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    Sunday, January 5, 2020

    Programming for football (soccer) analysis of goal scoring, and assist! What to do? Ask Programming

    Programming for football (soccer) analysis of goal scoring, and assist! What to do? Ask Programming

    Programming for football (soccer) analysis of goal scoring, and assist! What to do?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 12:58 PM PST

    Hi fellow Reditorians!I want to program a piece of software (or simply a webpage/applet, whichever is the easiest) that allows me to analyze football matches!

    I am thinking of something along the lines of a page where start out by putting in which category the match is (Seri A, Bundesliga, PL, CL, EL etc.). Then i would like it to ask me from where the goal was scored and where in the goal the ball was placed! Then I'd like for it to save everything in a database that i can search in (ex. i want to know where all the goals from zone(n) where placed in the goal)!

    I guess what I want to make is a program that inserts certain event with conditions, and then that im able to make a search and only find the goals that apply for what conditions I'm searching for!
    Does anyone know if something like this is possible to make?

    Sorry for my bad english :P

    Thank you, SimonHede

    submitted by /u/SimonHede
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    Do People Still Use Rails? And Keeping Up With The Trends...

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 10:11 PM PST

    I learned Rails several years ago and forgot it because these days I almost only do front-end work.

    Now I would like to brush up on my Rails skills by building a personal project in Rails. But then I wondered: Do people still use Rails?

    That is my first question. My second question is:

    How do you keep up with the trends (which languages are most popular, most in demand, are new, are budding, etc.)? Are there resources, techniques or platforms to follow/subscribe to in order to stay abreast, and not waste time either building apps in obsolete languages or missing out on opportunities to build in growing languages?

    submitted by /u/codeyCode
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    Program for Cross Referencing Library Catalog with Digital Repositories

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 09:54 PM PST

    Hi everyone!I'm a MLIS student working on my thesis, and I'm doing a digitization project of WWII/post war US government publications. Because there are close to 100,000 documents within the timespan I'm looking at, I want to prioritize those that haven't been digitized on trusted digital repositories such as HathiTrust, GoogleBooks, and GovInfo. I know places like Google have programs that can cross reference a library's catalog to see what's already been digitized and to create a list of those that still need to be digitized, but they also have teams of experts and probably more time.
    I only have six months to get as much done as I can to hopefully impress people once I graduate, so I just want to know if writing a program like that is even doable for one person with introductory programming skills.
    If necessary, I can reach out to our university's CS program for some help, so I'm not necessarily looking for how to write the program (although any guidance or pointers would be appreciated!). The other option is typing in metadata for 95k documents by hand into three different search engines and that really doesn't sound fun.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Stroopwooffle
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    Automatic copy paste program

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 02:33 PM PST

    Hi, i am not a programmer (not even english lol), and i am looking for a software that automatically copies a text from instagram and paste it on another website.

    Can you guys help me out?

    submitted by /u/martin61812
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    How do I get productive while programming?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 12:22 AM PST

    I have the ambition to program, but every time I open up my IDE, I just procrastinate for what seems like forever. Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/theShermWorm
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    Can't sign into Google with Selenium

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 12:12 PM PST

    Does anyone know if this is possible? I'm using a really simple code to just open google and sign in, but whenever I do it says:

    "Couldn't sign you in. This browser or app may not be secure. "

    Or alternatively, does anyone know to to set where a file gets downloaded from google using Selenium and C#?

    submitted by /u/ItsRunner
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    Any examples on how to properly set up your repo for self-updating your program's database?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 06:42 AM PST

    I have a C program that has a database in the form of a small TSV file (close to 500KB). I want to decouple/separate it from the main program, so that both would be updated separately, and the main program would ideally check whether the database is newer than the local copy, and download it if that would be the case. What I don't know is how exactly should I set this up.

    My first and most straight-forward thought was to have a separate branch on the same GitLab repo just for the database, while the original branch would only have the program's code. I feel like most FOSS programs would pretty much do this, but I don't really know which projects to look for reference, if there should be a more elaborate solution or if it really would be as simple as e.g. having an extra file along with the database that has just a timestamp on it and check that to know whether the database is newer (I could do without that but I don't really feel like relying solely on a file's "last modified" timestamp).

    Thanks in advance, would really like to shed some light on the subject.

    submitted by /u/TheSupremist
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    Python Combination of lists

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 02:47 PM PST

    I've been trying make an apriori algorithm with python which I started to learning recently. So I was trying to combine these with a function,
    item_list = [("a"), ("b"), ("c"), ("d"), ("e"), ("f")]

    first output is this;
    [['a,b', 'a,c', 'a,d', 'a,e', 'a,f'], ['b,c', 'b,d', 'b,e', 'b,f'], ['c,d', 'c,e', 'c,f'], ['d,e', 'd,f'], ['e,f']] (Until here it works)
    next output should be this:
    [['a,b,c', 'a,b,d', 'a,b,e', 'a,b,f','a,c,d', 'a,c,e', 'a,c,f'], ['b,c,d', 'b,c,e', 'b,c,f','b,d,e','b,d,f','b,e,f'], ['c,d,e','c,d,f','c,e,f'], ['d,e,f']
    on and on, there will be 5 output in total continuing like this

    I'm able to get the first output but I get these errors for the later:
    File "", line 37, in <module>
    File "", line 26, in create_frequency_sets
    mappedList = list(map(lambda x,y: x+','+y, chosenElement, frequentItems))
    File "", line 26, in <lambda>
    mappedList = list(map(lambda x,y: x+','+y, chosenElement, frequentItems))
    TypeError: can only concatenate list (not "str") to list
    I don't understand this part why does it work for the first call but later it gives an error?

    here is my code;
    def create_frequency_sets(item_list, frequentItems):
    returnableItems = []
    for i in range(len(frequentItems) - 1):
    hold = frequentItems.pop(0)
    chosenElement = [hold]*len(frequentItems)
    mappedList = list(map(lambda x,y: x+','+y, chosenElement, frequentItems))26
    return returnableItems

    two=create_frequency_sets(item_list, item_list)

    submitted by /u/PhosphorusPlatypus
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    Sorting Based on Gender & Occupation into 4 teams (C#) Unity

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 06:56 AM PST

    I have four teams, I need to be able to add a function that can take in a person and put them into one of the four teams. The sorting should be based on occupation and gender. By the end of it all, all teams should be equal in gender and occupations.

    For Example: if I have 10 people, 6 males and 4 females.

    Males: 2 Artists, 2 Programmers, 2 Designers.

    Females: 1 Artist, 3 Programmers, 0 Designers.

    This is how it should sort:

    Team 1: 2 Males 1 Female, 1 Artists 2 Programmers 1 Designers

    Team 2: 2 Males 1 Female, 1 Artists 1 Programmers 1 Designers

    Team 3: 1 Males 1 Female, 1 Artists 1 Programmers 0 Designers

    Team 4: 1 Males 1 Female, 0 Artists 1 Programmers 0 Designers

    By The end all teams should be as equal as possible, with genders and occupations (There can be as many as 20 occupations) spread out as well as possible. I am looking to do this in C#, but I do not really know where to start. Any Help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/moudisoubra
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    is this deal worth it?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 12:17 PM PST


    i saw this ad on facebook and thought it looked like a good deal but i'm not sure. Original price was about 2000$ but now it's 35$ so is it something that could be worth buying?


    submitted by /u/UpscaleDiesel
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    Entity framework core - How do I Update an existing record via API

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 02:03 AM PST

    I have an API from http://api.football-data.org which I am using to get my data and save into the database, I don't think the API structure is the best and I am having some problems with it. It is as follows where StandingsParent is the parent of standings etc.

    StandingsParent > Standings > Table > Team

    StandingsParent ID column has the annotation [DatabaseGenerated(DatabaseGeneratedOption.None)] as I thought it would be easier to use the Ids provided.

    The API changes data each week (mainly the Table object), I don't want to remove any old data. Ideally, I would give EF a StandingsParent object and it would get the StandingsParent ID and if any child record has changed it would update it, if it's new add it. I thought I could just use the code below but obviously not as I get:

    The instance of entity type 'StandingsParent' cannot be tracked because another instance with the same key value for {'Id'} is already being tracked. When attaching existing entities, ensure that only one entity instance with a given key value is attached

    using (CodeFirstContext db = new CodeFirstContext()) { db.StandingsParents.Update(standingsParent);//Problem here db.SaveChanges(); } 
    submitted by /u/TechnoAndy94
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    I can't change table's position

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 05:10 AM PST

    Hello. I created table and I want to change it's position. At this point, I can't change position at all, so I believe direction doesn't matter. I've tried margin and padding on .first_table(I gave table this class), but it doesn't work. I've uploaded HTML and CSS codes on Pastebin, but I'll paste HTML and CSS codes here as well:

    Here is the html code: https://pastebin.com/p8pDEcbQ;

    And here is the css code: https://pastebin.com/apLr7TtU;



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    submitted by /u/OmniKingBoss
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    How do I make a site/data scraper?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 10:54 AM PST

    I have never been in programming before, and I need to learn how to make a tool that can scrape keycollectorcomics.com, format the information into:

    Blah Blah Blah #blah


    !st Appearance of Blah and his sidekick Blahblah - Mid $blah

    {insert image of Blah Blah Blah #1 here}

    I aim to create a tool to manufacture cards for anki and post them into a google spreadsheet.

    submitted by /u/detrapasado
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    Elephant trainer ISO data collection program

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 10:02 AM PST

    Looking to do a simple sleep study on our elephants (if and where they lay down at night).

    Will be using volunteers to collect data off of recorded video feed so the program must be simple to use.

    I was hoping that we could record data on a map of our stalls that volunteers can simply click on where the elephant laid down and which elephant it was. They would do this for 3 elephants, in 3 different spaces, for each night. Ideally I would like to look at the data not just by date but by elephant or by space.

    Any suggestions or input?

    submitted by /u/Handy-Heffalump
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    In C# (or other language if more efficient), what kind of standard structures (or from libraries) should i use to work with efficient calculation and storage with billions of structures on a personal computer ?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 09:43 AM PST

    Context : Because of a post on reddit ( https://www.reddit.com/r/technicallythetruth/comments/ekeqwq/thats_the_best_last_name/ ) i was wondering about making a little program taking into account a number of men, woman, randomized names, %of taking name of man, %of taking name of woman, %making new names, %not marrying, and other characteristics to see if at one point or another i could see if after a number of generation depending of the parameters we could see if the diversity of names would change with each generation and what factors were the most important in it. I started making it, i don't know a lot about programming but i know that i don't have the knowledge to play with huge quantity of data efficiently. Any tips, advice ?

    I know this may seems stupid but why not.

    submitted by /u/wowy-lied
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    I'm trying to make a JS pdf viewer via a YouTube tutorial. Currently stuck on the JS part!

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 11:11 PM PST

    This tutorial looks easy but it's not!

    As the title says, I'm having difficulty displaying my own pdf file using the JS file. It's suppose to show on the site, but it's not working.

    Here's what I have so far:

    Github preview of HTML

    Github preview of JS

    I could be wrong... but it maybe FontAwesome 5 that's screwing up with my programming....

    Help please?

    submitted by /u/canopey
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    How does PHP mailers works?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 04:00 AM PST

    I have been looking on some scripts on github and I have found that that PHP mailer script doesn't need the password of the Sender email to send an email to receiver I wonder if any of you guys can explain to me how does that work ? I have no knowledge on PHP btw Sorry for my English !

    submitted by /u/medshi8
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    Career advice? (currently at university)

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 07:13 AM PST


    I'm currently at university doing computer science, not exactly enjoying it because I find it pointless and boring to be honest. I've done a fair amount of work and built some fairly complex web applications (using PHP + Laravel).

    My GitHub is https://github.com/shivampaw/ if you want to take a look and I also have my portfolio at https://www.shivampaw.com

    So my question is...how necessary is a degree for a decent web development job? I want to continue freelancing along the side and keep up with a passive income. Currently I make about £400-£800 a month with recurring income and expenses of under £50 a month.

    submitted by /u/shivampaw
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    Can you recommend a good place for me to learn GUI development?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 06:14 AM PST

    I don't yet know the concepts of modern GUI development, other than the basic idea of positioning simple objects such as labels in an x,y plane. I've done some stuff using TKinter/Python. But moving images and dynamic, reactive elements are currently beyond my understanding.

    I would like to take a course that covers all this, preferably in the context of iOS as that is my intended platform.

    Any recommendations would be really appreciate. Thanks

    submitted by /u/MnkyMcFck
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    What web stack to use when starting a production site?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 08:05 AM PST

    i know the js frameworks but they seems a bit buggy and unpolished. (at least for SSR).

    which stack will u recommend?

    submitted by /u/MichaAndCo
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    Simple Networking Client/Server

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 10:12 PM PST

    Hi All -

    My friend and I are trying to make a simple client / server application to eventually run a simple turned based game. We're having difficulties getting a send/receive TCP connection setup under any programming language. Preferably it would be in .NET C#, however, we're open to other languages too.

    Would anyone be willing to assist us in this simple task or link to an already created base for us to have a look at. Haven't been able to find a simple starter anywhere.

    Let me know if you have any questions!

    submitted by /u/cdecker15
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    So i need help for my project..

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 02:07 AM PST

    My college gave me a assignment to do a project for my 1st sem. They told to do projects related to C programming, since they teach us that in the 1st sem. I couldnt think of any useful ideas , so i thought i would ask the experienced people here. Can you suggest what project should i do?

    submitted by /u/EndoDead
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