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    Tuesday, January 21, 2020

    TIL: Free Bootcamp Workshops learn programming

    TIL: Free Bootcamp Workshops learn programming

    TIL: Free Bootcamp Workshops

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 11:13 AM PST

    This was news to me, so downvote me straight to the netherworld if this was common knowledge, but I just learned that the major bootcamps offer free weekend/weeknight workshops if you want to get some initial exposure.

    I'm in NYC, so this is perhaps more relevant for me than some who live in smaller cities/towns (however, I do see some online workshops, too). I went to the intro to data analytics workshop at General Assembly on Saturday and just signed up for a couple Wednesday night sessions in the coming weeks through Flatiron School. Hack Reactor hosts, as well. Fullstack doesn't appear to host much on their own but posted this great list of NYC free coding resources. The NYPL even hosts some. I obviously cannot volunteer the instructors' time, but I'm sure many of them would be willing to help answer a session-related question if you hang around for an extra 10 minutes after class.

    So, moral of the story, just as with figuring out a specific coding challenge, Googling for free workshops/resources doesn't hurt. Good luck out there, everyone!

    submitted by /u/pmmeyourfavoritejam
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    Flutter: the good, the bad and the ugly (Part 2 - 2020 version)

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 07:30 AM PST

    Last year there was a post discussing the pros-cons-nightmares of Flutter (https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/9zpn0h/flutter_the_good_the_bad_and_the_ugly/). Most of the discussion was weird rage against Dart. Anyway, seems like Flutter has really grown since then.

    How is your experience with Flutter so far? Would be great to hear from people who migrated from other hybrid (ex: react-native, nativescript) and native frameworks (ex: android, ios) .

    Is it a promising framework to pickup for someone who wants to venture the mobile development realm?

    submitted by /u/radodevice
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    Looking for someone who wants to learn Python

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 05:55 PM PST

    I'm new to Python, and we can meet 1/2 an hour a day or on the weekends to learn together

    submitted by /u/kayhere
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    At what point are you ready for a job as a self taught developer?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 11:13 PM PST

    Basically as the title says. Talking about only front end so html, CDs and javascript. Should you be able to make websites without referencing YouTube or googling things? Should you be able to do it in a certain time scale?

    I don't think I'm ready, I'm just wondering

    submitted by /u/MightyGiant21
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    Which service is best suited to study web development? CodeCademy, Freecodecamp, Coursera, edX or Udemy?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 11:32 AM PST

    It doesn't matter the price, the main thing is how effective it will be to learn from the entry level of knowledge HTML, CSS, JS to a full level, so that you can already go to work in the starting positions.

    submitted by /u/MasterHunter234
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    Looking for a beginner C++ buddy

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 04:17 AM PST

    Hi, I'm 17M from Europe, I have spent a few months on and off learning C++ but now I want to commit to it and I think a buddy will really help. I learn from learncpp and Primer 5th edition, occasionally sololearn to help reinforce my knowledge. C++ is the only language I know and I'm learning it because I want to build games.

    I'm currently know the basics, how to write functions (if, for, while etc), and is now progressing to classes and objects, and more complex functions. It's okay if you're a bit behind or ahead of me as I can help you and I'm a somewhat fast learner too.

    Looking for someone who is willing to commit at least 3 hours every weekend and is available for voice call (discord).

    I am on Windows 10 using Visual Studio 2019

    update: https://discord.gg/7zTNJ7K

    submitted by /u/hulka1337
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    How do you protect your eyes?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 07:24 AM PST

    Im a first year CS student and my eyes dont feel well after hours of coding. How can i protect my sight?

    submitted by /u/seco-nunesap
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    How does this code work?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 02:56 PM PST

    int d=0;

    for(int i=0; i<5; i++){

    d = (d++)-1; printf("%d\n",d);


    Why is the output: -1,-2,-3,-4,-5

    The code isn't supposed to do anything, it's just a question given from class that I had a hard time wrapping my head around.

    submitted by /u/spx416
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    Javascript BST Deletion problem

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 12:48 PM PST

    Problem: When I delete a childless node and print the tree, I still see its data as if it had not been deleted. nodes with children, one or more, are being de referenced properly and not getting printed.

    Hpothesis: I think there may be another reference to childless nodes...

    Ever grateful to all your help :) It's 2 AM here now and I am going to sleep...gotta wake up early tomorrow

    The code:

    class Node { constructor(data) { this.left = null; this.data = data; this.right = null; this.daddy = null; } } class BST { constructor () { this.root = null; } insertNode(data) { if (this.root == null) { this.root = new Node(data); this.root.isGrandpa = true; this.root.daddy = null; console.log(`${data} inserted at root`); } else { //new node created. To be inserted later. let temp = this.root; let temp2 = new Node (data); let father; while(temp !=null){ father = temp; temp2.daddy = father; //check the node size against existing nodes if(data == temp.data) { console.log('data already exists!'); break; } if(data < temp.data) { temp = temp.left; } else if (data > temp.data) { temp = temp.right; } } if (temp2.data < father.data){ father.left = temp2; this.count++; father.left.num = this.count; console.log(`${temp2.data} inserted at left`); } else if(temp2.data > father.data) {//kk father.right = temp2; this.count++; father.right.num = this.count; console.log(`${temp2.data} inserted at right`); } } } inOrderRec(node){ if(node==null){ return } this.inOrderRec(node.left) console.log(node.data); this.inOrderRec(node.right) } deleteNode(node, data) { if (node == null) { return } else if (node.data == data) { //this.deletion(node); console.log(`deleting ${node.data} ...`); if (node.daddy != null) { console.log(`${node.data} has a father who is ${node.daddy.data}`); // Problem block: if (node.left == null && node.right == null) { console.log(`${node.data} is childlesss...`); node = null; // only reference to object being set to null. } // Problem block ^ else if (node.left != null && node.right == null) { //this.deleteHelperLC(node); if (node == node.daddy.left) { node.daddy.left = node.left; node = null; } else if (node == node.daddy.right) { node.daddy.right = node.left; node = null; } //code ends } else if (node.right != null && node.left == null) { //this.deleteHelperRC(node); if (node == node.daddy.left) { node.daddy.left = node.right; node = null; } else if (node == node.daddy.right) { node.daddy.right = node.right; node = null; } //code ends } else if (node.left != null && node.right != null) { //this.deleteHelperBoth(node); if (node == node.daddy.left) { node.right.left = node.left; node.daddy.left = node.right; node = null; } else if (node == node.daddy.right) { node.left.right = node.right; node.daddy.right = node.left; node = null; } //code ends } } else { //grandpa deletion code goes here console.log('no daddy... :('); } //deletion code ends } else { this.deleteNode(node.left, data); this.deleteNode(node.right, data); } } --// TEST DATA b1 = new BST(); b1.insertNode(9); b1.insertNode(2); b1.insertNode(12); b1.insertNode(3); b1.insertNode(2); b1.insertNode(22); b1.insertNode(1); b1.insertNode(54); b1.insertNode(23); b1.deleteNode(b1.root, 2); //works fine. Doesnt get printed b1.deleteNode(b1.root, 1 or 3 or 22); // still gets printed b1.inOrderRec(b1.root); } 
    submitted by /u/hassanrazza
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    Resources for Data Structures and Algorithms in C++?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 04:46 PM PST

    just got into my data structures and algorithms class, and would like a resource that is similar to CodeAcademy's in which its more of a step-by-step learning experience with actual coding rather than just reading and absorbing the knowledge that way.

    we are coding in C++

    submitted by /u/red300zx
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    Don't like python debuggers like pdb, ipdb, pdb++? I made something completely different and intuitive. Check out Seapie for beginner friendly alternative

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 10:33 AM PST

    Here is the link and some text to go with it in case automoderator is trigger happy due to character limit or something like that. It happens.


    submitted by /u/hirsimaki-markus
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    Modernizing our high school IT/CS track. (Adding new courses)

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 02:54 PM PST

    Hi Learn Programming!

    I'm a high school STEM teacher. I'm helping my department modernize our rather small set of course offerings.

    Last year all we had was a keyboarding class, a one-term introduction to visual basic course and a graphic design course. This year we've added Computer Science Principles that is largely project based that eventually leads to independent Python programming projects, which is a good start, but we'd really like to add several other classes.

    Here is a list of classes we're considering offering.

    -Robotics (My administration seems very excited about offering a course based on the First Robotics Competition. Java or C++ programming can be used, but this will only be a portion of the course.)

    -Web design/programming

    -App development (Probably starting MIT app inventor and then switching to Java and possibly Swift. This could also replace about 4/5 of the AP Principles class if that appealed to students. I know there is a Principles curriculum entirely based around MIT App Inventor. )

    -Cybersecurity (Know of any good curriculum for this?)

    -Animation (Many of our students and a couple of our teachers are familiar with Inventor, so I was thinking teaching Maya might be possible since I've heard that's similar. More likely the electronic art teacher would handle this though. Any suggestions for curriculum or software for a course like this?)

    -Video Game Development (a.) Either Unity/C# based with a strong emphasis on design, or b.)creating 2d games using Java, Javascript, or Python with an emphasis on using game creation to teach programming skills. I've heard of one teacher using option b. to teach pre-ap and ap CS Principles)

    -Networking (Possibly Cisco)

    -Language-specific programming such as with Java. (Perhaps AP CSA. Is this a quality course that isn't too tedious? Might be a good course to act as 'advanced app programming since it uses Java?')

    Any suggestions are welcome! What classes would be most worthwhile... since we probably can't offer them all.

    The electronic art teacher will probably offer one more art class, like animation. I'm one of two programming teachers... and I think I may be the only one interested in moving in a programming direction since we've hired people that can take care of most of my courses. At most I think we can offer 4 more courses, but that is uncertain this point.

    The limited number of courses we might be able to offer is partly why I suggest using AP courses as a phone app or game creation course since we are already offering AP Principles. I think those two courses, in particular, could be useful for recruitment...

    Suggestions for software, materials, or curriculum for said courses is also very welcome!

    Edit: Some other classes that we would consider adding. I expect that some of these could be done by people outside the department, such as the Film Production and Music Production class May depend on teacher expertise in the Theatre and Music department.

    • Audio production
    • Computer repair
    • Film production
    • Media technology
    • Music production
    • Video game development
    • Web design
    • Web programming
    submitted by /u/AduroMelior
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    What are some Android(Java) apps I can recreate for practice?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 10:14 PM PST

    Can you please suggest me some Android apps I can recreate for practice in java as a beginner?

    submitted by /u/shubham82
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    Good linux guide?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 09:53 PM PST

    I am wanting to get into some Raspberry Pi projects with Raspbian, but keep finding my lack of understanding of Linux hindering. Are there any good free guides for learning linux (possibly debian-based)? Ideally in a youtube-video format.

    If you can find a good up-to-date tutorial for learning linux that is also based on using the Pi platform, bonus points.

    Edit: Specifically, I mainly need help learning the ins and outs of using the terminal.

    submitted by /u/TThor
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    Self taught, Bootcamp or Uni

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 09:17 AM PST

    Hi all! Looking for some advice on which path to take. I've been learning to program for about 3 months now. I've been able to learn full time since an injury from my previous job has left me temporarily unable to work. I've really fallen in love with programming, and I want to pursue a career. I've made several small projects like tic tac toe, various calculators and one larger project as a part of a Udemy class that uses MongoDB, Express and NodeJS which includes authorization/authentication/session management ect.

    A little more relevant info about me. I'm 30 years old, I didn't go to college and most of my experience is in factory work, working with machines as an operator. It is my goal to be able to attain a software engineer job in the year 2020.

    My question is, should my next step be to continue my self taught learning using Udemy classes and other online resources, eventually building a portfolio with 4-5 advanced projects? Or should I look into taking a bootcamp (the one I would take is the following https://www.springboard.com/workshops/software-engineering-career-track/ which I would be most comfortable with since I enjoy Colt Steele's teaching).

    Another question considering I may be loosing my current job mid year if I'm not healthy enough to continue physical work. If neither self taught or bootcamp are good enough options and enough of you think an associate's degree or more in CS is necessary, what would be the best type of no experience entry level job I could look for to give me some type of relevant experience for software development?

    submitted by /u/randyn1080
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    What's the difference between a web developer and a software engineer

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 08:52 PM PST

    Are there any distinct differences in their skill set/knowledge/capabilities ? Does a software engineer only associated with those with a CS degree ? Or are they one in the same but just different companies call it different names ?

    submitted by /u/13cyah
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    Going into college as a Computer Engineering / Computer Science major with extremely little experience. What should I do to prepare myself for ir?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 06:35 PM PST

    I'm going to university as an Engineering Major with plans for Computer Engineering and a minor in Computer Science. (That's the plan as of now, may change I'm n the future as I know the two are very similar yet different) I have virtually no experience in either of those as my school doesnt offer anything computer technology related besides a 1 year elective of CADD and robotics. I'm taking an Intro to Computer Science principles VHS class this spring semester which will be my only genuine computer experience. I've started watching the Harvard CS50 lectures and I love them along with learning some very very basic Java code a couple days ago on the app Sololearn.

    My question is this. What else could I do to prepare myself for uni and what specifically? Should I focus more on the technology and networking aspect or the languages such as Python or Java and if so which? I couldn't imagine needing to know too much going into it but I think I should know some especially as I don't want to be behind and struggling.

    Edit: I've considered some of the open course computer science classes such as those offered by MIT but I feel that it wouldn't be realistic or worth it because of already being in school. I've also considered buying a textbook but thought the same thing.

    Edit: Some grammar errors as seen in the title, apologies, as I'm on mobile.

    submitted by /u/Ndematteis
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    Advice regarding bug bountys

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 12:29 AM PST

    Hey i have been looking to get started in bug bounty 's for money and have been following this guide. I have a copy of networking a top down approach, and learning web design. As of know i know python and linux (at a beginners level ). I need help with deciding what to read in these books for bug bounty 's as they are very dense and reading cover to cover will be counter productive. This is the table of contents in these books. And also if you could give other tips on where to go from here and any other tips regarding bug bounty 's in general that would be great.

    submitted by /u/HeartHacker99
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    [Java] How would I check of the command line arguments passed are only ints?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 08:32 PM PST

    So I am making a program that solves a bunch of things like quadratics equations given three inputs, GCDs (two inputs), factorials, and general formulas like I=PRT (3 inputs), etc.

    I know it would likely be better not to use command line arguments, but I wanted to learn more about them and utilize them fpr the heck of it.

    Anyone, so obviously before I apply Integer.parseInt() on args, I would want to validate that I am receiving numbers only to prevent exceptions being thrown. How would I do that?

    submitted by /u/throwaway01759274
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    Good reading material?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 09:49 AM PST

    Hello! Im currently doing TOP and am having a blast doing it. I have a lot of downtime during work so I was looking for suggestions for reading material(preferably free) that I could be reading when I can't work on TOP. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Yummy275
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    Can I start learning without a good pc?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 03:17 PM PST

    I want to start learning javascript but I only have a basic chrome book right now and won't be able to save up for something better for a while.

    I started the first lessons with the Odin Project but i can't download the necessary programs on my laptop for it. Is there another language I can learn using my chrome book or a different online resource that lets you write programs inside the browser?

    submitted by /u/punkpingu
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    How does heapify and Array.prototype.sort() handle infinity?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 12:00 AM PST

    I'd like to ask a few questions as it relates to Heaps, recently stumbled upon a problem. To my understanding heapify basically builds a heap from a list in a heap order property? (correct me if I'm wrong) How does it handle infinity?

    I was testing something with 1000 nodes of varying cost values(infinity included) and realized after I used heapify, it suddenly became an array of 500 nodes with just infinity cost values. Can someone explain? Does it use a comparison function and sorts the values? What happens to the other nodes?

    I have also taken a look at Array.prototype.sort() but it doesn't state how it handles infinity

    To compare numbers instead of strings, the compare function can simply subtract

    b from a.The following function will sort the array in ascending order (if it doesn't contain Infinity and NaN)

    submitted by /u/liuhh00
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    Starting out as an SRE

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 11:43 PM PST

    TL/DR Being an SRE seems pretty boring. Am I missing something?

    Not sure if this is the right place to post this but I'll give it a shot. First of all I've just started my job in the tech industry as a junior SRE! And a lot of the content I'm this sub have helped me a lot, so thank you!

    My issue is this. The company I'm now contracted to outsources both it's app development, and their infrastructure development. So no one in my team actually has any say in any of the development teams mentioned above. It's pretty boring work and I don't seem to be doing much. It's been 2 months so far and my motivation is wearing a bit thin.

    Is it normal for a company to outsource it's app dev and infrastructure dev, only to have in house SRE's? We have platform engineers sitting next to us, and they get to work with AWS and DevOps tools, which sounds much more interesting. Is it possible that I'm missing something from the job description and this is not cut out for me? Because I'm a junior, they're deciding against giving me too much work untill they feel I'm settled in?

    Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/Redmilo666
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    Java issue - thread / method not working

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 11:22 PM PST

    So I'm not too sure if I can simply post it like this but basically im trying to follow a step by step tutorial on how to make this game and i think i edited something accidentally which i shouldn't have because now my render method doesn't work in a particular instance (basically i come to a blank screen when its meant to be a game) so i would appreciate any tips i can receive.

    the link to the tutorial i used is here


    this is the output error:

    Exception in thread "Thread-0" java.lang.NullPointerException at com.game.tutorial.Game.render([Game.java:132](https://Game.java:132)) at [com.game.tutorial.Game.run](https://com.game.tutorial.Game.run)([Game.java:89](https://Game.java:89)) at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run([Thread.java:835](https://Thread.java:835)) 
    submitted by /u/Drotangle
    [link] [comments]

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