• Breaking News

    Tuesday, June 30, 2020

    You guys seem to really enjoy my free assets, so I’m back with even more!

    You guys seem to really enjoy my free assets, so I’m back with even more!

    You guys seem to really enjoy my free assets, so I’m back with even more!

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 11:01 PM PDT

    Nintendo Switch Game Sales: The Three Biggest Dev Misconceptions

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 09:31 AM PDT

    Stylized Character Texturing Guide for Beginners

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 06:28 AM PDT

    Launched a Steam publisher list to help indie devs find the right publisher for them. Would love to hear your feedback and comments on what we could add to help you!

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 04:10 AM PDT

    Hey developer community! As part of our passion project to help indie devs with better data, we've launched a new feature - Steam publisher database.

    You can find it on https://VGinsights.com/publishers-database

    I never got to publisher stage with my game making ambitions, but I did try and look up publisher lists and they are generally not super helpful as they're just a list of hundreds of companies

    We made a list where you can filter down publishers based on your specific needs.

    • Are they indie friendly?
    • Have they got a trackrecord of successful launches?
    • Are they publishing your genre?

    We'd be delighted if you took a few minutes and had a look and gave us feedback on how we can help you in a better way! It'd be absolutely incredible if you joined our discord and let us know your thoughts.

    Thanks for your time!

    submitted by /u/VG_Insights
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    I've been working on this DIY game console for the past 16 months, what do you think?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 10:07 AM PDT

    Some insights from beta testing our game the startup way

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 06:22 AM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    My team and I have spent the past year developing Betwixt - a Lifeline-type text adventure in which you take a journey through a frozen magical world to understand yourself on a deeper level.

    We didn't coin this description, by the way; it came out of our recent beta test, which I want to share with you in case it helps with your own projects. Here's what we did in a nutshell: * recruited 50 people * had 30-min Zoom calls with each one to gather initial data (demographics and other details) * collected feedback in-game after every "act" * had 30-min post-play Zoom calls to dive deeper into the players' experience.

    The beta test resulted in a ton of insights for us, and as a bonus, it was super fun. In fact, I believe that talking to players throughout the development process is one of the best things a game dev can do. At first we wondered if people would commit the time (see above!) but most loved being involved in the making of the game at such an intimate level. This proved to be a fantastic acid test that allowed us to identify who our best players/champions/early adopters are. A completely unexpected benefit of the whole thing was witnessing the players' enthusiasm for Betwixt; it gave us a renewed sense of motivation and confidence in what we were making, which I know will help pull us through if/when we hit the depths of despair.

    Why we did this

    We don't come from a traditional game development background. My co-founder is a former world kickboxing champion and a master practitioner of cognitive therapy, and I've been working with tech startups for 8 years. Early-stage startup founders need to build something users love with scant resources and scant data - because that "something" will likely not have been done before. That's why the development process usually takes the form of many build-measure-learn cycles, where you ship something early and often in order to optimize for learning and be able to change course before you've sunk too much time and money into the wrong thing.

    We treated our beta test as an experiment to help us answer a particular set of questions and validate (or refute) a number of hypotheses we had. Some of those were:

    Question 1: Who is our target audience?

    This can be really tricky. The goal is to zero in on your early adopters, rather than on the bigger, more mainstream audience you might imagine will play your game. The early adopters can be a very small niche but they are the ones who'll love your game even when it's buggy and they'll be the ones to talk about it until it tips over and spreads more widely.

    Betwixt was perhaps an odd case in that it's a text-based RPG combining fantasy with evidence-based therapy. Who would like this the most, do you think?

    • Gamers who love good stories in games (non genre specific)
    • Interactive fiction fans
    • RPG players
    • Fantasy fiction readers?

    And what about age? Would it resonate with teens/young adults (we know that 75% of mental health issues emerge by the age of 24), or would it appeal more to the 25+, who may be more self-aware and willing to engage with their inner demons?

    To test this, we recruited people across 3 groups:

    • Gamers (25+)
    • Teens
    • Other - This group included a mixture of readers and various other creatively minded people

    What we found: We saw by far the best engagement among the 25-to-45-year-olds. Some of them were hard-core gamers who played a range of genres, others were more readers than gamers with an interest in personal development. An active imagination seemed to be the common denominator. For us, this was a key finding because without it we might have narrowed down our target audience too much.

    Question 2: How do people describe the game? What are its standout features?

    Initially we talked about Betwixt as a "text adventure game that combines immersive storytelling and evidence-based therapy to help people develop mental resilience" - or some such. But we knew that this might not be how players would describe it - or what they'd single out as the game's unique features.

    What we found: Here are some of the common things that emerged when we asked players to describe Betwixt and tell us what elements stood out for them:

    • adventure/journey that helps you understand what's going on in your head
    • like A Dark Room/The Hobbit/Lifeline but makes you think about your life
    • open-ended RPG, you control the game and create the world

    As you can see, the players' descriptions were much more specific than our own, and we'll be using these insights to further distil the essence of the game and improve how we position it.

    Question 3: Did we (or are we on track to) build something that people love?

    We are huge fans of YCombinator and its founder Paul Graham, who has invested in and mentored AirBnB and Reddit before they were the behemoths they are today. PG says that it's better to build something that a few people love than something that a lot of people merely like. We used a number of ways to gauge "love vs like" during our test, but one of the most useful was the Net Promoter Score (NPS). Basically, we asked users how likely they are to recommend Betwixt to friends on a scale of 0 to 10.

    What we found: Our most engaged users said 9 or 10, and then actually went on and recommended the game to others. Now, this is still a small-scale test but it gives us an initial signal that we are on the right track. The best products spread by word of mouth or, as they say at YCombinator: Don't worry about the thing called "marketing". Build a great product and then tell people about it.

    FINAL NOTES: We are still testing and gathering data but I thought it worth sharing the patterns we've begun to see, hoping not to tell you what you should do, but to provide a perspective and maybe spark an interesting conversation. We are also going to run a second closed beta soon, so feel free to DM me.

    submitted by /u/Ellie_D
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    How Game Mechanics Work With The Game

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 08:20 AM PDT

    Why Establishing Shots Are a Bad Way to Start a Game Trailer | Video Game Trailer Academy @ Derek Lieu

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 11:15 PM PDT

    Fully Comprehensive Audio Manager (Unity)

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 06:46 AM PDT

    Hi All,

    I am essentially trying to consolidate all Unity Audio features into a nice little package that does it all for you as part of my study. I don't really want to discuss the how as much as the what right now. So like, think of the questions as "As a game sound designer, what features would make a good sound management system and what examples are there of such systems?"

    The main features that I am going to be doing are:

    • Many to Many key value relationships with Audio and words. So like you will be able to tag tracks e.g. as melodic, sinister and fast and then you would be able to call any of these using the tags or assign logic to get the tag tracks (Example "Get Track where sound is Melodic AND Sinister but Not Fast"). This should be useful for also tagging music tracks by key (C Minor/Major etc.) and bpm to help ensure that the music will sound nice at least. This system will also use random selection where there are multiple results with a possibility of being able to remove certain combinations from happening.
    • An actual track key: one key to one value relationship as well just so people can get individual songs and effects,
    • Integrate with Mixers(separate audio processing that can have filters and effects) and Snapshots (Capturing mixer settings and applying them at any point) (Links to Unity Docs), this will allow people to capture sound effects as well as filters then apply them if need be.
    • Events: A way of creating events that can swap out tracks and change the filters and effects globally as well as individually - integrating with the tagging system to allow track changes with optional fade in and outs.
    • Music syncing: at least a basic way of mapping beat start points then syncing them automatically by adding slight delays to playback where necessary.
    • And as stretch, a part that allows gamers to add tracks (and possibly effects) to the list and tag them as well.

    I do think this is a bit ambitious and all but, I am just wondering if I have missed anything major. My inspiration was listening to this video about Zelda: Breath of The Wild and thinking, "How can this be automated?"

    Also some nice examples of what games to look at for inspiration would be great as well as any issues you can think about being within this system. I think a major one will likely be the inevitable inability to manage thousands upon thousands of audio combinations, but I don't really think there is much that can be done about that beyond building another complex system to combine audio signals and detect whether they are going to sound badly together (using known music patterns like chromatic scales and things like that) which will likely become an intractable problem very quickly anyway.

    I was also going to use a flat file however, I am starting to think a database system may be better just so that it is scalable and so that it will make searching really easy thanks to complex queries and aggregation.

    Note that this is just an experiment for now however, if it is good enough I would be releasing it for free.

    submitted by /u/theteamnoob
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    Are there colorblind video game developer

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 08:54 AM PDT

    Do you know any colorblind video game developer? If yes, which is his rule in the development team?

    submitted by /u/eps1l0n_74
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    Pixel perfect replay feature for a physics based RTS

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 12:12 PM PDT

    Which RPG maker is the best for beginners?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 12:06 PM PDT

    I've been wanting to jump into making my own game for awhile. I've helped with soundtracks and art on a few game jams, but the crunch and lack of cohesion from a small group of strangers getting together for a few days gets tiring. I think its to put some more time into something and really go at it on my own. I think it'd be best to start with something simple to get the basics down, and only have basic Python knowledge at the moment. I saw all the RPG Makers are on sale at a huge discount but there's so many its overwhelming to decide where to start. My goal is something like Space Funeral. I plan on making custom tiles, sprites, music, etc. so quality of pre-baked assets isn't a concern for me.

    submitted by /u/MIBTulpa
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    Should I use Jmonkey engine?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 11:40 AM PDT

    I am fairly proficient in the java language and I want to get started on a 3d modeled game just for kicks. I was wondering what people thought of about the Jmonkey engine? Is it good enough or do I need to teach myself C++ to make anything worthwhile? If it matters at all I expect the game to not need a lot of gpu power but it might get a little cpu heavy. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/SpaceAgeGekko
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    How to implement pre-rendered isometric backgrounds?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 07:48 AM PDT

    What is the 'best' way to implement isometric backgrounds with depth? Think Disco Elysium or older titles like interplay RPGs. I thought about Unity or Godot, as it's way more efficient and fluid to use 3d models for moving characters while keeping the background on flat planes. Any tips, tricks, ideas or tutorials you guys might share about the process behind that?

    submitted by /u/pxlhstl
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    GDC: From Corporate to Indie and Back Again

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 02:28 AM PDT

    [Cross-post] IAMA Games Music Composer, Elvira (Two Feathers); Angry Birds 2, Vermintide 2: WoM & VS, Hammerwatch, Metal:Hellsinger, Wraith: The Oblivion - Afterlife, Aragami, Apex Construct - AMA!

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 10:36 AM PDT

    AMA here: https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/hi3kk8/iama_games_music_composer_elvira_two_feathers/

    Hi! I'm a games music composer and I've composed for big and small. I'm also a sound designer and implement and code in C# etc. I've worked with both Unity and Unreal (and all the audio middlewares that is Wwise, FMOD etc) , and I've been doing that in this industry for 7-8 years.

    I thought this AMA could be interesting for the music composers and devs in this community that would like to ask about career, technical stuff, process, best practices, gear, creativity. Maybe for devs who will need at some point start looking for a composer for their project and would like to speak with a composer without that being intended as a business relationship but as a preparation of sorts. Stuff like that!


    Edit: shortened my post, it was too much text that didn't really add anything relevant

    submitted by /u/TwoFeathersVGM
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    Trying to make a 2d platformer,what should i use

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 09:51 AM PDT

    What progrsm and coding languech should i use? Thx for any comments!

    submitted by /u/PurpleAligator4
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    Another How to Get Started Post

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 09:38 AM PDT

    I know this is the millionth of these types of posts, however I feel I need a bit of direction.

    I currently am playing around with GameMaker Studio 2. I have limited knowledge of programming, just some javascript and html/css background. I have been playing around with it for a few weeks and really liking it. My main issue however is I jump around with ideas and projects fairly quickly and have trouble sticking with something and staying grounded.

    I really have a drea/goal of making some retro PS1 style games, 2D or 3D. Lately been wanting to try 3D stuff, but from what I hear from everybody I should start with 2D and work my way up. I know GameMaker isn't the perfect Engine for this so I ask for someone who has 2 kids and full time job who is learning this on the side in hopes of going somewhere with it in the future, what engine should I use.

    Should I stick with my guns, go along the route with GameMaker, learn the trade and move onto something else down the road or go straight into Unity / Godot from the get go so I don't have to relearn anything? I'd really like something with a good community and tutorials to learn from, but at the same time want something that can be fairly quick to learn. I know this is asking for everything, just would like some feedback on my situation?

    submitted by /u/phelix01
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    Help me understand what I need for a Game Development PC

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 09:29 AM PDT

    Help me understand what I need for a Game Development PC

    I'm going to be developing a 3D multiplayer arena game on Unity, but my understanding in hardware is not the greatest so hopefully with some help I can get the perfect setup.

    So first and foremost... the PC.

    In terms of the components such as the RAM, SSD hard drive, GPU, CPU... what is the sweet spot? I dont want my development to be slowed down because of not having the right amount of RAM or because my GPU or CPU is not powerful enough. I also dont want to overpay for top of the line gear even though I wont even be using it to its full potential.

    As of right now, I am thinking of choosing one of these two:

    Option #1

    Option #2

    As you can see their GPU and CPU are of different brands so it is difficult to know which one is better. Please let me know what you guys think. Which one of each would you choose? which GPU is better? Which CPU is better?

    I am not closing my mind to only these 2 options, if you guys have any other suggestions for a game development PC, please let me know.

    submitted by /u/OMaxPower
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    Best game design books? Or tutorials

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 09:24 AM PDT

    Farming game sleep / advancing crops system?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 09:14 AM PDT

    I'm sorry if this is a super easy thing but I'm brand new to programming. So I'm currently working on a game that has some farming elements to it and I'm a bit stumped as to how to implement a system to where you can use a bed for example to go to sleep wake up the next day and the progression on your crops has advanced. I feel like I spent an entire day googling and can't find a single example or tutorial of a system like this outside of something like stardew valley but there is nothing explaining how that system works. Have any of you implemented something like this into your games? Maybe you could share your logic with me?

    submitted by /u/justinkemple
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    I released my first game development log

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 02:49 AM PDT

    Hey everyone! I decided to start doing development logs of the game I'm making on YouTube, and I'm hoping that some people here would give me feedback on things like the way I speak, does the background video suit? is there something that the first video in the series is really missing? etc.

    Here is the link in case you are interested:



    submitted by /u/JoelLeCabbage
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    Finding audience demographics

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 08:42 AM PDT

    What are good methods/tools for finding info on the audiences of certain games?

    I'm trying to find demographics on games that are similar to the project I'm working on, to help me get insight on what kind of people like those games and might therefor like my game as well. So far, I've been looking at Facebook Audience Insights and SimilarWeb, but while useful, those only give me so much data. I'd like to use Google Ads' Display planner or whatever it's called, but you need to give your credit card info and create an ad to get access, so I'm putting that off for now. Not using App Annie because I'm not looking at mobile games atm. Anyone know other methods/tools?

    submitted by /u/lucvdp
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