trust their printer's rarely changed key.

    Has there been any effort at all so far to make something like this work in any of the smaller open source browsers or anything? It seems like the state of anything local network related is still pretty dismal.

    submitted by /u/EternityForest
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    What would be a good way to informatically detect death ?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 10:55 AM PDT

    Hi !

    So I was wondering what was the best way to detect a death. Let's say my death (or yours) as this is the hardest because, well you can't trigger an event if you are dead.

    I'd like to find something that doesn't need me to push a button every week if you know what I mean, but so kind of reliable way to find whether or not I'm dead.

    Disclaimer : I'm not suicidal or anything (wouldn't need to detect it otherwise ). I just would like to set up something to send some good bye mails if ever I die).

    Thanks you !

    And again, I don't need help or anything, everything's fine, I'm just wondering how to do that.

    submitted by /u/slid_ma
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    what degree of knowledge should I know before applying for a job?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 04:28 AM PDT

    I studied programming on and off for 8 years for shits and giggles. It was very broken, but the last 6 months I've consolidated that knowledge into a fairly solid mass, with no holes that are obvious to me. I know c++ and python.

    My question is, how much should I know before I should start applying for jobs? Is the bare basics adequate, or do I need an advanced knowledge of the languages? Do I need knowledge other than just programming?

    I've been advised that since I don't have a degree that I should build a bunch of projects to show what level of knowledge and fluency I have. How many and varied should these projects be? Should they be huge, complex applications? Should it be one large application or many small applications? Should they be put onto some app store or something, or is there existence adequate and I just send them along with the job application?

    I don't mind having to learn a bunch more if I need to, but I would just like to know where the start line is. Thanks for all replies.

    submitted by /u/SANatSoc
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    Help with Decorator Design pattern

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 07:19 PM PDT

    Hello everyone, I am doing an assignment that revolves around the use of the decorator design pattern. For the assignment I have ice cream as my abstract class and then concrete toppings classes that extend the class. The toppings I have are chocolate chips, chocolate syrup, raspberries, peanuts, and cherries.

    My problem arises whenever I need to detect if there are any chocolate products inside the ice cream. I have created created an abstract hasChocolate() method and set the appropriate boolean values in each toppings class.

    When I do something like this my out put is: No chocolate

    IceCream ice = new Sprinkles(new ChocolateChips(new VanillaIceCream())); if(ice.hasNut() == false) { System.out.println("No Chocolate"); } else { System.out.println("Chocolate in this product"); } 

    However whenever I do this my output is: Chocolate in this product

    IceCream ice = new ChocolateChips(new Sprinkles(new VanillaIceCream())); if(ice.hasNut() == false) { System.out.println("No Chocolate"); } else { System.out.println("Chocolate in this product"); } 

    My problem arises whenever a chocolate topping is not the first topping present in the creation statement. How can i solve this problem?

    submitted by /u/beansandbeams
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    Any real-world problems we can solve with code?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 05:06 PM PDT

    I'm in the stage of building some nice projects for my portfolio, therefore I spend some time looking for ideas.

    However, I don't really like these generic ideas like a note app, calculators, or basically anything that's just an app that nobody will use (don't get me wrong, I understand the idea behind these projects is to learn mainly).

    Do you have any ideas on some real-world problems that could be solved using software?
    It can by something small for yourself - something you need to help with, or it can be on much bigger scale.

    Any ideas and suggestions would help!

    submitted by /u/callum_grey
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    Performing over 1 billion shortest path calculations. Should I use a cloud service such as AWS?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 12:11 PM PDT

    At my job, I've been tasked with finding the shortest road route from every zip code in the country to every other zip code. Because there are ~40,000 zip codes this means that I will have to perform ~1.6 billion calculations.

    For smaller projects I've stored the road network in a PostgreSQL database and then used the PostGIS and PgRouting extensions. The extensions come equipped with a route finder that is built on Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm. However, I'm now dealing with a much larger road network and many more calculations, so I don't think that following this process on my personal machine will be feasible.

    I assume that using a cloud service is the way to go, but I have no idea where to start looking or how much material I'll need to learn to implement this. Does anyone know where I can find a good beginner's guide?

    submitted by /u/Saint_Jimmy
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    Is there any value to learning to code at a lower level than C? Is there value in even learning C?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 01:00 PM PDT

    I am quickly learning C#. I made a full featured winforms app that works and does everything I want it to. Granted I'm sure an experienced programmer could cut my lines of code in half but its stable and works.

    I am confident I will soon get enough experience with c# to actually market it as a skill and build a coding portfolio.

    That said, as someone self taught, can I get a decent job being self taught in just .NET and c#?

    Is there any value in learning a lower level language like C? Or even lower like assembly code? I've dabbled in C for Arduino projects but thats about it.

    submitted by /u/countrycruiser
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    Best way to minimize sleep time from having to deal with rate limits?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 08:02 PM PDT

    I'm working on a project that makes many requests to an API due to how the API works. I was having trouble with getting rate limited but I just messed around with the sleep time before a new request until it didn't happen. Is there a better, more precise way to do this, one that minimizes time spent doing nothing?

    submitted by /u/BoomerFelonOwl
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    Looking to create/buy a system and could use some direction

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 07:34 PM PDT

    Hello! I'm hoping to get some direction. I wasn't sure where to start, so I really appreciate any direction.

    I work in a field that requires me to interact with a lot of folks on a lot of different topics. I am trying to find a way to easily store this information because excel just is getting too clunky, or at least because of my ability.

    Ideally, I'm trying to find some system where I can type in a person's name, address, or phone number and pull up their "card" with a history of my past interactions with them. I also would like to be able to add tags about topics that are relevant to them. I'm not sure if this is an excel, access, or something that is already created that I could just buy.

    Sorry if this doesn't fit here!

    submitted by /u/Throwawaydatabasys
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    I'm attending a coding boot camp starting next month which teaches Javascript with other stuff as well. Is Javascript worth it in 2020?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 06:28 PM PDT

    Just for more context the school is called "Hack Reactor" I want to make sure by attending this and learning everything they have to offer will help me set myself up to land a job in the future.

    Cheers and thank you!

    submitted by /u/TMobileSpy
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    I need some direction.

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 06:16 PM PDT

    I'm a high school senior going into college this fall as a CS major. I've learnt all basic Java concepts and done a project to cement those concepts. I want to progress further with this self learning route so I can make my portfolio and make cool things. I'm currently trying to advance my Java skills and make a little more advanced Java project.

    However, I after finishing my project I decided to do another one, a JSON/XML and XML/JSON converter(or parser whichever you prefer) after a week, I found it to be far too difficult/beyond by capabilities and honestly a waste of time so I dropped it.

    This week I tried to make a music advisor using Spotify's API because I want to make something which has a real use and I could put on my portfolio. However, I'm really struggling with the HTTP code and how to use it(I'm using hyperskill btw). I've looked up tutorials and websites and YouTube videos, all of which give incomplete info or don't pertain to my situation. I think I'll have to drop this project as well until I have in-depth knowledge in web dev.

    My point is, I can't find a project which is just the right difficulty that I can work with, cuz it's either too easy or too complicated. I've wasted the last two weeks of my life and I actually wanna do something concrete and have something to show for the time I'm putting in to these projects instead of half done stuff. I really need direction. I'm thinking I'll just take a web dev course because it seems like doing anything with a real concrete use or worth it to put on the portfolio requires knowledge of working with APIs or something like that. Any suggestions on what I should do in the road ahead? If there aren't any suggestions I'll just do a web dev course cuz idk what else to do, and if you don't have any suggestions if you could point me toward a free web dev course that'd be great:)

    Apologies if this doesn't make as much sense as it's making in my mind I'm kinda frustrated right now.

    TLDR: I keep choosing projects which are too easy or too hard, trying to learn advanced Java, what do I do to progress and hopefully eventually buff portfolio?

    submitted by /u/Ajha7
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    How can I get a users Facebook Timeline in a JSON format? I have been stuck on this for days please help.

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 06:13 PM PDT

    Me and a friend are trying to make a multimedia app that has a users Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter feed all in one app. To do this, we made it so our GUI takes in a JSON file that has all the fields of a post on any three of the social media apps above. An example is provided here. I was successful in doing this for Twitter by using the Twitter API for python, but when I tried to use the Facebook API for python, it was much more complicated.

    When trying to get a timeline for user with the Facebook API, it is required that you can only read post data from users who have allowed your registered Facebook application to read their post data(more info here), but I would like it so the user can see anybody's posts.

    I later tried to use python requests to get the HTML of the homepage after login. I would then parse the HTML file and format all the timeline data into a JSON file. The problem with this method is the speed. It takes me over 10 seconds to receive the HTML and parse it with an i7-8750H CPU and 300mbps internet. Example code here.NOTE: I forgot to add headers for the get request in the example code, so assume I had.

    Finally, I tried the same thing off of a low spec version of the Facebook website with minimal UI elements, but the HTML seems way too hard/obscure to parse.

    I am very aware this problem can be solved using simulated browsing with python modules like selenium, but that won't scale efficiently. I would like to find a way to read a users Facebook timeline and have it put into a JSON format. You don't have to use python, any language is fine as long as it is able to get a users timeline info using their password and username( or API keys if needed).

    submitted by /u/TheGoogleUser
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    Finding something to specialize in that translates across different industries.

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 02:21 PM PDT

    I've got a semester of Computer Science left. This summer hasn't been as efficient as I wanted it to be, but I've been taking udemy courses to learn topics outside of my standard education. My dream is to find a specialty that allows me to move to Europe some day. I would love to do some game development stuff, as my heart always seems to pull that way. But at the same time, I want to learn something that I can use to get my foot in the door in a country like Germany. I imagine a network programmer might be a role like that? Any thoughts?

    I'm sure many people have run into this same question: What to do with your CS degree or what to build your portfolio around. I would love to hear how people here reached their own conclusions and what questions they asked themselves. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/frontrangefart
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    hi! question if this is possible

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 05:28 PM PDT

    hello, I'm doing this internship that involves finance and i'm doing reports on funds and I was asked to compile the most common stock among each type of funds. I have over 35+ excel files that contains these reports and I find it a hassle and time consuming to do it manually so I figured to ask here since I don't know where to start. I have learned java and python3 on my own but i'm just a beginner.

    can anyone help me how I can do it? thank you so much and I hope you stay safe.

    submitted by /u/peachp3ach
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    Website to practice coding questions without discussion forums or freebie answers

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 12:46 PM PDT

    Most coding practice websites nowadays just give you the answer if you give up or have discussion threads on each question.

    Are there any websites that don't have them? Hints are okay.

    It needs to be a website with login, and it must indicate if each question is completed or not.

    submitted by /u/BabyWeDoneItt
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    How can I make an executable file (.exe) have limited uses?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    I have an executable that I want let others use but only for a couple times. Is it possible to create some sort of wrapper that would make it so that they could only run that .exe file a set amount of times?

    submitted by /u/MisplacingCommas
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    Do you store .js libraries on the repository?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 06:17 AM PDT


    This was the topic of a debate between me and my colleagues. We are building an app which runs in the browser, but does not require internet access (so we can't use CDN).

    Is it bad practice to store, say, Mocha.js or Bootstrap.css directly on the repository? Is there another alternative to having to install them via npm, add node_modules to .gitignore and serve the source from the server?

    submitted by /u/daverave1212
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    Where to go?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 05:43 AM PDT

    So I would like to be a programmer or a software developer or something along those lines.

    I am still really young and go to school but I would like to learn something before I go to college in like a few years. I've been trying to do some stuff for 2,3 years. Basically I've been doing courses on udemy. I've done a course on js, on go and I am in progress of python, Hadoop and ethical hacking, oh and AI. But someone pointed out that if I just do courses and don't make stuff on my own, I wouldn't remember a thing (fair point). So I am seeking ideas about what I could do in any language, and trying to find what stuff I like, I am not fluent in ANY language, I don't really feel them so I just hop from one to another, and maybe you guys could recommend a language or just something I could do to get the overall grasp of what I should learn. The language I am the most comfortable with right now is Python since I made a rock paper scissors game in it from scratch. Theanks in advance, and I hope you all have a great day!

    submitted by /u/Theorange-of-anxiety
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    IDE confusion

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 09:06 AM PDT

    So there IDE like intellij IDEA is an integrated development environment and then there's IDE in BIOS like setting it for IDE VS AHCI. Can someone explain the difference to me? I think I understand in the context of the compiler but less so on the BIOS and trying to look it up online is giving me less straightforward answers that leave me unsure. I know the basic AHCI is newer and generally faster/supports SATA and IDE will support older hardware but what exactly are they? Like a register for the machine code or something?

    submitted by /u/Pacman042
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    Can anyone explain the cost in hash table insertion as a example of amortized analysis? Why 1 2 3 1 5…? Why divide by n?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2020 11:38 PM PDT

    Examples of server-side structure for mobile apps?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 08:04 AM PDT

    I got a pretty good idea for an app the other day and I thought it would make a nice project. An analogy of the idea is this:

    There is an app for reporting sports cars in a city for enthusiasts to look at. The app consists of a map with pointers to point out where the cars are in the city, together with a few controls in order to report cars whenever you see one (the idea is that the app is user-driven). When you report a spotted car, you enter some basic information (like street, model, make, etc.) and hit report. The report is then sent to a server/database that stores them for users to later fetch.

    What I'm trying to ask is if any of you have any recommendations for how I am going to store these reports and how I fetch new reports from a sort of database. My initial idea was that I would have a basic database (SQL i.e.) that stores reports for a set amount of time and then remove them after a while as the cars eventually move. What's a good idea for a structure to suit this type of activity? Should I host a local database to store the reports and write a server-side application to handle incoming fetches and reports?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/rasqall
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    Cross Platform Programming

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 07:10 AM PDT

    For the last 20 years I have done my computer programming on a PC platform using the Delphi Rapid Development environment. However, Version 7 is getting old (though still viable for 90 % of what I do), is too expensive for me to upgrade (I am retired) and it obviously doesn't develop code for my Android tablet.

    Therefore I have been looking for an alternate language/platform to use for these cross platform applications. I've tried Python and, while it has a good PC implementation (e.g. spyder and anaconda), I haven't found an Android implementation I am comfortable with.

    Does anyone have a suggestion for a multi-platform programming environment that runs on both Android and PC platforms, is inexpensive, and has a good library of supporting functionality?

    submitted by /u/cflFool
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    Mongoose error: users.getTotal is not a function

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 03:23 AM PDT

    Here is my code:

    app.get('/api/getUsers',(req,res)=>{ User.find({landlord:req.query.id}).exec((err,users)=>{ if (err) return res.status(400).send(err) console.log(users) //works upto here users.getTotal((err,updateduser)=>{ if (err) return res.status(400).send(err) res.status(200).send(updateduser) }) }) }) 


    userSchema.methods.getTotal=function(cb){ var user=this; console.log(user._id) } 
    submitted by /u/nirmity
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