• Breaking News

    Thursday, April 30, 2020

    Road to an offer as a snr. frontend during the pandemic web developers

    Road to an offer as a snr. frontend during the pandemic web developers

    Road to an offer as a snr. frontend during the pandemic

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 05:54 AM PDT

    Here’s all of the emails and strategy I used to close a $12,000 web dev deal

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 02:33 PM PDT

    I copied random CodePens and created a Portfolio

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 10:11 AM PDT

    Free Engineering bootcamps on Twitch

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 02:10 PM PDT

    Remove if not allowed. Just looking to provide some free resources.

    Hey Everyone! I hope all is well. I'm dropping in to again to let you know the next round of bootcamps is starting this upcoming week! I'm starting up 3 new 8 week bootcamps next week and wanted to share in case any of you are looking to dive into any of these disciplines. They're completely free, and no signup is required. Just follow the Twitch channel, tune in and have fun!

    Twitch channel - https://twitch.tv/mastermndio

    • Horizons: A Journey into Cloud Computing with AWS - Beginner
    • deCoded: A Journey into Software Engineering and Computer Science - Beginner
    • Pipelines: A Journey into Software Delivery, Automation and Infrastructure(DevOps/SRE) - Intermediate

    Info for each can be found at https://academy.mastermnd.io/journeys/

    Let me know if you have any questions and I hope to see you there!
    P.S. The Intro to DevOps bootcamp we ran earlier this year can be found here at this playlist!

    submitted by /u/brooksa321
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    10 open source SVG icon libraries that you can use for your next project

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 11:10 AM PDT

    How to do stuff like this in the console of your website?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 02:24 PM PDT

    Secure, keyboard-less login. Implemented using ephemeral socket communication with state machines!

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 05:46 PM PDT

    Gif / Demo: https://imgur.com/a/Z0TO5eM

    App: https://emberclear.io

    Technologies Used:

    The PR on GitHub that implemented it: https://github.com/NullVoxPopuli/emberclear/pull/733

    submitted by /u/nullvoxpopuli
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    How hard would it be to make a Tumblr style website

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 03:30 PM PDT

    Like a website where other people can have blogs that you follow and the posts show up on a feed

    submitted by /u/thekian
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    A majority of my time is used styling

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 10:50 AM PDT

    I'm absolutely fine with programming using JavaScript and other languages but find myself pulling my hair out when creating an actual layout. It sometimes takes me hours to create and position a simple React component when the logic is already done and then its rarely properly dynamic.

    What do y'all think of Dev Ed's new course?

    Tl;dr How can I get better with Sass and styling in general?

    submitted by /u/Lost-Semicolon
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    Huge opportunity, in need of advice.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 03:51 PM PDT

    Hello, I'm hoping any of you can provide some insight on what I should do.

    I'm a university student that's been learning web development on the side for some time now, obviously I'm still new to this with basically 0 expertise but I built a couple simple front ends and that's about all I have to my name. My 3 friends and I formed a little web development group to work on websites together, 2 handle the databases and the backend, and the other 2 handle the front end. All of us have around the same level of experience.

    Yestersay we received an offer from a very well known company through a mutual friend to build them a website that will be used to sell books, if we take the offer this would be our first payed project, also the money is good not gonna lie, so it's a huge oppurtinuty considering that we've never done any real work before.

    Thing is though, we've never built anything that needed this level of security considering that it'll be handling money transactions and what not, honestly we don't even know how to go about doing it. Also the site is meant to be used by a LOT of people so yeah.

    Is it too much for us and would be a bad idea to even attempt it? Or do you think we should take the offer and learn everything along the way?

    submitted by /u/8Lolo8
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    Font face not supported in mobile browser

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 03:38 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I followed this guide to use the @font-face property for browser support, the method I used was "Slightly Deeper Browser Support". It is working on my machine (of course), I hosted the site and asked one of my friends to check the site to verify if the font is supported in his browser, and it is. However, when I checked the site from my iPhone using Safari one of the font is not supported and I wonder why that is. As mentioned in the guide I put the font face at the top, before any styles.

    Here's the link to the hosted site https://gilbert1391.github.io/new-portfolio/

    The fonts I want to support are The Bold Font (which is being used in the hero section) and Helvetica Neue, and the one that is not supported in my iphone's browser is the former one.

    iPhone software version: 13.3.1

    Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/gilbertrh
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    Good Front End course?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 07:11 PM PDT

    Is The Odin project's front end track good?

    submitted by /u/mcbacon123
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    Finding freelance clients during COVID-19

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 10:07 AM PDT

    Just got laid of and have a lot of time. What tech should I look into in the meantime?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 02:50 AM PDT

    I'm a senior frontend dev focused on react/redux/typescript and nodejs in general.

    Just got laid off because of internal difficulties. (not Covid)

    Any suggestions on some cool new stuff that any frontend/fullstack webdeveloper should look into right now?

    BTW: If anyone needs a senior frontend dev for a remote position worldwide or on location (austria) I'm open for business.

    submitted by /u/BEAR-ME-YOUR-HEART
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    Which course should I take?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 02:35 PM PDT

    I am looking into two different discord courses, one is a Cloud Developer, the other a Full Stack Developer(links below) which would be most beneficial for Someone looking to get a job in web development. Or if you have any other suggested courses I should look into



    submitted by /u/IMIGHTBEONMETH
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    I’m a business owner and currently spend WAY too much time working on my website than should be necessary. How should I go about finding an experienced developer and what should I look out for when communicating?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 06:02 PM PDT

    I'm an affiliate marketer and used to have a developer that worked with me, but they are no longer available.

    I've attempted posting in the forhire subreddit as well as upwork but I don't feel confident in any of the applicants since I'm not entirely sure what I should be looking for.

    For context, I use Wordpress and a lightweight page builder. I'm in lead generation so my only goal is to create landing pages with forms, but I'm constantly creating new pages/functionality to test every couple weeks. I currently spend about 20-30hrs/week trying to figure everything out by myself but it's not sustainable working 80hr weeks...

    I have a decent amount of experience in html/css but when it comes to JavaScript/php I still struggle. I do attempt everything myself but many times I end up spending way more time on it than I should and that's when I wish I had a very experienced developer that I could communicate with and learn from, even if it's just a quick question every now and then.

    TL;DR: How should I go about finding a top tier developer that I can learn from and what should I look out for when communicating?

    P.S. If looking for a top tier developer for this kind of work, what rates should I expect? $80/hr? $120/hr? Should I expect to also pay a smaller flat payment every week for the one off questions/10-20 minute projects?

    submitted by /u/Machuka420
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    How to make the sidebar stop at the footer on a landing page?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 02:06 PM PDT

    Hey all, I've been refered to you for my quick question !

    Currently working on some landing pages in ecom and I was wondering what would be the best way to make my sidebar stop at the footer and not get over it ?

    I got an image as an exemple right here : https://i.gyazo.com/f217b537f87a50cc23fd62251da7510d.png

    Thanks !

    submitted by /u/Obliks
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    Bingo Leaderboard - Javascript help, please

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 05:38 PM PDT

    I need to create a Bingo leaderboard with 16 Bingo cards... Ideally, each card gets randomly populated with its numbers on load and the moderator will be able to check off the picked numbers... i.e. all the same numbers on the board need to be checked also.

    So, I have one card and now I'm trying to wrap my head around the concept of changing 16 cards all at once.

    How can I copy the same grid 16 times and change the numbers – maybe via div ID?

    submitted by /u/lmdw
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    I suck

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 05:08 PM PDT

    So I'm a teenager that has been doing websites for about 2 years now. Sometimes based on design that my client gave me, sometimes my own design.

    So far I've made about 12 finished webs, all of them mostly static (with ModX CMS).

    I'm at highschool and I don't have any official education, all I learnt was by myself.

    Any time I do the finishing touches on a website, I'm saying to myself "So this is what this company's presentation on a web looks like? This is what are they gonna relly on?" And it makes me feel bad. But I'm also strongly convinced that I've done everything I could to make it as great as possible.

    One specifically discouraging project was for a sports club. They used to have WP website from a template that cost around 1500$. It was just terrible. Slow, laggy, there was so much stuff (it had 3 different menus on the landing page, all of them visible at the same time). Google Lighthouse scores were in 60s, etc.

    So we've settled on design I created and coded it. Super clean, super fast, all Lighthouse scores above 95 (including SEO). But the traffic went down about 10 times. Up to this day, I'm still hoping that the owner doesn't look at the stats and wonder what the hell did he pay me for, if the new site has even less visitors than it used to have.

    Does anyone had (or has) the same feelings? How can I deal with this?

    submitted by /u/stepan213
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    Using clip-path/mask-image with Animation To Show Another Image

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 05:00 PM PDT

    Hey everyone,

    So while I was redesigning my portfolio website last night I had a cool idea to use clip path and then when I woke up was like. WHAT IF! I animated it!

    So I tried a few things but none of them quite cut it. I tried using pseudo elements with the base image set as the background and then animating the parent with the pseudo element in reverse but that didn't work as they are different dimensions.

    Next I tried using mask-image which I can animate! And it looks okay https://codepen.io/OMGDrAcula/pen/mdeBPeL BUT I was wondering if there was anyway to reveal the skull with the circle mask rotating in a circle. Obviously I could painstakingly figure out bit by pit the % to make it go in a circle but if going left and right is about as good as it can get I can live with that.

    Was hoping maybe some CSS gurus would be able to shed some light on this or give some suggestions.

    submitted by /u/omgdracula
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    On the hook: Website Developers may have ADA liability for inaccessible websites

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 05:58 AM PDT

    In terms of security and ease of use with transactions/payments/paywalls? Are there any benefits in using Shopify over WooCommerce or another platform?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 12:43 PM PDT

    Also, talking about time, how can you compare Shopify vs Build Your Own E-commerce CMS vs Set up a prebuilt template (WooCommerce)?

    Maybe there are other options apart from WooCommerce and Shopify, but I only know those two…

    Thank you for your time!

    submitted by /u/ale_co_
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    Question about AngularJS ngSrc

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 04:28 PM PDT

    This is about AngularJS 1.x, not Angular.

    I'm wondering, you need the interpolation braces {{}} inside of non-angular attributes, such as "value" for instance. But you generally do not need them inside of Angular's own attribute directives.

    Why do you write ng-src as "{{vm.getUrl()}}" instead of just "vm.getUrl()"?

    I think I am missing something about how to know when interpolation is needed and when it is not.

    submitted by /u/venture68
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    I have been using SASS for the last 5 or 6 years but have found out that CSS now has features like variables built in now. Is something like SASS necessary now?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 04:28 AM PDT

    A the title says, I have been using SASS during most of my development time. I just found out that CSS now has variables built in now and wanted to know if features like variables OK to use now?

    The same goes for CSS Grid, Flex Box and similar. I have always used Bootstrap but if there are a lot of newer features built in I would like to make my own grid system and reduce the dependencies if possible.

    Can the newer features be trusted to work in production sites or should I stay clear for now?

    Is it time shelve SASS?

    submitted by /u/dirtymint
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