Blind and visually impaired programmers, how do you do it? learn programming |
- Blind and visually impaired programmers, how do you do it?
- Tips and Tricks to Avoid Getting Stuck in Learning Purgatory/Perfectionism?
- Some time ago I found a website with awesome interactive SQL exercises. I don't seem able to find it again. Please help
- App Academy Open vs Fullstack Open
- I hear that if you want to learn computer programming, you pick one language and stick with it at first.
- How to get situated in a big project.
- When should I use .NET over a C/C++ framework?
- how to use one programming language inside another?
- Confusion on course choice
- Should I focus less on math and more practicing programming?
- Why won't my CSS Grid change the background of div elements?
- UseEffect (reactjs) won't fire for event listener
- How does a web client "login" to an API/Session handling?
- [QUESTION] Does anyone have any of the Kindle versions of the Head First books? If so, how are they as far as readability in regards to the images/projects/lessons?
- Bizarre result from a short program
- How was Apple able to change the content of the Apple Music app without requiring users to update it?
- How do relative and absolute paths work? And more importantly, how does the HTML file work, when uploading multiple parts of a whole to a website?
- Having troubles moving on from the basics, how did you proceed?
- Having trouble creating JavaFX program using Eclipse
- Where can I find help for my project?
- Is there a free space I could host a private webpage to practice front-end development skills I am learning?
- Best way to preload modules in angular 9. Preload all modules or just defined ones.
- What are some interesting and unknown functions/ methods in programming languages ?
- What to do next
Blind and visually impaired programmers, how do you do it? Posted: 02 Jun 2020 09:44 AM PDT As a recently visually impaired and considered legally blind person, I was wondering what sort of resources allow programmers in the field to do their job. Thanks [link] [comments] |
Tips and Tricks to Avoid Getting Stuck in Learning Purgatory/Perfectionism? Posted: 02 Jun 2020 08:27 PM PDT I do a lot of online training to learn more programming. There is a project I am trying to work on, but it's hard to make progress because I always spend so much time trying to carefully design it and months learning new technologies to build. It never actually comes together. I just picked up Scala + Akka, for example. What happens is then since I only have course-based knowledge of a tech I have trouble really designing with it as I don't know it that well, but if I just start typing code it turns into spaghetti really fast. I would like to find a way to balance planning and designing with actually executing. I am trying to force myself to spend every day making tiny incremental edits. Today I sketched a single behavior of my application and wrote a unit test for it. Tomorrow I will implement the behavior. I hope this will work to get me to build things but I am curious if anyone in this sub has found themselves in the same position and has found a system to check their instinct to either (A) learn all the tech without actually using it or (B) agonized so much about the design of a perfect system they forgot to code it. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 02 Jun 2020 12:19 PM PDT I think that this website had an orange theme for graphic. It had only exercises for SQL. You could write your code and it got evaluated. I think that one of the first exercises had a database that had something to do with tennis. I don't remember which kind of SQL the website was about. [link] [comments] |
App Academy Open vs Fullstack Open Posted: 02 Jun 2020 10:20 PM PDT |
Posted: 02 Jun 2020 08:16 PM PDT As a beginner who doubts himself constantly, I am always on the prowl for good advice, so I hear this constantly. I suppose that it makes sense: too many languages will confuse and overwhelm a complete beginner who doesn't even know what an if statement is. However, what I don't here is how long to stick with that one language. I mean, the basics of one programming language can be found in pretty much all of the others. Do you only need to stick with one until you understand those core concepts (for example, variables, if/else statements, loops, strings), or do you need to stick with it longer? Is the advice to stick with it until you can merely utilize your skills (for example, doing a simple fizzbuzz test)? Is it until you feel confident? Is it until you are job-ready? Alternatively, is the whole stick with it advice bullshit? Even better, have I just skimmed over something in the FAQ that has been answered a hundred times before? If it is just until you understand basic concepts and write short programs, then I am ready to spread my wings. If it is until you are confident and job ready, then I haven't even hatched yet. P.S. Sorry. I'm on mobile. [link] [comments] |
How to get situated in a big project. Posted: 02 Jun 2020 11:41 PM PDT Title essentially says it all. I've done a bit of React and worked on some simple projects and asked if I could work on someone else's side project with them which is a React app and they let me and invited me into their repo. There's a lot of code (more than I'm used to working with) at first impression but its well commented and organized. Should I just play around with it and experiment with different lines and see what breaks it and try to fix it (on my side ofc)? Is this the best way to get comfortable with the project or is there something else you guys do? This is my first major project that I get to work on with someone so thats why I'm asking [link] [comments] |
When should I use .NET over a C/C++ framework? Posted: 02 Jun 2020 06:31 PM PDT I am a C/C++ developer, and have never touched F# or C# nor the .NET framework. My question, is when (or why) should I learn either of the languages or the framework if I already know and program C/C++? This may sound like a noob-ish question, but I am genuinely curious. I mean, I can find frameworks to help with mobile, desktop and web frameworks for C/C++. Why (and when) would I need to use .NET and C#/F#? [link] [comments] |
how to use one programming language inside another? Posted: 02 Jun 2020 11:20 PM PDT say i want to make a program in c# where you can type lua code to do things. how would i go about doing it? but i want to know more about how the process works. like is there something about a programming language that has the information for how it interacts with the computer? or what would i need to look for? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 02 Jun 2020 11:16 PM PDT So at my college , during the lock down we have been given the following speciializations to choose for the upcoming month but since I couldn't decide on which to choose from I am posting it here. Can you guys give a short description on the fields and if you have taken the courses then any reviews on that will be much appreciated. Thanks!! Blockchain Technology - Big Data Analysis - Applied Data Science wiith Python - [link] [comments] |
Should I focus less on math and more practicing programming? Posted: 02 Jun 2020 11:14 PM PDT I keep reading how math is crucial for programming, so I started focusing more on learning Math, I'm taking the MIT 6.042J which is about propositional logic, the issue is that I'm realizing I'm lacking many math concept/aspects so it's taking me way to long. Should I maybe schedule my time to like maybe learning math only twice a week and focus on programming for the rest the time or do the opposite ? [link] [comments] |
Why won't my CSS Grid change the background of div elements? Posted: 02 Jun 2020 10:37 PM PDT I'm not sure why, but I'm creating this recipe(s) website and when attempting to change the background color of a div element (which is a child of a grid parent section) I am unable. Does anyone have any idea why this is happening? Thanks! :) Here's the code (JSFiddle): Note: I noticed that the code does not run exactly right in JSFiddle. However, it only seems to be the background color of the <h1> elements for the titles where I had some margins (and the logo image because it's a local file). No biggy! :) [link] [comments] |
UseEffect (reactjs) won't fire for event listener Posted: 02 Jun 2020 10:09 PM PDT I'm trying to make an event listener fire everytime I scroll, at first I tried it without useEffect but that didn't work, and even after I put window.addEventListener('scroll', callback) inside the useEffect function it still won't fire except 3 times when I first load the page, what am I missing? [link] [comments] |
How does a web client "login" to an API/Session handling? Posted: 02 Jun 2020 04:00 PM PDT Hey guys I currently am building a REST API, in the end I'd like my API to be used for my website and mobile application. So no outside 3rd parties as of yet. The trouble I'm having is since REST API's are stateless, how do sessions work? When a user is submitting a form to login for example, where I have a web server then talk to an API server. how does that all work? Does my API return a session id? Or does it not handle sessions at all and it just authenticates? Just need to visualize the flow. Edit: Would I have the login on the webserver which creates a session and stores a cookie into the browser and then also generate a token that is also saved for API use? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 02 Jun 2020 06:53 PM PDT I typically prefer digital anything and everything, but if it would be more practical to have a physical copy then I'll go that route. I have a Kindle Paperwhite, if it makes any difference. Thanks in advance. [link] [comments] |
Bizarre result from a short program Posted: 03 Jun 2020 12:35 AM PDT Hi all, I'm writing a program in C and it's supposed to simulate a grid that you can add or delete chars from, as well as visualize (print out). Right now I'm just trying to print out a default grid which is a 20 X 20 block of the "|" character. Here is what I wrote: const int BOARDHEIGHT = 20; const int BOARDWIDTH = 20; char WALL = '|'; char board[BOARDWIDTH][BOARDHEIGHT]; char getSquare(int x, int y) {return board[x][y];} void setSquare(int x, int y, char item) { board[x][y] = item; } void showBoard() { for (int y = 0; y < BOARDHEIGHT; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < BOARDWIDTH; x++) { char square[] = {getSquare(x, y)}; printf(square); } printf("\n"); } printf("\n"); } void initializeBoard() { for (int y = 0; y < BOARDHEIGHT; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < BOARDWIDTH; x++) { setSquare(x, y, WALL); } } } int main() { initializeBoard(); showBoard(); return 0; } The idea is supposed to be that getSquare and SetSquare can be used anytime to edit squares on the board. And the lower left corner should be 0, 0 while the upper right corner should be 20, 20 (basically cartesian coordinates). Whenever I run this code, though, I just get this printed out 20 times (it doesn't appear to render in the post, but there is a long blank space right before the rightmost | in the first row): ||| | | | | | | | | | | | | | The code never throws any errors. I am compiling it in CLion on Mac--I also tried compiling it through my terminal and got an output that was slightly different but almost identical. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 02 Jun 2020 06:30 PM PDT Today, Apple had disabled the functionality of the "For You", "Browse", and "Radio" sections of the Apple Music app. They replaced it with a black view embedded in a navigation controller with some text stating their support for BLM and a single button titled "Listen Together". I am wondering how they were able to do this without requiring all Apple Music users to update the app. From my understanding, doing these changes would require some serious modification to the Apple Music app's view controllers in the code. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 03 Jun 2020 12:09 AM PDT I am learning HTML on codeacademy. I have come across this new concept of paths, and I think I partially understand but not fully. From my understanding, relative paths direct to a link on YOUR website from your HTML file, while absolute paths point directly to a link. How does this work? I was reading that relative paths are better in case you want to change domains. Is this because if you are linking back to your own website pages with absolute paths, you will have to go back and manually change them all? Also, how does the file storage work with your different files linked to one larger file? I'm not sure if it makes sense how I'm posing this question. TL;DR How do HTML files work? Especially when actually uploading them to your site and linking back to a certain "page" of a file with a relative link? [link] [comments] |
Having troubles moving on from the basics, how did you proceed? Posted: 02 Jun 2020 06:07 PM PDT Every time I try to work on a project from a tutorial I see on Youtube, udemy,, codeacademy it doesn't matter where it is.. The code doesn't always seem to work, even if I essentially copy and paste work files, I'll get a ton of errors and I mean I can kind of fix them where the red error lines go away but I'll keep getting more errors when trying to compile the app. And the problem I'm having is since it's so many little things and I have nobody to ask because anywhere online just says "keep learning basics" when the basics aren't the problem anymore. I get code blocks, I get methods and loops, array all of the basics I understand, it's just not one tutorial tells me why I can't just copy and paste code from a program on github. And I can't constantly make a new post with every single little question and stackoverflow is very useless, they'll just say learn the basics again. It's an infinite loop of confusion and I feel like I'm spinning my wheels. I want to learn how to code and I'm trying but if tutorials don't work from I'm guessing the out of date syntax, how can I progress further? [link] [comments] |
Having trouble creating JavaFX program using Eclipse Posted: 02 Jun 2020 05:53 PM PDT EDIT: I figured it out, I was still creating it in Java 11 IDE accidentally! Hey guys, frustrated because I'm at an impasses currently. I'm trying to create a JavaFX program on Eclipse 2018 12 with Java 10. Initially I had the recent versions of Java and Eclipse but my professor asked me to download those older ones. But whenever I create a new JavaFX project, it immediately gives me a ton of errors. According to my professor the program should run right away upon creation. I'm sorry if this is too vague or something, but I feel like I must have downloaded something incorrectly or neglected to download something that I should have. I installed JavaFX through the help > install function and selected "all available sites", then searched e(fx) where it says "type filter text", and downloaded the options that came up. Fwiw I have also emailed my professor on this of course but I'm anxious to see if somebody can help me sooner bc he probably won't get back to me til tomorrow. [link] [comments] |
Where can I find help for my project? Posted: 02 Jun 2020 11:18 PM PDT I'm running out of time with a project I have. I'm more of a backend developer. I tried to convince a group of classmates to help me but they seem pretty apathetic. I'm thinking about contracting a fiverr freelancer to build at least some prototypes. How good is that idea? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 02 Jun 2020 11:10 PM PDT Or should I just create files from atom and open them in the web? For more background, I'm just learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript right now. Also, any information on ways to host your own webpages for personal use for free are welcome. For example, if I wanted to write up a copy of my resume and be able to share it with employers for them to easily view on the web, but no one else. [link] [comments] |
Best way to preload modules in angular 9. Preload all modules or just defined ones. Posted: 02 Jun 2020 11:09 PM PDT Best way to preload modules in angular 9 Preload all modules or just defined ones. angular #angularmodule #preloadmodule #angular9 #lazyloadingmodule [link] [comments] |
What are some interesting and unknown functions/ methods in programming languages ? Posted: 02 Jun 2020 11:01 PM PDT Not all functions and methods are taught in courses, same it is with books. A novice programmer thinks that learning loops, if/else, system input and output, is all to programming. It's wrong. Only further down the line they understand that even if the basics work, they are slow and inefficient. Then they frantically search. So in the comments, comment functions and methods (with the language in which it's used) that you think others should know and a small example would be great. Example - Hashmap function :- Stores items in "key/value" pairs, and you can access them by an index of another type. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 02 Jun 2020 10:54 PM PDT Hello, I have learned some code in udemy course Js, css and Html now what can I do I feel that I need to have logic and understand how to these complex code are written , any advice please ? [link] [comments] |
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