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    Wednesday, June 10, 2020

    That free JetBrains' academy is really helpful! Learning on it makes me actually feels good! learn programming

    That free JetBrains' academy is really helpful! Learning on it makes me actually feels good! learn programming

    That free JetBrains' academy is really helpful! Learning on it makes me actually feels good!

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 09:51 AM PDT

    I really hope it existed earlier and I found it earlier! It's interactive and makes me feel no stress about learning! It's also fun. It also has projects and guides you through it! The devs must really understand people with ADHD.

    So the goods:

    1 no video. Watching studying videos can make me feel stressed. They make me feel bad if I lost my attention. Also, people talking can make my brain think about talkers like their faces or clothes.

    2 short and interactive. The guide is short and split! It even hides the rest sections until you click next so it appears even shorter! And the colorful nice design makes the paragraphs separated from each other well. No stress from looking at the web page at all even if it's studying material.

    3 It has short questions and small coding practices. It has nice designed questions that make you realized oh I didn't realize about this or that. And those small coding practices have some parts already written for you in the start stage. So no stress for new learners or stressed learners!

    4 It has projects! So many people saying you should find something you feel good working at. But how to find projects matching your study progress? And what do you need to know to do a certain project? This material lets you choose a project to start. The projects are listed by easy levels too. I chose the first project and I was afraid what if it just throws a project in my face. But it let you choose your study level and what studying materials you wanna see.

    5 It is well split into stages. For people who can't separate study to be done, it's a HUGE help. This website makes me feel there aren't too many things ahead to learn! And what I'm learning is helping me to do the project I chose to do. And after that, it got fun other things to do. But not stress because it mostly shows you the stages you are doing for the current project.

    6 The You'll complete the track in: X hours feature. I get it will take longer because it will be harder later. But still, it makes me feel good.

    bads: none for now.

    I'm so happy this website exists! I tried the automate boring stuff book and it's a book and feels like I'm studying and makes me bored and afraid of coding at a certain problem. Also, the typical string management chapter is boring like other tutorials. But on this website on the string part I just read, it doesn't mention it at all except type conversion. I think for starters it's good enough. Those big chunky paragraphs about string manipulating always stress me and I feel I have to read it because it's in the book!

    submitted by /u/snowClair
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    Don't be ashamed of asking questions with simple solutions

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 12:08 AM PDT

    So I noticed a recent help request I commented on was deleted. I am assuming the user deleted the post because the problem in their code was actually just simple user error on their end. They didn't notice their conditional statement required a capital letter for the condition to be true and they struggled to figure out what was going on and thought their was a bug in the code. I wanted to message them this directly but I think its good for all novices and beginners to understand this.

    I cannot tell you enough how often I use to see students have the same exact issue mentioned above when I was a tutor at my University or others like it. However, this was nothing to be ashamed of! Its a great learning lesson for yourself to understand why a string considers "Word" as not equal to "word". Even better, you gain the knowledge that when you are accepting user input you need to ensure you are watching for capital letters in the word. All these small knowledge gains will ultimately encompass your entire array of expertise as you progress in programming. So for all you new coders out there, keep at it! Everyone went through what you are going through in the beginning. Do NOT think you're dumb for making silly mistakes, everyone does it and I constantly make silly mistakes in my code or my input all the time and I always take it as a learning experience (after I bang my head on my keyboard contemplating if I should throw my computer out the window and then laughing at myself that I passed in the wrong argument to my function and that's why it wasn't working).

    submitted by /u/DuhCoCo
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    Dynamic Programming for Beginners

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 06:50 PM PDT

    Hi everyone!

    I know a lot of people are struggling with Dynamic Programming, the topic that many people find challenging to grasp even after going through tutorials and watching videos on YouTube. The reason why this is happening is because the majority of those videos/courses/tutorials are not made for beginners. Or at least that's what it feels like. I looked through many Dynamic Programming courses on YouTube and pretty much all of them were hard to digest. They usually begin the tutorial by introducing the Knapsack or Coin Change problems which are not easy problems by any means. Some of them start with Fibonacci which is a poor example in my opinion.

    All in all, it makes a ton of people frustrated, especially engineers who are looking to join companies like Google or Facebook (DP questions are quite popular during the interview).

    The COVID has locked many of us at our homes, so I said to myself:

    I love Dynamic Programming, I love coding and I have free time. Why don't I record a course on Dynamic Programming and explain the topic in a way that even my wife could understand?

    So, I started to record a course Dynamic Programming for Beginners.

    The playlist is on YouTube. The content is hundred percent free, zero ads.

    The idea is to introduce fundamentals, explain the philosophy and core principles of Dynamic Programming and then gradually move on to a more advanced point. I also show the implementation of every single problem in Go – my primary programming language.

    If you are up for the journey, you are more than welcome to join! I want all of you to succeed. And if you have any questions, please, please, don't hesitate, feel free to reach out! I collaborate with Every. Single. Student. In person!

    Here is the link to the channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClnwNEngsXoIp_tgJ2jZWfw
    Here is the link to the playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVrpF4r7WIhTT1hJqZmjP10nxsmrbRvlf

    I do my best to release new videos every Sunday.

    Thank you! Stay safe and I'm looking forward to meeting you all!

    submitted by /u/andy_nyc
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    What do you do when you feel burnt out?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 12:58 AM PDT

    I don't work, I'm just a student who has tons of free time due to the current circumstances.

    Since the start of April to today, I've had so much free time that I have been able to make at least 10 commits per day (except for maybe 3 or 4 days). As expected, although it's fun and I'm learning, I feel a little burnt out.

    I want to take a break, but the thing is, I don't know what to do. I can't meet my friends or go out. I guess I could watch a few new TV shows, but I already do that.

    Does anyone have any suggestions on what do to?

    One thing I thought I could do was explore "different" types of programming, such as making music with Sonic Pi. What to you guys usually do when you feel this way?

    submitted by /u/DuePresentation3
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    I can write very complex web APIs without any problem, but i still struggle to solve problems given to me in university.

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 12:34 AM PDT

    So, i started learning programming about two years early before i got into university, currently i am in my first year, and already working as a junior back-end developer. I can write very complex apis, about 100 lines long sql queries, manage aws policies, etc. without any problem, but when it comes to solving problems given by university, i struggle and most of the times i get lower score than people who started learning programming in uni.

    what is wrong with me and how can i fix it ?

    submitted by /u/warchild4l
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    Learn to build APIs in Deno !!!

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 01:57 AM PDT

    This is solely for those interested in learning. let's check this out

    submitted by /u/mock_coder
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    Useful Dev certifications?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 01:24 AM PDT

    I'm aware it's not required but just wanted to know what are some useful certifications for a Dev to have to increase credibility? Budget is £350. Based in UK.

    submitted by /u/SirLucifcuker
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    Ive been trying to get good at programming, for 3 years, am i stupid?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 08:21 PM PDT

    I have been trying to learn how to code for years, my first book on computers i ever read was Code: the hidden language of computer hardware and software, and i fell in love, i started looking up to all the big computer whizzes like bill gates and shit, anyone who self taught themselves i just started drooling over them like omg wow so smart.

    Im in school to be a Industrial Mechanic, (trade school) but i planned to transfer my degree to get a bachelors in IT, (it will at least make me not have to take Gen Eds.) the only school programming class ive done is robots FANUC robotics, but i have been trying to learn python for like ever, ive read every single book on python u can think of man, and im still not getting it, well ig i kinda am, i can make stupid simple programs that accept input, put output, i made a little app, all text based cause im dumb, i wanted to make an app, i have a real good idea, and ive made a text based version before. but... i see all these people talking about programming and i think my IQ is just to low, idk how to make crazy good GUIs and such, and my app i want to make needs to be mobile, (i wanna make it just for me first, than maybe give it out for free of course)

    I started working on java, i signed up for this course called https://java-programming.mooc.fi/

    and i signed up for this thing to from Harvard https://online-learning.harvard.edu/course/cs50-introduction-computer-science?delta=0

    i always wanted to know how to code so i could build cool stuff, and so i can get into cyber security, i always want to build cool apps and give them out for free, but to stupid. :(

    I just wonder if im the only one struggling? no matter how hard i try i feel my brain is just like durrr duhhhh im the kid who passed his math classes in college with Ds and Cs. You give me a weird engineering problem, like trying to measure how a conveyor belt traveling at a certain RPM can unload how many boxes, my brain turns itself off.

    Is it possible my IQ is just to low to be any good at this? or is it something that with time and practice i can get good at? I hate it when im reading about people and they were writing code at like 6 years old. Makes me kinda sad... what does a dummy like me do?

    submitted by /u/Betteroffdead501
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    Question about Codewars

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 12:35 AM PDT

    This might seem weird to ask but is it cheating if I use google to look up how to do certain things(like methods) OR do I have to do these problems off the top of my head?

    submitted by /u/PotionsAndElixers
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    Self taught vs. Computer Science with a twist: already in the industry

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 03:50 PM PDT

    I am an 18 year old self-taught engineer. And, let me tell you, I get massive pressure from my family to go to college. The thing is, I love self-learning, love the discovery aspect of it, the flexibility, the autonomy of it all. And I just don't like the education system in the US forking over $100,000+ just to end up with student loans that are tough to pay off. And that's just for starters.

    The twist is: I'm already a Front End Developer. How much does the landscape change then?

    submitted by /u/abdulmdiaz
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    How do you navigate open source code?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 02:32 AM PDT

    So I want to get into the habit of reading more open source code from popular libraries. I've had a look at a couple of open source projects that I'm interested in but I'm not sure how to find the 'core' of the code. I always end up just finding the constants or abstractions but have trouble finding the main features of a codebase.

    For example, here's qBittorrent. https://github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent/tree/master/src I'm aware you should go into src folder but then how do I find the code which sets up the P2P connections and packet transfer protocols?

    Or here's Chromium, https://github.com/chromium/chromium the codebase is MASSIVE. How does one even understand something from it? You'd need to know all the interdependencies across the whole codebase.

    submitted by /u/FlyingKanga
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    Book suggestions for people learning to program/code that arn't actual books on coding/programming.

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    What are books that you have found helpful or even just interesting for people interested in coding that are not necessarily coding manuals? I am learning javascript currently and don't want to completely burn myself out by always reading about javascript.

    submitted by /u/MPvoxMAN13
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    Sooo tired of watching tutorials, reading huge dry text books, and skimming reddit for ideas. How do I actually code every day to learn new things?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 04:10 PM PDT

    If I could just code every day I would learn so much faster. I feel like I spend too much time trying to figure out what to build, what framework is marketable, or where to really put my time. Are there any resources for actually putting your hands on the keyboard and coding out functions every day so that we can learn to use the syntax and technologies together and actually make yourself worth it?

    submitted by /u/Nahz27
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    What to learn Python Vs Front End?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 01:21 AM PDT

    Don't have time to learn many languages. Looking for advise on what to spend my time learning, hence the most beneficial. Would I be more employable with front end or would it be python? I've heard that python is easy to learn, thus may lead to getting employed quicker. As for front end, it's more languages, I have some HTML experience. I'm not familiar with CSS, and JS looks like a nightmare that doesn't go away.

    submitted by /u/idsea
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    Am I stupid?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 01:04 AM PDT

    I had been making a calculator with Javascript for the last two days and it was mostly functional but there were some bugs I needed to fix, then I spent the whole day yesterday trying to solve it but I couldn't.

    Today I searched online and found some tutorials teaching how to build a calculator with pure JS, I then deleted my code and placed it with the code that I learned from those tutorials.

    After that, I felt guilty and stupid because I couldn't fix those bugs by my own..

    What are your thoughts about this?

    Is it normal to feel guilty and stupid?

    submitted by /u/kangan987
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    I think I have a useless talent. Can I make it useful?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 12:25 AM PDT

    So I have been learning about computers and programming on/off for the last few years in my free time. If I've learned one thing it's that I am stupid. I can write simple programs and read basic syntax but if I want to to implement someone else's code into one of my projects I just can't do it without detailed explanation. Another thing I've learned is that if there is a bug I will find it. Like recently I was working on my unraid server because a config file got corrupted and I didn't catch it in time to revert to a backup. (I only rarely use that docker container.) anyways I scrapped it and started over followed the tutorial to a T got it working for a few days then suddenly it stopped. Nothing changed. I reverted to my backup still not working. I searched forums and everything was exactly how it should every single troubleshooting post with an answer I had already implemented. I even went as far to learn about the program and how it works to see if maybe there's a gap I'm not seeing. Nope. So I started over again. Watched toe different tutorials made sure everything was exact and bam same problem. Searched the programs forums for recent bugs nothing.

    My main thing here is that this isn't a onetime feeling of frustration but a common theme in my journey. I always seem to find a bug that just annoys the crap out of me in every piece of software that I use. Even at work I found an exploit that allowed me to see every customer invoice using my personal login when I have nothing to do with sales. I have reported bugs to developers in the past but since I am not experienced enough to understand if it's a bug or me just royally messing up I don't do it anymore.

    I feel like the living meme of programmers and users. You know the one where you see how the developers intended the program to be used vs how the user uses it. A lot of the times when I experience a problem it's me over complicating it or just missing something stupid but then there are those times where it's a ok this is broken.

    TL;DR Can I make finding bugs a job? What do I need to learn?

    submitted by /u/0RGASMIK
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    New to C++. When I multiply a dollar amount (double) by 100, the result is off by 1 cent

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 08:13 PM PDT

    Below is a recreated example

    If I use owed = 12.23 and paid = 13.87, the change variable gets set to 1.64. This makes sense. The change_cents variable gets set to 163.

    Initial research makes me think that this is something to do with doubles not being super precise. I find it hard to believe though because doing basic math with decimals is pretty important.

    What is going on here?

    edit: This combination of 'owed' and 'paid' is the only one I've found so far that is incorrect which makes it even more strange

    #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; int main() { double owed = 0.0; double paid = 0.0; double change = 0.0; int change_cents = 0; cout << "Owed: " << endl; cin >> owed; cout << "Paid: " << endl; cin >> paid; change = paid - owed; change_cents = change * 100; cout << change << endl; cout << change_cents << endl; } 
    submitted by /u/azzipog
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    Learning To Code Better: What's wrong with this code?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 09:42 PM PDT

    Someone who I know was working on a project (involving code) with people who he knew. He shared a picture of some of the code, saying that he came upon it "committed onto master", and the rest of the file was like this too. To me, he seemed quite disgusted or disappointed in this code, probably because there was something wrong with it (possibly its lack of professionalism). According to someone else, it works, but it's not great.

    I'm still a coder who's still learning a lot, and I have no knowledge of this particular language (I'm guessing it might be C, C++, or Java though).

    The person who originally posted the image and commented on it has experience in programming, as far as I understand, which is why he wasn't happy with the code.

    I do understand that there are no comments in the code in question, which is a bad coding practice, though is that it?

    If anyone minds helping, could someone possibly tell me:

    1. What's wrong with this code (what might possibly make it unacceptable or unprofessional to the point where someone experienced would get disgusted or disappointed in this committed onto master)?
    2. What programming language is this?

    Link to a 3rd party service containing the code (in case this is required) (no syntax highlighting because I don't know what programming language this is): https://pastebin.com/npBNix05

    Link to the image of the code: https://imgur.com/a/GRziKqE

    submitted by /u/justpostnumber1
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    Hello, a noob here who is learning how to debug. Are there any free IDEs which have "step back"?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 11:46 PM PDT

    I am currently using Visual Studio and it's been great. Is there a way I can add the "step back" feature to visual studio 2019? or are there any other free IDEs that are good and do this?

    submitted by /u/Knightron2525
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    I've just understood why my code does what it does !!!!

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 03:14 AM PDT

    Now although i might be laughed at by some people for how simple it is I now understand why the code does what it does .

    I didn't understand exactly what the SEP function was for but now I do and I feel proud. Onwards and upwards !!!!

    Edit : first off I'd like to say a massive thank you to everyone who's liked this and even commented on it. This is the first time I feel I belong to a community on Reddit and am appreciated for who I am and my efforts. I'm lucky to get over 5 upvotes let alone 40!!! You guys made my day go from crap to good and I'm so grateful.

    as I can't post images I'll copy it text for text

    cars=["Jag" ,"Ferrari","Lamborghini"]


    submitted by /u/Black_raspberries
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    Best books regarding HTML, CCS, and Javascript.

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 11:22 PM PDT

    Anybody take Nootropics?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 02:52 AM PDT

    Caffeine hurts me, so I wanted to know if anyone took anything else to enhance their experience coding. Anything helps.

    submitted by /u/Layupwithu
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    What's a good resource to learn about GUI programming (Not GUI design)

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 02:47 AM PDT

    My head is spinning with all these new concepts:


    Immediate/Retained mode


    I'm a little bewildered by all the choices.

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/Im_Justin_Cider
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    String to be converted into digits

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 02:27 AM PDT

    I'm trying to create a function that would convert a string "one million three hundred four" to digits. I'm stuck with this problem for days now trying everything I know and can't seem to make it work. What's the best possible way to approach this? Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/artodyto
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