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    Thursday, February 20, 2020

    Please read. Desperately need help from this community. Ask Programming

    Please read. Desperately need help from this community. Ask Programming

    Please read. Desperately need help from this community.

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 12:30 PM PST

    Hello all,

    I have had a rough go of things for the pat 10 years of my life and at this point I am mostly disabled. Right now in that I cannot even sit or stand upright for very long. I have yet again lost my most recent shitty form of underemployment (Apple Repair Tech) due to what is happening to me. I am forced to find remote work at this point in my life and I am having a terrible time. I feel like I am doomed.

    I am trying so hard to get some income from upwork but am only ignored as I do not even have a proper portfolio put together. Entry level jobs even ignore me. I have several small projects that I did during a 6 month, full-stack (MEAN & MERN) boot camp with a NC University in 2017. However, they all seem like shit to me. It's "Build a burger" and crap like that. It seems like baby shit. So, after a year of no offers since the boot camp I kind of gave up and that's when I just started doing computer hardware and software services.

    I had been struggling though self-teaching on and off for years before and after the boot camp without any real momentum or direction. Just grabbing at straws, trying to find a way to get my foot in the door with something, anything as I have no real passion for programming. I am in this industry out of necessity. I don't have a passion for programming or web sites at all, I just don't :/. I wish I did. All i want to do is go outside, but I'm fucking disabled now and can barely get around the grocery store sometimes due to the pain I'm in.

    I earned a Bachelor's degree in Criminal justice in 2013 and had just started a career as an arson investigator when my spine condition worsened to the next level of disability. I fought so hard through the pain to be there but I couldn't do it anymore. I was collapsing in front of the other firefighters and was often using my shovel as a cane. Even through that, I really liked that job. I was good at it, but I became a liability and that is all gone now. So here I am, trying to make some actual adult-level money so I can take care of myself. I don't think I'll ever be a 100x programmer. I've never even been that strong with math or intensive reading, I've got ADHD lol. I just want in the game somehow so I can have a chance to live my life too.

    Can anyone PLEASE HELP someone like me with ideas for building a portfolio for myself to get some work as fast as possible? I don't mind abandoning what I have to start from scratch and I'm not above working with wordpress or anything. I have a github that is full of incomplete, garbage projects that I'm not even clear on anymore. I've become lost and I'm absolutely desperate to find a way into this world.

    Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/Pound_Town_69
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    Help with Linked Lists and Pointers

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 06:14 PM PST

    So im in an introductory course in my university and we just got introduced to linked lists.. they're friggin hard can someome give me some good sources to help me understand these things?? or can someone possibly just give me a nice explanation?

    thanks in advance everyone!!

    submitted by /u/PlzIWantA1600Plz
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    How can I automate the removal of spaces between non-directional quotation marks and the quoted text?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 09:20 PM PST

    I am trying to automate the correction of OCR'd material that places spaces between quotation marks and the text they bracket, within a larger body of text. For instance: " Dog " as opposed to "Dog" in the middle of a long sentence.

    Any input on how to resolve this, especially through Word Macros (but I am open to more complex solutions), would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/RhadTrad
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    HTML help, why can't I understand this?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 07:51 AM PST

    For some reason I can't wrap my head around indentation, the use of the <div> element, and the <span> element. How do I know when to use them? The tutorial is just using them in random places. Also, I don't know if it's because I'm learning this on a Chromebook or what, but whenever I indent the <div> element, Code Academy marks it wrong. I don't understand why I'm struggling with something that's so simple.

    In the image, you can see what I mean. http://imgur.com/gallery/U4xEf50

    ***EDIT- I copy and pasted the text that Code Academy displayed for me to write instead of writing it on my own. Found out that the spacing on my Chromebook is much different compared to Code Academy. Their spacing is kinda like ___ while my Chromebooks' is __. Thanks for being supportive everyone, means a lot!

    submitted by /u/jharl12
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    Working with Hardware (monitor) connected to a PC - HDMI CEC? LG OnScreen Control?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 07:39 PM PST

    Hi guys,

    I'm looking to write some kind of software that can change the brightness of my LG monitor. In a nutshell, I want to change the brightness (backlight?) depending on the time of day.

    Now, I'm not sure if my graphics card supports HDMI CEC, and I'm not confident the monitor would either. It's not a TV...

    But I do know that there is a programmatical way to send instructions to the monitor, and for them to work, because of [LG's OnScreen Control Software](http://cdn.cnetcontent.com/6e/f5/6ef57e99-d244-4c9f-bb93-b238372d6089.pdf), which already allows users to change things like monitor brightness from an application running on their device.

    On one hand, this is good because I know the exact behavior I am looking for is possible - brightness can be changed from a running process.

    But on the other hand... I have no idea where to start in reverse-engineering LG's software, or at least 'listening' to the signals it's sending over HDMI. Or why this works, regardless of whether CEC is supported by my graphics card, or whether LG's software is simply spoofing CEC, or if it's a separate mechanism...

    Any pointers would be super appreciated. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/MicrosoftExcel2016
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    Python and Selenium Troubleshooting selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException: Message: no such element: Unable to locate element:

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 06:34 PM PST

    I'm crawling resumes on Indeed using the following repository https://github.com/GowthamGottimukkala/Indeed-resume-scraper

    After fixing a few issues, I'm now trying to scrape using python puf.py, but am running into issues with selenium

    raise exception_class(message, screen, stacktrace) selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException: Message: no such element: Unable to locate element: {"method":"xpath","selector":"//*[@id="content"]/div/div[2]/div/div[1]/div[2]/div/form/div[3]/button"}

    Confirmed that my chromedriver was up to date and accurate for the browser I'm using. Any suggestions on how to resolve?

    submitted by /u/DaveyJones6969
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    Should i learn 3 web frameworks?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 06:02 PM PST

    I have build web apps with node js and flask but what i want to do is learn .Net as it is very popular in my country and also django at a very junior level not learn them 100% and start to apply to jobs with all three technologies (node js, django, .Net). I already know nodejs and flask.

    I have expiriance with web development and so the only different thing will be the syntax and some concepts that have different executions in the technologies. I know routing, templating, databases (mostly non-relational), oop also very familiar with mvc pattern so will it problem? Also im familiar with c# since that what i first started out with before i moved to js and python.

    Is it good idea to learn all three at basic level then apply to jobs with all three to increase my chance at getting internship or junior? I know that junior developers learn on the job and should know just the basics of a web framework.

    submitted by /u/draganov11
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    Is it possible or necessary to run SQL Server 2019 on Windows 7?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 05:16 PM PST

    I'm trying to code along with a tutorial project that asks me to use SQL Server 2019 as part of building a basic ASP.NET web app. The installer tells me my OS isn't supported (Windows 7). Is it possible for me to install from the compressed files? Am I likely to run into any issues if I just use an older version of SQL Server such as significant syntax or functionality changes? I'm doing the project using the ASP.NET core web application template in Visual Studio, so there's surely things going on behind the scenes that I won't totally understand.

    submitted by /u/Eulers_ID
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    The minimum requirement for Java and OpenJDK implementations?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 05:16 AM PST

    For me it is very important to ensure compatibility of Java implementations for a successful Java port. I will be very grateful if you clarify this question for me. Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/thisismyname57
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    Which is the best map platform to build application on top of it? Google maps API, OSRM, YOURS, ORS?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 10:33 AM PST

    I want to build a application, where you could specify driving speed/walking speed, other variables, X amount of coordinates with timestamps and have it all shown in a interactive map. Also where I could pull more third party info from public databases into the map. For example heatmaps of camping trails etc where people go to.

    For example:

    • Location 1 [Timestamp]
    • Location 2 [Timestamp]
    • Location 3 [Timestamp]

    Based on these locations and timestamps I want to query all the possible directions that can be taken through these in that timeframe. If I remove Location 2, then it will recalculate right away. Each path would be different colour based on the likeliness of my algorithm. I want to the embedded map of the platform on my own application and then do my own graphics on the platforms embedded map based on my inputs. So I would be using the platforms Embedded Map and the API in the background to get the info.

    I have looked into following platforms:

    1. Google Maps API - Great one, this caters to all my needs, but the downside is the pricing, and online dependency
    2. OSRM - Can be selfhosted, it's free, can do unlimited requests, but the downside is not that attractive funtionality. Does not seem to have all the addresses. Does not support public transport.
    3. Yours
    4. Open Route Service

    Is there any good platform I might be missing? I have a feeling that going with Google Maps is the easiest option, but that might not be the best long-term option?

    submitted by /u/101007E4
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    Pointer Usage

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 12:13 PM PST

    As far as I am concerned, only use of pointers in C/C++ is accessing RAM. How exactly do programmers use that? How does accessing RAM location help in any way?

    submitted by /u/OmniKingBoss
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    Phonebook Project- Help Needed! [Language: C] [No Bugs, No Errors, Just Doesn't Work] [Due Tomorrow AKA This Is My Last Hope]

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 03:45 PM PST

    Here's a Docs folder since I literally learned all of this in the last 6 weeks for my class and I feel so overwhelmed.


    Edit: NEVERMIND, Lab isn't allowed to use Files, has to use Structures and Arrays so I'm scrapping it. GG.

    submitted by /u/FlynnXa
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    BOUNTY: Can you auto fill this form?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 03:38 PM PST

    Hello all,

    I'm trying to create a password manager (auto form filler) chrome extension. I have it working really well for most sites, but I'm having serious difficulty getting the username and password to fill on [this site](https://portal.lendingusa.com/).

    I have tried just about everything: slow typing, playing with the css, jquery, vanilla js, and more. Nothing works.

    If you can get this form to fill. I will pay you $100. No joke. Just tell me how you want to receive it (venmo, paypal and/or codementor).

    I'm at my wits end with this one.

    Any help would be appreciated, but the bounty only goes to the person who gets working code first.

    Thanks for looking and I really hope you take this challenge.

    submitted by /u/snmd12
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    Assuming that the human brain is a computer, in the sense of being a device that processes inputs into outputs, what is its firmware, as opposed to modules and libraries (like our ability to do complex mathematics) that are presumably optionally 'loaded in' later?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 09:10 AM PST

    I'm sure this seems like a strange question, but bear with me. We clearly are able to do complex things like advanced mathematics, but not without considerable teaching. As an analogy, I see this as similar to the situation with computer languages where you can do some fairly simple things out of the box, but if you want more complicated functionality, you have to build it up out of the simpler components that you start off with.

    But there has to be something at the start, some set of functions that do something. The simplest computer languages can get away with just one instruction - like https://esolangs.org/wiki/BitBitJump . But they put a large burden on the programmer. Our brains seem like they probably give us quite a lot out of the box that develops reliably, but does anyone have any thoughts about what is likely to be included? And how do we get from this simple functionality to the more complicated learned functionality?

    submitted by /u/like_the_boss
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    How do I ensure my internal GraphQL API is secure? (Django, graphene)

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 03:02 PM PST

    I am relatively new to web development. I initially deployed an app on vanilla Django. It worked alright, but the front-end was abysmal with no way out. I decided to cut my losses and re-designed with a React front-end and Django providing a GraphQL API for the React app to communicate with.

    Now, Django is very security conscious, which is a huge reason I like it. When you walk through forms and Django's form system, the docs quite explicitly and clearly warn you to "clean" all your inputs with their built in cleaning function.

    Now, with graphene, I see no talk of security anywhere, and that worries me. Do I have to protect myself against injection attacks? Do I have to sanitize my data inputs? What are the attack vectors here and how do I protect myself against them? Why does discussion of this seem to be relatively scant?

    As you can probably tell, I'm a little lost. Any guidance would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/oatestmeal
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    What are your top CS related conferences/conventions?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 02:55 PM PST

    VB2010 exchange string over TCP in background

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 02:31 PM PST

    Just couple of students here learning IoT and wrestling with programming on our own. Have already created piece of of software that handles all we initially wanted though it took a while to get there (almost a year). Program was created in VB.NET express 2010 since we are on a budget. But now we would like to exchange some data (a string or byte array, maybe 64 characters) with some another piece of equipment. Problem is this part is new to us. We managed to open socket and send/receive message but... it is not good enough. when we try to make this exchange data, whole GUI of the application becomes non-responsive. We understand that this can be solved by using another thread or background process but don't know how to tackle it. Went to library and checked books but everything talks about making GUI with form controls, not multitasking, sharing data between threads. Can anyone point us to a right direction or put some example code together?

    submitted by /u/marc_1997
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    Spoof Device type in Python

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 02:01 PM PST


    I am interested in figuring out if the search results we obtain from Google are different based on the devices that the search is performed on. To do this, I have been trying to create different User Agents to spoof the device that is making the request. I currently have the following code:

    import requests

    import json

    from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

    #This spoofs an iPhone from my desktop Python Console

    user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 11_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/536.26 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/6.0 Mobile/10A5376e Safari/8536.25'

    #Performs Google search query on car buying

    query = "buy car"

    query = query.replace(' ', '+')

    URL = f"https://google.com/search?q={query}"

    headers = {"user-agent" : user_agent}

    resp = requests.get(URL, headers=headers)

    #Converts response to HTML

    if resp.status_code == 200:

    soup = BeautifulSoup(resp.content, "html.parser")

    # Extraction of relevant links from the HTML code

    However, I am interested in how to spoof different iPhone models. My understanding is that additional information (such as screen resolution) are examined by google to identify the type of device being used. How can I either modify the user agent/ add other parameters to the requests.get to spoof different iPhone models?

    submitted by /u/gawk_her
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    Could someone ELI5 gRPC and Protocol Buffers?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 11:11 AM PST

    I'm not a coder, but would like to understand these topics more.

    submitted by /u/FilthFlarnFilth
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    Why is Java praised for its backward compatibility, but e.g. Javascript is not?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 10:46 AM PST

    Both Java and Javascript are backward compatible: Java and Javascript code written in day1 still runs with java11 or the latest browser respectively.

    Why is it then that usually, only Java gets the "praise" for backward compatibility?

    submitted by /u/voileipa
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    Are there good companies/people you can pay for reviewing your software engineer CV?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 09:30 AM PST

    [Question] variables outside for loop in python

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 09:14 AM PST

    I have this code in python:

    for number in range(5):



    and the code prints "4" twice. I assume it is because the second print function still retains the "number" variable, but why does it retain the last variable even though it is outside of the for loop?

    edit: using "-" instead of spaces because they didn't show up

    submitted by /u/chualec
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    [JS] is .dataset the best way to put a database id into DOM, in order to have a connection between the data and the visuals?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 09:13 AM PST

    When I click on my element, the delete function takes the value of my custom property that I put in .dataset, and compares it with all the objects in the database so it can delete the correct object together with its visual element.


    var myData = [ {id: 101, color: "Aquamarine", content: "Aquamarine"}, {id: 102, color: "CadetBlue", content: "CadetBlue"} ] 

    newElement.dataset.id = data[i].id; 

    function deleteData() { for(var i=0; i<data.length; i++) { if(data[i].id == thisElement.dataset.id) { data.splice(i,1); } } } 


    1. Is there a better way to structure data, in order to make this work well? What's bothering me is looping through an array in search of a string that is the same as another string. Feels like I'm brute-forcing it a bit. People say strings are volatile.

    2. 50% of people tell me I can just slap my own property into the base level of a DOM element. Other 50% tell me that this is stupid and I should definitely always use the .dataset property, and put my own property inside. Care to elaborate one way or the other? For my own part, I find it weird and limiting (though, I don't really need it in this example) that the properties in the dataset property can only hold strings. So it's like a proper property, but not really.

    Full code:

    W3 link
    Fiddle link


    submitted by /u/awwwes
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    [JS] Is element.querySelector("div:nth-child(n)") the only pure JS way of finding the nth element?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 09:12 AM PST

    As far as I understood it, the querySelector method goes through the stuff in the CSS, so that sounds really volatile and runaround to me.

    So, I wanna know:

    1. Whether this is legit? (As in: would someone tell you you are stupid if they reviewed your code)

    2. Whether this is safe? (As in: will it work 99% of the time, and will it not waste a lot of resources?)

    3. Is there any superior alternative that is pure JS.

    Example code:

     function insertAfter(parentObject, i, elementObject) { var sibling = parentObject.querySelector("div:nth-child(" + i + ")"); //sibling.after(elementObject); sibling.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', elementObject); } 

    Full code:

    W3 link
    Fiddle link


    submitted by /u/awwwes
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    How i can separate Data and Time in a DataGridView Column?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 07:24 AM PST

    I really don't know if this is forbidden here, if so, just let me know.

    Here I explain the problem in detail


    submitted by /u/jcbreppe
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