• Breaking News

    Tuesday, February 18, 2020

    I’m a developer who has spent the last six years teaching web development to over 700,000 online students. AMA about how to become a web developer! learn programming

    I’m a developer who has spent the last six years teaching web development to over 700,000 online students. AMA about how to become a web developer! learn programming

    I’m a developer who has spent the last six years teaching web development to over 700,000 online students. AMA about how to become a web developer!

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 09:55 AM PST


    I started my "career" as a lowly studio engineer in New York City (my claim to fame is that I worked with LCD Soundsystem). I quickly burned out and discovered I actually hated working insane hours for virtually no pay in a recording studio. I discovered my love of teaching coding while studying computer science at NYU and I've been doing it ever since. Here's a bit about me:

    I started out teaching in-person web development bootcamps at General Assembly in San Francisco back in 2014. I eventually left to join Galvanize and help open up their San Francisco campus. I taught a couple hundred students over 2 years at Galvanize, and eventually became their Curriculum Director across all campuses. 94% of my in-person students went on to get full-time engineering jobs, and they work all over the world at companies ranging from tiny 2 person teams to tech behemoths (Google, Apple, etc)

    Teaching bootcamps (and attending them!) is crazy exhausting, so after a couple years I was ready for a change. At the same time, I recognized there was a clear lack of quality learning resources available online and so in 2016 I joined Udacity and started creating content for their nanodegree programs. Shortly thereafter I decided to release my first Udemy course, the Web Developer Bootcamp, in hopes of generating a little bit of income on the side. I was completely caught off guard by the response to my course, and after a couple months of waffling back and forth, I decided to quit my job and focus on teaching online full-time.Fast forward to today, and I've released 9 courses on Udemy with over 700,000 students choosing to enroll in them. Last year I started up a YouTube channel where I release free instructional videos on wide-ranging topics. Most recently, I've partnered with Springboard to launch the Software Engineering Career Track, a job-guaranteed online bootcamp with benefits like 1:1 mentorship from a software engineering expert, capstone projects, live code reviews, on-demand TA support, and personal career coaching.

    I'd love to answer any questions you have about becoming a web developer, bootcamps/courses, or anything else -- AMA :)

    submitted by /u/colt-steele
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    Why do most people recommend learning Python when it has the least amount of jobs

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 04:29 AM PST

    Everytime i see a video/blog about what language to learn, Python is often nr 1. But when i look at job postings, Java, C# and PHP have 3x the amount of jobs available compared to Python.

    Edit: a lot of great and useful responses

    submitted by /u/Savage_Kantuz
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    8051 Microcontroller ASSEMBLY language coding for Elevator

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 11:25 PM PST


     ORG 00H 


    MOV P1, #00H ; motor MOV P2, #00H ; buttons P2.0-2.2, sensors P2.3-2.5 


    JNB P2.0, FLOOR2 ; check button SETB P1.1 ; start motor to go down JNB P2.3, $ ; check sensor, cont until it reaches 1st floor CLR P1.1 ; stops motor SJMP MAIN 


    JNB P2.1, FLOOR3 JNB P2.3, FLOOR2DOWN ; check if lift is on floor 1 SETB P1.0 ; starts motor upwards JNB P2.4, $ CLR P1.0 SJMP MAIN 


    JNB P2.1, FLOOR3 JNB P2.5, FLOOR2 ; check if lift is on floor 3 SETB P1.1 JNB P2.4, $ CLR P1.1 SJMP MAIN 


    JNB P2.2, MAIN ; check button floor 3 SETB P1.0 JNB P2.5, $ ; cont until it reaches floor 3 CLR P1.0 SJMP MAIN 



    I am working on a very simple model elevator using 8051 microcontroller(above is my assembly coding for it ).It will have :

    Ground Floor

    First Floor and,

    Second floor.

    I have trouble in configuring the coding with sensors(I will use IR sensors later) now i am using pushbutton to replace the sensor.

    The thing is, when I press button on my keypad which is a "pushbutton" the motor ONLY keeps running as long as i keep holding and pressing the switch.

    And i need the motor to be running until it reachs a certain floor and sensor detect it reached that floor and stops

    The elevator motor should work like, it will check all the sensors and if there is elevator car in that respective floor it will move the elevator car/cage to that position and motor will stop.

    Really grateful for your kind help.

    Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/Geek_787
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    “If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 01:48 PM PST

    I've been struggling with my journey, and this subreddit has been very helpful. Don't give up guys, we can do it!

    submitted by /u/Tasty-Peppermint
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    Java Method Pass By Value Question

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 08:06 PM PST

    I wrote this program to find the ith smallest element in a list using the randomized selection algorithm. For some reason, I have to clone the list if I wish to call the function multiple times because it seems the code in findIthSmallest() affects the list in the main. My question is why does it alter the variable ll in the main method when methods make copies of variables?

    package algo;

    import java.util.Arrays;

    import java.util.LinkedList;

    public class RandomizedSelection {

    public static int findIthSmallest(LinkedList<Integer> l, int ith) { //indexing starts at 1 int size = l.size(); int pivotPos = (int) (Math.random()\*size); int pivot = (int)l.get(pivotPos); 

     LinkedList<Integer> smaller = new LinkedList<Integer>(), 

    larger = new LinkedList<Integer>();

     for (int i = 0; i <= size; i++) { if (i != pivotPos) { 

    int temp = (int)l.poll();

    if ( temp <= pivot ) {



    else {



     } } 

     int sSize = smaller.size(); 

     if (ith == sSize) { return pivot; } else if ( ith < sSize ) { return findIthSmallest(smaller, ith); } return findIthSmallest(larger,ith-sSize); } 

    public static void main(String\[\] args) { 

     int\[\] list = {8,4,6,5,2,3,7,0}; LinkedList<Integer> ll = new LinkedList<Integer>(); //I chose to use a linkedlist to minimize adding O(n) time due for insertions/deletions for (int i : list) { ll.add(i); } 

     Arrays.sort(list); for (int i : list) { System.out.print(i+ "\\t");} System.out.println(); 

     System.out.println(findIthSmallest( (LinkedList<Integer>)ll.clone(),1) ); System.out.println(findIthSmallest( (LinkedList<Integer>)ll.clone(),4) ); System.out.println(findIthSmallest( (LinkedList<Integer>)ll.clone(),8) ); } 


    submitted by /u/Bethelyhills
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    This is a practice question for my upcoming OS midterm. Could I get some help?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 08:34 PM PST

    Suppose two threads A and B coordinate using a spinlock implemented based on atomic exchange like we dicussed in lecture. Assume, unlike xv6's spinlocks, these threads do not disable interrupts when acquiring the spinlock.

    Both threads are running on a single-core system that uses a round-robin scheduler with a 20 millisecond time quantum. Thread A acquires the spinlock, then needs to do about 50 milliseconds of computation, then will release the spinlock and terminate. About 1 millisecond after thread A acquires the spinlock, thread B tries and waits to acquire the spinlock. Assuming thread A and B are the only runnable threads on the system (and never need to wait for I/O), how long will it be between when thread A acquires the spinlock and when it releases it?


    If A has the spinlock for the whole time, then wouldn't it run for its full 50 ms before handing off to process B? How does disabling interrupts make a difference?

    The possible choices are 50 milliseconds, 70, 90, 100, 110, 130, 150, A will never release.


    Edit: It should be 90, right? Process B just spins for 20ms after the context switch.

    submitted by /u/humblefish120
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    What can someone be with physics + coding?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 05:52 PM PST

    My head has been in a swirl for the past few months, as I recently received my degree in (engineering) physics and don't really know what to work with.

    I got interested in programming a couple of years ago and have had a pretty decent experience with it, exploring a few areas of Computer Science that seemed interesting to me, such as ML, CG, and software development in general. I really enjoyed messing around with all that, and I'm convinced that my career will heavily rely on programming in some way.

    The thing is that diving into the tech industry kind of makes all my background in physics seem irrelevant, and having to learn a bunch of new stuff in a hurry just to make myself competitive in the job market feels like the wrong way at this moment.

    So basically what I'm asking is, what kind of work am I able to do with physics + programming in the industry? I don't really see myself being a pure researcher, I'm talking about something more like R&D in a tech company.

    Once I was told that someone who's good at physics and programming can pretty much become a god, but idk man, this just feels like a super daunting moment of life...

    submitted by /u/morsoni45
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    Its finally happening

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 06:48 AM PST

    I finally start my job as a full time jr dev next week. I joined my current team with very little programming experience, but worked as a BA/tester for 3 years. I asked my supervisor if she minded if I gained access to our code base so I could help solve the bugs I found. She fully supported me. Last year I developed on a different application as well as our own, adding small features here and there as the other developers were too busy to implement everything thrown at them.
    At the end of last year I was approached by our lead dev and asked if i would like to come over full time, and I'm jumping at the chance.

    I am as nervous about work as I've been in my whole career. I feel like I've been pushed off a diving board, and given a book about swimming to read before I hit the water. But, jumping in with both feet have served me well so far. I'll either swim with the big fish, or go back to being a BA.

    submitted by /u/srblan
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    Is there any resource like FreeCodeCamp to learn back-end?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 11:46 AM PST

    Hi everyone, I'm at the beginning on this journey, i started learning HTML and CSS, but i feel like i don't really want to do web design. I bought the Italian edition of the Deitel & Deitel (C Language) since i was told that would be the best start for me. The book is awesome, but i find it less enjoyable than a learning method like FreeCodeCamp (step-by-step exercises, projects, etc.) So here's the question: Is there any rrsource like FreeCodeCamp that teaches back-end languages (C, C++, Python or Java).

    Any suggestion is welcome! Thank you.

    submitted by /u/OoohManny
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    React this question

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 11:59 PM PST

    I know how this works, usually..

    const obj = { f() {console.log(this);} // binds to the object it is in (obj) } 

    whereas func() {console.log(this);} will print the Window object

    So if the function is a method (to an object), it refers to the object. But how come it's not the case inside classes?

    import React, { Component } from "react"; class Counter extends Component { state = { count: 0, tags: ["tag1", "tag2", "tag3"] }; handleIncrement() { console.log("Increment clicked wot"); console.log(this); // undefined // so it means // console.log(this.state.count) will crash }; render() { return ( <React.Fragment> <button onClick={this.handleIncrement} className="btn btn-secondary btn-sm" > Increment </button> </React.Fragment> ); } } export default Counter; 

    Aren't classes objects in JS? So wouldn't that mean handleIncrement is a method, so it should bind to the Counter object?

    Instead it binds to the Window object, and I have to resort to arrow functions to "fall back" and adopt the this from it's container (which points to Counter). I also know I can re-bind it in the constructor. But my question still stands..why isn't handleIncrement considered to be a method? If it is, why doesn't its this refer the Counter object???

    submitted by /u/chankfab
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    Is anyone familiar with any good programming courses worth taking?Free is good,but if its really a programm that is really worth the money and is not much i also dont mind.

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 11:39 PM PST

    Im currently learning python atm,but i also want to get more fundamental knowldge on programming and learn to apply this knowledge.

    submitted by /u/Rezuze
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    How can I find the system level of the operating system in CLLE?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 11:26 PM PST

    Working on a CLLE program at the moment and I'm supposed to find the system level of the operating system. what does that mean? I would assume I'm supposed to retrieve a value using SYSVAL() RTNVAR() but looking at the IBM page nothing mentions the system level of the operating system.


    what should I be retrieving?

    submitted by /u/dizzyflames
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    Help Needed with Python Homework

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 11:14 PM PST

    I am trying to make the console continuously ask for a number (the temperature) and either spit out "fan on" or "fan off" after the user enters a number. So far, it works for me the first time and after it says "fan on/off" and then asks me for a second time "What is the temperature? ", when I enter the second number nothing comes out. Figure I need to make this a loop. Here is my code so far

    temp = int(input("What is the Temperture? "))

    sp = 100

    output = (temp - sp + 0.75)*0.01

    if (output - sp > 1):

    print ("Fan On")


    print ("Fan Off")

    temp = int(input("What is the Tempreture? "))

    submitted by /u/ko_kdawg
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    Interested in undertaking a hobby project for fun I want to get rid of a old profile picture on Facebook.

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 11:13 PM PST

    I have a Project Idea i plan on doing just for fun I created a profile on Facebook long back which i want to get rid of as it has been bugging me for months. The only problem here is that i am unable to find it on Facebook search results. So i want to create an app / program through which I can successfully locate it and destroy it once and for all. The problem here is I don't know how to go forth with the project the only thing I know is that i have to make use of metadata that is there on Facebook. What kind of language or framework is I am required to know I don't have a clue. Please help me and i will make sure I up-vote every post/comment that get posted by users who reply.

    submitted by /u/Wild-Apple
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    Is this a good way to vulgarize "for (i = 1; i <= x; i++)"?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 10:31 PM PST

    What would be the best way to vulgarize, word for word, that type of instruction?

    for = "when this condition is met"

    i = 1 "we start at 1"

    i <= "and never go beyond x"

    i = we count

    When the following condition is met, we will start counting from 1 but we will limit that counting to the the value of x, as to never go beyond it. We are giving the instruction a numerical path to follow in order, and we can later add instructions at each checkpoint (numbers), e.g.: when you've reached the number 1, you say "hey", when you reach number 2, you say "yo", when you reach...

    submitted by /u/PaidEAShill
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    Meditech QC Statistics

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 10:07 PM PST

    I'm new to programming and was thinking that this may be a task that I could tackle but wanted to reach out and get a nice foundation going before I start diving into it full on. I work for a lab that keeps track of monthly quality control statistics that are printed out from Meditech and manually typed into an excel sheet. I would like to write a program that does this automatically for us but the only thing I'm not 100% sure on is whether or not the program would be able to execute due to Meditech needing a valid login due to patient information. My thoughts are that if I'm logged in, then execute the program, it should be fine, but again I'm not quite there from a knowledge stand point. TIA!

    submitted by /u/SpyWhoShaggedTTV
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    Help I'm having a few problems with a Python I'm working on

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 09:57 PM PST

    I'm trying to build a jackblack calculator that has to meet three conditions:

    1. user must input the allowed number of cards in their hand ( allowed amount must be at least equal to 2 and the max is five)
    2. user then has to enter the value for each card in their hand
    3. after each card is entered add up the value of each

    I keep running into problems when I'm trying to run it. I'm still kind of new python and been looking at my code and editing so many times. I'm struggling to meet all three conditions for it to work perfectly and really need a new pair of eyes.

    anyway here's my code:

    import random # players cards holding the values of King, Queen, Jack and Ace player = ["k", "j", "q", "a"] for i in range(1, 12): player.append(i) print("Welcome to the BlackJack score calculator!") # ht stands for hand total ht = input("Enter the total number of cards in you hand: ") while True: # calculate player card inputs and total if ht.isalpha(): print("this is not a number") ht = input("Enter the total number of cards in you hand: ") elif ht > "5": print("you have too many card") ht = input("Enter the total number of cards in you hand: ") elif ht < "2": print("you have too few cards") ht = input("Enter the total number of cards in you hand: ") elif ht >= "2" or ht <= "5": # player card input values if ht == "2": ct = input("Enter the value for each of your cards in your hand: ") * 2 elif ht == "3": ct = input("Enter the value for each of your cards in your hand: ") * 3 elif ht == "4": ct = input("Enter the value for each of your cards in your hand: ") * 4 else: ct = input("Enter the value for each of your cards in your hand: ") * 5 for player in str(ct): # if user does not input a value of "K", "J", "Q", or "A" if ct in range(2, 11): ct = str(player) elif ct == 'k' or 'j' or 'q': # for user inputs for king, jack , and Queen kjq = 10 player = kjq ct = str(player) # user inputs for Ace elif ct == 'a' or '1' or '11': if ct == 'a': # if the user assigns the 'a' as an input value we will randomly assign it a value of 1 # or 11 player = (random.randint(1 or 11)) ct = str(player) elif ct == '11': player = 11 ct = str(player) elif ct == '1': player = 1 ct = str(player) else: print("that is not a valid card!") ct = input("Enter the value for each of your cards in your hand: ") # getting sum for ht in range(2, 6): x1 = int(ct) x2 = int(ct) x3 = int(ct) x4 = int(ct) x5 = int(ct) # this because i don't know how many card will be in the player's hand if ht == 2: y = x1 + x2 elif ht == 3: y = x1 + x2 + x3 elif ht == 4: y = x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 elif ht == 5: y = x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 # sum while (int(player)) < 21: if player is range(2, 11) in enumerate(player): player = (x1 or x2 or x3 or x4 or x5) print("you have a total of " + str(y) + " with ", player) break elif player == 'k' or 'j' or 'q' in enumerate(player): kjq = player player = (x1 or x2 or x3 or x4 or x5) print("you have a total of " + str(y) + " with ", player) break elif player in enumerate(str("a" or 1 or 11)): player = (x1 or x2 or x3 or x4 or x5) print("you have a total of " + str(y) + " with ", player) break if player > 21: print("Busted!") elif player == 21: print("BlackJack!") 
    submitted by /u/LancerIcar
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    React this question

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 09:55 PM PST

    (bad title)

    import React, { Component } from "react"; class Counter extends Component { state = { count: 0, tags: ["tag1", "tag2", "tag3"] }; handleIncrement() { console.log("Increment clicked wot"); } render() { return ( <React.Fragment> <button onClick={this.handleIncrement()} className="btn btn-secondary btn-sm" > Increment </button> </React.Fragment> ); } } export default Counter; 

    How come when the page loads, I get one Increment clicked wot on the console? I know that I need to pass a reference of the function to onClick, not call it, but why on page load it somehow seems to get called?

    submitted by /u/chankfab
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    How to tell if you actually are passionate about coding

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 06:07 PM PST

    Hi guys, I've asked some questions in the past and I lurked around this subreddit for 6 months now, I'm a programming college student and will be getting my Associates in the Fall then will do 2 more years for a bachelor. I was just wondering how I could tell if I have a passion for coding.

    I really enjoy learning new things but I hear alot of people on youtube say that unless you're passionate you will be miserable. I also hear alot of corporate horror stories about how tech is cut throat and that they will get rid of you for any or no reason if you're unwilling to work 60+ hours a week as the bare minimum.

    I have trouble learning some things, but currently I find myself wanting to go more into the full stack web developer route (I've been doing alot of tutorials on html, css, javascript, and php/mysql), but I also want to learn more and more about indie game development because I also like writing and would like to combine the two passions and make horror rpg games.

    I wanted to get some advice from other users here on how to tell if you truly have the passion to succeed in the industry. Are there some questions you can ask yourself?

    submitted by /u/FallenPrinceBelial
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    Majored in Game Design, should have majored in Comp Sci Senior Advice.

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 12:54 PM PST

    As the title states, I studied game design and minored in web development. I feel I wasted my time because while the game design program here is considered very good (ranked top 5), I probably could have gotten better long term opportunities if I had just majored in computer science. I can program but my skills are somewhat limited and I feel like i have potentially missed a fantastic opportunity to study computer science in college. I have a hard time learning without structure so I'm intimidated by self learning ( though I will try my best to teach myself). I have obtained syllabi for all the comp sci courses I wanted to take at my school and will attempt to work through the assignments myself. Maybe it would be more worthwhile to take an extra semester or try and pursue a masters? Would a bootcamp help me obtain the skills that I need(Data Structures/algorithms are my priority right now). I really want to try and become a competent web or software developer and I dont want to set myself up for failure. Any advice would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/LeafCookie
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    Super noob question about a very simple program I can't figure out, can you help me please? I have searched the internet for awhile and have not come up with anything.

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 09:22 PM PST

    Ok so I did the coin flip program. I can't figure out the cho han. I think it is mostly defining an even and odd number. I'm just trying to bet on even or odd but it will only come out with odd or the else statement of I fucked up cuz it is none of the above. Trying to do the random.randint(1, 12) or add the 2 dice together random.randint(1, 6) I'm not sure how to explain. Maybe you could give me a full correct example ? Thanks

    ```import random money = 300 dice_roll = random.randint(1, 12) even = dice_roll % 2 == 0 odd = dice_roll % 2 != 0

    def cho_han(guess, bet): if dice_roll == even and guess == even: print("Even, you win") print("$" + str(money + bet)) elif dice_roll == odd and guess == odd: print("Odd, you won") print("$" + str(money + bet)) elif dice_roll == even and guess != even: print("Even, you lost") print("$" + str(money - bet)) elif dice_roll == odd and guess != odd: print("Odd, you lost") print("$" + str(money - bet)) else: print("YOU FUCKED UP")

    cho_han(even, 200)```

    submitted by /u/ClickBlazer
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    Why does Noone Finish the odin project?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 09:15 PM PST

    After Searching the Interwebs Far and Wide I have come to the conclusion that less than 10 people EVER have completed The Odin Project

    This fact doesn't seem that significant until you realize the following....

    Over 100,000 people sign up for the Odin project every week.

    The Odin Project has been around for 7 years.

    So here is some napkin math. 100,000 * 52 * 7 (36,000,000) people have attempted The Odin project and 35,999,990 never got to the end.

    so 1 out of every 3 million people finished it.

    or 0.00003%

    Can We Please Talk About Why this is because I have no fucking clue.

    submitted by /u/rubyisprettygreat
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    Stuck with HTML images

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 05:28 PM PST

    Hello all, not sure if right place to ask.

    Just starting out learning HTML, I am trying to load an image from file , the image is located in my root folder, in a sub-folder named images. I am using the following code.

    <img src="images/robin.jpg" alt="robin">

    Only thing that shows is the alt text with broken image icon to the left.

    I've double checked the spelling, file type, location name, and caps.

    Full code is

    <DOCTYPE! html>

    <html lang="en">


    <title>Robin home</title>



    <img src="images/robin.jpg" alt="robin">


    submitted by /u/Clearly2020
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    Tell me if I got this logic right...

    Posted: 17 Feb 2020 09:13 PM PST

    I am trying to append a second linked character list to the end of a first character list. I cannot use doubly linked lists or tail pointers...

    In the while loop I am advancing current and previous node pointer by one. Eventually it will hit the end of the linked list containing null, when it does I am creating a new node and putting what's in the first node of the linked list that I passed in by reference into this new node that I just appended to the end of the first linked character list right?

     void append(const LinkedChar& lc){ itemcount = lc.itemcount; Node *origChainPtr = lc.headPtr; Node *prevNodePtr = headPtr; Node *currNodePtr = headPtr->getNext(); while(currNodePtr != nullptr){ prevNodePtr = currNodePtr; currNodePtr = currNodePtr->getNext(); if(currNodePtr == nullptr){ currNodePtr = new Node; currNodePtr->setItem(origChainPtr->getItem()); 
    submitted by /u/gtrman571
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