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    Thursday, January 2, 2020

    When applying to jobs, should I apply to multiple software positions at the same company at the same location, or would I essentially be spamming HR? Ask Programming

    When applying to jobs, should I apply to multiple software positions at the same company at the same location, or would I essentially be spamming HR? Ask Programming

    When applying to jobs, should I apply to multiple software positions at the same company at the same location, or would I essentially be spamming HR?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 10:37 AM PST

    Trying to figure out what the best method of pursuing a job is right now. Wasn't sure if it would give me any leg up as long as they see that I applied to the company, and I thought someone here might have some guidance for me.

    submitted by /u/looselytethered
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    Can someone recommend a data visualization tool?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 07:57 PM PST

    I am looking to create a dashboard similar to this site: https://data.austintexas.gov/d/3syk-w9eu/visualization

    Looking at the code, it looks like that one is powered by http://www.socrata.com

    Can anyone recommend a similar tool, preferably open sourced?

    submitted by /u/caseyscompass
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    IMessage Spam Robot

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 08:24 PM PST

    I have a friend who made a bot that is able to send a bunch of texts to me at once. I was curious as to how he might've made this and would love to learn the coding involved if anyone knows. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/dwight12345
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    java qn

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 10:12 PM PST

    Give the worst case and best case runtime in terms of M and N. Assume ping is in Θ(1) and returns an int.

    int j = 0;

    for (int i = N; i > 0; i--) {

    for (; j <= M; j++) {

    if (ping(i, j) > 64) break; }


    Can i ask why is the worse case runtime theta(M + N)?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/ihatejc
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    Looking for resources about software design.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 09:58 PM PST

    As a self taught wannabe developer I struggle to find resources about software architecture.

    Ideally a YouTube channel or blog breaking down the logical structure of a project. I imagine something like "for the visual effects rendering of this image editing software I use a combination of these designs patterns because of these reasons" or " this service is build around a template pattern because reasons" etc ...

    I also seek examples of implementation of the usual suspects (file saving, action history, DB records locking, i18n, etc...) because I reinvent the wheel A LOT and my solutions are working but certainly suck on a lot of levels.

    See, I even struggle to explain what I'm looking for, so, any help would be very much appreciated!

    Ps: I googled the thing but always came up with design patterns presentations one by one which is not what I'm looking for, I know the patterns, I need real life implementation examples accompanied by the reasoning behind the design decisions.

    submitted by /u/bentheone
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    Trying to code up a sports competition draw generator

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 08:46 PM PST

    Share your experience: What differentiates a experienced/standout developer's code from an inexperienced/average developer's code?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 01:11 AM PST

    If possible, you can add code examples!

    submitted by /u/Cool_nephilim
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    What advice would you give to someone who has to give a presentation to a non-technical person, and it's important that the listener actually understand the details?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 03:31 PM PST

    How do you go about it? Specific tips appreciated.

    What have you learned the hard way?

    submitted by /u/yourbasicgeek
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    Help for a guy who has never coded before

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 02:14 PM PST

    Hi guys,

    Im not sure if this is the right place to be posting this but its worth a shot.

    I've been put with a group for a group university assignment to create a security application and i've been tasked with creating a security policy for a network.

    Problem is, i've never done anything like this before and my tutor is out of office until the deadline date.

    I'm not asking for somebody to do it for me or anything, I just need somebody to explain in "stupid person" terms what to do and maybe a couple of examples that would help me out.

    Thanks in advance if anyone reaches out to me!

    submitted by /u/Flamboyant_Taco1
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    What is your dream development computer based on current technology?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 04:10 PM PST

    I've been using a laptop but I want to get a PC mainly for web development but potentially also for games, machine learning, etc. One thing I'd really like is 3 displays. Should I hold off and wait for something new coming out around the corner like DisplayPort 2? You could also include what operating system and software would it run.

    submitted by /u/streqippgq
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    People of Reddit, I have a job interview

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 03:07 PM PST

    Hello guys, first of all i just wanna say thank you guys so much for the awesome information you provide here in this subreddit. I also just wanna say that I have been learning programming (front end) for the last 8 months from different sources in the internet. So today I checked my email, and I saw that a company reviewed my portfolio, and asked to make a phone interview. I'm vert scared, and happy at the same time (looking back how hard it was to start programming from scratch). the position is mainly about javascript, html, css, a little bit of react js.

    So my question is , how do phone interviews normally go,? What should I expect ? what kind of question should I ask them. would they ask me some weird complicated coding questions.

    I'm very sorry if i'm asking a lot of questions, and thank you guys so much .

    submitted by /u/amooryjubran
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    Is the Java JRE more secure than the JDK?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 02:15 PM PST

    On a production Linux server running a Java web application, is it any more secure to install the Java JRE for it to run on over the Java JDK?

    Of course the JDK provides developer tools, such as javac, but if the app or server was compromised wouldn't bad guys be just as able to generate or upload bytecode by other means?

    submitted by /u/funbike
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    How to store global variables in react?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 01:01 PM PST

    I have a function that returns an array like this:

    generateQuestions() { ... return arr; } 

    What I want to do is call this function at the beginning only once, store that return array in a variable and use that variable multiple times. I am using React JSX. Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/one_sad_random_guy
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    What was the Y2K bug?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 07:55 AM PST

    I know I'm 20 years late to the party here... but what was the Y2K bug? I have always assumed it was due to moving from a 2 digit year to 4 digit year.

    With the turn of another decade, my thoughts turned to the Y2K bug, and it occurred to me that dates are not stored as separate numbers for year, month, day, etc. but as a number of seconds since the epoch. So was the bug simply due to converting dates from/to a string, or was it to do with data entry/validation, or something else entirely?

    submitted by /u/Wings1412
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    [Node.js, Electron, NW.js] <input type="file" returns "fakepath" in normal browsers, but it returns the correct path in NW.js. Should I use it for retrieving file paths?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 07:04 AM PST


    I was just trying to make some nice way for my users to "import" or just connect to an existing save file, so I can save the path in my savefile_location variable so I can load it the next time or put it into a list of existing files and their paths.

    Now, I made this little code to try out whether I can get back a legit path because peopel on the internet said that you can't because that's how browsers work. https://www.w3schools.com/code/tryit.asp?filename=GAIFO8T3OLOP

    And the code didn't work in 3 browsers I tried, and even with a local .html file.


    It actually returned a nice legit path when I put it onto my NW.js project. I also read that Electron does the same thing and adjusts the Chrome to be more permissive.

    I tried to find legit Node.js ways of doing this, but I couldn't. I'm not too keen on making my own directory file manager with fs and path modules, so I am asking you whether this looks legit to you and whether I can have your blessing, or advice.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/awwwes
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    Mocking front-end content

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 10:49 AM PST

    Hey all, I have a question about mocking front-end content. Currently I'm learning react by copying designs from other websites, like blogs and news sites. Mocking out text data is easy since I just use faker.js and lorem ipsum. However, this does not include visual content i.e images. I'm considering just using the google image api to pull random images to fill out the site but I'm wondering if there's a better solution, or even a library that exists for this.

    tl;dr is there a library for mocking out visual content, not just text content. Is there a lorem ipsum for images.

    submitted by /u/lastSlutOnEarth
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    Help understanding this short python code

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 06:32 AM PST

    Sorry I'm new to python, and couldn't find any other sub to ask this question. I found this code online to reverse a string:

    def rreverse(hello): if hello == "": return hello else: return rreverse(hello[1:]) + hello[0]


    And am struggling to understand it because it calls the function whilst defining it (is that the correct way of saying it?). I interpreted it to be that while running, it starts with 'hello', moves to 'elloh' then to 'lloeh' then to 'loleh' then to 'olleh'. Is this how it runs or am I misunderstanding completely, because I can't find the ending conditions, as in what causes this function to end. Sorry I am very new at this, any help is appreciated. If someone can explain how this code works. Once again, thank you!

    submitted by /u/heheheheits
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    Is it pronounced e (like the letter e) -num (as in number) or e-num (like enoom)

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 06:21 AM PST

    Making a simple app only with text/overlay

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 10:02 AM PST

    I want to make a app for myself to keep score of my golf game. And i'm curious for how much work this will involve for someone who knows nothing about this?

    I just want to punch in some numbers and get statistics out of this. Basically like a excell spreadsheet lying in the background and everytime i save it resets if you know what i mean.

    submitted by /u/simenad
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    Graphical LCD font display

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 09:30 AM PST

    Here is my screens layout:

    a block of 4096 bytes where the first byte defines the state f the pixels in the top left hand corner of the screen. A 1 bit set means the pixel is set to black. The first byte controls the first 8 dots with bit 7 controlling the bit on the left. The next 59 bytes complete the first raster line of 480 dots. The bytes which define the second raster line start at byte 64 to make the hardware simpler so bytes 60, 61, 62 and 63 are wasted. There are then another 64 bytes (with the last 4 unused) which defines the second raster line and so on straight down the screen. byte00 byte01 byte02 byte60 byte61 byte63 Bit Number 76543210 76543210 76543210 .. 76543210 76543210.. 76543210 

    The whole screen is memory-mapped so I only need to worry about moving the selected font into the proper ram location. The issue is if I use a small font (5x7) it does not align to any boundaries and I have no idea how to handle this. 3 (5 bit wide) characters can fit into 2 bytes but how do you track the running offset?

    This is on a z80 embeded system, I will need to use ASM but I can write it in C and compile it for the same result.

    submitted by /u/uMinded
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    Is there a common way of doing "round to nearest human number" so I don't have to plan it myself?

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 09:27 AM PST

    I'm thinking of an approximate rounding for storage in MB and GB and TB, like you might shout to someone across the room. "19...........bytes that's about 18.5TB" "147..... bytes that's about 150GB"

    Rounding not to an integer, but to a multiple of five or ten, or nearest hundred if it's close, or nearest thousand if that's close, but without rounding too far and losing "too much" information. 1.218TB could become 1.2TB but not 1TB. Or, say, 147.1GB could become 150GB but not 100GB or 200GB.

    This bit, I don't have a good intuition for - is there a common way of doing "find the nearest human friendly number keeping at least 95% or 99% of the total value"? A term for it?

    submitted by /u/ka-splam
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    Ansible - Maybe somebody can help, sorry if bad thread

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 05:39 AM PST

    Hi guys.

    I'm running problems using ansible. I'm trying to learn how to run something in it but still don't know where is the problem.

    I just installed ansible on virtualbox, other server is also on virtualbox. I just added it to /etc/ansible/hosts, make rsa key, copied it and for now i can ping my server using

    >ansible all -m ping.

    There are few violet warnings but pinging gave me success. How to run shell commands on remote server? I tried:

    >ansible all -m shell -a 'apt install nginx'

    and it gave mi no privilige error. When i try to add sudo before apt install command get stuck and there is no visible error

    Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/Llit2
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    Async await in JS, overwriting a variable creates misbehavior depending how the code is written even if it seems equivalent.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 03:49 AM PST

    So basically I had a code

    const result = {} await Promise.all(arrayOfProperties.map(async (property) => { result = { ...result, ...(await property.getResultFields()), } })) 

    this would cause an error where only the result fields of a property would get added, whichever was last... I had assumed that the execution of the modification of a variable would be sync as NodeJS is single threaded.

    const result = {} await Promise.all(arrayOfProperties.map(async (property) => { const fieldsForProperty = await property.getResultFields(); result = { ...result, ...fieldsForProperty, } })) 

    the following code worked as expected.

    Can anyone shed some light?... like the piece of Spec that specifies this kind of behaviour, I want to avoid similar bugs, I want to understand where this comes from exactly, how is the execution order priority in cases like this and how it is exactly applying the spread afterwards.

    submitted by /u/EvilKittyBoy
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    (Stupid) Questions about traineeship for C# or for Devops

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 01:05 AM PST

    Hey guys and girls.

    I have the chance to do a traineeship for either C# or for a DevOps, where I can learn more different aspects of development.
    How do I make this decision?

    Also, if I ever wanted to know more about cyber security, which would be better?

    Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/penontable
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