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    Saturday, February 22, 2020

    Just a PSA for all new developers out there check your ego when it comes to code reviews. learn programming

    Just a PSA for all new developers out there check your ego when it comes to code reviews. learn programming

    Just a PSA for all new developers out there check your ego when it comes to code reviews.

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 02:40 PM PST

    I say this l since I've been in a production environment for a good year now, and while having some of your code being pushed live with no mistakes or feedback is a great feeling, code reviews are very humbling. Check your ego at the door and learn, learn , learn.

    submitted by /u/the_DashingPickle
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    Python Tutorial - Functions Explained Like You're Five

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 03:24 PM PST

    Hey guys. I know some of you might be struggling with the basics; I know I did when I first started. I wrote up a quick tutorial on functions if you guys are struggling with that in particular. Check it out if you feel like it.

    Link: https://ectotalk.com/index.php?threads/functions-explained-like-youre-five.30/

    submitted by /u/Dternity
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    Why is c++ such an important language?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 11:33 AM PST

    I've been wondering why c++ is such an important programming language? I've also been wondering, apart from the syntax, what's the difference between java, python, c++, and c? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Python119
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    Made an interactive birthday card for my girlfriend

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 06:05 AM PST

    And it was awesome! :))

    Two days prior to my girlfriend's birthday I decided to create an interactive birthday card for her. I wanted it to be a cheesy, narrative-driven application that you can run via the terminal, or in other words, a cheesy terminal game.

    It was my first attempt at anything aside from some online exercises, so yeah, mediocre code at best, little to no PEP8 compliance, github repo a total mess, etc.

    But it was an AWESOME exercise (seriously) with a great and clear goal, a short deadline (I had RL things to handle during the two days as well), which allowed me to stretch my programming logic quite a bit.

    I had to plan, design, code, fail, code, lookup, fail, win! You should've seen my face when the hangman game worked out! (it's sooooo incomplete but it works (lol), a bunch of things are wrong with it but I had a deadline so I had to ship!)

    To all my fellows out there, I highly encourage you to find something (or someone) you love and come up with a fun exercise to that end (whatever that may be). It makes for an exciting journey and teaches you a bunch about yourself, your passion for coding, concepts you already know, know a bit, or don't know at all.

    Deadlines are good. Personal projects are great. Refactoring, going over the logic afterwards is also a crucial skill it seems- so I'm gonna roll up my sleeve and fix the mess I made. I've heard software is 90-90, as in you can relatively quickly code the first 90%, then you need as much time to update the mess you made. Fun times :)

    Gonna also try to do the same thing using OOP.

    10/10 as an experience, please heed my unsolicited advice!

    submitted by /u/Vaylx
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    Apparently teachers still use python 2.7. And apparently python 3 solves most of the frustrations I deal with.

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 12:25 PM PST

    I'm not sure what to do, tbh. I'm not sure I should try to get him to update, because it'll just mean complicating things, including having to reteach a couple things. On the other hand, I don't want to learn the old stuff and confuse myself when I start working with the new stuff.

    How would you guys do this? Study Py 3 and just remember to use a translator to turn in assignments in Py 2.7?

    submitted by /u/VectorLightning
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    Streaming my learning process - Python

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 10:58 AM PST

    Hey guys, I've decided to try streaming my python learning process. I'm hoping to get some viewers who are interested in learning with me and could also help me learn even more. If you guys are at all interested in checking my stream out it is https://www.twitch.tv/admrhds92

    Any tips or criticism would be greately appreciated. Right now I'm going through the book automate the broing stuff.

    submitted by /u/admrhds
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    I am 17, trying to go down the math path in life as much as possible, what programming languages should I learn and how?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 06:26 AM PST

    I know a bit of basic JavaScript from Khan academy and I'm trying to learn Python, also I was recommended Julia. I'm just wondering what's the best, also I wanna experiment with AI so if anyone has recommendations for that I'd appreciate that too.

    submitted by /u/typofreeusername
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    help with Learning C in zybooks

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 11:53 PM PST

    im learning C through zybooks for my college programming class but i keep getting stuck not understanding the lessons and i need to catch up fast.

    is there anywhere i can go to get some help with this so i can plow through these lessons fast?

    submitted by /u/Atlasbot17
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    [Java] How to output numbers with commas

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 07:56 PM PST

    I Googled how to do it but not too sure if I am doing it right. I keep getting errors. https://gist.github.com/chavezcesar34/520ff6525af3078e7c2ee22976958a64

    EDIT: Solved it by adding a comma before".2f" like this, "%,.2f" instead of "%.2f".

    submitted by /u/EliteAgent51
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    What is wrong with my calculator?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 11:35 PM PST

    #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> int main() { double x,y,result; char opr; printf("Type first number: \n"); scanf("%lf", &x); printf("Type operator: \n"); scanf(" %c", opr); printf("Type second number: \n"); scanf("%lf", &y); if(opr='+'){ result=x+y; }else if(opr='-'){ result=x-y; }else if(opr='*'){ result=x*y; }else if(opr='/'){ result=x/y; }else { printf("Invalid Operator"); } return result; } 

    It kinda craps itself after taking the operator"opr" character input.

    submitted by /u/ChayanDas19
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    The timescale for non-career ML

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 11:32 PM PST

    It seems that all requests by beginners looking to learn machine learning come from prospective ML job-seekers. I'm just bored and looking for someone cool to do.

    Realistically, how long would it take me as a high school student to create a project that can recognize different types of flowers with ML? Took calculus BC last year and knew python for 2 years. I'm looking for something to do in the summer before I start college.

    submitted by /u/SignificantDevice3
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    Understanding Recursion

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 08:49 AM PST

    I am taking an introductory computer course online and I am having a hell of time understanding Recursion, for anything more complicated than factorial type problems. I get that we need a base case or bases cases but the whole idea of a function calling itself,especially when there are multiple bases cases, is just not clicking for me. If you have recursion nailed down,

    a) how do you go about setting up the solution?

    b) Are there any online materials that helped reach the aha moment?

    c) what do I have to know about the stack in order to solve recursion type problems?

    Any tips, comments, example codes(preferably in python) would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/TheJourneyman92
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    Level up your HTML/CSS skills and build better pages

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 07:45 PM PST

    Hey - Just wanted to share a bit of a passion project in case it's useful for anyone here...

    For the last 3 years, myself and a small team have been working on LiveCanvas (https://livecanvas.com/): its a new WordPress plugin and live editing platform to craft high quality HTML web pages.

    Our tool is perfect for people who know HTML already and want a little more power: it lets you quickly build beautiful, responsive web pages without compromising on the generated HTML code quality and site performance. We believe LiveCanvas is the perfect playground to level up your HTML/CSS skills and build better pages.

    If you fancy giving it a shot, please give our website a look as we are coming up with new updates all the time

    Cheers everyone

    submitted by /u/panduhaf
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    Doing large block of pairwise calculations in smaller blocks

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 11:24 PM PST

    Uff - This should be easy and for some reason I cannot get it working. Basically, I have a very large amount of data and I want to process it in smaller blocks so that I can do a parallel algorithm. I have just under 1 million data observations and I want to do a 1M vs 1M matrix and store the results into a database. I have the code working nicely for the comparisons and databasing.

    So lets make this easier - 6 observation -- 6 x 6 matrix, performed in blocks of 2. We only need to do the upper triangle. I need the row and column numbers to do this in the blocks that I want.

    # -- R Code -- VecLen <- 6 blockSize <- 2 flagBlock <- 0 flag <- 0 xl<-0 getList<-list();getList[[1]]<-c(0,0) while(flagBlock < VecLen){ flag<- ifelse(flag==0, 1, flagBlock+1) flagBlock<-flagBlock+blockSize xl<- xl + 1 ## increase the index for the list getList[[xl]]<-c(0,0) ## start the new list jump<-FALSE # for(i in flag:flagBlock){ for(i in flag:length(VecLen)){ tmp<-c(0,0) for(j in i:flagBlock){ if(jump == T){ j<-j+flagBlock } tmp <- rbind(tmp, cbind(i,j)) head(getList) # for debugging } getList[[xl]]<-tmp jump<-T } } 

    This should give something like

    [[1]] 1, 1 1, 2 [[2]] 1, 3 1, 4 [[ 3]] 1, 5 1, 6 ## then for 2,2 - 2,3 etc... 

    but it doesn't. I don't really care the language that I get this working in ( I know, python, R, bits of C++, javascript, even some perl)

    EDIT - Also very happy to give better words to google by. I thought my google level was pretty good prior to this :(

    submitted by /u/away-Catch
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    I'm trying to create a batch file that runs two .exe's, how do I start the file path from the directory the batch is in?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 02:34 PM PST

    Right now the batch and directories holding the .exe's are in a folder in my downloads, but I don't want to put the path to the downloads in the batch code because I want to be able to move the folder and still have it work. How do I write the path to start from wherever the batch file is, instead of all the way from the drive?

    Also, one source told me I need

    START /d "path\file.exe" 

    But the other one told me I just need

    START "path\file.exe" 

    and I don't know the difference.

    submitted by /u/BigPawh
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    Colt Steele Web developer bootcamp or freecodecamp?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 09:46 AM PST

    I know many people would say to take both but what if I have to choose one? 🙄

    submitted by /u/Abdullahz0
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    Java's Merge Sort Insertion Sort Threshold

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 07:28 PM PST

    I was looking at Java's implementation of merge sort and how it has implemented the insertion sort threshold. Can someone explain how this works? The second for-loop sets j = i and loops while j is greater than low. Wouldn't this keep the loop from ever starting? I must be missing something because it works, but I'm confused on how.

    //Insertion sort on smallest arrays if (length < INSERTIONSORT_THRESHOLD) { for (int i=low; i<high; i++) for (int j=i; j>low && ((Comparable) dest[j-1]).compareTo(dest[j])>0; j--) swap(dest, j, j-1); return; } 
    submitted by /u/Suspicious_Phrase
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    Checking if a key already has a value

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 07:03 PM PST

    I'm running a for loop and i'm trying to create an if statement whether or not there is already a value assigned to the key in the dictionary, and if there is a value it just goes to the else without changing anything. My code looks like this

    for x in mads:

     if x in theDict: theDict[x] = theDict[x] 


     word = input("Enter {} for your story:".format(x)) theDict[x] = word 
    submitted by /u/DTCole
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    Writing a vs code extension, how to use js libraries that use the dom?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 10:28 PM PST

    I am trying to use D3 inside a webview in a vs code extension I am writing. I know this can be done because other extensions use the library.

    My current problem is that when I try doing the first example from the D3 tutorial I get "document is not defined". Which get's called from within the library (i.e I am not making the call.)

    Associated SO question: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60312975/how-to-get-d3-working-on-a-vscode-webview?noredirect=1#comment106699949_60312975

    submitted by /u/camilo16
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    Python web scrape on Interbrand

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 10:17 PM PST

    I'm trying to scrape the data from https://www.interbrand.com/best-brands/best-global-brands/2019/ranking/

    The code I've written is

    companies.find(class_="brand-info brand-name brand-col-4").text 

    Somehow I got the error "NoneType has no attribute text". Say, I want to parse the text "Apple" or "Google - I clearly saw the text in that div class. How may I fix this error please?

    Thanks folks!

    submitted by /u/kienguyen3110
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    How do I not get overwhelmed easily?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 02:37 PM PST

    Hey r/learnprogramming

    I've been lurking around this sub for about a year now and finally decided to ask this question here. Let me give you some backgrouns information first:

    I'm a Software Engineering student currently in his last year of my bachelors degree doing my final internship. The company I do my internship at is a Microsoft Partner and last year they made a bot for their website.

    The project for my thesis was to improve this bot by applying various techniques so it would serve a better user experience on the website. The first thing they wanted me to try out was a machine learning service from Microsoft and have my apply it to the bot they made using Microsoft's BOT Framework. This is all C#

    Before I got started I told myself I'd orientate with the framework first so I could get the hang of it, then make try out the machine learning service and then try to combine them to see the actual result.

    However, this approach is getting the best of me as I am continuously fastforwarding to trying to get to the end goal while I am not ready yet. As an example: I could be trying out the BOT Framework still and then switch to trying to put it together with the machine learning service. I then end up not understanding it and getting demotivated and asking myself questions like: can I even do this? is this right for me?

    I guess I need to properly divide the problem into smaller pieces and disallow myself to continue to the next piece until the first are finished. I was wondering if you had any other tips.

    Maybe important to note that I haven't really struggled during my studies and I am ambitious to do a masters degree after this. I have gotten all my study points so far and I average on 75/100 for all the tests which is pretty good (imho).


    submitted by /u/QLTDouble
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    Code.org help simple but i suck

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 09:55 PM PST



    I want to make it so that it takes the input from https://gyazo.com/58f3362e87269fd47968030c2ad81e93

    and output it on the results screen, those who program for living will have a breeze doing this I just don't program and it is why I need help.

    submitted by /u/tedisdope
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    Need help understanding C program output

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 01:41 AM PST

    This is a practice question from my coding final.


    #include <stdio.h> #define N 3 // a structure type for storing an array. typedef struct { int *ptrData; int length; } ARRAY; void printArray(ARRAY A) { int i; printf("Array Content:\n"); for (i=0; i<A.length; i++) { printf("%d\n", A.ptrData[i]); } } int main() { int x[N]={1, 3, 5}; ARRAY array1; ARRAY array2; array1.ptrData=x; array1.length=N; array2=array1; array1.ptrData[0]=10; printArray(array1); printArray(array2); return 0; } 


    I am having trouble understanding why the output for array2 is the same as array1. I understand how they got the values for array1 but not sure for array2 since, from my understanding, the first element of the array1 was changed to 10 after declaring array1=array2 but from the output, it seems like array2's first element was set to 10 as well.

    Thanks for the help,

    submitted by /u/SteveOniiChan
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    Source Code for chrome extensions; why do all of the functions have single char names

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 03:30 PM PST

    I've been looking at the code for chrome extensions and noticed all of the functions have single char names.

    I am wondering why that is.

    I know enough to know that when naming variables and functions it is best to not use single letters.

    submitted by /u/geturegooutofmyface
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