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    Thursday, February 20, 2020

    Career change at age of 47! learn programming

    Career change at age of 47! learn programming

    Career change at age of 47!

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 02:53 PM PST

    As you can tell from the title that I am crazy enough to make such a shift at this age. I know how dynamic and helpful this community is and that's why I wanted to inquire about few things before I embark on my life biggest adventure.

    I have my own little digital marketing business and I have a marketing degree, I feel that I'm not challenged anymore or even interested to continue doing what I am doing, and that affected my little business to some extent in a negative way financially, and that led me to start working as an Uber driver to make a living for my family.

    But I started researching the web development world and it intrigues me so much that I seriously started studying HTML, CSS, and Javascript but to be quite honest I feel i am a bit lost with no guidance, FCC is good but i find it to be helpful to know the basics but not enough to depend on it.

    I wanted to know if anyone can help me with any suggestions if I want to setup my challenge and define my target and goal before my eyes to be starting my full time job in web development in 12 months from now (maybe I'm dreaming, but I believe nothing is impossible).

    How do you think I can be qualified to have a full time job as a web developer in a year from now if I'm working 8 hours a day now as an Uber driver.

    What would be a good daily routine and how long should be my studying per day in order to be consistent.

    What should be the sequence of topics to be studied and mastered, any suggestions for a productive and straight to the point Syllabus?

    Any specific resources that you recommend in order to be efficient without wasting any time?

    I am sorry for the long post, but it is my most important life challenge at this time, and my age and responsibilities add more pressure and make me kinda afraid to go ahead sometimes, but I'm dreaming I can do it at this time next year.

    Thank you so much for taking the time to read it though.

    submitted by /u/Amr2573
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    I'm teaching C# to a beginner and putting our lessons on YouTube/Live streaming on Twitch. Here's the progress that has been made so far.

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 07:09 AM PST

    TL DR: My friend is making great progress in his programming journey. There's a live stream at 8:00PM CST on Twitch. And you can watch the old lessons on YouTube if you want to catch up.

    I've been giving C# lessons to my friend for a little over 2 months now and he's made a lot of progress. He's finished the first project without any difficulties and is currently working on project 2, making the game Hangman. He is feeling so confident that he decided to take the plunge and sign up for an official programming boot camp (Which starts around April).

    I think the boot camp will be a great networking opportunity, and will hopefully get him in contact with companies looking to hire self taught developers.

    There have also been a few members of the r/learnprogramming community that have been regulars on the discord (Shout out to Dante). They are also making great progress. Thanks for the support and feedback.

    I live stream our lessons on Twitch. And the lessons are normally scheduled for Sunday 1:00 PM CST. But I'll be streaming "Lesson 12: Methods" tonight at 8:00 PM CST because the student will be going on vacation this week and will miss our normal lesson time.

    I also take feedback from the lesson, modify it, rerecord it and put the new edited version on YouTube. Take a look if you want to catch up and follow along!

    Lesson 0: Installing Visual Studio

    Lesson 1: Variables

    Lesson 2: Console IO

    Lesson 3: Math

    Lesson 4: Boolean

    Lesson 5: If Statements

    Lesson 6: While Loops

    Project 1: Conversions

    I also have the Twitch lessons archived in a YouTube Playlist.

    There is also a Discord server you can join where I'll be posting schedule info and where you can discuss the lessons: https://discord.gg/EffvErM

    The lesson notes and tasks are on my personal website http://finalparsec.com/Blog/Archive. Or, if you know how to use Git, you can pull down the entire solution here GitHub.

    submitted by /u/Final_Parsec
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    [FREE] PostgreSQL High-Performance Tuning Guide - available next 3 days

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 10:13 PM PST


    If you are interested in building better PostgreSQL applications, in this course you'll find tips for tuning PostgreSQL 12 like a pro. Use the link below:



    submitted by /u/lucian-12
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    What do people mean when they say, "know HTML, CSS, and javascript inside out?"

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 12:49 PM PST

    I've been working through an online tutorial series for web dev in hopes to pick up enough knowledge to break into the industry. In my free time I've been browsing articles and forums looking to see the skill/knowledge floor for getting into a junior dev position. I'm finding SO MANY conflicting views on whether or not that's even possible in 2020 due to a serious over saturation of junior developers and aspiring junior developers.

    I've seen some people claim they've been searching for work full-time (in the U.S.) for years and have found nothing. I know these are probably fringe cases considering how much people love to tout the availability of coding jobs, especially web dev in the U.S., but I can't help thinking this view job abundance is coming from the perspective of people with industry experience who aren't a dime a dozen.

    Many people claim its easy to get into a junior role, you just need to have a "very good understanding of js, css, and html." I guess I'm wondering what hell this means. How much do I need to know? How do I know when I know enough to start applying for work?

    submitted by /u/PrizePoint
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    return True if it is within 10 of 100 or 200. Please explain this problem.

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 10:41 PM PST

    I am trying to understand this problem in Python. I got the correct output (show solution) but i cannot understand it.

    How does the abs() function work in this case?

    I have tried searching for an explanation but have had no success.

    I am a beginner in Python but i really want to understand this so I can use it at some point.

    submitted by /u/Vylmion
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    Tell us your self-taught programming success story

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 11:25 AM PST

    If you are a self-taught programmer with a job in software development, please comment your success story below.

    submitted by /u/PlanetaryPizza
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    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 12:43 AM PST

    How would you get to display fps info in android studio ?

    submitted by /u/amor_e
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    Trying to hire a programmer to replace an old one - having issue because I am too new to understand

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 12:12 AM PST

    So I had one programmer who was awesome. Too awesome and now is too busy.

    Unfortunately I need to hire someone one else. Basically my plan was to hire maybe 3 or 4 of them and test them on a piece of work.

    Basically get them to do something on my website. Get all of them to do the same exact thing. And who ever does it the best (understands me, quickly, and well).

    However, I do not want them to break my website. Is there a way I can give them access to my site. Let them work on it. And I can view their edition?

    And see if they can actually do the work?

    Is there a way I can give them the site offline or something? Sorry I am NOT a programmer.

    The only way I can tell if they can do the work, is to actually give them the work. But I do not know how to do that without risking my site going down or they delete everything.

    submitted by /u/BrokelynNYC
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    What language to create something like this web software?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 08:10 PM PST


    Not the website to sell the software, but what language is the software itself written in?

    I'm a total newbie to coding but would love to be able to build something like the software above

    submitted by /u/_Mighty_Boosh
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    Is there light at the end?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 05:28 PM PST


    I am trying to get some knowledge or feedback on my current and possibly future career. I don't even know what the proper names for the tasks or projects that I do. Hoping to get some advice on how to better my work situation.

    I am a mortgage system administrator. Previously, I worked on the retail side of things before moving. Although I have been in the same company for a few years, I didn't get promoted or anything, but I've been able to keep my eyes open and apply for higher paying positions within this company and how I've managed to this point.

    I have minimal knowledge in python, c# and some in VB.Net. With VB.Net being the language used in this software. My current daily tasks are emailing users on fixing errors and creating new business rules for mundane tasks and creating new screens/forms. The most complex code gets worked on by both my manager and myself. Other tasks include creating accounts, managing a website that is tied to this software and communicating with the developers themselves on new errors.

    The most difficult part for me is working with the end user. Gathering data and implementing processes only to be ignored. My will has decreased severely.

    It could be that the past few months have been difficult with working 60 hour weeks and the work only piling up. Also, there are not growth opportunities or possibilities of a raise in my current position. I wanted to know what can I do to move into more of a software development role with my current experience. I know I need to get working on side projects, but what projects should I work on? What are some skills that I should learn? Can I find an entry level position in software development with my experience? What are entry level positions in software development called? Does any of this makes sense? I don't know where to start. Any advice/guidance is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/deadpoolite
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    Is this class? [Java]

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 11:25 PM PST

    public class HelloJavaFX extends Application { public void start(Stage primaryStage) { Text hello = new Text(50, 50, "Hello, JavaFX!"); } 

    Is "public void start(Stage primaryStage)" a class that is located inside of another class?

    So it is a class inside a class?

    Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/powerfuldoug
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    Wondering if you can use the internal time in computer

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 11:21 PM PST

    So I wanted to write a program to determine when a person was born. Maybe say what his sign is. Everytime I look it up. It seems that you got to write it the present time and etc. Isn't there a way you can use the internal clock and just go from there. Not sure if I am being coherent.

    submitted by /u/Imscubbabish
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    A very easy language for text based adventures.

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 11:19 PM PST

    Hey people I hope you're all fine. Welp I'm learning html and css for webdeveloping and i'm kinda enjoying it.

    When i'm done with my main project, i want to play a bit with scripting so i was hoping to maybe write do some sort of simple text adventure game with minimalistic rpg elements as a side project.

    I've read the FAQ about "what language should i learn" but it doesn't directly answer what i need.

    I'm not sure of what i should use to build it, probably some sort of scripting language that can be run easily on a browser? Would that be a scripting language? a programming language? Oh, and keep in mind that i'm the creative idiot kind of person, i'm really good at having ideas, but i'm still kind of struggling to learn simple coding soo i need something easy to work with and gain experience.

    The tool i need must be able to easily:

    -Receive, keep and remember input, like let's say the player writing the name of the character. How much points they have in this or that, add and substract these points, being able to use them as conditions and e.t.c. (i guess any language can do that)

    -Easily run a simple hud. (easy in both performance and coding)

    -It needs to run images and maybe animations with very few frames. I'm planning to use very retro pixelated lowrez images to keep stuff simple.

    I've read about spline being nice work for text based adventures, but it would be better use a language where i can develop skills that are transferrible to other languages.

    This must sound very obvious to people who already know a lot about programming, but as i said, i'm really really new to this, soo don't beat me up too much for the stupid question.

    submitted by /u/GreenRiot
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    Can someone comment on the usefulness/rigor of stanford's cs193x

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 07:28 PM PST

    Paperback vs Digital?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 07:21 PM PST

    I know this might be a trivial question to ask since of course it's the material you're reading that is the biggest factor in what helps you grow and not just how you take it in, but I thought before I spent money on anything I might as well ask.

    So for those of you who learned programming from material in books, was there a better learning process from reading from a physical book in your hands, or a digital one on a screen? Any thoughts or advice are highly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/BetYouCanReadThis
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    How should I implement double-entry accounting in my PostgreSQL database? Are there other, better methods of error-checking?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 10:51 PM PST

    I'm putting together a database for a small agricultural business so that they can better track what their growers grow, what they have in inventory, and what they're selling. I've tinkered with database programming before, but this is my first attempt at creating a production database of any sort.

    I'm familiar with double-entry accounting as an error-checking method and I've seen an example of an inventory database product that uses it, but I'm not sure how to best incorporate it into my design. Currently, I have tables set up for products, orders, growers, and inventory, each with a quantity field; my initial thought was to use positive and negative values (or two separate columns) to denote debits and credits, with each transaction creating an entry in at least two tables. For example, the growers table might get an entry showing -3 oranges when we receive said oranges, and our inventory table would then see an entry of 3 oranges.

    That seems like a bad idea for reasons that I can't quite put my finger on, and I'm sure there's a more robust/elegant solution. I'm not even sure if a double-entry system makes sense in this use case, although a high degree of error-checking is definitely needed. I've seen a few examples on Github that use a separate table for all inter-account transactions, but I'm not sure if that makes for the best approach either given my use case.

    submitted by /u/Inquisitive_Kitmouse
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    [String] A class name can be used as a type to declare an object reference variable

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 07:05 PM PST

    It's for Java

    My slide says this :

    A class name can be used as a type to declare an object reference variable

    Let's say I wrote this code

     public class whatever{ Public static void main (String[] args) { String myString = new ("asdsadsadsad"); } } 

    The object name of a string is "myString", and the class is named "whatever"

    Obviously, two are the different things and does not contain the same name.

    I'm just curious In which situation that statement can be true?

    submitted by /u/powerfuldoug
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    Question about app development.

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 10:42 PM PST

    Umm okay so I want to get into android app development. I have a decent amount of experience in programming in C++ and Python. I have a good knowledge of data structures and algorithms too. I need some kind of guidelines/roadmap/resources to get into mobile apps. I know googling this would land me some answers but I think real time community responses seem more helpful. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/vivekn_
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    [C++] Copying a string until the first occurrence of a char

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 10:40 PM PST

    I'm trying to put "hello" from "hello world" to the variable firstWord by using:

     string firstWord = sentence.substr(0,sentence.find('\0')); 

    I thought this would copy everything up until the index of '\0' which I thought would be the index of the SPACE. I'm trying to debug it by seeing what index sentence.find('\0') would find and it's outputting -1 insead of 5. Any ideas why?

    #include <iostream> include <string> using namespace std; void sort(string s) { string sentence = s; int pos = sentence.find('\0'); string firstWord = sentence.substr(0,sentence.find('\0')); cout << pos << endl; cout << firstWord; } int main() { sort("hello world"); } 

    submitted by /u/pancakes324
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    what would you do to create a front end for a python script?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 09:55 PM PST

    I made a python script that queries Indeed.ca for job data. I want to compare the queries on the backend and display the output to users via my front end. But now the question is, what am I gonna do to create that front end?

    The way I see it I have a few options.

    1) somehow connect my python script to a JavaScript framework like React or Vue 2) create a HTML/css based webpage using flask or Django

    To me using React seems a lot more appealing than doing a multi-page app with flask or Django. Like, can I even do a Single Page App experience using flask / Django? How would I code that...?

    But then the question becomes, how do I connect python to react?

    Advice please!

    submitted by /u/Roly__Poly__
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    [Python] 2D list indexing and slicing

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 06:08 PM PST

    Hi all

    how to print every first element of each row?

    tried a few but failed

    Matrix[0:][0:1] Matrix[0::,0:1:] 

    your help will be highly appreciated!

    thanks a ton

    submitted by /u/boydbuilding
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    Trouble downloading Xcode11.3.1

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 09:28 PM PST

    Is anyone also having trouble downloading Xcode11.3.1 on the App Store?

    submitted by /u/Mannyfresh129
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    I can get motivated to code

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 08:21 AM PST

    Hi.I want to learn python and every night before going go bed i tell myself that next day i will continue learning but i never do it.Sometimes it is because i finish my high school work at about 5-6pm and i whould stay in the bed doing nothing than staing in front of my computer.And i don't like that and i want to change that but i don't know how.I whould like to just skip the learning period and just start building things but i can't.I sleep 8 or more hours a night but i still can't get motivated to learn coding.Can you guys help me with that?How do you get motivated?

    btw:when i have school breaks i am motivated do code like 5 or more hours but when i have school no..

    submitted by /u/vld4k
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    How to open an image as a vector of rgba values and back?

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 08:32 PM PST

    As the title, how can i decode an image to an array of rgba values and convert back? In the case the format is important(jpeg, png) How can I find the payload/header etc?

    submitted by /u/majik00027
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