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    Sunday, January 5, 2020

    Interesting graphic of the consolidation of the consumer internet web developers

    Interesting graphic of the consolidation of the consumer internet web developers

    Interesting graphic of the consolidation of the consumer internet

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 06:33 AM PST

    Please don't be this shop.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 10:20 AM PST

    I'm an attorney at a small firm. Before that, I ran the UNIX (Solaris; Linux) servers for one of the major motion picture studios and dealt with a lot of web development shops (everything from two person boutiques putting together daytime TV sweepstakes collection forms, to the likes of Viant / Razorfish / One0 / Scient / etc building out massive multimillion dollar interactive destinations). I've also dabbled in web development since the late 1990s, have technically reviewed / been a contributing author on multiple PHP / MySQL books, I'm an Oracle Certified Professional Java Programmer, etc.

    Boss decides we need a website. (We do.) (I'm a coder, not a designer, and it's not what I'm getting paid for, so it's not my job to actually put together the website, mercifully.) Puts his wife in charge. (Okay.) She sets up a meeting with one shop and before I know it, we've signed a contract with that shop. Then, suddenly, somehow, it becomes my project to manage, as the boss' wife loses interest. I get asked to review the already-signed contract; it requires us to provide hosting. No biggie, I prefer things that way. The requirements read, in their entirety:

    Owner agrees to select a hosting company that uses a Linux server and is compatible with PHP programming.

    That's it. Easy. I select Dreamhost, as I've used them for years, know they're relatively secure (hardware-based two factor authentication, etc), reliable, and trust that they're not going to close up shop in a week, suddenly. (I've gotten bit by that before, quite recently.) The shop knows we're using Dreamhost. No one balks. We pre-pay for 5 years of hosting.

    The shop develops the site in WordPress. I'd prefer we not use WordPress - someone's got to keep that updated, maintained, clean it out when it gets infected with malware. (BTDT, on other peoples' projects.) We don't have the resources to keep up with that internally, and I know my boss doesn't want to spend a monthly retainer to have someone do it for us. They never mentioned WordPress until the site was "ready to launch." Sigh. We can manage that. Worst case, dump everything to static HTML pages and host those, at least for now.

    Shop asks for the name of our hosting provider (which they've had, in numerous emails). Asks for FTP information, and "cPanel."

    I ask for a public key for SFTP access (I don't like FTP, and discourage its use, as does Dreamhost). They have no idea what I'm talking about. (??)

    Also: "cPanel is not available at DreamHost." Surprisingly, this one is the "deal breaker," per the owner:

    We will need the cpanel to set up the database. Are you on a Linux server or a Windows server? We support Linux.

    I ask for a .sql file, I can install the database easily enough. I get:

    Let me work with my programmers to see if we can get you this. We have never tried it this way.

    I honestly can't fathom a shop that only knows WordPress, can only interact with a Linux server through "cPanel," and doesn't even know how to run mysqldump.

    I don't think I'm being unreasonable ...

    submitted by /u/WingedGeek
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    Tests should be coupled to the behavior of code and decoupled from the structure of code

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 05:01 PM PST

    What's better to do in the back-end?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 09:56 AM PST

    Hi! I'm front-end developer, with only few months of experience in real job. And I'm working remotely, so don't have teammates, near me, to ask dumb questions. So I hope to find some help here. My last project was online store, built with Laravel and Vue Js. In my free time, I'm trying to learn some new stuff. Currently it's node.js. So the question is: what task are better to do at the back-end and why? Sorry, it's a bit vague question. But I know too little about back-end. Not even sure how can my website benefit from having a node.js app running on the server.

    submitted by /u/AndrewTkachuk
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    'Completely unsustainable': How streaming and other data demands take a toll on the environment

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 01:24 PM PST

    I take compatibility very seriously...

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 04:24 PM PST

    Beginner question on fitting things together and visualising graphically?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 12:17 PM PST

    I'm studying webdev in my spare time and I'm a bit stumped by figuring out how to combine certain things.

    I concocted an idea of what I want to make in order to not mindlessly follow existing tutorials:

    1. A page with a form in which one can add:
      1. name
      2. size
      3. color
      4. text
    2. The form gets validated and stored in a database
    3. A page where the data from the database is visualised like so:
      1. for every database entry a square is drawn on a random position on the page (this can also be off screen, within some boundaries). The square is drawn using the size and color set in the database entry
      2. underneath the square we see the name
      3. clicking on the square reveals a box with the text entered
      4. clicking and dragging anywhere in the page moves all the squares (possibly revealing those that were off screen or moving currently visible ones off screen.)

    I've been doing several tests separately and now I'm trying to combine them and this is where most of my insecurity lies...

    • The whole thing is using flask in the backend (jinja2, sqlalchemy,...). I can make pages, use templates, validate forms, read/write to the database, bootstrap the whole site,...
    • I can read data from a JSON file and draw stuff on a <canvas> depending on the data in the JSON

    But, what's got me stumped is whether or not it is a good idea to use <canvas> for the drawing. I'm been looking into how to make it interactive (clicking on a square, dragging everything around,...) and came across several approaches, one using <canvas>, one using css and ID selectors and then a mention of SVG (but I haven't looked into that yet). One thing I like to keep open is the possibility to create maybe a more elaborate style of visual than just a simple square.

    The other thing I'm not sure how to do is (depending on which 'drawing' approach above selected) get the data into the javascript in order to draw to the canvas. Should I create a JSON file/object/... in the backend and send that somehow to javascript? I've read that it's not a good idea to connect to a database from client-side javascript, and I can see why not on a security level.

    Any thoughts from more seasoned developers on how you would approach this, or which tools might be better suited for this? I feel like I'm missing some elementary piece of understanding how stuff like this is put together...

    submitted by /u/autofasurer
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    Adding Flask to a PhP Website

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 03:55 PM PST

    Is it possible to add a blog in Flask to an existing PhP website?

    submitted by /u/ssadman000
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    Any way to update the website, so users don't have to clear their cache?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 03:53 PM PST

    Hey there!

    I'm currently working on a website, however everytime I update something on the website, users can't see it immediately. Either they have to wait hours - 1 day, or clear their cache for the website.

    Is there any way to make the website clear the cache for everyone at a specific time or not caching anything at all?

    Not using Wordpress or any other website builders.

    submitted by /u/Baunsgaard1337
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    Is there a list of all popular cross compatible ( iOS, Android, and Web) component libraries?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 03:32 PM PST

    Question: What are your best $100 or less purchases to make your life easier?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 10:14 PM PST

    After a long time using a cheap Chinese mouse the $30 for a Logitech M331 really seem a great investment. It's super quiet and doesn't annoy me and people around me anymore, works constantly without interruptions and it seems to have achieve infinite battery lifetime. What are your best $100 or less purchases?

    submitted by /u/Spekulatius2410
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    Framework choice for a crowdsourcing marketplace

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 02:52 PM PST


    I am trying to make a crowdsourcing marketplace for small jobs (like data entry or image labeling jobs).

    Its a simple use case. The publisher posts a job and waits for users to work on those jobs. Multiple users can work on a job and their work will be assessed by the publisher in the end. Users will be paid for their work.

    Example of job: Suppose we have a data set of cat and dog images. We want to manually classify which images are cats and which are dogs. The publisher creates a job, uploads this data set and then the end users will start working on this job by labeling the data manually as cats or dogs. (Some images might also require that a polygon be drawn on them to sketch out a cat image).

    This use case is not new. Many companies have done this before, but I don't know which technology they have used.

    I think this web app can easily be build in any web dev framework but im not sure which framework to chose. I researched the popular web frameworks (like Django, NodeJS, ROR, Spring etc etc..) for this project. But the more I read the more confused I became. It seems that almost all of the popular web frameworks offer more or less the same functionality.

    So I thought of asking here for some help. Do you have any suggestions on which framework can be used to implement such a project ? (currently I am divided between django, Express or ROR)

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/SufficientMeal
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    clicker-tutorial: How a clicker game could be done using React hooks.

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 02:32 PM PST

    How are Firestore HTTP requests secured in a web application?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 08:11 AM PST

    Building a React application with Firestore as database, I encountered a problem I didn't talk about: Do I need a backend to secure the requests send from the web application?

    With "secure" I'm talking about a) the token that is sent via the request to authenticate and b) the payload of POST/PUT requests.

    a) You can just see the the network request that is sent when data is loaded from Firestore in the application. Could you use that to just send a custom request to send the data you want or modify existing data?

    b) If a is true: I'm using TypeScript, but of course that has no effect at runtime. So, if someone is able to send an authenticated request to Firestore: Could he "change" the request payload and just add objects or keys on objects that are sent?

    Do I need a backend (with authentication based on Firebase) that receives requests from the React application to make sure that a) and/or b) are not happening?

    submitted by /u/Shizou
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    Useful for other language workflows too

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 04:08 AM PST

    What will it take to create a NSFW blocker for Chrome browser?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 01:19 PM PST

    I'm interested in developing one, specifically for videos on YouTube, Amazon Prime, Netflix etc. Would it be possible to do this through a Chrome Extension? Can Javascript interact with the Netflix video player DOM?

    Someone told me the idea of collating timestamps of NSFW scenes in videos in advanced so the chrome extension would be able to automatically skip during that timestamp.

    So let's say this open sourced database had a few specific NSFW scenes of Game of Thrones Season X and episode Y at 45:12 - 45:39. User plays it on HBO or wherever it is on. As User reaches 45:12 during playback, the chrome extension automatically skips over to 45:39.

    How difficult would it be to able to develop this? Main concern for me is whether these video players by Netflix or HBO are able to be interacted by the Javascript DOM.

    submitted by /u/PredicateNominates
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    Use Email or Third Party Account Authentication?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 12:42 PM PST

    I see a lot of new websites, like dev.to, which resort to only having social media authentication rather than their own email based account system. Is this for convenience or because of valid security concerns? I'm worried that when launching my own hobby project, someone will create a spam bot that creates all kinds of random accounts or takes up all my email allowance, something that using an AllAuth login (presumably) protects against.

    submitted by /u/mpbeau
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    Getting paid to attend a coding bootcamp?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 12:32 PM PST

    I am currently unemployed and going to school for CS online. I was told that I could get paid to go to a coding bootcamp and pay no tuition at all. Hopefully I will find a job after and then be good to go.

    submitted by /u/Gorewiz
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    How To Test File Uploads With Cypress.io

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 12:14 PM PST

    What do I need to know to create my own forum/message board?

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 12:02 PM PST

    I know this is an ambitious project however I've always been interested in message boards/forums so it's a project I will remain interested in. What technologies should I know to go ahead and make one? Right now I quite like React so I assume that would sort out my front-end but what about the back-end? I'm quite eager to learn PHP and have heard the odd good thing about Laravel? I appreciate the project is big however I'm quite determined to learn how to make one.

    submitted by /u/ilovetoprogrum
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    Advice for making an image gallery website

    Posted: 05 Jan 2020 11:39 AM PST

    I'll preface this by saying I'm not a web developer. I'm an infrastructure cloud engineer. So I'm by no means a noob when it comes to programming, but outside of making a few personal sites with Django and NestJS, I don't have much experience.

    I have a few thousand images, all with codified titles (ie. 1_A_T_P_N.jpg), and corresponding text files that contain their descriptions (1.txt). I'd like to make a simple gallery website to browse through these images, with just one image per page, and the description underneath.

    I can trivially put these descriptions into a database, as well as a link to a CDN hosting the pictures. However, I'm not sure what the best way to make the website will be. Any advice on frameworks that would make this as easy as possible would be greatly appreciated, or any other tips I should know.

    submitted by /u/Nestramutat-
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    Full-Stack Project Ideas ?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 09:45 PM PST

    I'm looking for new project to start with. Something that is scalable and people will use it. Building my own API end points and React as the frontend. Folks have been recommending Reddit clone but I don't think that would be of any help lol. Suggest me some good ideas.

    submitted by /u/psychedelicmandala
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