• Breaking News

    Tuesday, April 14, 2020

    GitHub is now free for teams! web developers

    GitHub is now free for teams! web developers

    GitHub is now free for teams!

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 09:40 AM PDT

    Simpsons in CSS

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 02:23 AM PDT

    Anyone else getting burnt out by constant wfh?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 07:44 PM PDT

    I'm a mid level dev, and am relatively new at this company since the start of this year. We've been working remote for a month now and have had a few big pushes and crazy deadlines in the last 2 weeks where I and the team I'm on pulled multiple 16 hr days back to back. Which I totally understand, this is a scary and unprecedented time and sometimes that kind of thing is avoidable and honestly it's exciting to be a part of something like that even if it burns you out (which it did for a sec). I had a relaxing stress free weekend and was feeling more or less back to normal this morning, not brain fried and stressed out. We're told today things are more or less going back to normal, the big push is over, etc

    Cue this afternoon at 4:45, I've deployed one feature and am wrapping up another card before logging off for the day when I get pinged to help w some tests. No big, I'm one of the go-to's for this particular library and I jump in and bust them out. At this point, as I've pushed my branch and am about to close my computer, my PO asks me to stay online and help finish and then deploy this major feature before the night is out, probably another 3-4 hours of work. I had to say hey actually I can't do this tonight, I have some errands I need to run (which I did) and wasn't planning on staying on late. It was fine and not a big deal, they found someone else to help with it, but it just seems to be a general trend at this company during the pandemic that everyone is working constantly, way more and way later than we've been told to. Before this crunch began and multiple times during it our high ups have said that extra hours were appreciated not mandatory, don't burn yourself out, make reasonable goals for the day, etc... but then it seems like hardly anyone, including those that are telling us to take it easy, takes it easy. It's this weird mixed signal of "hey, don't burn yourself out, but it would be awesome if you could get all these things done today, which you can't do unless you burn yourself out"

    Even now I'm on my couch, 1.5 whiskeys in 3 hrs after my usual workday is done, and I'm anxious about the idea of someone pinging me to help fix a spec or some random bs. I just don't get it, what are they trying to prove? Are they just bored and have nothing better to do at home than work? It's really starting to wear on me mentally, It feels like working hours are 24/7 and I'm stuck living at the office. Anyone else experiencing this or have advice?

    TL;DR my coworkers work too much and it's stressing me out

    submitted by /u/im_at_work_right_n0w
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    I created "Javascript in 30 words". An attempt to describe every advanced javascript topic in 30 words or less. Would appreciate some feedback on the app. I started learning to program in January so this was a way of me trying to deepen my knowledge on the fundamentals of Javascript.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 01:22 PM PDT

    Javascript in 30 words

    Github link

    Would appreciate any feedback. Particularly on any important aspects I missed?

    submitted by /u/Newstart1991
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    Anyone else having trouble focusing during the pandemic?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 11:18 AM PDT

    I was recently laid off from work and now I'm back but I'm working from home.

    First let me say I'm grateful for the job. I know so many are struggling and I know it's not easy.

    One of my biggest challenges is focusing. The pandemic has created in me, some stress responses. Insomnia and anxiety are hitting pretty hard and I'm kinda lonely. I occasionally feel bouts of sadness. Nothing serious, but I definitely feel melancholy a lot more.

    I also used to take public transit every day to work and I miss it a lot. I liked walking around the city core and seeing all the people.

    Everything sort of feels the same all the time. It's odd but I'm finding myself doing random things just to feel some sort of break in the repetitiveness of everything.

    All this has compounded into having a lot of difficulty focusing for work.

    Does anyone else have this issue?

    Does anyone have any suggestions to help alleviate this issue?

    What are your stories?

    submitted by /u/CodeTamarin
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    Struggling to understand why you should code the frontend yourself

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 04:28 PM PDT

    Hi, all! I'd like to ask two questions - one being more personal, as to what I should do - and another one in regard to web development as a whole. Let's start with the latter. But first, some background:

    I just recently learned the basics of frontend, and I already know how to program just fine. I made my first website and I really like the results. A friend asked for a personal website to show his work, so I made a "generic" portfolio website for him. But this really got me wondering a few things.

    1) First of all, doing all that took me quite a few hours. Since its such a simple website, it makes me wonder why we didn't go for those pre-made templates instead. They look just as good, if not better, and cover everything the website would ever need. After realizing that, I felt like I just wasted my time recreating something that is already available out there, except just slightly different. Why would someone pay me to do something that is available for free out there? You know the "Oh, you make websites? Yeah, my 12 year old nefew has done a few as well, it's pretty cool!" saying? Welp, that's pretty much how I feel. I completely understand how more complex websites would require a professional to do all the work, but what about these super generic, simple, personal websites? And now I have someone else asking me for another website. Is it wrong to reuse the template I already created for the other person? Or is that what everyone does? Are clients looking for websites that are 100% done from scratch, or do they not care at all about that? I mean, if it's fine to use the exact same template I already created, making a new website would take me like an hour. Even easier if I can just use of one those free templates. I'm just struggling to see how this market works, and what sort of value I'm adding to the exchange as a programmer.

    2) I'm pretty much done with the frontend, but my friend would like some extra features like a blog. Sure thing, I could code myself a blog thing, but... that sounds completely unnecessary, doesn't it? I'm pretty sure websites like Squarespace or Wordpress already cover all that. I created everything from scratch, and know nothing about those website-building websites, though. What do developers do in situations like this? Are these websites the standard for frontend, even if you code everything yourself, because of these additional features? Or do most devs do everything themselves? Can, and should I migrate this project to one of these platforms to make everything easier?

    Thanks a lot in advance!

    submitted by /u/Krauss27
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    Comparing HTTP/3 vs. HTTP/2 Performance

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 06:39 AM PDT

    Difference between jQuery and React/Angular

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 03:33 PM PDT

    Sorry if this is obvious, I'm a noob. They both seem to be JS libraries, but only react and angular are frameworks? What's the difference? I ask because I'm doing colt Steele's web dev bootcamp and I'm wondering if I should sub the jQuery section with outside material for react or angular since I read these are the most popular frameworks. Are they both used for the same things or is there value in learning jQuery

    submitted by /u/maddddtown
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    Who got into programming by total accident? (self taught)

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 03:03 PM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I am looking to chat with people who got into programming based on unorthodox paths. Mainly career shift and/or self taught. I personally learned programming after losing myself into years of legal studies.

    Would also love to interview some of you there.



    submitted by /u/vladwulf
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    Finding Flow as a Developer

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 07:31 AM PDT

    Overtime cost/benefit. How to make it make sense?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 05:41 PM PDT

    This sub is generally negative on unpaid overtime for understandable reasons. I wanted to ask when you guys think overtime makes sense, especially for advancement.

    I think it's fair to work a bit more when a major deadline draws near, especially if the office is more lax on regular weeks.

    In terms of the advancement carrot though, I have a hard time considering whether it's better to be the guy who signs out after his 40 hours, or the guy who angles for high marks on performance reviews and with team members.

    submitted by /u/fpuen
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    Headless CMS question

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 04:38 PM PDT

    Hi, Im a UX Designer looking into some headless CMS options to use with React. I've been doing a lot of self learning but couldn't find satisfying resources for the questions I have so decided to reach out to the reddit community!

    Some requirements I have are:

    1.Can be self hosted. We prob wouldn't want our content to be saved on Headless CMS's own server/cloud.

    2.Can login/authenticate to CMS UI using work credentials.

    3.Final product (React app) should have a search bar that can search through the content by title, long text and tags. (Tags seem to be a rare content type for CMS. Hoping there will be a way to fake them.)

    Thank you so much!

    List of resources I've looked at: - Strapi, contentful, graphCMS documentations - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1L2KNUf-8um8_yevKRTmUUQKy4DcoKWZ-GZR0HavrtoQ/edit#gid=1319427496

    submitted by /u/emyht
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    C19: You Are Not Alone - eMeetUp @ April 16th

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 10:21 AM PDT

    Web site ranking lookup

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 04:17 PM PDT

    I am looking for historic data on different site's popularity. Alexa seems to want a membership $75/month and ability to program to get this data for the last 3 years. SimilarWeb wants $200/month. Is there a free or reasonable way of finding this info?

    submitted by /u/_WinnerTakesAll_
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    FYI: particular.net release their Distributed Systems online course for free, normally costs a few thousands. I'm watching it on the first chapter and so far seems pretty good

    Posted: 13 Apr 2020 11:01 PM PDT

    Preferred Text Editor (for web dev)?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 11:52 AM PDT

    I was just curious which one people prefer. Feel free to discuss in the comments what you like or don't like about each. I see most people using Atom or VS code and personally prefer sublime, but I do like that you can open VS code from a command line with . code and that both Atom and VS have terminals built in.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/justingolden21
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    How would you build the end points for this?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 03:15 PM PDT


    I'm building a little web api and have some doubts about how my end point paths should be designed.

    I have a resource called vehicle. This resource can be acceses by several roles. For example the manager role and the employee role. But Manager can see all vehicles creaed and employee only the ones that he created.

    Take into consideration that when a user logs in an identity is created that contains the user role and user id.

    So, how would you arquitect the paths to access this resource? I have some ideas:

    1. First idea

    /vehicles -> This could be accessed by Managers and emploees and the endpoint controller acts in a way or another taking into account the role of the active user. I mean, for a manager will just list all vehicles but for an emploeyee just the ones he created.

    2) Second idea

    /vehicles -> Can only be accessed by manager

    /employee/2/vehicles -> Can only be acceses by employeeds and will return just the vehicles created by this employee

    3) Insert how you would do it... :)

    I like first one becuase i won't have to create a /role/id/vehicles for any other role that can access vehicles but perhaps, having all this in the same endpoint controller seems too much.

    As I said, using the second one I should have to add a /role/id/vehicles for every role than can access vehicles, but I like having it splitted. Seem more tidy

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/wacomlover
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    Can anyone help me find a specific website clone?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 03:14 PM PDT


    I want to create a website similar to urbandictionary, where certain terms or definitions are explained . I will be writing most of the definitions at first for a few months, until I can promote and have other people come in and write the same. I am finding it hard to find a script/clone, I would be grateful if someone can help me with this. Thanks

    submitted by /u/TXlaw86
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    How to systematically perform browser sizing testing

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 03:04 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    My team is getting close to deployment and we're running into some disagreements about the look of our product under different browsers and different screen sizes. In particular, the product owner has expressed frustration because on some demos, the pages look much larger, and on others, there's too much empty space.

    I'd like to systematize how we test browser screen sizes. Some questions I have - does a specific resolution dictate everything I need to know size-wise about what a product will look like? Does 1600 x 900 look the same on a retina screen as a non-retina screen? Does 720p look the same with big user-set font-size than small font-size? Is 16px the standard font-size for most browsers? How can I expect the product to look the same across all development machines?

    Finally, I've noticed some software products whose goal is to facilitate cross-browser testing. What does using these products feel and look like? Our products are often on development environments in a LAN, can I use these products in the absence of cloud-based resources?


    submitted by /u/BlueLensFlares
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    Poor bastard looking to build his own app but overwhelmed by the number of technologies. Can you please help?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 03:02 PM PDT

    Complete beginner here. Also wall of text.Please bear with me...

    So as the title says, for my bachelor's degree I chose to develop a full stack web application "entertainment" themed.

    And what I had in mind was to build an IMDB/metacritic-like app. An app with user roles where an admin can add movies (with pictures, descriptions etc) and other normal users can only review them (a star rating component and a text description). But well, taking into account the fact that I'm a beginner, that's easier said than done.

    So I decided to start small and add features as I go. However, I am simply overwhelmed by the number of technologies available and I just can't choose.

    So many front-end libraries (React, Vue, Angular), so many back end options (php, node.js with its many frameworks) so many databases (SQL or nonSQL). I just don't know what to pick. There are just so many ways for doing ANYTHING.

    I have the following questions:

    1. Is there any Udemy Course/More complex tutorial at least guiding me to the base of what I want to do? Like, I don't know, a simple to-do app with a login component. Or even better, is there a book/trip/food review app that could provide a good starting point/skeleton to build upon?
    2. Which technologies/frameworks/databases are more suited for what I want to do?

    I would personally prefer using a SQL database or Firebase because we used this in school a bit and I have some more experience with them . But NoSQL databases aren't necessarily out of the picture completely.

    1. If maybe the whole IMDB-like app with its own database is to complex, can you give me some good other achievable ideas and a nice starting point for entertainment themed web apps? Or maybe some tutorials too? It should at least contain some database + user authentication and should be "entertainment" themed.

    Just a to-do app is way to simple for a bachelor's degree software application, but as you can see, more complex stuff eludes me at the moment.

    If it's a paid course, no problem, I'm willing to invest in a good tutorial. If it takes a lot of time, well, due to the quarantine, I have plenty of time. 24/24 hours a day.

    I've been searching Udemy & Youtube high and low and nothing. On Udemy there's a nice movie site REACT tutorial but even if I do that, I have no idea how to create the backend for it. I don't want to build the next Facebook or anything like that, haha, just a simple app that is not too simple.

    Thank you very much for reading until this point and please stay safe during these hard times!

    submitted by /u/ArchAndy
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    [beginner] Where to store mp4 files so that I can embed them on my website?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 02:54 PM PDT

    tl;dr ELI5 Where can I store a bunch of mp4 files so that this will work on my website?

    <video> <source src="file.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video> 

    Longer version I am not a web dev by any means, but I like to make websites to aid in my data science projects: example

    I have this idea to make a crowd-sourced image classification website. I've been able to scrape a bunch of content (images/gifs/videos) from r/aww, and I would like to present the content to the user with some text fields for them to classify the animal (ex. cat, dog, baby) and breed (ex. tabby, golden retriever). I would then use this data to see what kinds of animals and breeds are most successful on r/aww

    I am currently using Flask as python is my most comfortable language. I am testing out the website on my local machine before I think about hosting it somewhere like pythonanywhere.com, but I can't even test the videos because I don't know where to point the src attribute to. For things like v.redd.it videos there is no direct link to the mp4 file or whatever filetype they use. I have these files on my local machine, but can't seem to get them to show up on my locally hosted website.

    submitted by /u/KidzKlub
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    Why do big brand websites need a queue system?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 04:59 AM PDT

    In the UK and just tried to visit the b&q website (diy.com), I have been placed in a queue that has an estimated 1 hour wait time.

    Why do websites need queue systems? If Google can serve 40,000 search queries per second how can a multinational store that has revenue in the billions not be able to afford to have a site that can scale with demand?

    submitted by /u/vier86
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    Question: What in this link fires the cookie that shows a different webpage.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2020 02:35 PM PDT

    Hi Developers,

    I am not yet a developer myself, but I am trying to learn as much as possible.

    Sorry for that I'm not talking in developer language, that is because I can't.

    So I found the following website: https://www.drivepedia.com thanks to a Taboola ad.

    This website implements a cookie to a user and shows a different version of there article (listicle) when the user has the cookie. So when you don't have the cookie you will see an article without next pages, but when you do have the cookie you see a listicle.

    For instance this article: https://www.drivepedia.com/trending/nba-wags-tb-3

    Funny thing is you only get the cookie when you get to site via an advertised link, this is the advertised link which implements the cookie: https://trc.taboola.com/amomamamedia-retrotreat/log/3/click?pi=%2F26814-when-she-heard-the-noises-coming-houses.html&ri=8a9c69bcb26793edababe260997989bf&sd=v2_81ce2d1deb78c3ceaa33a364d31f7426_9b6443c0-51ac-48ed-8c52-baa616d69b79-tuct58faa1c_1586898411_1586898411_CM4EEJbMTBi2iZDUly4gASgDMOEBOJGkDkDuwQ9I6PL9AlD4A1gAYBdo_ef0tf_mg_gM&ui=9b6443c0-51ac-48ed-8c52-baa616d69b79-tuct58faa1c&it=photo&ii=~~V1~~-484484824072176644~~HQ4iFQDeEUpx52Qrj_pC6MyMrGiyPRukmxQcF8eVxEvTxvAnL2wqac4MyzR7uD46gj3kUkbS3FhelBtnsiJV6MhkDZRZzzIqDobN6rWmCPCdumaDER8_ofX3TVR2C6MLZEAlQAAwtSNRlnAJ03UkThOJaeSMjAHrhCdMmnXlUlRiUOM86yLZ0AQYBbLbn2gM_kubDf8j_gGNG3g9CbYSig&pt=text&li=rbox-t2m&sig=3947cebe1876307019853e11b39899d54c54cb6b2f47&redir=http%3A%2F%2Fl0127zj6.drivepedia.com%2Ftrending%2Fnba-wags-tb-3%3Futm_campaign%3DNBA%2520Wags%2520SO%2520Johu%2520En%2520-%2520Desktop%2520USA%26utm_source%3Dtaboola%26utm_medium%3Damomamamedia-retrotreat%26utm_term%3DShaquille%2BO%25E2%2580%2599Neal%2527s%2BWife%2BIs%2BHands%2BDown%2BThe%2BMost%2BBeautiful%2BWoman%2BIn%2BThe%2BWorld%26utm_content%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fdjdy6whc2vqt5.cloudfront.net%252Fb987590c-4f32-40ef-ab82-b4194c907a3e.jpeg&vi=1586898404534&p=drivepedia-sc&r=60&lti=moduleAATest_var&ppb=CLsE&cpb=EkcyMDIwMDQxMy04X2IxLVBSLTI1NTkwLURFVi02NDQ5Mi1mZWVkLXZpZXctYWEtdGVzdC0wOGVlNTNkYTM0Mi1TTkFQU0hPVBgBIJz__________wEqGWNoLnRhYm9vbGFzeW5kaWNhdGlvbi5jb20yCHdhdGVyODU3OIDosMQGQJGkDkjuwQ9Q6PL9Alj4A2MIggsQyhAYGGRjCNIDEOAGGAhkYwjPDRD4ExgKZGMI9AcQ5gwYDmQ

    Anyone knows how the cookie only gets implemented via the advertised link while they end up at the same page?


    submitted by /u/Giovanni469
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