• Breaking News

    Tuesday, April 7, 2020

    Bootstrap will drop all support for Internet Explorer in the upcoming v5 release web developers

    Bootstrap will drop all support for Internet Explorer in the upcoming v5 release web developers

    Bootstrap will drop all support for Internet Explorer in the upcoming v5 release

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 07:28 AM PDT

    Free Human Illustrations Resources List (Updated)

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 12:49 AM PDT

    There was this post on indiehackers from user Amin Memon that i think deserves a place here too:

    Hello IH,

    I have come across lots of post on IH where founders ask for websites providing free Illustrations resources. There are lots of free illustrations resources available on the internet. I have curated a list of all these resources with a mini-review about each of them.

    Here is the link to google sheet:-https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VCiYme6JTQ5nF7u7z0-V5n8uWnXNslyTVHSDVqqYCFc/edit?usp=sharing

    What do think about it? Also, let me know if there is any resource that I have missed that you think should be on the list.

    submitted by /u/topthreads
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    Most optimal hosting for a Node.js small web-app?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 03:05 AM PDT

    Including free credit (Azure? Google Cloud?), what would you say was the easiest to set up your Node.js web app (using a MERN stack right now) while being the cheapest for the money?

    Which one have you used and what was your experience with it?

    Here's what I have so far:

    --> Large companies like Azure and Google Cloud with the free tier are really cheap but they're a bit difficult to set up

    In the long run, they will be great if your start up gets a lot of success, but in the beginning, using their platforms takes some time to read the documents (though I found Azure's to be a bit easy)

    They also provide comprehensive services (included custom domain name hosting as well)

    --> PaaS like Heroku are easy but they easily cost $7 per month for the basic plan

    But, for each item, you have to pay another website, so, at least from what I have garnered, for each extra service your app uses, you have to pay another site as, unlike Azure/GCloud, not everything comes inside it

    The big plus side is it's really easy to set up and developer friendly

    Feel free to strike me out on some of those points above, this is just what I have so far

    submitted by /u/SuperSaiyan1010
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    You need to create a portfolio website - What tools do you reach for?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 03:26 PM PDT

    While I'm a React dev creating frontend for big web apps, I have completely lost touch with small/regular web dev. So I'm wondering, if you need to make a nice portfolio-style website for an artist in 2020, (with maybe a basic blog) what do you reach for? A static site generator like Gatsby? Your 2014 era gulp-build? Straight html/css/js ? Squarespace, Wordpress or one of the new headless CMSs...?

    submitted by /u/RupFox
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    How to create a site similar to LegitTorrents?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 01:12 PM PDT

    Hi everyone!

    I want to create a site/forum where people can go and upload torrents and help others, along with a stats page where people can see how much they've uploaded/downloaded. The only site I know that is like this is http://legittorrents.info but they don't seem very active. Does anyone know how to set this up? I know how to set a forum where people can help and get a community going, but I don't know how to get the rest up (uploading torrents, seeing stats, etc...)

    Thank y'all so much!

    submitted by /u/Kiwi_birds
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    Injecting CSS / JS into an iframe & dynamically setting the height - wrong height calculated

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 02:09 PM PDT

    So, I'm having to inject an iframe (which holds a contact form) into a site. Essentially, I'm targeting the iframe in JS, waiting for the onload event and then dynamically creating a <script> and <link rel=stylesheet with the appropriate JS and CSS.

    The JS is using postMessage to send the iframe height on resize, and I've also got an onload function running once my injected CSS is loaded, again, sending the height of the iframe to the parent whereby I can then set the height.

    This all works fine locally, but when pushed to staging it calculates the incorrect height by about 30ish pixels each time. I can't figure out why this would happen? And why it wouldn't be an issue when running locally on Docker? Also, works fine in Firefox (locally and otherwise) but not Chrome. Chrome is the issue here.

    Extra info

    • Uses scrollHeight to get the height of the iframe
    • The injected JS sends the height to the parent on resize and load of my custom CSS (which is also injected), also when a button is clicked due to some buttons creating extra DOM elements.

    Any help would be much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/jnh1994
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    Am I the only who does not know what they are looking at when visiting "award winning beautifully designed" websites?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 04:55 PM PDT

    I am trying update my portfolio and to actually code more. So, as a challenge I am trying to replicate or be inspired by websites that are not necessarily google material design.

    So, I start to look in to web awards like awwwards and what not. And more or less every time when I visit this "beautiful", "clean looking" or "interactive" websites I don't have the slightest clue what I am looking at or what the website is all about.

    I kinda am frustrated with the design and animations. Is it me or most people tend to have infinite amount of time to look at things that gives you eplipsy to figure out what is happening? And what is the deal with having weird mouse cursors anyway?

    Then we have the scroll on animation that eases too slow.

    Are functional and beautiful mutually exclusive? Are animations functional for larger blocks of content? Are beautiful websites supposed to only act as an advertisement?

    As I am getting older I prefer texty website that has animations only on hover and loading.

    submitted by /u/anyfactor
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    Why SSL Shrinkage is a Good Thing for Security

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 04:47 PM PDT

    any tips/tools for coding email templates from scratch? Is there a boilerplate or normalize.css equivalent?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 04:44 PM PDT

    Currently at work I am using mjml.

    We have in-house designers so I want something a little more flexible (for example, 640px width).

    What I know:

    • this will require me to build in <table>s
    • media queries won't work on some clients, so mobile first.
    • css needs to be inline'd

    So I know I'm not looking for exactly a normalize.css file in the sense of just importing 1 css file, but, I'm still looking for some pre-written standard or example <table>s that know how to handle edge cases.

    So my question is: does anyone have suggestions on how to build email templates from scratch?

    • What is your process?
    • How to you make it modular/reusable?
    • Are there any useful tools that you use?
    submitted by /u/stevenjchang
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    Help with web-based Filename Generator

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 04:42 PM PDT

    Hi! At the office we had a discussion this week about standardizing filenames, because everyone is naming the files as they feel like. So I came up with the idea of creating a form where any user can add the basic information and will get the proper filename.

    I want to add a few more features, but as the video editor that I am, this programming thing is getting out of my league. So if anyone can help me, the most important features I need to add to this form are:

    1. Make the app to automatically delete all the spaces from the final filename.
    2. If I check the checkbox, the text is added to the filename, but if I uncheck it, the text is not removed. How do I fix this?
    3. Set a checkbox to add the current date to the filename (YYMMDD)

    Here is the app running > http://www.canelson.us/rcm

    Thanks in advance!!PS: I don't know much about programming, so I don't know if what I'm asking is easy or hard. What I have built by now was made by searching around the web and testing.

    submitted by /u/mcanelson
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    Is there any API that retrieves all the smartphone details?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 04:33 PM PDT

    I am looking for an API in NodeJS that retrieves smartphone specs like display, battery, cpu, gpu, etc. So, far I have found the fonoapi but it doesn't seem to work. I have tried web scrapping and managed to gather details of a single page but don't know how to go through each page, gather data and store it in a proper format.

    Edit: Seems like fonoapi is working but they haven't updated their database for almost a year. So, web scrapping is my best option right now. Would really appreciate if someone can guide me on how to navigate to all the pages from homepage of the website and store the scrapped data in a proper json format.

    submitted by /u/Niklaus_MK
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    A great way to learn how the visually impaired use your website

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 07:34 AM PDT

    I've recently gone mouseless. I replaced explorer.exe with far manager to make file management easier. Along with going mouseless I've had to learn how to use a browser with keyboard shortcuts. And one of things that grinds my gears is websites that have poor page layout making accessing links difficult. Some websites have no indication of what tab you're on. Other websites are so cluttered with links everywhere (Reddit is one, but they have shortcuts to make life easier).

    This has really helped me improve the structure of my own websites. If my own site is easy for me to use with a keyboard, chances are it's going to be easier for the visually impaired, or other users who rely on a keyboard to navigate the web.

    With all the free time on my hands at the moment with the virus going around I decided now would be a great time to learn to go mouseless. Give it a try :) The editor included with FAR is ok, but I much prefer to replace the editor with neovim.

    Hope this is useful to somebody.

    submitted by /u/Spect0gram
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    I have started an open source project - Join me if you want!

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 03:46 PM PDT


    I've decided that i want to engage more into open source programming.

    Combining this with a project idea i came up with a couple of days ago, i've come to the conclusion that it would be a lot of fun to have some people join me on this project. I am looking for both experienced and inexperienced programmers, as the main goal of working on this project is to learn and develop our skills while having fun and experimenting with new things.

    Here's a link to the project https://github.com/MathiasWP/Easy-Posting, where i've written a more explanatory letter.

    Stay home, wash your hands and be safe!

    If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me in PMs or down below in the comments. ☺️

    submitted by /u/Smaanrocker
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    New to WebD. Need Course recommendations.

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 03:43 PM PDT

    Hey, I want to learn web developement ( both front end and backend) . I don't have any prior experience in webd but I have knowledge of data structures and algorithms. I have researched that Colt Steele's Web Dev Bootcamp on Udemy is a good choice. What do you guys think? Apart from that, I wanted some recommendations from the courses on Coursera. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/MarshmelloIx_xI
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    How on Earth do you get that first job?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 08:34 PM PDT

    Hi all, my husband has been struggling to find his first job in web development for a while so I thought I'd see if anyone on here has any advice.

    My husband started his degree for software engineering in 2017 but he's had to stop and start a few times for various reasons so he's still at least a year away from being done. But he built his first website (his portfolio) in late 2018, and since then he's been nonstop, either working on personal projects or doing the odd freelance job.

    He is really talented and is able to figure out pretty much anything he needs to do for a development. For example, he has built an ecommerce store from scratch, he builds back-end admin pages, and so on.

    However, he just can't seem to find an actual JOB in this area. He was applying sporadically last year, but this year we actually decided for him to quit his (unrelated) job and focus solely on pursuing his IT career and applying for jobs. In hindsight, not a good idea as there are obviously a lot fewer jobs now due to pandemic.

    It's now been over a month of basically being a full-time job seeker, and still nothing, not even an interview. I just don't understand it. His CV and portfolio look awesome, he puts so much effort into curating every cover letter. I get that he doesn't have a degree or professional experience which might put some people off, but isn't the talent and dedication what really matters?

    So, any tips on what he might be doing wrong or how to land that first job? Even if you share some anecdotes on how you got your first web dev jobs, that might be helpful!

    submitted by /u/eggheadgirl
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    As an aspiring web developer I would appreciate guidance on how things work in the real world

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 03:05 PM PDT

    (disclaimer: I do not know if this type of post is appropriate for this subreddit) Hey, a while ago I decided I wanted to become a web developer. Two years ago I completed High school, I knew some stuff about programming and I really enjoyed the area. A few months ago I started to focus on learning some web dev skills, by myself. I learnt html, css, and javascript, then I went to learning a javascript framework, took some time learning React, then found Vue. Following that I learnt about state-management in vuex, and also scss. I also read about how the internet works, about http, and tcp/ip. I followed some tutorials on NodeJs, and Express, and databases... However, so far, all I have done has seemed very ammateur-ish: some portfolio mock-ups, some todo-apps, a calendar app with firebase... Nothing really that seemed professional or that helped get an idea on how things work outside of the documentation or tutorials. I wanted to know what's the next step I should take. How I should go about getting into the industry, developing experience, and learning what I need to work somewhere, or as a freelancer. I appreciate any form of advice and constructive criticism, and if anyone is willing to share their experience and get to talk to me, I would appreciate so, so much. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/SirKastic23
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    Design Advice - Building Web Interface for Daemon

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 02:56 PM PDT

    I have a pretty substantial Python program that currently runs as a daemon, with an ncurses interface. I've been exploring ways to build a web frontend for it - meaning some sort of web interface to monitor and issue changes - and was hoping for some thoughts.

    The main deployment of this would just be a local machine, with a possibility of running on something like an EC2 instance, with very little traffic (mostly just a single admin accessing).

    In my first design I spawned a Flask dev server as a thread in the daemon and built out some endpoints that are immediately populated by the daemon process. This seems like most the straightforward route, but leads to some very specific, tightly coupled code in the original daemon codebase.

    I'm not sure if having the server so tightly coupled to the daemon process is a good thing, so I explored having the process write to an sqlite db file, which could then be read by a separate Flask process. This is good for the monitoring part, but not so much for issuing commands.

    I was thinking of adding some sort of message queue system for issuing the commands... which then got me thinking maybe I could just use a message queue to get the the data OUT of the daemon too... and now I'm just confusing myself.

    Any thought or tips are appreciated. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/king_m1k3
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    ADVICE: My father paid itinfocube for anti virus services. Claims they work for Firefox, but I cannot find may connection. Are they legit? Sorry if this is not the best subreddit to ask.

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 02:55 PM PDT

    Title says it all. If this company is legit then I am okay, but if not then I need to find a way to convince my dad that is irrefutable. The rep on the phone said they work for Firefox but I can't find any connection between the two companies. Also. If this isn't the best forum to ask my question what is?

    submitted by /u/grixisviv
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    I have free time and i want you to hive me a problem so i can solve it

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    So i started learning programing and i know some bacis od html and css now i find that i can learn more when i practice that. So can you give me some problems to solve or a web side idea i can create as well learn something from it and if i compleat that i will upload or give to the person that recommend me that.

    submitted by /u/_the_boy52_
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    Performing a webhook or REST API call on the fly...

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 02:18 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    I'm using a Gravity Form on WordPress, but I don't think that's relevant here.

    I am looking to set up a form field such that a user enters values into two form fields. A button is then clicked. An API goes out to "https://someserver/api-endpoint/?value1=<val1>&value2=<val2>". This 3rd party server will return a value (in the response body, not headers) and I want that to populate another field. The response may be JSON, or it might be plain text with just a number.

    What's the easiest/best way to implement this? AJAX? Any pointers?

    submitted by /u/muzicman82
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    Hey people, I’ve made a web application to track COVID-19 globally. There are precautions and helpline given here. There is also a chatbot which can help you with the most frequently asked questions on COVID-19. Visit the given link and check it out yourself. #StaySafe #StayAware #DontPanic

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 10:31 AM PDT

    I'll be sharpening my Vue skills during Vue Mastery's free week. Don't miss out on these free Vue.js courses.

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 02:17 PM PDT

    Question about how to build or set up a specific type of website.

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 01:46 PM PDT

    Good Afternoon,

    I hope you all are being safe during these hard times.

    I have a question for a friend of mine. He has created a program for a specific niche and was wondering if/how he could get a website created, where clients would be able to access the program after signing up or give free access. Then if they signup for the pro access they get access to extra features of the program.

    The program is a creative program that allows the clients to be able to visually create stuff like avatars or maps or weapons and vehicles.

    Is this possible to create this or would it have to be something like a program they would have to download like adobe photoshop?

    Thanks for all your help and information! Stay Safe

    submitted by /u/glendosmit
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    How do I get a code review?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 01:45 PM PDT

    Been working in the field for twenty years and have never had a code review. I legitimately do not know what they consist of. I've been solo / lead tech in marketing and have asked for reviews from other teams in companies I work for the past 8 years and never been given one.

    Just got turned down for code review by the core product team at my current gig and I am at a loss. I am part-time, hunting for a new full time gig and I need feedback because I am failing interviews and I can't discern why.

    So - how do you get a code review when no one will do it for you? Is there a paid service that someone can recommend? Search results turned up spammy for me and it's not clear if there is a reputable way to get his done outside of working on a team.

    I don't doubt I need to get better I just have no idea how. The code I write works and is performant, but it adheres to no standards really and I just have no ability to judge it past what I know.

    Any suggestions are welcome.

    submitted by /u/abeuscher
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