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    Thursday, April 2, 2020

    Is it normal to have 0 work experience after graduating from university? Ask Programming

    Is it normal to have 0 work experience after graduating from university? Ask Programming

    Is it normal to have 0 work experience after graduating from university?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 08:24 PM PDT

    I study computer science and I've never had a job. I will graduate next year. I live in the UK and I feel like everyone thinks I'm a loser because I've never worked so I have 0 experience even though they only stocked shelves at Tesco or something. They just say that it's still a job so employers will look at it anyway. It makes me feel very anxious about my future.

    The reason why I'm asking this is because I'm originally from Poland and the education system is different there. Most of my Polish friends who are at uni don't have a job, and I think most people graduate without ever having a job before or maybe with just some summer job because uni takes too much time.

    Now, I might or might not stay in the UK but please tell me, is it like, REALLY bad to never work before graduating? I have like 25 hours of voluntary work (teaching coding to kids) but that's it. If the quarantine ends before summer, I might try to get a job for that period before my final year starts but assuming it won't happen, how bad is my situation?

    submitted by /u/Yucares
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    How to deal with older programmers "Stuck in their ways"

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 09:44 PM PDT

    I am not new to software development but I take pride in keeping up in the latest technologies of course while respecting where I've come from 15 years ago. This isn't the case with everyone and there are some older developers that choose to stay stuck on what they know and refuse to adapt.

    How do you deal with this? Especially when the older guys who have more seniority ( 20 - 30 years to my 15) just flat out refuse to listen to "better" and prefer spaghetti code vs object oriented programming or hard coded sql statements and datasets rather than entity framework or some other ORM like dapper.

    Is it better to just find a new team/job or just put up with the toxicity?

    submitted by /u/Dml33
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    Why does an exported DLL class give me memory access violation in the client program? (C++)

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 08:17 AM PDT


    So I've got this interface class that I include, both in the DLL and the client project

    // InterfaceClass.h #pragma once class InterfaceClass { public: virtual void Update() = 0; }; 

    This is the DLL class that calls one of its own methods inside update

    // DLLClassThatDoesSomething.cpp #include "InterfaceClass.h" #include <iostream> #include <string> class __declspec(dllexport) DLLClass : public InterfaceClass { public: void Update() { std::cout << this->GetString(); } std::string GetString() { std::string thestring = "bruhmoment"; return thestring; } }; extern "C" { __declspec(dllexport) InterfaceClass* CreateInstance() { return new DLLClass(); } } 

    Both InterfaceClass.h and DLLClassThatDoesSomething.cpp are in the DLL.

    And this is the "Client" project which includes the interface class in it as well.

    // main.cpp #include "InterfaceClass.h" #include <Windows.h> typedef InterfaceClass* (__cdecl *Class) (); int main() { HINSTANCE dll = LoadLibrary(L"DLLClass.dll"); Class klass = (Class)GetProcAddress(dll, "CreateInstance"); InterfaceClass* IKlass = klass(); IKlass->Update(); FreeLibrary(dll); return 0; } 

    The moment I call


    I get an exception for Access Memory Violation because of the DLLClass calling its own method.

    EDIT: Turned out to be a syntax mistake on my end. Should've written return new DLLClass();, instead of return new DLLClass;

    submitted by /u/MikeSYTOfficial
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    CS theoretical/syntactical or logistics ( like using Git) prerequisites to understanding Mozilla Firefox source code or LibreOffice or source code

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 09:09 PM PDT

    what do I need to know to get started in big and fun projects like firefox or libreffice?

    I'm trying to get under the hood in interesting software. I think firefox and libreoffice, and eventually linux operating systems etc. (the basics) are what I am trying to wrap my head around and along the way learn better programming abilities (vis a vis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvK0UzFNw1Q&t=2s) currently most of my exposure is to Java and a little bit to Python. I've tried taking some CS101 theory classes, but I think the theory is getting in the way of practice, so I am focusing more on getting my hands a little dirty in tinkering with code, or reading code and understanding the way the code works ...

    submitted by /u/kindasortamaybenot
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    How would I make something like a bloomberg terminal?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 10:12 PM PDT

    A bloomberg terminal is a software that has live financial data. My question is, how would I get live data from a data vendor into a software? I'm pretty new to this.

    submitted by /u/beans22446
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    Web Development Packages/Tasks Help

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 09:37 PM PDT

    So I'm trying to refactor an old project that I did about a year ago. This project was from a coding bootcamp and they never really went into depth about how to set up things like grunt and all of the package.json stuff. I tried cloning the old project onto my new laptop and nothing is working at all. I cant run any grunt tasks. I did npm install and everything. I'm getting so many errors I'm not sure where to being listing them but the most recent one is:

    >> Error: Cannot find module 'load-grunt-config'

    Warning: Task "default" not found. Use --force to continue.

    Aborted due to warnings.

    And if I use VSCode's live server, none of my CSS from my SCSS file loads and none of my error messages pop up either. This project is also deployed on GitHub pages and works fine. So I guess my real question is.. Why can't I just clone a project and run npm install and begin working on it like I did a year ago. What has changed without me editing any files?

    submitted by /u/WoodersonAlright
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    How to break down large PRs when components are dependent on each other?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 09:32 PM PDT

    Just as title says.

    There are a lot of recommendations online that PRs should be many small rather a large one to allow for better parallellization of reviews. But how to achieve that when components depend on each other?

    submitted by /u/drecklia
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    Wanting a program developed, what type of developer do i aproach ?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 01:20 PM PDT

    sorry, maybe i didnt word this correctly, but im wondering what type of developer would handle this ? Full stack ? Python dev ? (i know very little about programming)

    So im looking for a developer to build me a somewhat simple program.

    I run an e-commerce store, purchasing wholesale products. One of the main companies i purchase from uploads their catalogue of products to an online excel sheet, they add and remove items each day, they also put some products on sale.

    Im looking to find the changes they make, so that i can be first to find new items or reduced items.

    I had a python developer make me a script, but it is not recognising existing items that get reduced in price, it only finds new products that are added (i could get this fixed), but my main problem i dont like, is that i have to go through a process of CMD, changing files, then inputting 2 different excel sheets from each day in order to compare them. Im looking for an all in one solution where i click a button and it outputs an excel sheet with the data, or maybe monitors the live excel sheet and outputs differences automatically for me ?

    submitted by /u/SirFireside
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    Versions Control Systems(VCS) ...

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 03:26 AM PDT

    I'm into this Dev journey and I want to understand things (mmh)... at least frankly. Can someone refer me to an informative article or perhaps a resourceful website or just personally explain to me what VCS are and why we need them.

    submitted by /u/cellwall-999
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    Is there a way to insert something like a parameter into command calls in JS?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 06:25 PM PDT


    I'm in an APCSP course, and for a project, I was curious if there is a way to insert something like a parameter into a command call in Javascript.


    I wanted to do something similar to what I did on line 9, as there is a lot of repetitive code, and if I can compress all of it into one function, it would be much more readable. Sorry if the answer is horribly obvious, I'm still learning. :)


    submitted by /u/SynchGames
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    WSUS Offline Downloading slower than Dial-up...

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 06:02 PM PDT


    So I've had a a lot of pain is the arse with "WSUS Offline" lately, so basically it is downloading at 25KB/s(!) (in retrospect it is slower than 57K dial-up)

    So I have heard that it uses Bits (Background Intelligent Transfer Service) which limits your bandwidth to your network's idle,

    So I looked online and found a solution (actually two):

    1- Executing this script : [ (get-wsusserver).GetConfiguration().BitsDownloadPriorityForeground = $true ]

    But it didn't work Powershell just gave me this error : [

    get-WsusServer : The term 'get-WsusServer' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the
    spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
    At line:1 char:1
    + get-WsusServer
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (get-WsusServer:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException ]

    2- The Fixed version : [ SQLCMD.exe -S \\.\pipe\Microsoft##WID\tsql\query -d "SUSDB" -Q "update tbConfigurationC set BitsDownloadPriorityForeground=1" ] But it didn't work either.

    So I found a fix which is executing this script :


    $wsusserver = "servername"


    $wsus = [Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.AdminProxy]::getUpdateServer($wsusserver,$False)

    $Wsus.GetComputerStatus($computerscope,[ Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.UpdateSources]::All) | select ComputerTargetCount,ComputerTargetsNeedingUpdatesCount, ComputerTargetsWithUpdateErrorsCount, ComputersUpToDateCount ]

    But it just gave me a bunch of errors with every retry, including but not limited to:


    Unable to find type [Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.AdminProxy] ]

    -- So Powershell and errors aside, I tried disabling Bits due to the comical download speeds (which is the reason I started this) but I couldn't disable via Services because "WSUS Offline" would give me an error saying [ Download failed, Unknown error] (doesn't even detect that it can't start the service, like most service-based commercial software out there, which is spaghetti coding imo)

    -- So I went to CMD with this command [ set BitsDownloadPriorityForeground=1 ]

    and to know surprise, it had 0 effect...

    So my questions are simple:

    - Has anyone ever experienced this extent of problems?

    - Has anyone ever been able to resolve this extent of problems?

    - How to fix this?

    - What do I do right now? as I am extremely confused at the extent of glitchiness of this software...

    submitted by /u/FreshDaddy69
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    Hiring my friend to write a program- I have no idea how much it should cost

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 11:54 AM PDT

    I've been playing D&D with the same group for almost three years now. My DM created a comprehensive set of rules regarding the creation of a party stronghold/castle. As an 'anniversary' gift to the group, I want to give them a program to help streamline the stronghold mechanic. Right now its so much to keep track of that only myself, the DM, and one other person bother to try and make decisions regarding our strong hold at all. Everyone else kind of loses interest.

    As an overview, each building requires a certain amount of gold to set up, a certain amount of time to build, and then generates a certain amount of gold every month. Some of them also have perks, like the ability to fund weaker groups of adventurers to go on errands for our castle. It wasn't too much to keep track of at the beginning with pen and paper, but we're almost a year deep in this campaign, and our stronghold is getting more and more complicated.

    Essentially, I'd like a fairly clean user interface (no art or anything, just grey boxes would do honestly) that would easily show what is being built, what's built, and by clicking on it/hovering over it, give a description of what it does. The ability to create new buildings by selecting/dragging from a collapsible list would also be helpful. It needs to be hosted online as most of my D&D group are long-distance, and my DM in particular lives in Australia.

    Mechanically, the program would need to: 1. track in-game days through manual input 2. allow deposits and withdrawals of gold into our 'bank' 3. deposit gold generated by each building per 30 day period into the stronghold 'bank' 4. allow for tiers/leveling up of buildings (and not allow leveling up if we don't meet the level up requirements) 5. track construction time for buildings 6. track perks that certain buildings generate over time- some perks can keep accumulating without being used, but others stop and must be used before more perks can be accumulated 7. certain buildings apply multipliers to other buildings 8. an 'undo' button of sorts in case we accidentally enter the wrong number of in-game days etc

    Those are the base mechanics that would be the majority of the code, I think. As a more complete reference, I gave my friend the 21 page stronghold rules document with helpful tables for all of the little details.

    Now, to me, that seems like a lot, but he and his friends said that it wouldn't be too difficult to pull off and that they could probably get a rough draft done in a weekend, and a polished program completed in a week. My friend and his roommate are both computer programers who just graduated from a tech program this fall, so they don't have much experience w/ freelancing. I want to pay them fairly, but I honestly have no idea how much it should cost or how I should budget this project out.

    TLDR; I want my newly graduated computer programmer friend to help turn a confusing set of pen and paper D&D rules into an easy to understand visual program and resource tracker, but I have no idea how much is fair to pay him bc I've never done this before and neither has he

    Also, I hope I put the right flair on this, please let me know if I should move it somewhere more appropriate to the question

    submitted by /u/timballisto123
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    Weekly oneleif stream tonight on YouTube

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 04:31 PM PDT

    What Pluralsight courses would be helpful for learning Rails?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 04:21 PM PDT

    I'm wanted to learn Ruby On Rails and want to get as much out of the free month as I can.

    I'm currently reading Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja to get a better understanding of JS and I have a copy of Agile Web Development with Ruby On Rails to read next for a good intro to Rails. Are there any Pluralsight courses I should look into to help?

    I'm thinking about looking for an intermediate Ruby, HTML or CSS. I have experience with all of these but I could always benefit from going more in depth. Are there an specific course I should check out or any other areas I should look into more? There is a "The MVC Request Life Cycle" course I'm thinking about too. Any other suggestion?

    submitted by /u/DisgorgeVEVO
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    Question/ convert image to SVG ONLINE

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 03:47 PM PDT

    I'm working on a coloring book software where I want clients to be able to upload their own artwork and recolor them from a set of given colors defined by us.

    Until now. The users had to give their artwork to us through a portal, we had to convert them into Vector, using illustrator

    then select all the areas of the colors that are the same, group them together. make each area of the same color into a compound path once all color groups are compounded path then save the file as SVG and then upload for customer manipulation .

    Which is absolutely unsustainable, and not productive!!

    I will gladly give more information if anyone can figure out a way or a software plugging that I can use.

    submitted by /u/freetodare
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    Future technologies

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 11:55 AM PDT

    What Future Technologies will make a big impact in the programming industry and become standard?

    submitted by /u/greywolf_18
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    What exactly causes a compiler to compile?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 02:36 PM PDT

    Like what exactly allows it to transform a programming language into machine language? What's controlling the strings from behind the scenes?

    submitted by /u/ThatMuslimGamer
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    What will it take to get companies to build AAA games for *nix distros?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 04:57 PM PDT

    Personally, I am tired of giving my money and time to Microsoft's shitty operating system. The only reason I keep a valid Windows license is just for gaming, nothing else.

    Vulkan appears to be a solution for companies (even offers cross platform compatibility), but I am not seeing any AAA games being produced with it.

    What engineering gaps need to be filled at this point?

    submitted by /u/choledocholithiasis_
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    Java and executable code

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 01:11 PM PDT

    What is the difference between Java bytecode and executable Machine Code?

    submitted by /u/the-youtube-watcher
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    Using Code From Documentation

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 12:56 PM PDT

    I am writing a program, and I want to use code from this documentation. Is it considered plagiarism to copy and paste a large section of this documentation example if I cite it?

    submitted by /u/wolfrazor24
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    While Loop/If statement help

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 11:50 AM PDT

    Second-time poster, still a rookie. Scripting in Linux using VIM. I'm tasked with an assignment for writing a short program offering the user a cup of tea. The idea is to demonstrate efficient usage of while loops and if statements.

    The user is asked "Would you like a cup of tea?". If the user responds Yes, the script ends.

    If the user says No [N], the script proceeds to ask "Are you sure?" four more times. If at any point in these 4 repetitions the user says Yes [Y], the script will end.

    Here is my script so far. I executed it and got it working as far as saying Yes goes, but the loopable "No" is causing me trouble; and I can't seem to get it to execute at all now - I'm getting the following message

    `syntax error: near unexpected token 'else'` 

    Here is my script in full. Again, I'm very new to this, so any and all feedback is heartily welcome.

    #!/bin/bash while [[ $refusals != 4 ]] do echo "Will you have a cup of tea? [Y/N]" read response refusals=0 if [[ $response = Y ]] || [[ $response = y ]] then refusals=4 echo "Great, I'll make tea now!" exit elif [[ $response = N ]] || [[ $response = n ]] then refusals=$refusals+1 echo "Are you sure?" read response else echo "I'm sorry, I only understand Y or N!" fi exit done 

    EDIT - Seems my script didn't paste properly, I didn't notice at first. Fixed now - hopefully someone can offer some insight.

    submitted by /u/FiascoFinn
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    Why do people do a for loop without conditions instead of using a while loop?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 04:50 AM PDT

    I've seen people in C doing

    ''' for(i = 0; ; ++i) '''

    Instead of using a while loop. Why is this so?

    submitted by /u/IAMWEN
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    Best method or sources describing a method for efficient 2d gravity for a terraria like blocky world?

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 09:25 AM PDT

    Back in highschool I made a 2d falling block program but it stopped working after a hundred or so blocks. How do I efficiently make falling blocks that stack on top of each other?

    submitted by /u/Mammoth_Engineering
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    Best way to make podcast channel

    Posted: 02 Apr 2020 09:00 AM PDT

    Hi, we want to make a podcast channel and share it on Google podcast, spotify, and cast box.
    we have a website and hosted on server, but we do not know how to make the channel

    submitted by /u/mostafasamer1999
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