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    Tuesday, June 30, 2020

    Web.dev Live (ish) - a three day event brought to you by the Chrome team web developers

    Web.dev Live (ish) - a three day event brought to you by the Chrome team web developers

    Web.dev Live (ish) - a three day event brought to you by the Chrome team

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 11:37 PM PDT

    Markup horrors of the ad blocker wars

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 10:56 AM PDT

    What Happened to the Webmaster - The History of the Web

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 06:34 AM PDT

    Using the target="_blank" attribute can expose your site to performance and security issues

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 12:33 AM PDT

    Question from a depressed noob newbie that was asked millions of times

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 09:05 AM PDT

    I've been studying front-end for 8 months, spent a bunch of money on courses, and absolutely hate it at this point.

    Does it mean that this is not for me or is it a typical thing everybody goes through?

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/zakur01
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    Can we stop supporting Safari like we did with IE6?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 02:51 PM PDT

    CUBE CSS - A new CSS methodology

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 03:32 AM PDT

    This Video Made by Makerlapse: Open Source Desktop App That Document Your Journey Into A Timelapse Video - https://github.com/IliasHad/makerlapse-app

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    just getting started. Choosing a software to grow with

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 02:33 PM PDT

    So, I'm sure this gets asked a lot but:

    I pay monthly for all my adobe apps. figured since I already pay for all of them might as well use what is seamlessly integrated so I was messing with dreamweaver because I have an interest in webdev and want to be able to build sites. I like DW because it seems really easy and straight forward but I see a lot of people say bad things about it. Is this because most people are just used to using other things and actually coding from scratch? Is DW a viable option or is there something else I can use that has better functionality?

    I really like the plug n play aspect of it. or what seems to be plug and play. insert tab and able to just auto insert code instead of having to type etc. seems easy to learn on but yeah. Any thoughts or suggestions (video links are fine) would be appreciated. You can DM me as well.

    submitted by /u/Gnarstache
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    Best Coursera/Coursera Courses to learn web developement ?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 08:22 AM PDT


    submitted by /u/Ritzy_01
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    Should I bother learning Node.js?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 01:07 PM PDT

    I just got a webdev internship with no prior web experience. I primarily use TS (which I love) and vanilla JS for the backend. So far, I've survived checking documentation. But should I bother investing time in Node.js?

    I am not a fan of JS and it's not for me, but I heard it pays well, correct me if I'm wrong.

    submitted by /u/kinetic87
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    14islands website has wonderful effects, I wonder what technology are they using?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 07:53 AM PDT

    A beautiful site. How are they achieving these aqua/gooey effects?

    submitted by /u/3kush3
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    Am I undercharging for webdev?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 03:14 AM PDT

    Quick run down of who's who:

    $client = new client

    $mutual = mutual old client

    $designer = web designer

    So I recently quoted $client to rebuild some pages on her site. I'm not much of a designer, but the pages had been built with a horrendous and resource heavy plugin which needed to be disentangled to get decent performance out of the site. So I quoted her for the rebuild, plus a few other things, plus a tweaked design to bring it slightly more into the modern world but no major overhaul.

    Recently $mutual introduced me to a $designer, who can't code, but does a lot of designs in 'site-building' platforms (you know the ones). She was looking for a developer to work with as many of her clients have wordpress/custom CMS sites and she can't code the design herself for them, and they don't want to move to drag and drop site builders.

    $mutual told $client we had been talking and $client put me on the spot in a call and asked if I was going to bring $designer in for her website. Feeling like I couldn't really say no, I introduced them and they caught up seperately about the brief for her site.

    Since $client and $designer started talking the scope has changed. The project is no longer just rebuilding some pages, but now a full site overhaul. I had originally quoted 3k for the project inc. design tweak time and server side stuff. $designer has now quoted her 3k for just the design side, and there are more things to do than I originally quoted for. So I've now had to say 3k also from my side despite the fact I don't have design to do any more because there is more for me to build from a coding standpoint.

    I'm of course worried $client is going to come back stressing that the project now costs double what it was originally. But I can't back down on the price, I was already under-estimating and knew I would be working at a generally lower per hour rate than I normally do but needed the big project (especially in the current climate). Am I not charging enough/charging too much for webdev? I feel like design and webdev, while both very important, aren't usually charged at vastly different rates, but I honestly don't know enough to say.

    Any advice welcome.

    submitted by /u/bettyblueeyes
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    Accessibility and Styling tips from a Twitter Dev

    Posted: 29 Jun 2020 09:09 PM PDT

    I have all my HTML pages made. What's come next before sent to the server?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 03:24 PM PDT


    I have 6 pages made manually with a HTML and Bootstrap working fine and I don't know what to do now.

    All pages have their content, but not title, description, navbar, footer or anything else that all pages must have in common.

    For sure I can setup one by one, but is there any faster way? I was thinking to use Hugo or some static generator to create all my pages and a navbar so I can paste my conten into the page. Is this wrong?

    Is there any other simple CMS just to insert content? I have used GetSimple CMS 6 years ago and it worked fine but I don't know after so long this is a good idea.

    Another question: all my pages have the .html on the adress bar. Using the .htaccess is the best way to hide the file extension?

    submitted by /u/IllustriousFeedback2
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    I’m still getting spam from a contact form even though I’ve taken it offline?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 03:13 PM PDT

    I've got a little (non-secure) hobby site I set up to mainly host some webmapping I was doing. I had a contact form on there which was using a basic bit of php and a bootstrap html page.

    I got loads of spam from that form so I got rid of it, basically just broke the php on purpose so I know how to fix it later on if I ever secure the site.

    But occasionally I'm still receiving spam from the contact form?

    How is that happening and how do I stop it?

    submitted by /u/phil24jones
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    Cleanly using express-layouts

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 02:41 PM PDT

    <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /> <!-- <link rel="stylesheet" href="home.css" /> --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="character-display.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://use.fontawesome.com/releases/v5.6.3/css/all.css" integrity="sha384-UHRtZLI+pbxtHCWp1t77Bi1L4ZtiqrqD80Kn4Z8NTSRyMA2Fd33n5dQ8lWUE00s/" crossorigin="anonymous" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://bootswatch.com/4/journal/bootstrap.min.css" /> <title>Node.js & Passport Login App</title> </head> <body> <div class="container"><%- body %></div> </body> <script src="head.js"></script> </html> 

    Basically I'm having an issue where if say for example I want head.js on head.ejs, I have to link to it on layout.ejs which links it every other ejs file in my views folder. Is there I way I can discriminate between files? The same goes for css files. Any attempts to link head.js in head.ejs, for example, does not work.

    I've tried going without express-layouts but that causes event listeners to no longer work for some reason. Any help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/NoctisOtium
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    How to write a compelling resume

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 02:26 PM PDT

    Ever think users miss non-responsive sites?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 05:28 AM PDT

    I built a site in 2002 which was obviously not responsive. Some months back the client reached out and wanted it rebuilt. They didn't care about it being responsive, but because everything I build now is responsive I advocated for it.

    Long story short, after comparing analytics of the new site to the old, there was a huge drop in engagement . The client insisted on going back to the non-responsive layout, which we did. Now its getting back in line with the higher engagement of the original site.

    This seemed so counterintuitive to me. But in talking to non-developers since, I've found many prefer the old way of pinching and zooming. Anyone hear the same?

    PS: This site actually gets a fair amount of mobile traffic. Most of the sites I work on get around 90%+ desktop traffic, which makes the extra time and budget for a responsive build a bit wasteful to the clients.

    submitted by /u/bobcottle
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    I've found a lot of sites that will give you your local ISPs based on your zip code. I'm wondering about building a similar tool myself. Is there a good API or database for this? The FCC tools seem tricky.

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 01:50 PM PDT

    I'd like to build something similar to this site: https://www.highspeedinternet.com/providers . You put in a zip code, and you see local ISPs. I've found this list of databases from the FCC, but they all seem to be relative to census codes instead of zip codes as well as a little bit too big for what I'm looking for: https://broadbandmap.fcc.gov/#/data-download

    I'd love to learrn about more direct APIs or databases that relate zip codes with ISPs, or even a better perspective on the tools offered by the FCC. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/HorseProportions
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    [Advice] How do you guys deal with time constrains and pressure to perform on the job?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 02:30 AM PDT

    Hello everyone, just a preface I have recently lost job, I have prior coding experiences, and I have been on a job hunt for 2 months now. So now when I have time I have been doing some side projects to strecth my coding muscles. I have set myself a 3 hours limit to code a landing page from mobile up to desktop, but did not finish in the given time frame (it was distraction free, just editor and music). I fear that on the job I would not deliver and they would fire me, as it happened in the past, web related job. How would you deal with this? Is there any way to speed my work somehow?

    submitted by /u/tomasvn
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    I'm considering building a livestreaming service to compete with Twitch - Hear me out.

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 05:53 AM PDT

    I know the possibility of this becoming reality is slim because of how much of a giant Twitch is, however, what's been going on recently makes me want to just try.

    Hey webdevs and future entrepreneurs! My name is Chase, and I'm a long-time musician and programmer. Recently, I've been very unhappy recently with the events of the livestreaming world. Twitch and their job-destroying handle of the DMCA attacks, Twitch using ninja's profile for promotion purposes, mixer shutting down.. the list can go on from there. Now don't get me wrong, Twitch is an amazing platform and provided a large number of people a place to call home, but I feel like they have too much power. It feels as if they don't want to improve because there's no reason to.. I want that to change.

    I'm proposing to create a service to rival Twitch. It's a crazy notion, I know. And the success of the project will most likely be judged by a Kickstarter in the late future, because I'm sure we all will have issues with covering the initial cost it takes to buy appropriate servers.. but if that slim chance possibility is there, I really want to take it.

    There's going to be a lot to cover in this post, so just bear with me.

    What's the use of doing something this huge, with little chance of success?
    As mentioned earlier, the main reason is I feel Twitch has been having too much power recently due to the lack of competitors. With that said, they've been making poor advancements and decisions recently, most likely because they can. The breaking point was how they handled the DMCA attacks. I still remember the tears of streamers, scared to lose their only job and desperate to remove all of their clips, their memories. It felt like at that moment, Twitch started to care about its streamers less and more about its image as a business.

    What makes you think YOU can beat Twitch?
    I'm not claiming I can beat Twitch, however, that will be the goal of the project. I've been a developer for a long time, working with game server mods (both with and without APIs), doing websites for friends, making programs to make something easier for me, etc. Even if I get heavy criticism, even if I become the only one who works on the project, this large-scale project should be entirely possible with my skill set.. just, a very long process.

    What makes you think you can run this service better than existing platforms?
    One thing I've always had is love for communities. I currently moderate a fast growing YouTube Discord server, and while there's lots of people who come in to ruin the experience, there's many more who are just generally interested with the server. I hear most of their complaints constantly, so I have an idea of what they'd like with a service - something to help them grow. This project is going to focus on discoverability. I'll get back to this in a little bit, let me just throw some things down right now. I've never ran a company in my entire life, only helped them by being a developer, moderator, or manager (thanks to the optimistic community of Minecrafters). I'm not saying I know the way businesses work better than Amazon (who I believe owns Twitch currently). However, this can be good in a way. It can allow me to learn how to run such a business without forgetting about who truly makes it work - the community. I can learn to protect them and help them keep a home on this platform. It won't be an easy journey, but it really never is.

    What's your target audience?
    For starters, we do want to appeal to the gamer community, but that's not all. Long time, I've seen post of people wanting to make a similar service for stuff like coders, artists, etc. So while there are plans to appeal to gamers, we also want to appeal to people of skill as well. Whether you stream while working a 9 to 5 office job, or you just want to show off your latest API, the platform will support your passion.

    Now, there's one more thing as well, this relates to gaming. One idea I have is showing love to indie developers as well. We will have game categories, and there will be an indie game category, however.. I'd like to do something else too. My idea is to have some sort of application system or something that allows indie developers to apply to put their game in the categories, even if they have a small community. People who stream to the game category would not only be on that list, but still on the indie game list as well. I respect indie developers (especially ThinMatrix, he makes such peaceful games and videos).. so I want to show my respect by giving them love.

    Now what's this "Discoverability" idea?
    As mentioned earlier, I want this platform to focus on discoverability. Nothing has been set in stone, but I'm thinking about creating an algorithm to help them be discovered. Create some kind of "Discover" list for each user at the home page, and have it personalized based on the user's interest on the site. The Discover list will put lots of emphasis into smaller streamers as well. With the algorithm though, ideally I want it to work by the more dedicated a streamer, the more the algorithm helps you. So if you stream like 4 or even 8 hours a day, doing it all the time, people keep swinging by and hitting up a chat, stuff like that.. then the algorithm will help you out a lot. However, if you just stream like 1 hour a month and really get no engagement or anything, then the algorithm won't be as fair as it'll try to promote people who are dedicated. There could be more ways in the future, but I figured this would be a widely appreciated method.

    Do you have any plans for how to build the RTMP server?
    I've put lots of thought already in it. I've done research on it as well, plenty of research. My current plan is this:

    Technique: MPEG-DASH; Fallback to HLS if DASH is not supported (cough Safari).
    - (If by some way we can handle 4k livestreaming, though I'm concerned about it right now) VP9
    - H.265 (HEVC) - 1080p and 720p
    - H.264 - Lower resolutions (will have to look into its licensing as well sept it's not royalty free)
    In the case any of the newer encoders are not available to a client, it'll default to H.264.
    At this point, it's kind of self explanatory to say Safari will not support 4k livestreams as it'll cap at 1080p.
    For processing, I will most likely be using GStreamer. The main reason this instead of solutions like FFmpeg is because not only is this not a low-level library, but it does support FFmpeg processing already, and even apparently WebRTC! For the general latency mode, I'll be using FFmpeg processing. But if we were to make a low latency mode, WebRTC would be an amazing candidate.

    What about your coding plan for the website?The website is a lot more uncertain than the server, however this is what I plan currently.

    Front-End: Either Vue or React (with ofc the normal HTML, CSS, JS stuff)
    Back-End: NodeJS. I'm still looking into it, but that's the one of the best options I see so far, as it's more supported than Django.
    Database: (Still looking into it) - MongoDB. The main reason this instead of MySQL is it's known to be much much faster with large databases, and it's well developed as well.
    Internal Structure: (Stuff like search bar and what not) - GO. I'm looking into Go because of how useful it apparently would be for this type of stuff.
    API Service: GO. Again, it's apparently very good for this stuff.

    What are your plans about marketing?
    I haven't thought about marketing too much, but I'm not as concerned about that right now as the project is still barley a bona fide structure. However, when the time starts to come that we need to worry about marketing, I won't just shrug it off. I know how crucial it is to market the platform, and I will take every attempt seriously.

    So why are you telling us this?
    So far, the only people who are working on this is just me and a friend, though we're still planning everything out. That said, there's still many skills we don't have.. so, we're looking for people who'd be genuinely interested in helping to make this a reality. If you like web design, we can definitely use that (we're good at systems, bad at design. If you've seen some of my programs I've made in the past, it's a worse horror than Granfaloon from Castevania: Symphony of the Night). Another person that'd be really helpful is someone familiar with law. If we want to target Twitch, we have to have not only a sturdy structure, but also a way to handle the DMCA more fairly. Last but not least, it's always nice to have an extra set of handles. Although, one thing to note is I want to keep the team relatively small. This is a project no one can afford to work full-time, so it's something we work on the side. Not ideal, but it's the best we can do.

    Is there any deadlines with the project?
    Ideally, I don't want to rush this. This is being made to compete against a company worth either about or over a billion dollars, so it has to be made carefully. However, it would be nice to be either just about completed or completed by the start of 2022. I do want to spend at least a year working on it, to make sure there's a lot to offer from the start. It's not like this will be worked on full-time as well, as we all can't just quit our jobs or abandon our responsibilities for the sake of a gamble.

    If you have any questions about my plan, please ask me in the comments! I tried to mention everything worth mentioning, but this was a long post so I could've missed something. Also, while constructive criticism is greatly appreciated, don't be outright disrespectful in the comments as well.

    TL;DR: I'm wanting to create a streaming service to beat Twitch but know it isn't easy, so I'm looking for feedback and potential help about the idea.

    EDIT: Fixed weird format glitches and me accidentally saying I'll shrug off marketing, oops!

    submitted by /u/Zanctarian
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    How do I make the opacity of the container low but the containers item high?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 01:19 PM PDT

    Hyperapp – The tiny framework for building web interfaces

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 05:38 AM PDT

    Need advise on what type of person to hire.

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 12:30 PM PDT


    I have multiple Machine learning algos running on some data of mine that populate charts/predictions and what not. I want to create a site/app that allows people to view these results.

    I am stuck trying to figure out what type of backend system I need to present this. I am kind of hoping to put it on the cloud, just don't know to how to go about that. I am stuck trying to figure out if I should have the site/app connect and run the code on the backend when they need it, or should I run the code, store the results and then just present them the results.

    I have 4 different algos they can choose from, and about 10 different data sets that are updated every day.

    Can anyone point me in the right direction?


    submitted by /u/whyisitlikethat
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