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    Sunday, January 26, 2020

    What have you been working on recently? [January 25, 2020] learn programming

    What have you been working on recently? [January 25, 2020] learn programming

    What have you been working on recently? [January 25, 2020]

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 08:04 AM PST

    What have you been working on recently? Feel free to share updates on projects you're working on, brag about any major milestones you've hit, grouse about a challenge you've ran into recently... Any sort of "progress report" is fair game!

    A few requests:

    1. If possible, include a link to your source code when sharing a project update. That way, others can learn from your work!

    2. If you've shared something, try commenting on at least one other update -- ask a question, give feedback, compliment something cool... We encourage discussion!

    3. If you don't consider yourself to be a beginner, include about how many years of experience you have.

    This thread will remained stickied over the weekend. Link to past threads here.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Five years later, and my career is taking off!

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 08:15 AM PST

    Hi everyone! Five years ago, almost to the day, I quit my job and started learning Java and Android. I spent the next three years basically unemployed (with a little money coming in for one year as a part time tutor and some money coming in through renting out space in my apartment), but I basically burned through my savings and lived on nothing.

    Two years ago I got my first job as a programmer - an internship actually. They didn't want to hire me at first, and I could tell, so I asked them if they'd give me an internship instead. It felt weird to ask for an internship at the age of 30, but I'm really glad I did - I was able to prove my abilities, and got hired on, albeit at a pretty low salary for a programmer in the Midwest (50k a year). Still, I was thrilled!

    Two years later, and I am moving on to another company, and they're hiring me as a lead developer - two job titles above my current one, skipping right over Sr developer! I'm so happy about it. I'll be making between 115-125k a year in an area with a low cost of living, working 9-5, with good benefits. It's better than I could have even hoped for.

    Overall, learning to code was the second best thing I've ever done, (besides marrying my wife). It was really hard, and it took a long time (three hard years!) and along the way I had so many doubts and struggles. I gave up often, sometimes for months at a time, and I often felt bad that I didn't learn when I was younger (I was about 26 or 27 when I started learning). I felt like I had wasted so much time, and that I was continuing to waste my time, and it would never work. I had people tell me it would never work. But it did, and it can for you too.

    Things I learned along the way, if you're interested:

    When I started, I saw a lot of red on the screen. A lot of errors. A more experienced developer told me "don't worry about it - debugging is basically the job! Most of your time as a programmer is spent fixing broken stuff you've written, just get used to it."

    Making my first app - it really helped to just make something, no matter how crappy. My first app was just one button, and I'd track how many times you pressed it in a minute and if you beat the high score. It was crappy, but it was fun to hand it to my friends, to compete and laugh at this crappy game I made. The second app was just a button that played a song by Nirvana. The third was similar, but it was actually good looking, and played David Bowie songs and music videos. Each time, I got better.

    Find a mentor if you can! My brother didn't know Android, but he knew Java, and was there to teach me a lot. I know not everyone has that. If you don't have someone like that, consider your options - sometimes community colleges can help, or you can find someone to help you online, or perhaps you can find someone in some other way.

    I also thought that I needed to make a big splash by making a big app that impresses people by getting like a million downloads. I spent nearly a year on and off working on one app, and it wasn't a big success. Then I realized that it might be a better idea to just make a bunch of small apps that don't take as much work. That actually worked for me - when I got my first internship, I heard them saying something like "he has 5 apps on the play store, so he's done this before." Of course, they were decent efforts, I spent time on them, but sometimes quantity matters and making things quickly is a more fun way to learn than trying to make one perfect thing.

    Don't worry about how old you are.

    Don't beat yourself up.

    If you're totally new, consider mobile apps, or making websites in JavaScript (I personally suggest the app route). One reason to focus on those two is that they both involve visual displays of your abilities. If you're looking for your first job, you can just pull your phone put of your pocket, and someone can quickly see if you've made something good or not. You can easily prove your abilities. However, if your focus is more on back end, server side code with no UI, people have no idea if what you made is good or not, and if you don't have the credentials or resume, it might be hard to get credibility. Your code (unfortunately) is often judged on how it looks, so pick something where you can make an impressive UI. Also, companies will be more willing to hire you in those kinds of roles - they're comfortable having an unproven person change a button's size or color, but they're probably uncomfortable with letting an unproven rookie mess around with their servers.

    Also, it took me three years to get a job, but I wasn't exactly working 8 hours a day - honestly I think I probably spent no more than 20 hours a week studying, and took months off at a time. Sometimes I'd work 10 hours a week. I admittedly could have gone faster, but I just found the process of learning to be absolutely exhausting. And it was! That's ok, the process is difficult. I don't think it is even possible to spend 8 hours in a row learning to code, I was and am still incapable of doing that. And that's ok, you can still be successful despite that, just keep at it.

    Don't be afraid to ask for an internship! It was a little embarrassing to ask for one at 30, but it might have changed my life. I learned more in the three months as an intern than I had in the entire year previously. Once you get in a company, your learning can really take off, so study up and try to get in a company that is willing to train you. I would have been happy to do it for minimum wage if it meant getting trained, and I'm sure a lot of you understand that.

    Good luck!

    submitted by /u/Throwawaycs134
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    What has been the biggest difference for you between learning to code and working as a coder/developer?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 06:56 AM PST

    I'm really enjoying learning to code. But I've always enjoyed learning stuff - from philosophy to ancient history to mathematics to neuroscience. I'm a nerd! So I have been wondering how to prepare myself for the transition from learning coding to working as a coder. What have your experiences been, especially if you're kinda nerdy like I am? I would love to hear your stories... Positive and negative. If negative, are you doing anything to make the transition easier?

    submitted by /u/couragethecurious
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    Is there a better version of pythontutor.com for Java? the Java version of the site is a bit clunky. Thanks! (r/learnjava bans any post that has the word python in it.. lol)

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 08:30 PM PST

    Thanks! I'm a big fan of python tutor and it helped me learn python much quicker. Looking for a more robust version or even an IDE that allows me to see variables and pointers and stuff. thanks!

    submitted by /u/ajtyeh
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    Help to start learning to code... Again!

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 11:44 PM PST

    Hey guys, first of all thanks for taking the time with my post.

    Six months ago I decided to start learning to code. I'm 36, been working in the IT for a decade or so but in a more technical role. For me it's not only time to make a change, I'm already too late so I have the feeling all the time that I need to hurry, but, free time is not really there. So, I'm constantly trying to find an hour here, half an hour there and study.

    So, to get to the point, I started the path with html + css which went good and then started getting into javascript. And then... Block! I'm using mainly udemy courses in which although I find most of the guys amazing and really feel they know what they are saying, this type of learning isn't really for me. You do endless series of videos with theory but no training at the same time.

    I'm more of a try-it-yourself learner. So after watching a series of prototype + primitive + objects + functions + closures + blocks + iifes + maps + + + + nothing really sinks in.

    Ok maps are great. Where am I going to use them? How? Why should I? Nothing..

    I'm looking for a means of learning where I do something along, where I learn by example and coding my self. I've come up project Odin and I guess I really need to hear that maybe that is the right way for me to go.

    My ultimate goal is by the end of this summer to have my first job as a developer. If anyone has an idea on how I could improve my chances of succeeding it, please share your thoughts.

    Thanks for reading guys. All the best to everybody

    submitted by /u/jon_st21
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    Help in organising directory structure of a Flask + SQLAlchemy project

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 11:30 PM PST

    I am building the back-end of an app using flask and SQL-Alchemy to connect to a MySQL database. As the code size is increasing, I would like to organise the code in a proper structure.

    I have the following questions-

    1) Do we write database queries in between codes of flask? Or should I create a seperate file for functions that queries and updates the database and then import the file in my flask code?

    2) We create classes in SQLAlchemy to create tables. Whenever I have to create a functionality for a particular table (let's say a table named users), I have two ways. I can either implement it as a method of the users class, or I can create a independent function. How do I decide which of them is a better approach?

    The project is around a thousand lines of code right now and I think there will be a few more thousand lines of code before it finishes, so if anyone can suggest a code organisation/ directory structure for the database related code, it will be nice. For the flask code, I am separating it in blueprints right now, and if you have other suggestions, please let me know.

    submitted by /u/aaluinsonaout
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    [python]how to use pandas to count a specific value?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 11:00 PM PST



     name action 0 A sing 1 A eat 2 B sing 3 A sing. 

    Goal is to have this:

    for sing

    A 2 B 1 


    A sing 2 A eat 1 B sing 1 


    the count() seems not able to do it!

    Thanks a ton

    submitted by /u/boydbuilding
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    Question about how to make cookies do something specific

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 10:51 PM PST

    So currently I'm making a website with a teammate for a competition and I've gotten to the point in needing cookies. I need to show a page with a video and a clickable button that will redirect the user to the rest of the website. How do I make the cookies show the page with the video the first time the user searches for the website but not anytime afterwards?

    submitted by /u/Azazel101
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    Best way to learn frontend as a intermediate developer?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 10:45 PM PST

    I've been in the industry (contract work) for a little over a year now, and have a fair bit of experience in a number of languages, but primarily use Python.

    Currently I'm working on a large project with Django, and while it will take me another week or so to finish wiring up the backend, I have next to no real experience/knowledge of the frontend side of things. Like many in similar positions, I can piece my way through Bootstrap templates and tweak copied Javascript code, but outside of that, I am lost.

    Any fast paced courses or videos that, by the end of them, enable me to completely build a production frontend on my own?


    submitted by /u/propranolol22
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    how can I learn well and how much time is required?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 06:51 PM PST

    I guys I hope you are doing very well, I am a beginner in programming world and wanna be a professional programmer. I am 21 years old and doing study in university its my 4th semester but my major is Electrical engineering and its automation. I need helps in few questions, I am learning Python and i just started one month ago now i just know basics and how can i improve my programming skills? And in which field i can go after learning Python? And how much time is required to learn these things and for getting job? Now I have winter vacations and mostly everyday I learn 6 to 7 hours and during my university i can give 3 or 4 hours, I still have two years in graduation and in two years i want to learn enough that i can able to earn money. I do not want to dependent anymore on my parents, Any guidelines, Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Tayyab-Sweet
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    What language should you learn after C?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 10:27 PM PST

    For Software Engineering/Development, what language should go for after learning C?

    C++, Java or?

    Note: I know how to code in python and C++, but I'm not really into python. And, I just can't stick with one. I just want to find a good language and do something with it.

    submitted by /u/Soulblitz
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    What are good resources for learning about application/software development (for Windows)?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 10:08 PM PST

    Hi, I'm a freshman CS major that's familiar with programming (I know the core things of Java and C++ from classes) but I wanted to get into actual application development. Specifically I wanted to create a basic Windows application (I'll elaborate on what kind of thing I want to do if necessary) -- something that actually runs in its own window/program rather than inside the IDE like everything I've done in my programming classes. I looked on the wiki and FAQ but at a glance, most of the resources seem to be focused for specific language learning or web/mobile development, which is not exactly what I'm focused on.

    submitted by /u/BayonettaBasher
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    C++ or C#?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 02:26 PM PST

    I have been making games in Java for over 1 year now and I've wanted to learn a different programming language for any type of advantages (ex. better game making engines) . So I was thinking about learning C++ or C# to start making games because I found that those two are really popular and that they are OOP.

    So I was wondering which one should I learn to be able to make decent games (I am not trying to go pro, this is only a hobby)? This devlog series seemed to influence me into wanting to learn C++.

    P.S. I am not looking for a bad answer that says "It doesn't matter which programming language you learn" because then I would be coding games in Assembly -_-

    EDIT: I am not trying to make any 3D games (at least for now), I am trying to make 2D pixel art games.

    submitted by /u/_MrPixelr
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    Searching a 2D double-sorted array for specific number? (Algorithms)

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 05:51 PM PST

    Let's pretend there's an 2D array that is double-sorted - aka independently sorted vertically and horizontally.

    01 08 20 25

    03 10 23 29

    05 13 26 35

    07 18 30 38

    09 19 31 45

    15 29 36 50

    21 33 42 52

    How would I (most efficiently) search for a specific number to return it's index's?

    Obviously there is an O(n*m) method of searching every index, but I want to improve on that.

    I thought searching diagonally might be most useful but then do I search down and right from there? There's likely cases where this won't hold true.

    Searching fully right until I find a large number along row 1 and searching fully down along column 1 got me closer but not always guaranteed to be in either of those arrays.

    If anyone has an idea or tips on how I might get closer that would be helpful.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/GreenWalruses
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    JS Binding this question

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 05:31 PM PST

    bind(): An object to which the this keyword can refer inside the new function.

    const person = { name: "m", walk() { console.log(this); } } person.walk(); // person const walk = person.walk; walk(); // Window const walk2 = person.walk.bind(person); // person object 

    I have a question for doing walk2(). It gives me the person object because I binded it with the person object. But how is it working specifically?

    person.walk gives me a reference to the walk() function inside the person object. When I bind that reference to the person object, does it also affect the original walk() inside the person? In this case the result is the same since I am binding it to the person object anyways, but my question is similar to thinking whether it's a "deep" or "shallow" binding

    submitted by /u/chankfab
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    Nbos java script help

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 09:16 PM PST

    Hello, I'm attempting to create an automatedcharacter sheet for a role playing game I'm a part of, Legends of the Wulin. The programming for the app is done in java script, of which I have next to no knowledge of. My specific request has to do with 3 different values and how they connect: Q, which starts at 10, will increase by 1 whenever value C increases by Q; C, which is the input value; and D, the difference between the current value of C and the next requisite value of C to increase Q. Any place to start would be appreciated, thank you!

    submitted by /u/JackBeleren0
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    How long does it take to make a website like Reddit?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 09:13 PM PST

    I want to make a that resemble website like Reddit, but I also want to include a tad bit of novelty, so the website is not identical to Reddit. These novelties include a data page where simple data is collected and graphed from the information submitted by user as they create an account. In addition I wanted to include a page that enable verbal/live chats. Could I pull this off with Wordpress? Or would this be to complex?

    submitted by /u/TheIISavior
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    Determining Timezones by Zip Code in Python. This is much harder than I thought, and not because timezones are all willy-nilly in the first place...

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 07:44 PM PST

    Here's my proof of concept code which "works", but produces output that is far too detailed for my application. All I need/want is EST, CST, MST, PST as output with the input of a zip code. I'm willing to deal with Arizona, Hawaii, and Alaska in a brute force way if need be. The code I have written below returns things like "America/Chicago" and "America/Boise". The problem I face is that I CAN rely that Chicago is Central time, and Boise is Mountain time...But America/Denver is also mountain time. If I put in an Idaho zipcode, I get "America/Boise". If I put in a Denver zipcode, I get "America/Denver". Both states are MST/MDT timezone. I only need to differentiate between EST, CST, MST, PST (and the 3 outlier states). I don't want to have to code something like if(tz == "America/Boise" || tz == "America/Denver" || tz == etc...) then tz = "MST". Is there a better way or better modules to go about what I'm trying to do here?

    from uszipcode import SearchEngine from timezonefinder import TimezoneFinder search = SearchEngine(simple_zipcode=False) zipcode = search.by_zipcode("83211") d = zipcode.to_dict() #d, for dictionary print(d["bounds_east"]) print(d["bounds_north"]) #proof of concept that I was able to retrieve the correct coordinates for the zip code in question tf = TimezoneFinder() latitude, longitude = float(d["bounds_north"] + 0.1), float(d["bounds_east"] + 0.1) #I added 0.1 to each value just to make sure I wasn't running into an edge case, because I was having trouble with type errors at first. It makes no sense now, but you would understand if you came from C++ and are trying to figure out how Python variable types work. It might be a float or it might be a string. You never know until runtime, when you find out it's a "None" type. print(tf.timezone_at(lng=longitude, lat=latitude)) #Output ##-112.692794 ##42.950529 ##America/Boise #The output I want instead of "America/Boise" is something along the lines of "MST/MDT" 

    edit: fixed my pseudo code syntax error. I forgot a "

    edit2: after editing my comment, I noticed that Reddit thinks I posted this 7 hours ago. I don't know what to do with this information other than use it to my advantage to appear as if I have the ability to foretell the future.... And my first prediction is that /u/packetpowered will start to get quite drunk in the next 4 hours.

    submitted by /u/PacketPowered
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    Does “ optimizing your website for SEO” just means putting your content under the correct HTML tags?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 01:42 PM PST


    I'm looking to learn and get some clarification on what "optimizing your website" for SEO really means programming wised.

    Is this phrase just a marketing term for non technical people or is the whole SEO thing something really technical that many developer outsource to a dedicated 3rd party?

    I couldn't find much info online beside being bombarded with SEO providers ads in my search results.

    Does SEO just mean putting your sites content within the correct HTML tags?

    Navigation bar under Nav tag, your main content under the main tag, breaking sites into section tags etc instead of using a ton of divs?

    And when using a div or id name them with "key" words?

    Can anyone share some light of this?

    Thank you all in advance!

    submitted by /u/SpareTech_O
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    I have so many ideas ! Where should I start ?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 07:38 PM PST

    I have so many ideas and things I want to create and every roadblock comes to programming...

    What is the best language for engineering all sorts of different things ?

    Is this too vague ?

    submitted by /u/nowitsgiven
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    Know very little about databases and have never implemented one myself. Where should I start?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 07:34 PM PST

    I have never had to implement a database for my own project before. I have seen a bit of SQL but have never learned it. I don't know the differences between types of databases, what type of database is most suitable for the problem, or how to implement ANY of them. My degree focused on C++ and I am self teaching python now. Ideally I would like to implement it with some python programs, but I feel like learning the broad overview of all database types is just as important as learning how to implement one.

    Any ideas or resources where I should start?

    submitted by /u/codewriterguy
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    Difference between "Filter" and "Switch" in tracing - C#?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 07:32 PM PST


    Finding a bit of difficulty seeing what the difference is. Apparently a filter is applied to individual listeners, and a switch is applied to many.

    A switch is more for what gets inputted into the listener, and a filter is what gets out from the listener, I think?

    A trace source could also have many listeners within it, and a listener directs errors etc to a certain output?

    There's still some gaps in my knowledge as my brain isn't 100% certain, could someone explain with some examples?


    submitted by /u/DELB_
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    Interested in Programming

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 07:29 PM PST

    Started playing with HTML lately, and I think writing code might be a good skill to have for the future. I also heard there's multiple "languages" when it comes to coding. (Java,JavaScript,Python,PHP,etc.)

    What languages is best for what? I might consider CompSci as my college major. I'd like a head start now.

    submitted by /u/EcstasyAndHennessy
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    Programming Internships

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 07:15 PM PST

    Hi everyone! I am a high schooler in a STEM school and I really want to get involved in programming with some sort of internship. Anyone have any advice or aid they could give me? Anything is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/theofficialadit
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    Why did docker ditch Kitematic?

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 07:10 PM PST

    Just made a clean installation of docker desktop and noticed it didn't have the option to use Kitematic any more. Going to the docs, it says Kitematic is now considered legacy and is only bundled with docker toolbelt. Does anyone know why they decided to remove it? It was pretty useful.

    submitted by /u/DanteIsBack
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