• Breaking News

    Friday, June 12, 2020

    CSS :is() and :where() are coming to browsers web developers

    CSS :is() and :where() are coming to browsers web developers

    CSS :is() and :where() are coming to browsers

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 06:48 AM PDT

    FeedFox - RSS Reader

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 11:31 AM PDT

    Selenium Cheat Sheet

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 04:20 AM PDT

    How do you design the back-end of a system?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 01:28 PM PDT

    I'm a freelance web developer and in the past, I've mainly done front-end work. Now I have been learning back end technology for about a year now and want to build a large scale application, but have 0 ideas how I'm supposed to design the system efficiently. When it comes to front-end work you really don't need extensive planning before you code, you can visualize what needs to be done in your head. Can't say the same with the back-end, that's a different beast.

    What are some methods, tools, or process you guys use in order to design a complex system?

    submitted by /u/BlackBaby_Jesus
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    CSS Grid: Newspaper Layout

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 06:50 AM PDT

    PokeDex PWA using PokeAPI with Beautiful CSS Animation For Mega Evolution

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 12:59 PM PDT

    HTML5 Boilerplate 8.0.0 Released

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 06:49 AM PDT

    I made a site dedicated to providing details on political alignment, bill voting statistics, and contact info for members of Congress in your voting district.

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 10:18 AM PDT

    What framework or cms do you use to create website and webapps in a time efficient fashion for your clients businesses?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 05:08 PM PDT

    I'm a new freelance developer trying to grow the number of clients I have and create a smoother and more time efficient pipeline from new client to launched website with their customized options. I want to charge more for better customization.

    I realize there are many solutions and as much as I would love to build my own website line by line of sweet html n JS I need to create a successful business model where I can double my clients and profit year over year.

    Otherwise I will have to move back into my parents attic and build 200 dollar websites for life or work for T H E M A N.

    I'm going to throw the data into firebase.

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    submitted by /u/alienalgen94
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    What is your preferred way to host static websites

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 07:05 AM PDT

    What is your preferred way of hosting static websites?

    • AWS Amplify Console?
    • AWS S3? Other S3?
    • Netlify?
    • GitHub Pages?
    • Cloud VMs?
    • Other?

    Why do you prefer your way of hosting? What is your workflow like?

    submitted by /u/GAGARIN0461
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    Does "pornographic" related words lower google ranking?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 10:36 AM PDT

    I have created a 3D model of a half naked woman, and thought of adding the alt tags: "Black shiny naked female". It isn't really what it sounds like and I am worried that the text could cause some issues with SEO?

    The entire model is textured with a shiny black material, so it isn't a black woman covered in oil or anything. Anyway, I'll stop now before it gets more weird.

    submitted by /u/Elias-Wick
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    [HELP] Convert ASP.NET server side form submission into an api?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 05:16 PM PDT

    Hi guys,

    I hope you are enjoying your day so far. Basically, I am trying to create my own api for a service that does not have one. This is their login page and i am trying to find out where does this form actually submits its data but i am not really familiar with it. I tried researching but i didnt really know what should i search for and nothing helped me.

    I read about web scraping but it for getting data not posting data i guess. I even thought about reading the HTML response, inject my info using the form ID and submit the form using a js script but i thought i am over thinking it... no?

    submitted by /u/monir_sh
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    What kind pricing options do you use for your clients websites/webapps?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 01:19 PM PDT

    As a new freelancing web developer I am trying to value my services as a developer and use my time the wisest to minimize the time I spend spinning up hosted websites and beautiful UI's and more on growing the business.

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    submitted by /u/alienalgen94
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    Resources for Advanced Topics/Courses

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 04:36 PM PDT


    I have been learning web development mostly through Udemy and such for a few years. The lack of really senior devs at my company has me thinking that I'm not benefitting from learning from someone better than myself (I am actually the only current full stack web developer + manage aws, rest of the team is on mobile).

    Having gone through Udemy I find advanced courses tend to be 15+ hours and a lot of the material is not really advanced. I usually have to sit through 10+ hours of really basic concepts to pick up anything that I didn't know about or can be considered somewhat advanced. I believe that courses that are structured this way tend to sell better but sometimes I snap and find myself yelling while the video is playing to just move on :\.

    I have heard of frontendmasters.com but I'm wondering if anyone has any other good advanced resources covering general coding practice, Node, React, vanilla JS, Css/Sass etc.


    submitted by /u/_kasho
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    Deno Is Ready for Production

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 04:18 PM PDT

    Storing dates in a global software application. Will this strategy work?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 12:09 PM PDT

    We have a application that is supposed to support multiple timezones. Every user has a profile and in every profile we have user's timezone.

    We are storing dates in UTC. There are two types of dates:

    1. System Generated DateTime (eg createdOn, ModifiedOn): No problems here. UTC is generated and saved by the database server.

    2. User selected Date : Here user selects a date with the help of DatePicker. There is no time part. So if a user selects 23rd June 2020. We will send 23rd June 2020 to backend and remove the time part if any and replace it with 00:00:00.

    Then we will convert it to UTC which will be either 22nd June 2020 xx:xx:xx or 23rd June 2020 xx:xx:xx (depending on whether offset of user's current timezone settings is -ve or +ve)


    At the time of display. We will just fetch UTC stored in DB as is. Convert it to local Datetime using user's configured timezone. That's it.

    We will display time for only system generated UTC. We will display only local date for fields that were selected by user before saving.


    While searching for records based on dates:

    1. Searching on System generated date column: We will send the local datetime as is to the database along with the offset of user's configured timezone. Now we can convert it to UTC and compare against the stored UTC.

    2. Searching on User Selected date column: We will send local datetime along with the offset and then in DB we will replace the time part (if any) with 00:00:00. Then convert it to UTC and compare it against stored UTC.

    Will this work? Do you see any flaws?

    Note: User is not likely to travel. However, the entries made by the user will be viewed by his peers in other timezones.

    submitted by /u/OptimusPrime3600
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    Host on the shorter or longer domain name?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 03:30 PM PDT

    Have two domain names to a website that are roughly equivalent to the following.

    • short.music
    • longlonglonglong.com

    Which should I host on? The other will forward traffic and email to the one that is used for the website.

    submitted by /u/CitizenJosh
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    Which is best tool to generate PDF from Text with a Header and Footer?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 03:11 PM PDT

    I have a div that's filled with text. The text needs to be taken out, supplied with a header and footer and printed as a PDF. The text might span multiple pages.

    The header will have a logo in one corner and the address/phone in the other. The footer will have a general notice and the page number. Like a letterhead.

    I thought this would be simple things to do but I am completely blown away by the number of tool choices.

    First, I've to decide whether I need a client side or server side script. I read up on the pros and cons. My main concern is PDF uniformity across all devices/browsers so most suggested I go the server side way.

    When I started looking up PHP options it gave me many options - mPDF, FPDF, TCPDF, DOMPDF, wkhtmltopdf and some more before I just gave up and started looking up client side scripts. (I am a frontend guy so I am more comfortable with that). But even here there's so many options that left me confused. I liked pdfmake amongst the many that I saw - it seems to be easy to use and generated good quality PDF's.

    Another thing I noticed with the PHP scripts is that some of their sample generated documents look like they were from the early 2000's.

    I spent over 8 hours on the computer today to find the right tool but I am just where I began, only more frustrated and confused.

    Which is the best tool that gets it done easily?

    Ps. In the future I will also need functionality like https://certificatemagic.com/personalize.php?design=22 where I can take input from user and put it on a image and then export to PDF. But this isn't priority right now. It would be great if I can find a single script that does both but for now my main objective is only textual matter.

    submitted by /u/fbenmart
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    #AnotherTwitterClone, but this one is featureful, fast and concise, made with MERN stack. So, let's follow each other there, make your #Hashtags to trending or @tag each other. Give suggestions, or discover bugs or make your own fork to take it to heights.

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 03:09 PM PDT

    I have a question particularly for BPOC, I'm not sure if if belongs here.

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 02:26 PM PDT

    Hello, I work for a small startup in Oregon. One of my coworkers shared a tweet mentioning a woman at her company was changing their "Master" branch to "Main," one of her reasons for this was to hopefully make black people feel less isolated in the industry. I couldn't help but think, "black people feel isolated in the industry because it's hard for black people to get into the industry due to racism present in the hiring process."

    I'm Chinese, so, not black, and I can't speak on how black people feel about this, but this "master branch" thing made me really wonder if this was triggering terminology for black people already in the industry? Or if this is just something that white people are doing to make themselves feel better. It feels a little performative, but I have never heard a black person in tech even bring up the naming of the branch like this.

    Apologies if this doesn't belong here or doesn't make any sense, I was just wanting to gain some perspective from BPOC. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/theorekid
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    OTT Website/App development startup shenanigans

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 01:58 PM PDT

    Hello, apologies in advance if this makes little sense. I have no experience in web development; my background is in film and media production. So let me know if I'm asking the right questions...

    I'm bootstrapping a startup idea now and I'm trying to get a ballpark figure on developing a media streaming OTT website that will eventually also be utilized as an App and a Smart TV/Set top device channel. To make it an MVP as a website (App and Channel would probably be held back by regulation on the platform and can wait), what is a ballpark figure for developing the front end and back end? Server space rental? Maintenance? Security?

    If there's not an absolute number, can someone let me know where I could find resources to ask?

    Would want to launch in 6 months from start. 10k unique viewers at most to start (opportunity to scale up). 50hrs of HD content (again, with option to scale up). Support at least 2 "live" streams of curated content. Only needs to be available in US for now. Example website: full30.com but with interface more like Hulu and Shudder.


    submitted by /u/bobcatarian
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    Shipping cost REST API

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 05:55 AM PDT


    Is there any public available REST API for some post service (DHL, UPS, or anything else) where I can access information like: I want to send a package from country x to country y (country x is not fixed) and I want to get information about shipping cost based on package weigth and size?

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/Ryukote91
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    What wireframing tool do you guys use?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 08:46 AM PDT

    Title says it all thanks

    submitted by /u/Capo-4
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    ��10 Trending projects on GitHub for web developers - 12th June 2020

    Posted: 12 Jun 2020 06:33 AM PDT

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