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    Sunday, January 5, 2020

    MIT's Introduction to Programming Using Python course is back learn programming

    MIT's Introduction to Programming Using Python course is back learn programming

    MIT's Introduction to Programming Using Python course is back

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 11:27 AM PST

    One of the most popular courses in edX's history - with over 1 million people enrolled - is back. Learn computer science and programming using Python from the instructors at MIT. The course is free to try:


    submitted by /u/DrunkRedditBot
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    Roadmap to Becoming a Web Developer in 2020

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 08:38 PM PST

    Hey everyone,

    You might have seen this developer-roadmap shared in this subreddit last year. I have been working on updating the roadmaps for 2020. Frontend roadmap has been updated and can be found at roadmap.sh/frontend and the detailed changelog here. I am still working on the backend and devops roadmap and plan on releasing them in the coming weeks.

    This is to give you an update about the current state and the future of the project. These roadmaps were started as a resource to provide a bigger-picture of the industry and to cover everything that is out there that anyone might want to learn for the given paths. It stands as the 10th most starred project on GitHub and I love the fact that over the years it has helped more people than I could have ever imagined. However, as it stands, there is a large room for improvement. The roadmaps were designed this way to mainly target the people who were already in the industry and needed guidance about what to learn next but they ended up getting consumed more by the beginners or the people who were planning on entering the field -- to whom they seem undoubtedly scary. Thanks to these roadmaps, I get tons of emails and messages on twitter asking for guidance and the questions are mostly the ones that these roadmaps should have answered and I feel that the roadmaps aren't doing the best that they could do. I plan on changing it this year.

    Among my goals this year is to turn these "roadmaps" into something that is friendly for all the levels of professionals. There is not much that I could do through this repository so during the mid last-year I launched roadmap.sh which is going to be an attempt to answer all these questions that I have been repeatedly getting. The platform is mostly ready and soon after the 2020 release of the current roadmaps, we will start working on "reskinning" these roadmaps. The first thing that you will see is the new look for these roadmaps which roughly looks like this with each section containing brief details for the reader to give an idea about about the item at hand, including answers for why and when to use the technology listed and give pointers and resources to learn.

    The project is opensource. Please feel free to share ideas, suggest improvements or contribute on GitHub.

    Thank you 🙏

    submitted by /u/kamranahmed_se
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    Free online C# boot camp for beginners (on Twitch, discord)

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 11:02 AM PST

    Hello everyone! New year calls for new projects and challenges, for that purpose, I have decided to come back to streaming programming lessons. The course is a boot camp for people with 0 experience in C#. It is mostly backend-oriented and will include the following topics:
    1. Fundamentals of programming (variable, function, types, console, Visual Studio)
    2. Debugging
    3. Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
    4. C# (generics, operators, events, delegates, LINQ, NuGet)
    5. Error handling
    6. I/O (reading/writing files, serialization/deserialization, compression/decompression)
    7. Testing (unit, integration, xUnit)
    8. SOLID
    9. Desktop UI (WPF)
    10. EF (basic DB terms, connection, CRUD, testing EF)
    11. Async programming (TAP, async data structures)
    12. Design Patterns (GoF, Enterprise)
    13. WebApi (REST, Postman, Http methods, IoC, action filters, middleware)
    As you can see there are many topics and this will be ~1 year-long course. Topics might change.

    Lessons will be streamed live on Twitch.
    It will also have a GitHub repository, Google Slides, discord discussion channel, maybe kahoot too.
    Both people who want to learn and people who want to be involved in preparing lessons/homework are welcome to join!

    There will be 2 weekly lessons: on Wednesday and Saturday 9 PM GMT +2.
    First lesson on January 11th (Saturday), 9 PM GMT +2.
    If interested, join the following C# Inn discord where homework, lesson material and discussions will happen after stream:

    P.S. Feel free to ask any questions down in the comments :) (might take me half a day to reply due to work/sleep)

    submitted by /u/CSharp-Inn
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    620 Free Online Programming & Computer Science Courses You Can Choose from to Kick Off 2020

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 05:12 PM PST

    A lot of good courses amalgamated in over place to check out.


    submitted by /u/lasaj
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    How To Become A Web Developer

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 09:01 PM PST

    Hi Guys,

    Hopefully, this does not constitute 'tasteless self-promotion' but if it does I will happily remove it!

    I thought I'd share this article for anyone trying to learn Web Development. It includes all the skills and tools you need to start working in the industry.


    Full Disclaimer: This is a blog post that I wrote. I am not a blogger but I want to help anyone out that wants to become a Web Developer :) I started freelancing full time a year ago and this is everything that I know. I remember it was all very confusing when I first started out and I ended up using a paid option to learn. I think it's very possible to learn everything for free so I included a bunch of resources here.

    If you have any questions, please feel free to DM me! This subreddit has helped me out a lot when I first started out and I want to return the favour for new learners.

    Happy coding everyone :)

    submitted by /u/__justHappyToBeHere
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    How long should you struggle by yourself with a piece of code until you ask for help?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 06:58 PM PST

    I've been following an online coding class, and have been trying to do a challenge. Long story short, I spent over 2 hours trying to figure out why my code wasn't working. I stared and stared, pulled it apart, ran bits at a time to see what the trouble was... and FINALLY I realized that I was using "=" where I should have been using "===".

    There was a solution I could have easily looked up with the click of a button, but I just stayed stubborn and worked it out.

    Was my time worth it considering I'll NEVER forgot the difference between "=" and "===" again? I'm trying to learn as much as I can as soon as possible for a career change.

    Thanks for your thoughts!

    submitted by /u/trustymutsi
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    Getting an internship

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 08:11 PM PST

    Hi reddit this is my first time posting on this sub. I got introduced to programming last year's September, fell in love with it and since then it is all I do. Started learning my first programming languages a month ago. Got an idea to do job searches in my area to kind of steer my learning direction. What I noticed was that the Internship's requirement are very high, most web intern postings require fullstack developers who know many different technologies, some even require multiple degrees or years of experience. While the pay is often very low and some times unpaid yet the requirements identically match an entry level position with a much higher starting salary.

    Is this normal and to be expected? Why are internships just as demanding as full-time jobs? Is there just an overabundance programmers in my area. I live in NYC for reference. I often heard that software or web development is well compensated especially in big cities where I live, so this came as a surprise to me. Shouldn't internships be easier to get into than an entry level fulltime position?

    I know just the fundamentals of HTML5 + CSS & Js, I learned a lot in a very short time because I have put a lot hours into. However not enough to learn the 3 or 4 different UI frameworks they require and node. I thought I would be job ready in the next 8 months, however those job requirements gave me a reality check.

    What was you guys experiences? if I am qualified to do these internships should I just skip them all together and apply for a flexible entry level position, instead.


    submitted by /u/MFDOOMKendrickEarl
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    Getting into cyber security?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 09:50 PM PST

    Hi all- By profession, I am a lawyer but I am looking to build upon my background and get into cybersecurity. I am considering several different options to learn- mostly online certificates. I am hoping for some advice from those in cyber and/or those who have completed online certificates (or even in-person non-degree university programs like U.T.'s Bootcamp) on what the best way to get the fundamentals is. Of course, one of my main concerns is how my education will be perceived by future employers (i.e. what's the most reputable online certificates-- like George Washington University vs SANS.)

    I found the programs can be split between programs offered by universities and those by other online schools. I'd love to hear thoughts and feedback. Here's the breakdown:

    Group 1: Cyber studies from recognized universities, and it seems that the syllabus of these courses is a little more general and theoretical than technical.

    Group 2: Cyber education certificates from several different private colleges, offering various certificates by a cyber expert (eg Cyber Security Analyst CySA +) and job security. This is usually a self-paced study course or a field study in the format of Cyber Boot Camp.

    I would love to receive a recommendation on what is the best way to enter and enter the field. Below I'm pasting a link to their relevant pages and syllabi. Thank you for your time!

    1st Group: Certificates from Universities


    harvard = cyber-world-governance-threats-conflict-privacy-identity-and-commerce-

    harvard- cs50-lawyers






    2st Group: Private/Online certificates:








    submitted by /u/AsSh217
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    How do you retain your knowledge on certain languages?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 09:38 PM PST

    I've always had this problem where when I enter a class and exit it, I know the language that they teach in that class for some amount of time before I completely forget everything about the language. Like the title asks, how do I keep my knowledge on languages that learn?

    submitted by /u/bigbingle147
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    Why is my phone running the code perfectly fine, but my computer shows a segmentation fault?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 07:01 PM PST

    include <iostream>

    using namespace std; int main() { int n;

    cout << "N="; cin >> n; int A[n]; string B[n]; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { cin >> B[i]; cin >> A[i]; } 


    submitted by /u/drugarica_
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    Java and JS don't seem to be that different ... am I missing something?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 10:47 PM PST

    I mean yeah both of them ARE different but it seems prettay easy to adapt to the differences between one another if you already know one of those languages ... right?

    submitted by /u/Iann7
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    I have a vague idea what job queues, workers, pub-sub is but don't know how I would implement it in a specific language/stack.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 10:38 PM PST

    Reading online, I understand redis can hold a queue which your app instance (I think its called a worker) talks to and processes them one by one. I don't know how it happens in code or how pubsub relates to it all.

    I usually work with php but have some basic understanding on other languages/frameworks. Is there a tutorial/guide for implementing all this stuff from scratch?

    submitted by /u/iBzOtaku
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    Where should I start learning ML?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 01:52 PM PST

    I have been researching a lot and there are so many resources but I just don't know where to choose from. I always tend to overwhelm myself with things like this which is unfortunate. Right now I'm in Algebra 1 so I still have a long way to go for math. I'm using Khan Academy to accelerate my learning so I can get there. I have decent python experience but nothing too in depth. I'm hoping to make ML/A.I. my future. Looking at where I am currently, where do you think I should start? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/UniversalLemon
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    Android developers, help me with responsive design

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 10:15 PM PST

    Hello, my fellow android developers.

    I started building mobile app for school project in Android studio (I'm beginner in android developement). How can I make my app look same on all devices and screen sizes? I saw something with Constraints, and I added them, but still doesnt work properly. If I finnish my app for one phone, how hard would it be to make it same for all phones? I'm using ConstrainLayout, should I use anything else? Thanks!!!

    submitted by /u/HelloItsMe1996
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    People who have gone to coding boot camps... where did you go? What did you like? What didn’t you like? Etc.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 04:10 PM PST

    I've been self taught the past couple years and would say I'm moderately skilled in JavaScript... I want to change careers though and go all in on coding. Any opinions from people who have made this career change are really appreciated.

    submitted by /u/justinpaoletta26
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    I know this probably has been asked a lot on here but I am just utterly lost and confused.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 09:51 PM PST

    I am a second year engineering student in college. I have 0 experiences with programming. Literally nothing. I have grown an interest in the topic and have been reading blogs, watching youtube videos, and following along with these subreddits. I have just completed my general science courses (Calc 1&2, Physics 1&2, etc) and will be taking my first ever programming class in the upcoming semester. I checked the syllabus and it will be using python and covering topics: if else statements, functions, sequences, date structure.

    However, I always was interested in iOS development (I only use mac, iphone, and ipad currently). Not for money, just because I love the idea of being able to create an application on my phone. I also want to eventually build small programs for macos. My question is: I have until March until the semester starts. Do I start learning what I want to learn right now? (Swift & Xcode) I hear too many different things. People say do not start with app development, and others say just start with any language any project. I am confused. Will I be able to learn the concepts that will be taught in my programming class through app dev? From my understanding, although languages are different, much of the concepts stay the same? Please give me your opinions whether I should just start learning and practicing with swift and xcode to make my first apps (basic things like a calculator) or should I just review online courses and lectures on the topics I will be learning for next semester and learn ios dev on my own time later down the road?


    submitted by /u/skippermcdipper
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    Trying to make my first python app

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 09:42 PM PST

    Greetings, r/learnprogramming,

    I've some got experience in programming ( C, C++), so I understand the basics, such as loops and functions.

    But now, I would like to learn python.

    I currently know nothing about python. But I have in mind a simple app I want to develop. Basically an app that does statistics, with a GUI.

    - User is asked to input an array of data

    - The app nicely displays statistical stuff such as: mean, mode, median, standard deviation

    - The app looks has a GUI, not a black command line screen.

    How would I approach developing this? And what are the most important concepts I need to know to be able to create this?

    Thanks and regards.

    submitted by /u/memorumorton
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    I need help learning how to find repeating cycles of symbols in a length of text

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 09:12 PM PST

    So I believe I have a theory to decoding the Zodiacs 340 cipher.

    The symbol + is used 24 times, that is 2x the next most used symbol in the cipher.

    It is also important and interesting to note that this character is presented very uniformly albeit randomly throughout the cipher.

    Another tidbit I would like to point out is that many experts believe that, if the z340 is indeed a simple substitution cipher that it was edited in some way to obfuscate the already enciphered text.

    What could this mean? I propose that this + symbol is filler. Used as a second layer of obfuscation to hide and reduce the digram count and also to throw people off.

    My reasoning for this is that, if you are a smart killer and you believe you have made a truly difficult cipher only to find that it was salved in 1 week in about 20hrs by a school teacher. How do you feel? using 1960s cipher ideas. At the time one of the ways to make it harder would be simple transposition, which would make it much of the same just shifted, or obfuscation in some way. Understanding a moderate level of cryptography as the zodiac likely did. I'm almost certain he felt like his cipher was given away by bigrams he thought were hidden. Well if you obfuscate part of the bigram that suddenly becomes a lot harder to decipher using bigram analysis.

    submitted by /u/badbotnodonut
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    Code club for beginners

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 07:45 AM PST

    Anyone interested in meeting on discord once or twice a week to code?

    I would consider myself a beginner java enthusiast. I am doing MSc Information Technology with business and I have recently finished a programming entry module at university but I feel that it was rushed and I didn't have time to properly dive into it. Nevertheless, I enjoyed programming and collaborating with others.

    We could do some c#, python or java. All open source and there wouldn't be any $$ involved. It's just something we could put in our cvs, working on real simple projects.

    Reply to this post if interested. Thanks :-)

    submitted by /u/Maaajk89
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    Mad rush towards FANG companies and Coding

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 07:30 PM PST

    It's been sometime now that this thought has been in my head and wanted to know the views on this one from around the world. So everybody is rushing towards bootcamps, signing up for edx, udemy and etc., watching umpteen hours of YouTube videos like TechLead etc, spending time on competitive programming sites like leetcode, codechef. Has anybody given a thought on why only one such domain/area had been given so much importance. Celebrities appearing in videos like hour of code telling you to learn code. Isn't this all a subtle way to create an army of labourers for the future. Where is the originality in all this ? No offense to anyone as I am from the same field.

    submitted by /u/BigMarvelFan
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    What does the view matrix look like?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 07:06 PM PST

    Hello. First, if this is not the appropriate place for this kind of question, I would appreciate a recommendation for a more suitable sub to ask in.

    I'm learning graphics programming and I am studying matrices. I can comprehend the model and perspective matrices. Specifically, I have seen mathematical representations of these two, but haven't for the view matrix. Articles I have read seem to boil the matrix down to it being the inverse of the cameras movement, which I understand, like translating all objects in the scene -x units if the camera "moves" x units.

    If there was some representation of the view matrix like I have seen (with the perspective matrix)[https://i.stack.imgur.com/1qkwc.png], it would help a ton, but evidently there is not one.

    Hopefully I made some sense. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/Toscoes
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    Thoughts on MIT OCW (Algorithms course) for DS&A Refresher?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 06:54 PM PST

    I've been planning on doing some leetcode/hackerrank (Doing the hackerrank C++ practice first) to sort of freshen up on DS&A. I've seen the MIT OCW Algorithms course mentioned before (6.006 is the class code I believe).

    However I took at look at the assignments/exams and they feel more..mathy-ish and less like what I expected. As in the knowledge i'd actually get from doing the assignments might not be worth it compared to something else? What's everyone's thoughts on this online class, or do most people only use it for the videos?

    Sidenote: Any professional programmers/CS graduates also struggle with leetcode at first? Some easy's even take me a bit which feels odd as I feel like I should just know this shit (But I did graduate like 10 years ago with a C.S. degree and don't really use much DS&A in web-dev land).


    submitted by /u/mercfh85
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    Dynamic programming approach to Leetcode problem, how to memoize?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 06:29 PM PST

    Hi, I'm attempting to solve this Leetcode challenge using Dynamic Programming and am having a bit of trouble converting my recursive solution to utilize memoization.

    My recursive approach is as follows:

    • Base cases: Base cases for recursion are when the stack being considered is either empty, or its top is greater than the current value of x.
    • State change: Sorry, I'm not the best at explaining things but here goes.
      • Since we're trying to find the maximum possible score (largest # of integers that can be taken from either stack A or B such that the total does not exceed x), we calculate the result by taking the maximum score between the score obtained if you chose the top of stack A first, versus the score obtained if you chose the top of stack B first.

    Here is my code. As it stands it can handle short-length lists but understandably does not seem to stop running for longer ones as there is a lot of repeated recursive calculations.

    I'm not sure how to approach memoizing this solution. Another list to hold optimal scores seems to be the best way to go, but my thinking stops there as I have no clue what else would be needed.

    submitted by /u/mathnoob19
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    Java - How do I start using Test My Code?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 05:55 PM PST

    So I read that a good place to start learning Java is the MOOC course and I already had intellij installed so that's what I'm going to be using. I managed to install TMC but I can't figure out how to start the exercises or basically anything from there nor can I find any tutorials.

    If anyone does know any tutorials or could explain i would so greatly appreciate it :)

    submitted by /u/emrach22
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