• Breaking News

    Wednesday, February 5, 2020

    Google Stadia Killer "GeForce Now" Launched at $5/month with a free 90-days trial

    Google Stadia Killer "GeForce Now" Launched at $5/month with a free 90-days trial

    Google Stadia Killer "GeForce Now" Launched at $5/month with a free 90-days trial

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 08:36 AM PST

    Shader Coding: Making a starfield - Part 2

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 09:37 AM PST

    Ven VR Adventure - Announcement Gameplay Teaser | Ven is finally ready to meet you all!

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 10:33 AM PST

    quick and useful vid in case u don't know how to add ur game to Twitch/Mixer database.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 06:10 AM PST

    Creative Direction, are you ignoring it?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 06:49 AM PST

    Creative Direction, are you ignoring it?

    Creative Direction seems to be a topic that is not often discussed, especially within the indie game community. I have been really passionate about building our creative direction, so I thought I would quickly share how I have broken down my vision for our game at Star Seed Creations, leaving out the specifics. I am still adding and adjusting this most days as we develop the game:


    Visual Design

    • Inspiration
      • Listing specific games visual design as inspiration
    • Style
      • How am I using the Style in the game?
    • Environment
      • Main Location
        • Historical Architecture Style
      • Secondary Location
        • Historical Architecture Style
    • Color
      • Main Character
        • Colors, often groups of 2 or 3.
      • Anagonists
        • Colors
      • Rewards
        • Colors
      • Environment
        • Colors

    VFX & More

    • Ideas
      • Experiments to make the visual identity unique
    • Other Style Considerations
      • Night
        • Visual look of night
      • Day
        • Visual Look of day
      • Possible Shaders
        • Links to various games & shaders to later purchase or use as inspiration
    • Movement
      • Visual look of movement, including links to examples
    • Camera introduction
      • How the camera functions normally and in different scenarios. (Not a technical breakdown.)


    • Models
      • Style of 3d Modeling
      • Aspects of that style to emphasize
        • Details
      • Human Characters
        • Style choices regarding human characters


    • Experimental idea regarding animation
    • Animation style choice #1
    • Animation style choice #2
      • link to visual reference
    • Main Characters Animation
    • Inspiration
      • Links
    • Walk
      • Detail #1
      • Detail #2
    • Attack
      • Detail #1
      • Detail #2


    • Music
      • Music Style
        • General Theme Vibe Link
        • Boss Fight Vibe Link
        • Lots of additional inspiration links
      • Mechanic #1
        • Inspiration Link
      • Enemy
        • Inspiration Link
      • Reward
        • Inspiration Link
    • Style Notes
    • SFX
      • General Inspiration Links
      • Specific Mechanic
        • Inspiration Link
      • Specific Mechanic #2
        • Inspiration Link


    • Tone
      • Details
    • Story Inspiration
      • Movie Example
        • What is it about that example?
      • Studio Example
        • Details
      • Game Example
        • Details

    EDIT: Somehow SFX got lost, so I readded it.


    submitted by /u/StarSeedCreations
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    Early Access Post Mortem

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 02:33 AM PST

    Hey all, I wrote this, which I think contains useful learnings from our Early Access:


    Please share if you feel someone may benefit.


    submitted by /u/danisanchezcrespo
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    Level Design tutorial: Ruins in Forest in < 1h with only free assets

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 08:23 AM PST

    Level Design tutorial: Ruins in Forest in < 1h with only free assets

    Hey there,

    I made this first tutorial about level design with Unity, we'll create this scene using only free assets and trees I made.

    The link: https://youtu.be/3UyO-0QigC8


    This is my first video about this topic, so I would love to know what you think about the scene, the format, what should be improved.

    I'm also creating a night version that will be published soon.

    Thanks 😄

    submitted by /u/cranthir_
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    Is it possible to make a fully complete game in Unreal Engine using only Blueprint ?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 04:44 AM PST

    Unity vs Processing for University Computer Club

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 08:09 AM PST

    I hope this is an appropriate place to ask. I'm the president of my school's computer club and after our first meeting yesterday, one of the many things people were interested in doing was game design. Two things: we're not a Game Dev club and most were interested, but have no experience. Given these two things, I suggested Processing since our principle language is Java, the learning curve isn't too rough, and time to develop should be low. Our advisor however is suggesting Unity. His argument is that Unity is used for AAA, relatively beginner friendly and C# is pretty close to Java syntax. I see where he's coming from but I worry that for our mostly underclassmen group, it'll pose more obstacles in the short term. And since we're not a game dev club (there probably should be one), I'm not sure how long we'd be devoting, do processing would allow us to have something up and running sooner.

    But ultimately, I'd like to hear the sub's opinions. What do y'all think?

    submitted by /u/cocoaButterCoder
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    What Makes a Game Dev Portfolio stand out ?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 02:05 AM PST

    Hello Game Developers

    I was thinking what makes a gameplay programmer portfolio stands out ?

    and what the employers wants to see in the portfolio ?

    Is there any secrets for this or It's just random game creations ?

    there's so many genres out there but not sure how the people gets impressed and what type of work they would like to see

    submitted by /u/TheRogue2020
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    Realtime Fur in Unreal 4.24 Deforming with Mesh. Running through Mocap Data Streaming

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 09:55 AM PST

    Fresh game art graduate and too much options

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 04:21 AM PST

    I am a game artist who just finished 3 years of Game Design School.
    I've gotten an introduction about most of the game art pipeline
    I was in 4 Global Game jams, participated in developing a total of 6 small to medium scope games
    most of my experience is in 3D Modelling and Animation.
    and at the same time I feel that I lack some design skills or instinct. and always was interested in coding and helping developers in implementation to game engine in Jams but couldn't.

    Now I am wondering about what field in the future I need to focus on.

    (1) I am planning on taking some time to develop Technical Art skills to try and have a decent portfolio to apply for a job. (means I am starting to learn from scratch)
    (2) But my interest in games is Character design or animation. I can channel my time to making the most of that

    So since it is a tough competition on the Character design and animation, and seeing a lot of Technical art demand where I am from: I am trying to apply for a job at a studio as soon as possible.
    What is your advice on the smartest move? And do you think my solution is viable?

    All advice, experiences and questions are welcome and appreciated,
    Thanks =)

    submitted by /u/TripleAAAY
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    Making a DocuSeries about making my first game. Looking for suggestions on how to improve the game itself rather than feedback on the video. Would appreciate any comments, suggestions, and support!

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 08:00 AM PST

    Is there a place where programmers, artists and writers meet?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 09:31 AM PST

    I would really love to work together with some people and make a game (I already have started developing a game), but I am not sure where I could find some other people to involve in the project. Of course, I am talking mostly about beginners like me or people who just want to practice as I cannot afford to hire anyone.

    Maybe there is like a forum or website?

    submitted by /u/Ageha1304
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    Simon Carless - What 'Dragons Love Tacos' taught me about game discoverability

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 06:41 AM PST

    What are some games that offer significantly different playstyles with minimal menu time to switch between them?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 11:39 AM PST

    I love replaying Dark Souls because there are so many options for playstyles -- using a super slow weapon that does a ton of damage and using a super fast weapon that does a little damage are very different experiences. Using armor at all, using a shield, using spells, etc. But the game has a pretty sizable menu to allow you to manage all that stuff. What are some games that have that depth of play styles but less menu-time? Overwatch comes to mind, but I can't think of any adventure games or rpgs off the top of my head.

    submitted by /u/mkdir_not_war
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    How do you decide when to develop a feature yourself and when to get an asset?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 06:17 AM PST

    I see a lot of assets regarding dialog systems, combat systems, inventories, etc, and I keep wondering if I should give up on implementing those myself and just get one of those assets.

    For people who regularly make those decisions, at which point do you decide that you should use an asset rather than develop something yourself?

    Bonus question: when seeing a dozen inventory assets, each about $10~$50, how do you decide? And how do you know if it's compatible with your current codebase?

    (I'm using Unity, but I'm guessing this applies to people using Unreal too and maybe other engines)

    submitted by /u/Mikal_
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    How translatable is SFML to SDL2?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 11:15 AM PST

    apologies if title didn't make sense, also delete if not allowed

    I'm having to build a C++ game with SDL2 being used as the engine. I've been looking at YouTube for just some general tips on SDL2 and just come across a video tutorial of a game that's similar to what I want to make without realising it was in SFML

    If I followed along and obviously change what I need to change, would translating it into SDL be smooth or should I just not bother and find something else?

    All help is appreciated

    submitted by /u/jacobdaniel_22
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    Legal stuff needed for free demo

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 11:00 AM PST

    I want to put a very early demo of my game on the internet (for free of course)

    It uses mixamo assets and some bought unity asset store assets.

    Do I need to consider any legal stuff??

    Do I need to put stuff like licenses etc. in the game?

    submitted by /u/sanlihakan
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    Chapter Select vs Continue Button in VR Games

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 08:47 AM PST

    Hey all! First post here! :D

    I'm working on a narrative adventure VR game and have come to the point of creating the save/load system. My question to you fellow devs is: From a game design perspective, (VR or not), would you rather see a continue button that would put you right back where you left off (at a designated save point), or a chapter select that lets you go back to previous sections of the game?


    submitted by /u/ygm7
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    I have created a metagame

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 10:50 AM PST

    It is the Infinite Wordsearch

    You need a Github account to play it properly, though.

    submitted by /u/PowerForSeconds
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    Best suggested games to edit/mod for beginners

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 09:57 AM PST

    I am teaching my little brother some programming, and he's mostly interested in game development. I am not a gamer at all, and more into web development and ML.

    So I decided to invest some of my time by thinking of nice projects for him to begin with when he's ready to go for more serious stuff soon.

    I had a friend that somehow got the code/hacked server code (?) for "Maplestory" and created his own server with his own game concept and characters, with all sorts of missions he invented, and said that he edited the game code with Java.

    Are there any better, more modern games I can edit myself in the same way I described above (Java or C++ will be the best in my case), hacked games will be ok too (for the practice).

    submitted by /u/hAtul89
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    What kind of architecture patterns for MMO

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 09:47 AM PST


    I recently decided to make my own engine for an MMO game.

    I know, it's my engine and I decide what I want to do with it, but I don't really know what kind of option I have.

    For example, one of my friend told me to do an ECS, but I don't really other options, could you give me some.


    submitted by /u/Tiis__
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    Contacting influencers early with Alpha/Beta/Demo builds, good or bad idea?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 07:15 AM PST

    When looking through other posts about when to contact youtubers and streamers, I mostly see suggestions of ~1 month prior to release plus an embargo date. What about letting people show it off sooner? Has anyone had experience or know of any relevant write-ups with sending alpha/beta/demo versions of their game to influencers earlier than that?

    Right off the bat I suppose one issue is that if release is far out, the boost in views/wishlists may not be as effective since people may forget about it or delete them during that period. Another may be that an unfinished / buggier build may put people off as well. Not something super buggy, but something not quite fully beta-tested.

    But not everyone will forget or delete it , and most understand what an alpha/beta is, right? Wouldn't it still be a net-positive? My feeling (and it may be totally wrong) is that the boost in views would be beneficial. The more wishlists I can get prior to release the better, since that can help with Steams algorithm.

    I'm exploring this idea because from what I'm seeing the normal social media route eats up a lot of time, and accounts for very little of the traffic I get on Steam.

    I'm probably missing some others cons or not heeding them enough. If so please enlighten me, I'd really appreciate hearing other people's thoughts on this.

    submitted by /u/SnoozingPixel
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