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    Wednesday, June 10, 2020

    Grid For Layout, Flexbox For Components web developers

    Grid For Layout, Flexbox For Components web developers

    Grid For Layout, Flexbox For Components

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 05:17 AM PDT

    Could someone critique my resume? (entry-level)

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 12:45 PM PDT

    A humble guide to database schema design

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 04:23 PM PDT

    Domain Registration

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 10:05 AM PDT

    Hello guys, I was looking to buy a domain in Godaddy and didn't want to spend money in Domain Privacy, but if I don't buy it will my name, surname, email and other personal godaddy info be shown in WHOIS lookups?

    submitted by /u/llusteri
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    Where can I share and publish the free website template for people?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 07:20 AM PDT

    I'm a web development student.

    Sometime I will build some website using HTML, CSS, JS for practice.

    I believe that the template I developed is usable and useful for someone who need to build a website.

    So, I want to know where can I share and publish the free websit template for people?

    Is it common to publish here? or on personal social media?

    submitted by /u/TinFungHK
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    Where should we redirect people trying to access /admin /wp-admin etc...

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 05:27 PM PDT

    The Rick Roll is a fun idea (Twitter thread)

    But I'm thinking we could redirect evil bot traffic to other evil institutions. DDOS would be hard to achieve, but you know, a healthy spike in traffic is a start.

    Of course, "evil" is relative. You might think the Chinese government is a worthy evil target but many would disagree.

    I guess a child abuse website would qualify as evil to virtually everyone, but those are hidden on the dark web.

    Better ideas? Worth it?

    submitted by /u/Mesieu
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    Alternatives to AdSense for new websites

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 05:25 PM PDT

    I made a website for a magazine so that all their articles have a webpage, and want to put ads on the website. AdSense keeps rejecting my website saying they can't review it because of COVID-19 setbacks. I can't get approved for a whole bunch of others because the website hasn't made any money yet.

    What can I use as an alternative to adsense that won't require a vigorous review process?

    submitted by /u/samgermain
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    How do you specialize in a language as a dev firm

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 05:07 PM PDT

    I have a fairly new small dev firm. I can write in a variety of frameworks and languages but I miss really knowing a tech stack well. I have taken quite a few clients that have existing tech infrastructure, so I end up with in a different language / back end framework / front end framework / css framework / deployment strategy / hosting setup for every project. I don't miss being an in-house developer, but I do miss the consistency and community that comes with mastering a tech stack. Has anyone out there run into this? Is adapting to the client's tech just part of being a contractor?

    submitted by /u/Incraigulous
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    DigitalOcean overkill?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 02:09 PM PDT

    Hi guys,

    I've done some web development before, but I've never deployed a website myself, so I'm not sure exactly what I need.

    I'm building a website for a friend of mine who makes sculptures. It'll essentially be a gallery for the sculptures that'll allow users to enter their contact details to buy them (she plans to handle the sales stuff herself). She's not the most technically inclined person, and I don't want to have to be updating the website for her myself every time she wants to list a new sculpture or remove one that sells, so I was going to build a simple client app alongside it to allow her to manage stuff on the server from there.

    In the past I've used DigitalOcean and though a basic droplet would allow me to host the website and run the server side of the application, I wonder if it's overkill for this scenario and whether there is a less powerful, cheaper option available that would allow me to achieve the same.

    The site isn't going to be getting a lot of traffic, but it will be serving quite a few images and frankly I'm not sure how demanding that would be on a server. Can anyone offer some words of wisdom? Thank you!

    submitted by /u/unpeeledpotatoes
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    CSS Textarea Component

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 03:48 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I have been stuck on something for the last day or so and decided I had to turn to the reddit hivemind for assistance.

    I'm building a blog-ish type web app and in the settings I have a text area field for the user to supply their own custom css tags if they want to change the default look of a few of the elements. I was hoping to process it directly on the front end and give them an indicator if it's valid css or not before they save anything. I thought I was much better at Googling and would be able to find a basic css processor/regular expression that would validate the css directly on the front-end.

    In my mind it was a very simple problem but I'm realizing it might be much more complicated. If you have dealt with something like this in the past or have an idea of how I can tackle this, short of building my own js function that parses it, I'd love to hear it.

    Thank you for reading this mad man's rambling.

    submitted by /u/Mebungo
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    So many ideas. Low skilled. I’ll die before I’m able to realize them all.

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 06:28 PM PDT

    I'm a 40 yr old teacher who is 90% on HTML, 70% on CSS, and 10% on JavaScript.

    My ideas require php, databasing, and god knows what else.

    There are apps I'd love to create, but that's a whole other ball of wax.

    I'd love to collaborate with someone. I have some ideas that may be Remind or Class Dojo quality - but I could also be reading the room wrong.

    Here, I give an idea. Perhaps it's trash.

    I'd call in Breadcrumbs. It would use the compass and step counter on an iPhone to track your path. You can also upload and share your path with others. This can be used from Hiking, roaming Disneyland (make it like google maps where it tells you what route to take that is the quickest), or tracking back to find your car.

    I have about 7 others that are either app or web based.

    But I know that with teaching and kids, We'll have flying cars before I get anything out there.

    So, again, anyone down to collab?

    submitted by /u/FLUNK_YOUR_MOTHER
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    Can you copy the contents of an API?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 06:23 PM PDT

    I know it is possible to copy the content of the results from API calls, but is it legal? For example, calling an API and then storing the information in your own database.

    submitted by /u/idk108
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    Square image to round image question

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 05:53 PM PDT

    Square image to round image question

    Are there any cheap editing tools to shrink a square transparent image, and then put a round background behind it?

    Here is the first image and then an example of what I'm trying to get to:

    Image 1

    Style of image I'm looking for.

    Thanks for any advice!

    submitted by /u/geriatricgoepher
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    What are you guys using for background workers nowadays?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 01:13 PM PDT

    Back when I was working with Rails about 4-10 years ago, I used background workers (sidekiq, faktory, delayed job, resque) to offload processing that can happen outside of the request/response cycle, to keep response times down. Examples might be sending email or making different sizes of uploaded images.

    What do people of all stacks use nowadays? Do JAM stack devs use web workers and service workers? Or are people using AWS lambda for this stuff (or beanstalk? blah)? Or are you using Kubernete's job runners? Or do you offload it to Zapier? Or do you use big data tools like Apache Spark, because it's specific to the job, and a generic runner won't do? Or are there mature services for the specific offline processing that you need that you can just punt it to a 3rd party?

    For me, we've co-opted event handlers in Hasura as a poor man's background job runner, and I wish there was something that gave me more visibility into job throughput and performance, easier debugging, chainability between jobs, and integration with 3rd party services. Anyone have a job running framework/platform that they love?

    submitted by /u/iamwil
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    First month into learning webdev.. felt utterly defeated today.

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 01:22 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I'm officially 1.5 months into my journey of self-learning web development. Things were going smoothly for the first couple of weeks - I blazed through the introduction to HTML and CSS courses on codecademy and finished all the lessons for the webdev certificate on freecodecamp (approx. 300 hours) in that time frame. This is not to say I rushed through everything; I took extensive notes and studied many hours per day.

    However, I started doing some projects so I could earn the freecodecamp certificate this week and have found that I really don't know that much.. Today I spent 7+ hours on a single project and still can't seem to get things right. The HTML part is somewhat easy but I can't seem to get my webpage to look anything like I want it to. Positioning in specific has been extremely confusing for me. I feel so lost and defeated. Is this normal? I'm trying to Google everything I can because I understand that a developer needs to be able to find answers on their own but nothing seems to help. Any advice?

    P.S., do y'all complete an entire HTML document before you begin to style it? Or is it better to write the HTML code and style it simultaneously? Thanks for the insight yall.

    submitted by /u/gonnathrowawaylol
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    VPS question: How does Apache VirtualHost relate back to the domain name config?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 04:05 PM PDT

    I got a VPS on vultr and got my IP address assigned.

    Now, I will configured Apache with a VirtualHost so I can link the domain name which is bought on name cheap. How do I link it from namecheap's end?

    My experience with linking on Squarespace is that there would be a page with all the configuration I need for the like CNAME and stuff. How do I get that?

    submitted by /u/leo-g
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    Animating visuals?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 03:52 PM PDT

    So total noob here who is interested in a process. I keep seeing these little cartoons on people's web pages, just to give it some life. It may be a cartoon lady typing or a guy walking. My question is, where do those pictures come from? I've seen videos on how to animate in CSS and JS, but who provides the mock ups? I imagine you'd have to have multiple pictures that animate into one fluid motion, like a flip book. I've never worked in a team before on web dev so would like to hear how that works.

    submitted by /u/Bhop48
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    Can multiple sites having unlimited Quota in CPanel cause server issues?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 03:44 PM PDT

    I have a VPS with InMotion with about 10 sites on it. Every 2-3 weeks, one specific sites gets a spike in traffic to about 200 concurrent users (which InMotion themselves admit really isn't that much). Side note in case it might matter is that the traffic spikes always originate from Russia/Ukraine, which seems strange but I don't think location of traffic should matter. Anyway, when this spike happens, all my sites go down. Everything usually comes back in 10-15 minutes, but it's very frustrating and I haven't been able to get a clear answer why it's happening. I've already made sure the very simple MySQL queries my sites run are optimized.

    My sites crashed again today so I contacted InMotion yet again and this time the support guy said "All your sites have Quota set to 'unlimited' which causes the server to freeze when there is too much traffic or too many processes at once."

    This sounds like BS to me but he was pretty adamant about it. Anyway, I will set limits on all of them so that the none of them are "unlimited," but I was just curious if anyone could confirm he might actually be right?

    I pray he's right but I'm assuming he's not, as things InMotion told me to do before have not helped (setting PHP memory_limit to 2 GB rather than 32 MB, for example).

    submitted by /u/gabbysal
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    Business models of illicit streaming sites

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 03:38 PM PDT

    I'm somewhat of a novice in this field so forgive me of anything below is ignorant or just wrong.

    I'm pretty interested in the business model of free illegal streaming sites (I would provide examples but this is reddit). They host an insane amount of films which I imagine is incredibly costly and their only revenue seems to be ads from what I'll call 'uncultured ads' (penis pills, pornography etc.) which I imagine bring in significantly less revenue than reputable companies (this is a presumption). Are there any cool books/blogs on this topic? This is out of genuine intellectual curiosity

    submitted by /u/TemporaryPseudonym
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    Built an interactive CLI for adding emojis to commit messages and push is automatically done after each commit. It's available on npm.

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 09:38 AM PDT

    How could a website detect what android version I am using despite fake user agent (WebView) and what could I do to stop it?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 11:22 AM PDT

    Recently a web based app called Libby (an ebook app) decided they would no longer support android 4.4, and this is page is displayed when using the (out of date) libby app :


    I refuse to ruin my reading experience with no fullscreen in a web browser, so I decided to make an app. I quickly shoved together a webview app (with full screen immusion) and to my surprise I am still prompted with the same kitkat page.... It does work well on my newer devices however. So, I assume it is a user agent issue and set a custom user agent from an android 5 device:

    Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; RedMi Note 5 Build/RB3N5C; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/68.0.3440.91 Mobile Safari/537.36)

    onto the webview settings (i have check it worked) - and yet I am still met with the same page (yes I cleared data to be sure). How could a site be doing this? I am very puzzled. (also if anyone knows a solution that would be great).

    submitted by /u/CactiChameleon9
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    Encrypt client/server communication on top of HTTPS?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 02:44 PM PDT

    I'd like to implement E2E encryption between my client and server, which are communicating across HTTPS. I assume, once authenticated, the client and server would exchange public keys to encrypt the session with. Can anyone point me at a JS library that does this type of thing, and/or a favorite tutorial you have? There's a lot of info out there, I don't know anything about crypto, and it's quite confusing to start out. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/mattzees
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