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    Learning Tips For EVERYONE learn programming

    learn programming

    Learning Tips For EVERYONE learn programming

    Learning Tips For EVERYONE

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 08:14 AM PDT


    • CodePen.io (best visually satisfying html/css/js editor)
    • Repl.it (online compiler for 50+ languages)
    • Jsfisdle.net(like codepen but more robust)
    • Edabit.com (great for practice exercises)
    • Codingame.com (you actually compete and code solutions to simple games with people Around v . Great for intermediate.)
    • Codeademy (good for intro/basics)
    • W3schools (great for beginners) / MDN Mozilla Developer Network
    • geeksforgeeks (for algorithms)
    • codeforces (also algorithms)
    • StackOverflow (when you have an error or just need a general question) please note that for a beginner this is more of a read-only site.
    • CodePlayground ( IOS only great for practice)
    • SoloLearn (AMAZING courses all free, online compiler + tons of advanced topics made by both professionals and the community)
    • Hackerrank.com (kinda like edabit, but more geared towards networking and possibly getting a job.)
    • SQLBolt (aweome intro to SQL for beginners)
    • Regexer (my favorite visual regex tool)
    • If you have a student email, all of JetBrains' apps are free :) (rider =c#, PyCharm= python..etc...)
    • Unity3d(yes, this is a game engine, BUT, it's so easy to make basic programs to start off and visual see what is happening behind the scenes.
    • Asp.Net Core 2.1 for dummies book (highly recommend)

    Extra Learning tips:

    • Learn how to use git properly and understand the flow of branches and different merge types.
    • Learn what a hot fix/bug fix/enhancement or feature request is
    • implement with a personal project on GitHub or bitBucket or other.
    • Easy API's ( flask, endpoints for python) *note these are just very easy to use*
    • Make a website that can consume an external API and format the data using some vanilla js, then try using something like chartJs so make pretty graphs
    • Try out a visual programming library such as ThreeJs and p5.js or processing (java)
    • Learn how to make cool graphics with turtle for python.
    • Buy a couple useful Udemy courses (last resort) (I like free)
    • Do NOT START BIG. keep your personal projects simple and with one purpose. As you progress you can add to it.
    • Get a personal domain to test all of your fun things on, OR use a local server to save money until you are ready.
    • If you subscribe to Visual Studio Online, you get free domain with hosting (you don't get to choose to
    • The .com,.net, it uses its own proprietary version.
    • Join a coding jam for a weekend
    • Try forking a cool simple project on GitHub and extend it and create your own branch and submit a pull request to master or develop
    • Explain new concepts that you have just learned to your friends. ( they won't understand or care, but it's best learning when you are trying to teach to someone else)
    • Make GOALS (realistic viable goals based on toes on projects you want to be able to make)
    • Ask friend and family if you can build them a website. (for fun.. note that this only works if you have a family that won't take advantage of you)
    • Please never ever try to use word press Or Drupal or really any cms (if you want learn to code)
    • Make useful baby projects that help you either learn easier or make you happy
    • Learn CSS/JS/Jquery/SCSS Understand what a templating framework is
    • Learn these different types of how website are structured. MVVM, MVC, MVP
    • implement a site that uses the above design patterns
    • Learn Vue.js, Angular, razor syntax, and knockout.js (this is not required, but will help you massively in your job search, you don't have to be an expert)
    • Try to use google maps api and make your own map with locations and cool function. Or maybe even a tracker for your phone!


    • Learn Database Structures, what tables, columns, rows, and the different data types that can be used
    • Learn difference between relational and non-relational databases
    • Download SSMS, MySQL, MongoDB, MariaDB, Redis, PostgreSQL and make your first database
    • Connect the database to whatever application you want to. *play around with! Make some tables! Run some cool functions, doing by trial and error is great in your own personal dev environment
    • Learn SQL syntax. Know what stored procedures do, know what views do, know the difference between scalar and tabular functions are.
    • Learn how to use and leverage linked servers.


    • Learn KISS method
    • Learn the S.O.L.I.D methodology and USE it
    • Learn about memory management
    • Learn what pointers are and how you can leverage them to your advantage (C,C++ mainly ) but many other languages can do this, it's just not as simple.
    • Refresh on your basics in algebra, calculus, and statistics
    • Research creative coding and try it out Learn about proper design patterns
    • Learn what good UI/UX looks like
    • Learn about authorization and single sign on, 3rd party services and OAuth
    • Learn SSL learn about accessibility for websites for the deaf and the blind
    • Learn what localization is and how to implement it.
    • Know the difference between code first and database first designs
    • Learn how to use Linq
    • Learn CRUD (create,read,update,delete)
    submitted by /u/wishfulthinkrz
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    I'm seeing people doing live streamed yoga classes and concerts, is anyone doing a streamed programming class?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 05:26 AM PDT

    I know there are several online already, just wondering if anyone is starting a new one during the quarantine.

    submitted by /u/DutchyKills
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    Becoming a Software Dev Without a CS Degree

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 07:46 AM PDT

    A couple months back, I asked a question on Twitter:

    If you work as a developer and don't have a college degree, I'd love to hear the story of how you got your first job! What convinced employers to take a chance on you?

    Somewhat amazingly, the tweet got hundreds of replies! So many people shared their stories.

    Twitter does not make it easy to read hundreds of replies, and many were off-topic / too vague to help. I wanted to create an article that would summarize high-level takeaways and highlight individual stories. This is that article!


    For those who are trying to get their start without a CS degree, I hope this helps!

    submitted by /u/joshwcomeau
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    What is the best programming language to build websites

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 06:28 PM PDT

    I just started learning programming and I like to make websites and things. I'm starting to learn HTML, is there a better language I should be learning to make a website?

    submitted by /u/chobani_yogurt
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    How to Direct URL to New Sub-Domain?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 11:05 PM PDT

    I'm on the final step inputting the following code into my SQL:

    UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = REPLACE (post_content,'www.yoursite.com/wp-content/','static.yoursite.com/')

    However, I keep on getting an error code of: #1054.

    Along with: Unknown column ''www.yoursite.com' in 'field list'

    What part of the code needs tweaking?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/FinancialPreach
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    Programming's most redundant question.

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 01:42 AM PDT

    Hey guys!

    Here I am about to ask the most redundant question in the world of programming, but here I am actually hoping for some advice.

    I signed up for Software Engineering course in my city with JavaScript. I love everything about coding, its been around 6-7 months since I started. First time I'm getting into programming, but I know this is my thing, it feels natural for everything.

    The thing is I do not want to be a front-end developer. I hate everything HTML & CSS related. I like JS and all the frameworks(although I have used none, we just finished everything vanilla JS). So I passed the fundamentals of programming and a JS Advanced course and I think a have good grip on basic(very basic) work for frond-end if I need it.

    Now I think about switching to C#. I think I wanna learn a strictly typed language, I wanna learn OOP, since I feel its gonna help be better as a upcoming developer. I am not sure event what back-end devs do, but I'm pretty sure I do not want to deal with front-end.

    I know a lot of people say that when you start learning one language its better to stick with it to the end and master it, so that other languages become easier to learn. The idea that I get is, once you develop the programmers mind, you are good to go with any language and the switch is easy. This is why I'm uncertain on whether or not I should switch. If I continue on JS path, my upcoming courses include React, Angular, Vue, Node. I feel like these frameworks, could be learned by Online tutorials if I ever need them.

    TL;DR: I'm learning JS the last 6-7 months, however I don't want to do front-end. Should I switch to C# or should I carry out JS to the end and then consider learning another language ?


    submitted by /u/deucyy
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    How do image databases get queried?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 01:41 AM PDT

    Let's say you have a missing childrens db with hundreds of thousands of photos, and you want to query those photos with one that a user uploads. How would something like this work? Do you compare one by one until you find an image that has a greater than 90% match?

    submitted by /u/snailbail45
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    Limit REST post of objects

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 01:41 AM PDT

    What's the best way to limit the creation of e.g. Posts of a user in a REST api. Are there any articles about that? I'm not (only) talking about rate limiting in general, but entity aware rate limiting (max 100 POST on /comment) per day.

    Do I have to introduce redis besides postgres and keep entries per user/entity/timeframe?

    submitted by /u/ArghusSquare
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    The Corona virus keeps me at home all day. That's why I would like to organize the Stay Home Hackathon. Is there any interest?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 01:09 PM PDT

    Hi guys

    Like probably many of you, I spend a lot of time at home because of the Corona virus. The situation in my country (Switzerland) seems to get worse every day, a few hours ago the government even closed all restaurants, cinemas, bars, etc. I try to keep my social contacts to a minimum to prevent further infections.

    A year ago I started programming. Therefore I had the idea for the Stay Home Hackathon. The hackathon is to stop us from going out this weekend. However, it's meant to help us meet new people, learn new skills and maybe even improve the situation a little bit.

    I have written down all information in the following document and will keep it updated. I would be very happy if some of you would join. I am a beginner myself and everyone is welcome. I think this a opportunity to work in a small team for the first time.


    Stay home and stay safe

    submitted by /u/EgliSHH
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    Pair programming advice

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 09:50 PM PDT

    Hi there folks,I recently got started with web development using MERN stack. Had a few ideas in my mind to create websites as side projects.

    Recently came across a few blogs where the benefits of pair programming were mentioned and that got me interested in the same. Would you guys recommend developing the websites solo or with a partner? And if so,it would be great if someone could link to a place where I can find people to do pair programming with.

    Thanks a lot and have a nice day!

    submitted by /u/Sushmit1
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    Dynamic user content in Android/Kotlin?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 01:11 AM PDT

    Hi, I'm very stuck. I want to learn how to program actions that a user can take to create specific content. For example, say you have an app where users can create shapes. How would one go about writing the code that handles the user selecting the type of shape they want, and then generating that shape?

    What I'd really like is for someone to help me with the language and terminology used here. I'm self-teaching, and I've been looking around for a day now on where to learn this content but I have no idea what search terms to use.

    submitted by /u/Bogdanopf
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    Best way to store and retrieve images.

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 12:53 AM PDT

    project stack: Express, Mogoose, EJS templates

    Hi, I have a project which is an online Restaurant menu, the owner can add items to his menu. I want to add the functionality for them to upload a image of the item too along with other details. I don't want to do this locally as I will deploy the app to heroku and I believe they do not allow that. Is there an easy way to send the uploaded file somewhere and get the url which ill store in my db, and can display it to the user on demand in the cart and anywhere needed. this is not the most efficient method but I'm going for ease right now. Any suggestions welcome. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/tall_and_funny
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    Meaning of programming joke?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2020 12:12 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I was sent this joke "[me != me]. [me += you]." but I don't really get it. What does it mean?


    submitted by /u/Gadanhha
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    Getting hold of .py

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 08:22 PM PDT

    I have a little knowledge about python which i learned during my first semester.After that i have not learned python much. So which is the best way or resource to get back to python and master it.Also which is the best field to apply python like ML, deep learning, data science etc.Please share your views and the required links.

    submitted by /u/arjunshen0y
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    C, C++, C# IDE request

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 02:16 PM PDT

    Could you recommend an IDE that is suitable for writing and running C, C++, C# and has the features etc built in?

    submitted by /u/Choice-Arugula
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    Sports Bets

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 11:55 PM PDT

    Hey guys I'm new to coding and want to learn how to use machine learning to sports gamble. Does anyone have advice on how to get started and learn about the subject/ would be willing to help me build a model?

    submitted by /u/Jmost2455
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    What do you, programmers, think of the 'standardization of programming languages'?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 11:40 PM PDT

    I mean, unifying all programming languages into one? Is it possible?

    submitted by /u/bookshearer
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    C++ intialization errors

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 11:30 PM PDT

    I'm working on a program in C++ and I'm getting some really bizarre errors.

    This is the header file.

    #ifndef PACKER_H_EXISTS #define PACKER_H_EXISTS #include "extract.h" #include "../instruction/instruction.h" #include "../instruction/opcode.h" #include "../instruction/operand.h" #include <string> class Packer { private: Instruction *_instruction; std::string _postfix[]; void _packOpcode(Opcode *opcode); void _packOperand(Operand *operand); void _remPrefix(Opcode *opcode); public: Packer(); ~Packer(); Packer(Instruction *instruction); Packer(Instruction *instruction, std::string postfix[], int datanum); void setPostFix(std::string postfix[], int datanum); void packInstruction(); Instruction *getInstruction(); }; 

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