• Breaking News

    Wednesday, February 12, 2020

    AMA: I founded a boot camp in 2016 and have gotten 100+ new devs jobs since then learn programming

    AMA: I founded a boot camp in 2016 and have gotten 100+ new devs jobs since then learn programming

    AMA: I founded a boot camp in 2016 and have gotten 100+ new devs jobs since then

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 08:26 AM PST


    In 2016 I started a boot camp in my city. Since then, I've taught over 100 people across 9 different sessions of the camp. I've also refined how I've taught people and worked really hard at trying to get a bunch of people with non-traditional backgrounds into the tech world.

    Some info about me: I've been paid to program and do system administration since the late 90s. I built the curriculum and do most of the employer relationships at our school. In the past year we've finally brought on a second full time teacher, it has made my life way easier and gives me time to do things like AMAs or answer questions on /r/learnprogramming

    I'm open to any questions you have, from the business side of the school, to what and how we teach, to what we've found helps people succeed at getting jobs. Or anything else, really. It's an AMA.

    My hope is that some of my answers can help people here, especially with the major killer of people's job search - imposter syndrome. If you happen to be in the Pittsburgh area and want to be connected with some good recruiters (I am not a recruiter) I'd be happy to connect you.

    Edit: Here is our spotify playlist from the beginning of last session, to play while working on projects. We asked each student for a song: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1g0CW9xV1oxuAAtRjjKR9B

    Edit 2: While doing this AMA, one of our students from the last session got a job offer. That might be the best, most rewarding part of running a bootcamp is seeing people get jobs and do well at them.

    Edit 3: Thanks for the gold! I've gotten some PMs about what school it is - academypgh.com is the url. Feel free to check out the site but I'd much rather answer your questions here. Plus, I'll take the questions we get a lot in here and put them onto a FAQ on the site.

    Edit 4: It's time for me to head out for the night (how did it get so late?). If you have more questions, please leave them here and I'll check with you in the morning. Thanks again everyone for the great questions!

    submitted by /u/uugengiven
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    The Correct Way To Begin Learning How To Code

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 03:58 PM PST

    So, I have taken the first step and decided to fiddle the idea of programming, now what?

    First and foremost, I would like you to answer yourself the question of "WHY?".

    Many people dive straight into learning without even knowing why they are doing so. I mean, people often don't have a clue of what they want to do with this newly learned skill after they completed the course. They just thought they needed the knowledge.

    This is essentially important in my point of view as it could waste a vast amount of energy and time when studying for the wrong cause. So, please take a pause and think about how you are going to use what you are about to learn.

    Allow me to demonstrate why knowing how to use your knowledge is crucial before knowing them.

    There are different programming languages on the market because they are designed for different types of works. The subject of programming actually covers many different fields and each field involves a different working environment, different language and design flow. For example,

    • If you are interested in mobile app development, you would be better off learning Objective-C, swift (for Apple platform) or Java (for android platform).
    • If desktop software is your thing, then C, C++, .Net could be your choice.
    • If you fancy the idea of building websites, then perhaps PHP is your scope of learning.
    • If you only like to work at the front-end of websites, then maybe JavaScript, CSS, HTML is what you need.
    • If you like to stay ahead of the web development trend and be at the edge of the technology, then perhaps at the time of this writing, React, Vue.js, Web Assembly is your target.
    • If you want to be a hardcore developer and wanting to build hardware drivers, 3D graphics, or even robots. You may want to check out C, or Python.
    • If you are furious about A.I. taking your jobs and seeking vengeance, then Python is surely your weapon of choice.

    It is important to know that you don't need to master everything that's out there. People with a clear understanding of their field of work often are experts in a few languages and super effective at what they work on.

    As you can see, knowing the field of work helps you set your career path before you blindly decide to learn anything you find on the internet. Take a moment, find out what interests you and pick a field to learn.

    After all, it is a joy to work on something you are passionate about and for an industry you are interested in.

    Hope this helps for those who dived into learning blindly. I wrote this article a while back, you can find the original post and more insightful tutorial articles with THIS LINK.

    submitted by /u/yu0307
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    What mathematical knowledge do you use often/everyday when you program?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 05:59 PM PST

    Often people say that a math background is not required in programming, but for some tasks it is really important.

    What math knowledge do you personally use or require?

    submitted by /u/care-free3
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    What was the biggest hurdle you encountered in your quest to become a confident developer?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 07:27 PM PST

    For me, the biggest hurdle was connecting the dots between all the different languages and tools that it takes to be a well-rounded developer. When I first started coding I learned Python from a book. After that, I only felt confident writing code in a single file. I would write super long programs hundreds or thousands of lines and all in the same file - it was a mess.

    I read some other books, usually one book per topic that I was interested in, like Linux, Networking, Java, Git, Docker, SQL, etc. My main issue was that although each book covered its topic well, they didn't do a great job of connecting the dots and describing how the pieces fit together. It wasn't until I started coding some web and mobile apps, with build/test tools, and version control that everything started falling into place. It was a long, trial and error process, but I got there in the end.

    Anyone feel the same way?

    submitted by /u/initcommit
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    Problem setting up my Linked List

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 09:43 PM PST

    I'm trying to make an add function to make nodes and add them after the head as the information comes in, however I am getting an exception throw error: "write access violation". Any ideas why?

    #include <iostream> using namespace std; struct node { int data; node* next; }; class LinkedList { private: node* head; public: node* cu; node* prev; //add node void add(int a) { if (head == NULL) { //if empty node* newNode = new node; head = newNode; cu = head; newNode->data = a; newNode->next = NULL; } else { node* newNode = new node; newNode->data = a; newNode->next = NULL; cu->next = newNode; cu = cu->next; } } void print() { while (cu != NULL) { cout << cu->data << " "; } } }; int main() { LinkedList testlist; testlist.add(3); testlist.add(5); testlist.print(); return 0; 
    submitted by /u/pancakes324
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    Question about helping an autistic teenager learn programming from a clueless father

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 05:42 PM PST

    I apologize if this isn't the right place to ask this sort of thing, but I figured I would give it a shot. My son has shown no interest in any career after high school other than programming. Any suggestions on how I can best help him? I know next to nothing about programming. We've looked at codeacademy but I wanted to check and see what other resources there were.

    So if anyone can suggest any courses, books or websites that would help I'd really appreciate it.

    Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/Shitychikengangbang
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    [Tutorial] Build A Real-Time Collaborative Web App! Uses Room Service, Next.js, React.

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 05:10 PM PST

    So I never intended to be a developer. I went like 7 years working with/for tech companies being able to focus on marketing/advertising/sales.

    About ~9 months ago my brother and I created a startup that was just this little mental health app. Revenue flat lined at like $10k/mo MRR and ~4 months ago we decided to pivot into a new product called Room Service which helps developers easily create real time collaborative applications.

    "Mental health app" --> "Dev Tool/CRDT as a service" basically meant I "had" to become a developer to even understand what my own company did.

    For the last 4 months I've basically been studying/programming in Javascript/React all day every day, and tonight I start my first class @ HackReactor.

    While all I can do is build tiny demo's, I wanted to share this bare bones tutorial that shows you how to start making real time collaborative applications using Room Service, Next.js, and React.

    For/as a new developer, this product has given me literal super powers.

    • Allows me to build products with "real time" state, all users see data in real time
    • Allows me to build product where multiple people can effect a shared state at the same time
    • Handles storing data & syncing offline changes so I don't even have to think about a back end

    With this and only a few months of learning how to code, I have built a social media feed that handles posts/engagements in real time and a collaborative Kanban board where text & board position is shared in real time.

    Which in my opinion is really freaking cool.

    I hope it's okay that I'm sharing this, it was built to save big companies time and money by not having to spend 3-6 months building collaborative features, but as a new dev I'm discovering that this basically 10x's the things that I am able to build which I think is really awesome.

    I'd love any feedback on the video if possible. I know my quality isn't 100% there yet and I might be missing some parts that I don't realize.

    submitted by /u/kobyjiujitsu
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    How do I make my program write multiple times to the same .txt file? C#

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 06:51 PM PST

    Hi, I am new to programming. I've recently made a program that averages score across multiple text boxes, with weighted averages attached to each different category. And each time I calculate the average, I want the scores from each category and the final average to save to a text file, I will repeat this process around 20 times every time I open the program, so 20 different entries should be written in the same text file at different times. How do I make this work in C#? And how do I get C# to add *tab* spacing between each category score?

    Image of my program: https://i.imgur.com/vAXBvCF.png

    And in the txt file, the entry should look something like this: 82 75 45 85 90 100 15 25 - Each space between these is a tab, like the button to the left of the "Q"

    Those numbers are from the screenshot also.


    submitted by /u/Koriqzia
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    First Code Ever Please help!

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 12:07 AM PST


    I have 0 experience with Coding... and I am trying to Change a code.

    All I want is to have a Toggle command like /ToggleCompassXX so if I do that command, it will execute the "function() NoCompass:hideCompass()" only if the function "function() NoCompass:showCompass()" is not true.

    Here is the Code in the File

    SLASH\_COMMANDS\["/compno"\] = function() NoCompass:hideCompass() end SLASH\_COMMANDS\["/compyes"\] = function() NoCompass:showCompass() end ZO\_CreateStringId("SI\_BINDING\_NAME\_COMPASS\_ITEM", "Toggle Compass") 
    submitted by /u/PlayFlow
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    what is fundamentally the best way to center the text within this field? see link

    Posted: 12 Feb 2020 12:05 AM PST

    if you look at this project im working on for freecodecamp, you will see the radio buttons do not align with the label for the radio buttons. i sort of followed a guide to format the rest of the input types, and they all worked because they are the same size. they became inline-block because of the way i coded the css, but yea. just take a look and see how "favorite fruit" is not centered. I used a couple <br><br> to bring the text up in height a little bit, but i know this isnt the proper way to center it vertically. i know the inline block, as it is now, is not the same shape as the inline block next to it. im not sure if i need to somehow make them the same size first, or give them their own class for css formatting, or what. pls help me center "favorite fruit". i just want to understand how for future reference

    submitted by /u/Solo_SL
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    Python on a Chromebook

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 08:01 PM PST

    It is my goal to teach myself the basics of Python over the next few months before I head to grad school later this year. Currently, outside of my work computer (which I'm not allowed to install with non-work related programs), I only have access to my personal Chromebook (32 bit). So, I proceeded to get access to Python by following the instructions provided here: https://installpython3.com/chromebook/ . Everything went fine until I tried to install miniconda3 (using the default of /root/miniconda3). I then got the following error: PREFIX=/root/miniconda3 installing: python-3.7.1-h0371630_7 ... Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86.sh: line 373: /root/miniconda3/pkgs/python-3.7.1-h0371630_7/bin/python: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error . Any ideas of what I can do to correct this problem? Or do I just need to break down and get a Windows/Mac unit. I apologize in advance for what is likely a very basic question. -Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Hg80_
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    How do I improve my coding skills?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 08:25 AM PST

    I've been a professional software engineer for 8 years with a CS degree, I'm almost ashamed to post here, but recently I've started doing leetcode and discovered that I'm actually a really crappy programmer.

    Many tasks I couldn't solve, or they took me too long, or my code was way more complex than what others posted in the forums. Some solutions were so simple, yet so functional ... I would never be able to come up with them. Contrary to that my code was so complex I couldn't make sense of it anymore.

    How can I improve my coding skills? Doing leetcode over and over again? If I always have to cheat and look up the solution, I don't think I'm learning anything.

    In my job I've never had a feeling like I'm crap, I can get things done, so it's obviously not challenging enough to teach me something.

    submitted by /u/donjoe234
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    Has anyone managed to get a job from a Udemy course?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 11:18 PM PST

    If so which is the best to buy for a beginner?

    submitted by /u/cptbrandon23
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    Why doesn't this code work?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 11:07 PM PST

    If I am given the integer array [1, 2, 9] I am supposed to increment it by 1 to give [1, 3, 0]. And if the array is just a single [9] I am to return [1, 0]

    class Solution(object): def plusOne(self, digits): """ :type digits: List[int] :rtype: List[int] """ if(digits[-1] != 9): digits[-1] += 1 elif(digits[-1] == 9 & len(digits) > 1) : digits[-2] += 1 digits[-1] = 0 elif(digits[-1] == 9 & len(digits) == 1): digits.insert(0, 1) digits[-1] == 0 return digits 
    submitted by /u/gtrman571
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    Apps to help you learn?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 10:37 PM PST

    I was just wondering if anyone has used apps to learn programming. Like Mimi or programming hub. Wanted reviews on these or other apps.

    submitted by /u/cjcrisos
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    Need help with Tutorial

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 10:29 PM PST

    Well I was going along with this tutorial on Youtube. I am pretty sure I got everything down correctly but for some reason I can't get the output which should let me input name, weight, height. I keep going over the video cannot find an error. Can someone help me out? This is probably going to be alot of code


    #include <iostream> 

    include <string>

    include "BMI.h"

    using namespace std;

    int main() {

    string name; 

    int height; double weight;

    cout << " Enter your name: "; cin >> name; cout << "Enter your height: "; cin >>height; cout << "Enter your weight: "; cin >> weight; BMI Student_1(name, height, weight); cout << endl << "Patient Name: " << Student_1.getName() << endl << "Height: " << Student_1.getHeight() << endl << "Weight: " << Student_1.getWeight() << endl; return 0; 


    Header file

    #include <iostream> 

    include <string>

    using namespace std;

    ifndef BMI_H

    define BMI_H

    class BMI { public: BMI();

    BMI(string, int, double);


    string getName() const;

    int getHeight() const;

    double getWeight() const;

    private: string newName; int newHeight; double newWeight;




    #include "BMI.h" 

    BMI::BMI() { newHeight = 0; newWeight = 0.0; }

    BMI::BMI (string name, int height, double weight) { newName= name; newHeight= height; newWeight= weight; }



    string BMI::getName() const { return newName; }

    int BMI::getHeight() const { return newHeight; }

    double BMI::getWeight() const { return newWeight; }

    I keep getting this error

    ain.cpp:(.text+0xea): undefined reference to `BMI::BMI(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char\_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, int, double)'

    main.cpp:(.text+0x131): undefined reference to `BMI::getName[abi:cxx11]() const'

    main.cpp:(.text+0x173): undefined reference to `BMI::getHeight() const'

    main.cpp:(.text+0x1b0): undefined reference to `BMI::getWeight() const'

    main.cpp:(.text+0x1ea): undefined reference to `BMI::~BMI()'

    main.cpp:(.text+0x23d): undefined reference to `BMI::~BMI()'

    I followed along to the tutorial exactly, not sure why it is giving me this.

    heres the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9wialxvcVA&t=504s

    submitted by /u/Imscubbabish
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    Where can I find extra projects to strengthen HTML and CSS skills ? GitHub , YouTube ... etc

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 10:28 PM PST

    Trying to strengthen skills for HTML and css need help bad ....

    submitted by /u/Ksamih
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    Working on a robotics project, how can I make a map from which to calculate different distances, using Python (or maybe C++)?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 06:32 PM PST

    So my idea is to have a simple map where I can visualize the robot's position, but also be able to calculate the distance to different objects and create a thing called 'depth map'. A depth map is basically a scanning of the surrounding of the robot, which may not be full 360°, that returns the minimum distances at which there is something in every angle scanned. See this thing for example (second and fourth images).

    It's important that I can do this from a map where things are drawn, for 2 reasons:

    a) Simply having the location of objects and calculating object-to-point distance defeats the point of simulating a robot with this type of vision (since it'd be omniscient, basically)

    b) The map needs to be able to be updated and drawn from similar types of sensors.

    I understand this isn't easy, but I don't know where to begin. I can handle technical readings, but am at a third-year-of-college (however it's called) level and I'm more oriented towards hardware than software based simulation.

    submitted by /u/DASoulWarden
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    Need help using RedditExtractoR package in R

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 10:04 PM PST

    Hi everyone, first time posting here. I am a student studying Data Science.
    Right now I have a text analytics project and I used the RedditExtractoR to pull some data using get_reddit(). When I put a high page threshold the first time, it gave me more than 900 observations. I wanted to get more so I increased the page threshold parameter but it returned under 50 observations.
    I don't understand why. I am hoping someone can help here. Hope to hear from you soon.

    submitted by /u/Daemon1606
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    How to secure my code from this ?

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 09:19 PM PST

    So i recently created a facemash like website with php . If you don't know facemash, ita basically a website where users will be shown 2 pictures & they have to choose which one do they think is hotter

    But the problem is since there is no login & users can vote multiple times How can i stop a user from sending the same http request repeatedly ? For increasing their points ?

    For example: If they voted for themselves against someone


    Thier can send this get request multiple times & increase his/her points... How can i stop this kind of abuse ?

    submitted by /u/yafutexac
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    Data analysis course for work

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 08:54 PM PST

    I really like the look and structure of the data science course on code academy - it's exactly what I need to learn for work (engineer so solid coding background).

    Does anyone know of a similar free version? That has the similar structure and layout of the course?

    submitted by /u/cocomoloco00
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    could not connect to 8172

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 08:46 PM PST

    I tried to debug my program but it insist to say : Could not connect to .....:8172: permission denied

    I already put permission on firewall it still doesn't connect, same goes on turning off firewall...

    tried to search google didn't help at all......

    I am not on VPN. Changing configuration on preferences also not working

    Is DNScrypt blocking connection?

    I use ZeroBrane Lua

    submitted by /u/WakasaYuuri
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    Project Ideas

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 06:23 AM PST

    I noticed quite a few people here were asking about what projects to do for resume/testing themselves/practice. While there was a lot of good advice, haven't seen this list pop up much:


    It's a bit old but old doesn't mean outdated. If you look, you'll also see there are projects with extremely varying difficulty. From reversing a string to file sharing apps. Also notice one big thing: it isn't a tutorial, it's an ask. Kinda like the real world, the ideas there are just a paragraph and it's up to you to imagine it, code it up and draw up necessary conclusions on how everything should function. This will also mean you may have to Google (don't think many people can make a file sharing app and the snap of their fingers) and do some of your own research and in the end have something that may not be industry ready but you can call your own and be proud of it.

    submitted by /u/edgargonzalesII
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    (HELP!) C++ program

    Posted: 11 Feb 2020 08:36 PM PST

    You are to write a program that grades students (Maybe I will use it on you). Your program must open and read in "input.txt" (an example of which is below). It will contain the students name and their test scores. You are to calculate the students final grade in the course. Take the average of their test scores and output their average to a file with the below format.

    For the output.txt ensure that the formatting is in the block style shown below. Test scores should always be shown to the second decimal place.

    heres what i have


    // main.cpp

    // student average


    // Created by Timothy Travis Fortenberry on 2/11/20.

    // Copyright © 2020 Timothy Travis Fortenberry. All rights reserved.


    #include <iomanip>

    using namespace std;

    int main()


    double test1, test2, test3, test4, test5;

    double averagename;

    string studentName;

    string firstname;

    string lastname;


    cout <<"student name: ";

    min >> studentName;

    cout << "The student name is: " << studentName << endl;

    cout<< :"input student's test scores. ";

    cin >> test1;

    cin >> test2;

    cin >> test3;

    cin >> test4;

    cin >> test5;

    cout <<"The student average is " << (test1 + test2 + test3 + test4 + test5 ) / 5 << endl;

    average = (test1 + test2 + test3 + test4 +test5)/5


    int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {

    // insert code here...

    std::cout << "Hello, World!\n";

    return 0;


    submitted by /u/SmallDonut0
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