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    Friday, April 3, 2020

    Should I require operations/entity design for my user stories? Ask Programming

    Should I require operations/entity design for my user stories? Ask Programming

    Should I require operations/entity design for my user stories?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 12:28 PM PDT

    Hey community. I am a .net programmer currently working in a 5-man backend team in a medium-sized project and I am constantly having to refactor big chunks of the application because of (what I believe to be) a lack of pre-development design.

    We receive user stories that only contain a functional analysis on a front-end level with just a description of the fields and what they represent, nothing more. We never got any form of documented model, no DSD, DCD, DER, no anything. This resulted in all the application being developed towards whatever feature is in this sprint without minding for previous/future features. We have endless endpoints that update only one entity or field, repeated Domain Classes all over the place, and this is all even worse because this is being done in a microservices architecture.

    I respect my tech lead a lot, and he has done a great work as a leader in all other areas but he is not a senior in any way, he landed the job after our previous lead quit the company 1 week before the development started. He insists that doing that layer of design is our team's responsability, yet we get no time to attend to that and we have never done it.

    What I wander is:

    Is designing the classes/database entities a backend responsability?

    Should I raise this to my superiors, bypassing my TL?

    Whenever I think of asking this work to be done by the design team I am afraid to be asking for too much, but I also feel that without help from an area with application-wide visibility the refactors that will be needed in a later moment will be impossible.

    submitted by /u/MajesticQuestion
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    Anyone used Firebase Authentication in production?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 03:30 PM PDT

    I love Firebase Authentication, but I have only used it in side projects.

    Has anyone used Firebase Authentication in production? Did you ever get to a point where you needed more and had to implement something like Auth0, or build your own solution? And why?

    Thanks all!

    submitted by /u/that_routine
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    What is it going to take to dethrone JavaScript?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 07:55 PM PDT

    I've been working with JS for about a year now, and essentially exclusively outside of python for about 5 months. I'm really enjoying it and think the arcane/meme features of the language are actually part of what makes working with it entertaining.

    I would like to continue working with JS, for as long as it is this useful. That being said, what kind of features would it take to dethrone it? I've heard a lot about wasm, and have been very interested in what this will bring to the table, both with and without JS in the picture.

    What do you guys think? Is there a skill worth learning that will eventually take over this massive amount of real estate?

    submitted by /u/fertadaa
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    A library in the form of a Dynamic Link Library file (.dll file)

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 10:24 AM PDT

    I have downloaded a numerical solver library for C++/Fortran for Windows 10. But this file has been downloaded as a .dll file. How do I use this on Windows? Is simply downloading it enough? Do I have to place it in any specific directory? Is there any other installation I need to do before using it?

    The library I have downloaded is the PARDISO project library : https://pardiso-project.org/

    submitted by /u/Fantastic_Lead
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    How should I go about creating an app that I want to be cross platform and has unconventional UX?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 05:50 PM PDT

    By unconventional UX I mean completely custom app that does not abide by iOS or Android design philosophies, with unconventional things like physics and custom menus? What Language/Tools/IDE should I use?

    submitted by /u/A_Rich_Man
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    Request for simple systems that can be modeled in the Alloy language

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 05:11 PM PDT

    Hi, guys.

    I'm currently in a formal SW modeling course and for our final project, we have to implement a model of some system in Alloy (a first-order logic model-checking program), in which we would be responsible for creating the model and checking that it behaves as intended under a variety of conditions.

    Previous assignments have included garbage collection algorithms (in which we have to make sure that garbage is collected correctly, and any non-garbage memory is retained), traffic light systems (which ensure that all cars eventually get to go and that no conflicts would occur which might endanger the drivers or passengers), stuff like that.

    I'm having a hard time coming up with an algorithm or paradigm that I could model in Alloy, and was hoping there was someone here with some experience in the language (or model checking in general) who might be able to offer some examples of not-too-complicated systems that would be interesting to model, or simply directions I might want to look in to find such examples.

    Some ideas other students are pursuing include modeling filesystems (making sure that files are distributed properly and concurrently within a filesystem) and flood-fill (an algorithm used to recursively fill connected cells in a multidimensional array).

    Would any of you happen to have any ideas for simple software paradigms that can be modeled in Alloy? I'm having a really tough time coming up with possibilities.

    submitted by /u/IOnlyPlayAsBunnymoon
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    Fork() in C Question about Duplicated Data

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 04:43 PM PDT

    In some of the lecture notes that I am reading for a OS type class, there is the following statement: "...a single copy of a code segment might be shared by two processes running the same program. It would appear in both of the process spaces, but be only one physical copy of memory. " In a previous lecture however, it was stated that a new child process is a perfect duplicate, including code, global data, heap, and RTS, of the parent process that created it.

    So why does the statement in quotes say that the code segment is shared and appears in both of the process spaces, but is only one physical copy of memory?

    submitted by /u/finicular
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    Could someone help me figure out what format this timestamp is in?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 09:36 AM PDT

    I'm working with an API without much documentation, and I'm getting a timestamp much larger than UNIX epoch timestamps, and I'm not sure what it is... It's supposed to convert to some date/time in the last 24 hours or so.

    Timestamp: 132295597947949252

    submitted by /u/scottshelley1903
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    Excessive college work not giving time to practice competitive coding problems

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 01:50 PM PDT

    I am hardly getting three hours time in a day the college assignments, projects and practical files are too much in number. Like there are two projects, one of web engineering subject that includes making a small website consisting of PHP and Javascript along with HTML and CSS, the other of Data structures & Algorithms. The main problem is that they give projects to complete in very few days, say maximum four days, which takes away my entire time into completing it. I can copy from github or other websites but I like to do it myself (I have the notion that weak people copy) and not cheat. The second thing is about the practical questions they give us the questions are useless as it hardly has anything related to different data structures or algorithm implementation. Most of the practical questions are repetitive asking to implement the same algorithm in the program. For example if a practical question is to be solved by using binary search then every three questions after it will be related to simple binary search implementation. And there are two practical lists consisting of questions for this data structure subject. This annoys me. The teachers give minimum 15 assignments to complete in a semester. All consisting of outdated programming questions that I have to write it in a file. I also have a subject named Software Group Project that involves making a working android application. This also includes making a PowerPoint presentation and project report based on the project. At the end of the day there is no time left to practice or learn new concepts of programming.

    I would be grateful if someone can give some tips or suggestions to solve this problem. Thank You

    submitted by /u/JayPatel4007
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    What do you actually do? And do you think your job is hard?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 03:11 AM PDT

    How do you turn on dark mode on Google search?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 01:36 PM PDT

    My Mac is on dark mode. Google chrome is on dark mode. Google search is not. How can I change this? It's driving me insane!

    submitted by /u/iwelcomejudgement
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    C++ books for the unexperienced.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 01:24 PM PDT

    Hello guys.

    Both me and my gf love the idea of being able to program something ourselves so we will both enroll in an Intro to programming course in Udacity followed by a C++ one.

    We are aware that finishing the courses won't get us anywhere ready to hit the market and so we want to study ALOT outside of the course.

    What are the best C++ books to complement a course like that?

    Hoping for some answers.

    Thanks alot.

    submitted by /u/WoWNoobiewew
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    Help with microservices applicability

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 08:39 AM PDT

    Hi! I'm kind of doing a research here on applicability of microservices architecture to web applications, and I thought you guys might recommend me some literature or anything on a stated topic. Like, what metrics or buisiness structure or code structure should I look at when considering if an architectural transformation would be beneficial, or any successful/unsuccessful cases. Actually, I will appreciate any advice on where to look for info. Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/ill-falcon
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    What is the purpose/idea of SQL Database?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 04:22 AM PDT

    I have a bachelor degree in computer science and I still don't understand the purpose of SQL Databases.

    Now, don't get me wrong - I understand how and when to use them. I just don't understand the idea behind having a separate language with a different syntax that does all the voodoo for you.

    Nowadays we have all those fancy ORMs that prepare the queries for me and fetch the data from database to those objects. They deserialize the data to my data structures and I can do all sort of CRUD (and other) operations on them. Then I can save the context or whatever and those changes are reflected in the database.

    Why should we introduce this intermediate level of ORMs and SQL and stuff that happens underneath?

    Why can't I define a structure for my data in my programming language and then serialize/deserialize it into some sort of file on the disk? Wouldn't it be easier to maintain? I understand that someone may want to have ACID properties for database, but you can achieve it in your programming language with your own structures.

    SQL Databases seem to me like a hammer and nail situation.

    submitted by /u/fleetdeer
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    Where should I begin to build a cloud-based/SAAS type software?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 05:31 AM PDT

    I'm trying to build a cloud-based software which is much like Steam, but is an educational platform (like Khan Acedemy, and Udemy). A software where people log in, pay for courses/memberships etc. I would like to know:

    • Which programming languages I should use
    • Which Computer Science concepts I should know
    • How to create the architecture
    • How to handle user profiles, data security, database, etc.
    • Content security (how to avoid pirating the contents)
    • What kind of workflow should I follow
    • What services/frameworks are out there that suits my needs
    • What else do you suggest?

    As you can probably tell, I am pretty much clueless and I have never created a software before. I've only made college projects like Swing nutrition tracker, console application Papers, Please replica in C/C++, and Java. Thank you very much for the suggestions

    submitted by /u/EinWasserBitte
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    ORM or raw SQL for junior developer

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 11:02 AM PDT

    Guys, I have a question, should i write database for my portfolio project using ORM or should i use raw SQL, which one of them will be advantage when applying for junior position.

    i know pretty much both, however SQLAlchemy is the one i was going to use and project is not that complicated if that matters.

    submitted by /u/MohammedTech
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    Would an ASP.NET MVC course be useful for understanding Rails?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 10:52 AM PDT

    There is a Pluralsight course on MVC but it is specificlaly focused on ASP.NET. Would that still be useful for someone wanted to learn more about Rails?

    submitted by /u/DisgorgeVEVO
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    How to code to do list similar to Ranger terminal viewer

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 09:40 AM PDT

    So I am trying to make a to do list styled on the popular terminal viewer "ranger" but I'm not sure on the back end coding and client side coding to enable it.

    It can be for a website or app connected to that website on my rpi server, which uses MariaDB. I don't care which coding language it is in per se. I am just having trouble figuring out how to code the hierarchical display of info AND connect that to the database.

    For reference: I can code in JavaScript, css, html, do basic SQL and PHP, as well as a few others.

    Any help or thoughts would be so appreciated!

    submitted by /u/CactusCafe
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    What is the best book to explain the djikstras algorithm in a simple manner?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 09:19 AM PDT

    What is the best book to explain the djikstras algorithm in a simple manner?

    Thinking something similar to this app:


    Just after a book that explains common computer algorithms well really.

    submitted by /u/posehi
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    (C#) I need help with a linear search

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 09:14 AM PDT

    Hello everyone! I am quite new to c# and i have been working on a logbook that is a string list . The user enters string arrays to the list.

    The program is constructed using cases and in case 4 the user can delete a specific log in the logbook.

    I want to change this code so that my method of search doesnt use Contains or Equals. Instead i wanna search through all the arrays linearly with comparison operator (==, 1= ,etc), but i cant figure out how to do it.

    If anyone wants to help it would be greatly appreciated!

    Below is my Code:

    using System;

    using System.Collections.Generic;

    using System.Linq;

    class Program


    static void MainMenu() //Method to call main menu.



    Console.WriteLine("Welcome to your LogBook. ");


    Console.WriteLine("Type a corresponding number to select that option.");

    Console.WriteLine("[1]:Add a new Log");

    Console.WriteLine("[2]:Display all Logs");

    Console.WriteLine("[3]:Search for a Log");

    Console.WriteLine("[4]:Delete a Log");

    Console.WriteLine("[5]:Delete all Logs");

    Console.WriteLine("[6]:Exit program");


    static void Main(String[] args)


    List<string\[\]> LogBook = new List<string\[\]>(); //Logbook

    bool Run = true;

    DateTime LogDate = DateTime.Now; // A date for a specific log

    while (Run)




    //User input

    bool CorrectSelect;

    int Select;

    var SelectAsInt = Console.ReadLine();

    CorrectSelect = int.TryParse(SelectAsInt, out Select);

    if (CorrectSelect == false || Select > 6 || Select < 1)//Om användare matar in fel värden vid huvudmeny.



    Console.WriteLine("Enter a number between 1 and 6 only.");

    Console.WriteLine("Press any key to return to the mainmenu.");




    else //All the cases begin here


    string[] Log = new string[3];//log array

    switch (Select)


    case 1://Add a new log to the logbook

    string Title;

    string Content;

    Log[0] = "Title";

    Log[1] = "Content";

    Log[2] = "Date";


    Console.Write("Here you may add a new Log.");

    Console.WriteLine("Give it a Title:");

    Title = Log[0] = Console.ReadLine(); //user inputs title


    Console.WriteLine("Write in your Log");

    Content = Log[1] = Console.ReadLine(); //user inputs content for log

    Log[2] = LogDate.ToShortDateString();

    LogBook.Add(Log);// log is added list logbook



    case 2://write out all logs.


    Console.WriteLine("Here are all the Logs currently:");

    foreach (string[] Item in LogBook)



    Console.WriteLine("Title:" + Item[0]);

    Console.WriteLine("Content:" + Item[1]);

    Console.WriteLine("Date:" + Item[2]);


    Console.WriteLine("Press any key to return to the mainmenu.");




    case 3://search for a log.


    Console.WriteLine("here you can search for specific word or Log");

    string SearchWord = Console.ReadLine(); //user inputs a word or a title.

    bool Located = false; //Booleskt variabel för att se ifall sökta ordet har hittats.

    foreach (string[] Item in LogBook)


    if (Item.Any(C => C.Contains(SearchWord))) // Checks if user words exists in logbook.


    Located = true;

    Console.WriteLine("Title:" + Item[0]);

    Console.WriteLine("Content:" + Item[1]);

    Console.WriteLine("Date:" + Item[2]);



    if (!Located)// if nothing is found.


    Console.WriteLine("Nothing was found");


    Console.WriteLine("Press any key to return to the mainmenu.");




    case 4://delete a specific log.


    Console.WriteLine("Type the title of the Log you wish to remove");

    string TitleSearch = Console.ReadLine(); //user inputs a title.

    for (int i = 0; i < LogBook.Count; i++)


    if (string.Equals(LogBook[i][0], TitleSearch, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) //Checks if logbook contains the title .






    Console.WriteLine("Nothing was found");

    Console.WriteLine("Press any key to return to the mainmenu.");






    case 5://delete a logs.

    int Delete;

    bool DeleteSelect;


    Console.WriteLine("Delete all Logs");

    Console.WriteLine("Enter 1 to delete all your Logs");

    Console.WriteLine("Enter 2 to return to menu");

    var DeleteAsInt = Console.ReadLine();

    DeleteSelect = int.TryParse(DeleteAsInt, out Delete);

    if (Delete == 1) //if user enter 1


    for (int i = 0; i < LogBook.Count; i++)


    LogBook.Clear(); //removes everything from list.




    if(Delete==2 || Delete >2 ||DeleteSelect == false) //if user input is incorrectly done.






    case 6: //close program.

    Run = false;








    submitted by /u/TheeeeSeabear
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    Has anyone elses commenting improved a bunch since COVID-19.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 08:03 AM PDT

    Laravel + Vue tutorial, not working as it should

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 07:47 AM PDT

    Hi guys

    I need some help.

    I am doing this tutorial https://www.udemy.com/share/102itcAkocdl9XTQ==/ and its not working as it should and not sure what I am doing wrong.

    file structure

    • components
      • App.vue
    • views
      • Start.vue
    • app.js
    • bootstrap.js
    • router.js


    <div>App component
    export default {
    name: "App"
    <style scoped>


    <div>Start View</div>
    export default {
    name: "Start"
    <style scoped></style>

    import Vue from 'vue';
    import router from './router';
    import App from './components/App';
    const app = new Vue({
    el: '#app',
    components: {


    import Vue from 'vue';
    import VueRouter from 'vue-router';
    import Start from './views/Start';
    export default new VueRouter({
    mode: 'history',
    routes: [{
    path: '/',
    name: 'home',
    component: Start,
    Please help if you see what i am doing wrong. The Start view is not showing, when it is apparently supposed to be.

    submitted by /u/livingphate
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    Can you post old ASCII text image/macros in ZOOM chats?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 07:44 AM PDT

    Hanging out remotely with friends for happy hour, is there any way to post those old macros like on AOL chat rooms in Zoom? I assume they would come out all jumbled since the Zoom chat screen is a different size. Or is there a resource where someone made new ones tailored for Zoom?



    submitted by /u/CozPlaya
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    Got laid off - how can I move up from here?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2020 06:31 AM PDT


    My last position was sort of a hybrid between database engineer and tech support for the less savvy employees. The ratio was about 90:10 on a good day but could be as much as 50:50, those were trying times.

    I started my career as helpdesk/tech support and was marketing myself as some kind of tech support extraordinaire with programming ability which landed me this last job, where I was able to learn SQL and experiment with C# (.NET including ASP) for the past 15 months

    My ultimate goal is to become a fully-fledged developer and I thought that tech support would be my proverbial foot-in-the-door from which I can begin to climb the ladder. I've always loved programming since grade school but I must admit that lately I've found SQL to be quite an alluring mistress

    How can I use this opportunity to move up - and what should I move up to? I still want to be a developer the most, but I have a growing love for SQL. Should I go straight for Jr C# Dev, or a database admin/engineer role?


    submitted by /u/throwawayprogramm3r
    [link] [comments]

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