• Breaking News

    Monday, January 20, 2020

    UPDATE POST: Recruiter told me position I was interviewing for was a Javascript role, turns out she meant Java. I have three days to prepare. learn programming

    UPDATE POST: Recruiter told me position I was interviewing for was a Javascript role, turns out she meant Java. I have three days to prepare. learn programming

    UPDATE POST: Recruiter told me position I was interviewing for was a Javascript role, turns out she meant Java. I have three days to prepare.

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 11:02 AM PST

    Original post here. TL;DR: I was preparing over the christmas holidays for an interview that was supposedly going to be in Javascript, but was actually Java.

    So I got a lot of good advice from people on this sub on the technical side of learning Java as well as advice on how to do well in the interview process. I actually contacted the recruiter and asked if it were possible to have an extension on the interview to sharpen my Java skills and she said it was fine, so I had a bit less than a week in the end to prepare.

    I'm happy to say I got the job! :)

    In the end the interview was actually really chill. It was my first ever proper "whiteboard" interview and I expected some animosity from the intervewer however that couldn't be further from the truth. She actually guided me through the tasks and it felt like we were working together on the problems as opposed to it being a clinical assessment of my skills.

    If I can give any advice to other new grads looking to land their first gig it is to remember the human aspect of the process. I think a lot of people look at a technical interview similar to a school exam where if you just memorise certain formulas you are guaranteed to pass. The reality is that the interviewer is looking for so much more than your ability to regurgitate DFS and Quicksort - they want to see who you are as a person. How you respond to criticism, how you attack a problem, your listening skills, your communication skills are all things that you're going to be judged on. In the few hours you'll have in the company of the interviewer you need to be aware of how you're projecting these characteristics.

    Anyway, thanks for the help!

    submitted by /u/CriticalImpress
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    Does anyone else feel addicted to programming?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 09:37 PM PST

    In the beginning I didn't really care to program when I didn't need to but now that I am two years into my coding journey im getting more and more addicted to it. I get excited about working on my side projects or doing coding challenges and sometimes even neglect other hobbies or things I enjoy to code instead. The better I get at programming the more I realize how much I don't know and there is a never ending amount of things to learn.

    submitted by /u/selfaware_bot
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    [CS student] Have you ever felt like you were unable to grasp a lot of new information?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 05:33 PM PST

    I'm not sure if this kind of question is allowed here, but I've been having this issue for about a year now.

    I've been having issues in basically all my classes since last year where I just don't understand what's going on anymore. I'm 1 term away from graduating (this term + 1 class next term) and it just getting harder and harder. I failed my first class ever last term )which is the +1 I need to take) and it's 2 weeks into this term and I'm already having problems with literally the second (technically first) assignment in my class. Not only that, but it's an assignment that is supposed to be super easy.

    This is roughly been how my last year has been going, with a lot of topics I just do not understand, regardless of how much I try. It's honestly making me fear getting a job because I'm not sure I can even be a valuable employee, let alone be able to get through interviews in the first place.

    It feels like literally the only reason I've been able to pass my classes at all is because I have a study partner to discuss everything with, and we work together on homework (together as in discussing, we don't write code together because plagiarism). I don't feel like I have much to add to our discussions and it feels like I'm mostly an inconvenience.

    Has anyone else felt along these lines? I've just stopped feeling smart enough for my classes. It hasn't always been this way. I used to feel extremely competent and I was the one helping other people with their homework, but now not so much.

    submitted by /u/q123w
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    I made a timeboxed front-end web development curriculum

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 01:31 PM PST

    There's so much out there to learn about front-end web development; I'm hopeful this github-based curriculum helps you on your path if you're interested! 100 days is surely not enough to master the front-end domain, but my hope is this offers some structure and servers as more of a "survey" course in the front-end world.

    I appreciate you taking a look and letting me know if it is helpful to you, or if you have any suggestions!


    Edit: Thank you for the gold! This took me quite a while to put together and I'm devoted to making it as good as possible. Already planning a few changes for the next version based on some discussions below!

    submitted by /u/nas5w
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    How does one create a “development environment?”

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 11:41 PM PST

    I'm a new programmer, and have always seen that term tossed around. I currently code in Python using PyCharm. Would that be considered my "dev environment"?

    If not, can someone provide more insight as to how to properly set one up?

    I want to learn how, and get used to the process so it makes doing it at an actual job easier.

    submitted by /u/0xbxb
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    I want to learn testing properly

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 11:41 PM PST

    Hi all, I have pretty messy codebase for existing project and while I will be doing refactoring I want to learn and do some proper testing.

    It is basic crud app with React frontend.

    Is it good idea to start implementing testing to already set robust project?

    How should I do it?

    Is it better to rewrite app from scratch to refactor and implement test step by step?

    How to know what testing is better? Testing drivrn development or unit testing or...?

    Thank you

    submitted by /u/hepepnyt
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    I feel like I can never completely know a language

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 06:31 PM PST

    I've been studying JavaScript for about 2 and a half years, and this year I decided that I wanted to completely learn everything there is to know about JavaScript. Over the years, I've watched many YouTube videos, completed the Codecademy, created many web apps (obviously built in JS), and more recently started working on The Odin Project. I thought that I knew everything there was to know about JavaScript, and then I took the LinkedIn test to verify I knew JavaScript. There where at least 3 questions, that referred to methods, and concepts that I'd never heard of, despite the fact, that I've been studying JavaScript for years. I like how there's always more to learn in Computer Science, but I find it frustrating that I can never feel confident that I completely know a language, because there always seems to be something that none of my resources mentioned. Anyways, if you made it this far in my rant, thanks for reading. I'd love to hear your opinions on this, and whether you ever get the same feeling.

    submitted by /u/JJakk10
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    Novice programmer, with a project in mind- overwhelmed on where to start

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 07:04 PM PST

    I'm excited to jump into programming as a new hobby. I have some experience in SQL but am looking to expand my skills. When I was learning SQL it was most helpful when I could look at codes and reverse engineer to understand the concepts. I have a project in mind and hope to use the same strategy.

    I'd like to make an interactive balance, with the ability to add objects to either side, and the balance responds accordingly. This Example is close to what I'm looking for, but I'd actually prefer something with much less complexity.

    Is there a way to see the code behind the example above? If I start from scratch is there a coding language that would be better than another? Any other advice for a novice programmer?

    submitted by /u/tommy_jefferson_22
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    How do you get items onto a 2D array in Python?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 08:10 PM PST

    I'm trying to figure out if how to get user input items onto the array. The user will input the size of the array (ex, 2 by 3), and then they will input the terms to go into the array on two lines (in this case). Here is my current program, but for some reason, it displays the same thing.

    b,a=input().split() a=int(a) b=int(b) r=0 c=0 arr=[["x"]*a]*b for i in range (b): m=input() for x in range (a): arr[r][c]=m[x] c+=1 r+=1 c=0 print (arr) 

    When I run it, it only prints the last row repeatedly, and I'm not sure what I did wrong, for example:

    2 3 abc def 

    Results in:

    [['d', 'e', 'f'], ['d', 'e', 'f']] 

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/a-randam_person
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    Q for 1st time coding, I'm webscraping with Python, Selenium, Webdriver, Beautiful Soup. Why is the source code of a website different from the code when inspected in browser?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 04:52 PM PST

    I am working on my first programming project so excuse any incorrect lingo.

    My Goal: I am trying to web scrape from my local library's website. The end goal is to be able to automate renewing books on the website.

    Progress: I have been successful at using Python, Selenium, and Webdriver to log into the library's website and go onto the 'Checkouts' page to view my loaned items. Then, I used Beautiful Soup to extract the HTML code of the website's 'Checkouts' page.

    Issue: It looks like the HTML source code when I inspect the 'Checkouts' website (right-click and select 'Inspect' in Chrome browser) is different from the code when I look at the HTML source code (right-click and select 'View Source Code' in Chrome browser).

    The HTML code when looking at source code aligns with what my Python code extracts, but is missing all the information I want to scrape. However, the HTML code when inspecting the site does contain the information I want to scrape.


    1. Why is the HTML code different when I 'inspect' the site vs. 'View Source Code' from the Chrome browser? (Is this perhaps 'minification'?)
    2. How can I extract the HTML code with the information I want to scrape?

    I've posted my Python code here: https://gist.github.com/TeenDubs/4295e77c6595020b3ea24dfdd5aede14

    submitted by /u/TeenDubs
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    [bash] How can I print a cell from a column in a csv in bash?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 12:23 AM PST

    I've got a csv with a few hundred cells in it, and would like to `cat` a single cell from one of the columns

    Problem is: the cells contain sentences so text parsing can be pretty difficult.

    Here's an example cell from my csv:

    Many of the more prolific species seem to be able to handle it readily

    and another:

    are you kidding me? They don't seem to know what they're on about, I'm sure they've got no clue

    How can I print a single cell from a csv like this?

    I've tried cat file.csv | awk -v FS=',' '{print $2}'| head -8890 | tail -n 1

    for example to print row B8890, but that doesn't work with cells that contain multi-lines of text

    submitted by /u/Helpmeimfijian
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    How to learn programming by solving problems?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 11:36 AM PST

    Hi guys.

    In the 2nd semester of last year I decided to learn how to code.

    Started with python, then JS, then django, react, node... Etc.

    Like you can expect, I didn't really learn how to code, just learn how those frameworks. It wasn't a completely wasted time because it helped me to discover what I like and what I don't like.

    But, this year I want to actually learn how to code, and solve problems with that while learning.

    Is that any online course, website or anything that might help me with that? Most YT "courses" only teach the basics.

    Ps: there's a course starting tomorrow that says they teach Python by solving real problems. Around 40 hours, a bit expensive. Is it worth it?

    Thx in advance.

    submitted by /u/soldadodecope
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    Animated particle constellation in JavaScript

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 06:45 AM PST

    Compiler Exit Status 1 Error

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 09:44 PM PST

    I was trying to code for a prompt : Write a program to check 2 parameters. If a is > b, return "yes". If b is > a, return "no" If a is equal to b, return "aplus"

    I used the following code:

    import static java.lang.System.*;

    import java.util.Scanner;

    public class BigOrSmall {

    public static String check( int a, int b ) {

    int a, b;}if ( a > b)System.out.println("yes");if ( b > a)System.out.println("no");else if (b==a)System.out.println("aplus");

     return ""; 

    with the runner:

    import static java.lang.System.*;

    import java.util.Scanner;

    public class BigOrSmallRunner {

    public static void main( String args[] )


    System.out.println( BigOrSmall.check( 10, 20) );

    System.out.println( BigOrSmall.check( 20, 10) );

    System.out.println( BigOrSmall.check( 20, 20) );

    System.out.println( BigOrSmall.check( 10, 10) );

    System.out.println( BigOrSmall.check( 0, 1) );

    System.out.println( BigOrSmall.check( 1, 0 ) );

    System.out.println( BigOrSmall.check( 3, 5) );

    System.out.println( BigOrSmall.check( 5, 3 ) );

    System.out.println( BigOrSmall.check( 5342, 323 ) );



    but got this error:

    Compiler Exit Status 1 Error

    and am not sure what's wrong

    submitted by /u/Exeleus
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    Multithreading projects

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 09:18 PM PST

    Hello redditors,

    I have two questions regarding multithreading.

    1) any good resources in learning multithreading for c++?

    2) what projects can you implement multithreading for?

    submitted by /u/josbahena
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    Why does prettier not show up when the 'which prettier' command is typed?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 05:09 PM PST

    Here is an image of my terminal: https://snipboard.io/iSjD2L.jpg

    For reference, I am using a Macbook 2017 Bash terminal.

    submitted by /u/mementomoriok
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    Compile Error Issue

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 08:53 PM PST

    I was attempting to run a lab ( Write a program to check 2 parameters. If a is > b, return a - b. If b is > a, return b - a. If a is equal to b, return a + b.) The codes are as follows:

    import static java.lang.System.*;

    import java.util.Scanner;

    public class AddSub


    public static double check( int a, int b ) {

    return a-b;
    return b-a;
    } return " " + a+b;



    The run program was:

    import static java.lang.System.*;

    import java.util.Scanner;

    public class AddSubRunner {

    public static void main( String args[] ) {

    System.out.println( AddSub.check( 10, 20) );

    System.out.println( AddSub.check( 20, 10) );

    System.out.println( AddSub.check( 20, 20) );

    System.out.println( AddSub.check( 10, 10) );

    System.out.println( AddSub.check( 0, 1) );

    System.out.println( AddSub.check( 1, 0 ) );

    System.out.println( AddSub.check( 3, 5) );

    System.out.println( AddSub.check( 5, 3 ) );

    System.out.println( AddSub.check( 5342, 323 ) );



    When I executed the program, it came out with a compiling error. Could anyone help me with this?

    submitted by /u/Exeleus
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    php beginner help needed

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 08:48 PM PST

    Hey guys i recently finished learning javascript and started learning php like really now and i am asking you to please help me understand why this logic that works perfectly in javascript does not work in php.I thought programming principles were the same.Please ignore the forward slashes i keep removing them but reddit keeps adding them in.

    $eita = \\\["i", "am", "you"\\\];
    echo ($eita); ?>

    please explain to me.

    submitted by /u/xiaogege1
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    Can someone please clarify the instructions on this Etch-a-Sketch game?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 08:06 PM PST

    Here are the instructions:

    "2. Create a webpage with a 16x16 grid of square divs

    1. Create the divs using JavaScript… don't try making them by hand with copy and pasting in your html file!
    2. Best to put your grid squares inside another "container" div (that one can go directly in your html)
    3. There are several different ways to make the divs appear as a grid (versus just one on each line) feel free to use any or play with each of them:
      1. float/clear
      2. inline-block
      3. flexbox
      4. CSS Grid
    4. Be careful with borders and margins, they can adjust the size of the squares!"

    Here is what I think they are saying:

    Is step 2.1 saying to create div tags using javascript (16 of them)??

    Step 2.2 place the divs inside another dive called "container".""

    Step 2.3 After I have a column of divs turn them into grids??

    Am I correct. My code doesnt make any sense to me

    submitted by /u/Schopenhaur1859
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    Help downloading NETBEANS

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 02:07 PM PST

    I'm having trouble downloading Netbeans/TMC bundle. I'm on Windows and have tried both Chrome and Firefox and I keep getting Network Failed after right clicking to save-as. Anyone else have experienced this?

    submitted by /u/Chopatax
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    Can someone explain how a linked list based stack works?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 07:53 PM PST

    I understand linked lists but a having trouble understanding how the TOS pointer would work as well as why the list points down from the TOS. If you could leave any resources/an elaborate explanation that would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/TheGfom
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    How do I insert into table where column names contain an underscore?

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 07:49 PM PST

    Hello, I don't know how to insert into a sql table whose column name contains an _ (underscore). eg 'CS_Weight'

    For example, this is just the query stored in a string variable

    query &= "insert into abac1(ID, [CS_Weight])" query &= "values (@ID,@[CS_Weight])" 


    Using comm As New SqlCommand() With comm .Connection = conn .CommandType = CommandType.Text .CommandText = query .Parameters.AddWithValue("@ID", textbox1.text) .Parameters.AddWithValue("@[CS_Weight]", textbox2.text) 

    This produces an error. I have tried the variations of it but I cannot save. Anyone know how can I save successfully?

    submitted by /u/sawatdeeman
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    [MySQL] Having trouble getting into the server and launching workbench. I am running version 8.0.19.

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 07:36 PM PST

    When I open MySQL, I'm greeted with a product table that only has Workbench. Compared to before, when I was downloading/installing the items, where I was met with the Choosing a Setup Type, etc.

    Is there a way to launch the Workbench, and/or get access to the mass community server of MySQL.com?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Nuked2025
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    I need help with a SQL and php project.

    Posted: 19 Jan 2020 07:32 PM PST

    I am trying to make a website where you can buy a digital product and then you can access via a separate C# program. I already know how to grab SQL values from a database in C#, so I don't need help with that.

    What I want to do is to change a SQL value in the table when a successful purchase has been made. I also want it to change to a different value after 30 days. I am using mybb for the login for testing it before I actually make it into the full program.

    How would I change the value after a purchase has been made and change the value back after 30 days?

    Mybb uses php and I am using MySQL for the database.

    submitted by /u/AshIsRightHere
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