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    Monday, April 6, 2020

    What programming blogs or websites do you read? Ask Programming

    What programming blogs or websites do you read? Ask Programming

    What programming blogs or websites do you read?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 01:28 PM PDT

    The title is quite explicit : what programming blogs or websites do you read? I'm looking for blogs and websites that present good practices, advice and examples. I'm not looking for language-specific websites but if they are, I'm mainly coding in Python and R.

    submitted by /u/Arthurion9
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    Devs of Reddit: Would lacking an internship hurt my job prospects?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 08:00 PM PDT

    I'm locked in a mine filling with toxic gas, the only way to escape is to program a computer using Cobol

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 06:37 PM PDT

    Assume I'm comfortable in Javascript, C# , and Java. The mine has no books on Cobol, and I've never taken a formal CS class. I can view various existing programs on the computer, once which is called 'Open Mine Door' , but crashes each time I run it. I have 3 hours .

    submitted by /u/undefinedNANString
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    Please help me, my mentor has given a test and it's been nearly a week and I still don't get it

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 05:07 PM PDT

    Hi guys, I've recently started my post graduate job after finally finishing my degree last year. I've been assigned an older mentor who has been overseeing my work and peer reviewing my stuff. Last Monday he gave me this snipped of code and has asked me to try and work out what it does. It's been keeping me up the last few nights as I'm scared that he'll see me as unfit for the workplace and talk with HR :/

    Below is the snippet of code he has provided me with:

     for(int i=7;i<=c*7;i+=7)x[(i&~7)>>3]=(i==c*7?0:0x80)|(n[(i&~7)>>3]&(0xFF>>((i/7)&7)))<<((i&~7)>>3)|(i==7?0:(n[((i-7)&~7)>>3]&(0xFE<<(8-((i/7)&7))))>>(8-((i&~7)>>3))); 
    submitted by /u/-SamC
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    Is this a bad habit?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 03:31 PM PDT

    I am a computer science student, whenever I am giving an assignment, I have a habit of looking up the assignment on YouTube. or websites. I usually don't find exactly what I am looking for but something similar. I kinda take what I need then I add my own additional adjustments. I am now wondering if this is a bad habit to have?

    submitted by /u/Ikassim9
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    Programming and "smart" / ADHD drugs?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 06:51 AM PDT

    Have you ever experienced with smart / ADHD drugs (eg. Adderall, Ritalin, Modafinil) and programming? What was your experience? Can you share any useful tips?

    I've recently been diagnosed with ADHD and prescribed Ritalin. Aside from a huge improvement in the general task-focus department, I feel that I can write better code, much faster and without as big of a mental effort as before.

    Disclaimer: I'm not trying to promote illegitimate / illegal use of performance enhancing drugs or any drugs at all.

    Edit: A lot of commenters seem to disagree with my observation that I can write better code when I'm using Ritalin - for me, better focus means less getting stuff done as quickly as possible just to get done with it. This means I'm still the same programmer with the same skill set and capabilities , but I'm diligent enough to make things sparkling clean.

    submitted by /u/macbem
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    If I have a software licensed under AGPL, can I make proprietary software that calls it?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 05:20 PM PDT

    Specifically I have a command line tool to process some data and want to build a front end, that simply calls the command line tool. Would the frontend need to be under agpl too?

    submitted by /u/Pm_me_any_dragon
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    I'd like to know if the following Django project is possible.

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 10:18 PM PDT

    I've been given a project by my employer that I'm struggling with and was wondering if anyone here had experience implementing something similar or whether something like this was even possible. My employer has asked me to create a platform for licence re-sellers (i.e customers who buy software licences from companies like Microsoft and Google in bulk and resell them at a profit). Google, Microsoft and other platforms provide APIs that allow you to do this.

    Now, my employer wants to build a platform that consumes all these APIs and interacts with them so that customers only need to access this one platform and they can manage their own customers, licences and so on from our platform. Also the response we get from an API should also be saved locally on our databases. All this is fine and doable however, my employer has also specified that we plan to sell this platform as a product itself. And that, someone who purchases our platform should be able to add their own APIs (i.e if they get their keys from a different vendor's API) without having to edit the code (they should be able to do this via the admin panel).

    This last part is what has me stumped. I've never heard or seen a system that would allows the user to add APIs like this. Given that we have to save the data we receive from our response locally on our databases, how would you reconcile the differences in responses from different vendors? (E.g When you buy a licence with Google they send you a licenceID in their response, but Microsoft may not, they may return it under a different name). Is this possible? Should I switch to a NoSQL DB like MongoDB (via Djongo)? Any ideas? This is being developed as a standard Django project, not a REST API.

    submitted by /u/max_prax
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    Do I need to attribute icons I'm not using anymore but is visible in my repo history?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 09:11 PM PDT

    I'm developing a mobile app and I'm using GitHub for source code which is set to public.

    I was using some free icons from www.flaticon.com/home , which required the developer to attribute the authors to the icons.

    But I decided to go ahead and just create my own icons and delete all the icons I was using the flaticon, but the problem is in the previous commits on GitHub, the old images of the icons are still visible in my resource folders.

    Is this a problem I need to address at all? Do I need to mention anywhere that I WAS using icons from FlatIcon or am I good to just act like it never happened? I was saving the app credits page for the end of my development, so none of the commits have an attribution for the icons they used yet either...

    On the commit where I removed all of them, I did make a comment thanking them.. but is that enough?


    submitted by /u/Leading-Coffee
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    I am trying to find out what it would cost to pay some to install linux. Details inside.

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 05:08 PM PDT

    I truly hate windows and want it to be completely erased from my computer and have only linux on it. If that is possible. I want windows 100% removed. If actually possible I would treat it like the copier in Office Space. Every year for the past 5 years windows will roofie my computer to force me to reset it so it can finally rape me with the updates I turned off. Happens every year just about a year to the date I get the MS tech who actually turns them off and not the temp fix (usually takes 6 days of dealing with them, I'm on day 3 now) I thought I would have taught myself how to do it by now but I am not a computer person. SO I want to pay someone but do not want to rip them off in my posting nor do I want to be ripped off. Any insight would be greatly appreciated., thanks

    submitted by /u/Riceandtits
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    I need help

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 08:49 PM PDT

    What's the best way to learn c# by myself because I'm trying to learn how to make games

    submitted by /u/BigChungoBoi69
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    Difference between installing jupyter through brew, through pip and through anaconda?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 08:40 PM PDT

    Is it just installed in different locations? Also where do they look for dependencies (ie. if I had installed python packages within jupyter, where does it install?) Also how would I connect things, say I had installed python through brew, and want to connect that python with jupyter I installed through pip? Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Lysandra_Van_Seymour
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    AWS Tech Essentials vs Comptia Security+ vs Servicenow Certification

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 08:33 PM PDT

    Which one is more useful generally, and which one would end up paying more later on? Thank you.

    submitted by /u/Lysandra_Van_Seymour
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    Started Codecademy (free version) today

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 02:59 PM PDT

    I decided to try to learn code with all my spare quarantine time, so today was my first day learning Java with Codecademy. I wanted to know though, are there other free programs I should use to supplement it? I know I'm not going to be getting the full experience from Codecademy because I'm using the free version. Also, should I switch to Python? I've heard it's better for beginners.

    submitted by /u/ss_valpaca
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    Requesting some pointers on where to begin a project.

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 06:03 PM PDT

    I have a little experience in C, but not much outside of that. I want to work on a personal project, and I'm not sure which language is most apt for my goal.

    I intend to write a program that accesses last.fm, a website that tracks my music listening habits. For example, sometimes I'll listen to a version of a song that is listed as a single on Spotify, and is recorded as such on the website. In theory, when I notice these instances, I will add them to a list and the program will scan through my listening history and correct any mistakes with what I tell it to. It will do this by logging into my account, and hitting the 'edit' button to edit the text to whatever album the song is supposed to be on so that the information is recorded correctly.

    I find myself taking the extra time to find the correct version on Spotify, or combing through a few times a month and manually editing things I miss. I recognize that this is a niche and boring thing to want done, but I like to keep it organized, as my friends and I all have one and talk about our listening habits often.

    If you have any tips on 1) the language that would be best to accomplish this, and 2) any tips generally on where to begin this project in that language, it would be much appreciated. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/FabulousLlama
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    Idea Validation: Helping developers improve their communication and interpersonal skills

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 04:52 PM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    My name is Avi, and I'm one of the co-founders of SkillUp, an online platform that's trying to "skill up" developers and empower them to become not just technically skilled but also have strong communication and interpersonal skills.

    Our goal is to provide a platform where you can practice your soft skills with our own AI-powered coach as well as work 1-on-1 with certified communication coaches.

    We're currently trying to validate our idea and gauge interest from the developer community. If this is something that might benefit you, we'd love it if you could fill out our interest form here!


    submitted by /u/TheCurryMan_
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    OAuth with non-interactive, service accounts

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 04:37 PM PDT

    Am I correct that with OAuth 3LO (specifically in this case, authorization code grant) that this will not work with a service account (i.e. non-interactive account) scenario? You could do the initial approval manually in a browser tab and then plug in the auth code you get back into your scripts but the auth code will expire.

    It looks like client credentials grant would be better suited but the API I work with does not seem to support anything other than authorization code/refresh grant types -- unless I am willing to fallback to basic auth with a base64 encoded user@example:token.

    submitted by /u/SocketedChinchilla
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    Anyone know a good place to find pre-existing code?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 03:42 PM PDT

    I'm an electrical engineer and I know close to nothing about programming, but my project requires me to work on ionic version 5 for a mobile application. It's simply a forecast app and I need to upload some results I got from my Arduino to firebase to my app. I already finished Arduino to firebase, but I can't find firebase to the app. If anyone knows a website or just help me out by dropping any code that helps here I would really appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/HusamSak
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    What are some futuristic aspects of certain programming languages?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 03:07 AM PDT

    I'm writing an essay for uni about some futuristic aspects of modern programming languages. Do you know any modern languages on the rise or implementations of older languages which will be important and game changing?

    Any help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/elMurano
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    Question on ActiveInlineResponse in C# for Outlook 2016 Custom Add-In

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 02:57 PM PDT

    So I am building a small add-in that adds some properties to a mail header when you click a button on the app. It works GREAT except when it is an inline response. So you click reply or reply all or forward and the item stays "inline".

    I can get the item to work with but the ".Send" function is not allowed. Don't laugh if this code is a mess I am not a dev.

     public void sendSecure_Click(Office.IRibbonControl control) { if (control.Id == "sendSecure" || control.Id == "inSendSecure") { Outlook.Explorer exp = Globals.SecMailAddIn.Application.ActiveExplorer(); if(exp.ActiveInlineResponse != null) { if(exp.ActiveInlineResponse is Outlook.MailItem) { Outlook.MailItem response = null; response = exp.GetType().InvokeMember("ActiveInlineResponse", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.GetProperty | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public, null, exp, null) as Outlook.MailItem; if (response != null) { //Add the property to the header, save them item and captuer the EntryID and close the item. AddUserProperty(response, "EBSENDSECURE"); ((Outlook._MailItem)response).Send(); //Close the item //Marshal.ReleaseComObject(response); //Marshal.ReleaseComObject(exp); //Send the Item Using the entryid. } } } 
    submitted by /u/boblob-law
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    NoSQL & Container Architecture Questions

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 02:21 PM PDT

    So I'm building a web app, so far it is a react app, and a node backend inside their own docker containers. The react app makes requests to node,

    and of course node will be handling any backend logic. I've been planning on throwing this container onto aws fargate but I'm now realizing I'm going

    to be needing a database. I'm still a junior developer, but I'm trying to learn. So I have two main questions:

    How do NoSQL DBs handle duplicate data? Like say I wanted to have users write posts. In a relational DB, I would just have a user table and a posts table.

    If I were to do it that way in say MongoDB, my impression is that I have a User collection and a Post collection, both have username keys. How do I keep them in sync?

    Does this just mean that I should probably just us a relational one?

    My other question is: So fargate is hosting my backend and frontend in a docker container. I want to add MongoDB, or say postgres to this equation. How do I do this?

    Do I just have another fargate instance running either DB? And then what, have another node service recieving api calls and pulling from DB? What are my options here?

    What does/can the architecture look like in this scenario? I really just don't understand how a database would fit into this scenario...

    Thanks, I really appreciate anyones time!

    submitted by /u/Ecocide113
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    Problems with jdk

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 01:24 PM PDT

    So im having problems with jdk,my computer refuses to open my advance system config. Have anyone had this problem before? If so how did you fix it?

    submitted by /u/AynsInvestment
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    table of contents not working

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 01:17 PM PDT

    So for some context. I'm making an informational site about the types of architecture, I have made a table of contents that uses internal links, however the issue is that it can only handle two, and my third one won't lead me to it's designated area even though it is the bottom of the page. my code is below(it uses HTML and CSS):

    github link:


    submitted by /u/starryshadow
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    java doubt - is it possible to use both swing and AWT in a java program?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 11:10 AM PDT

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