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    Saturday, January 4, 2020

    I'm thinking about running a Python course for beginners live streamed on YouTube so it can be interactive. Would you be interested? learn programming

    I'm thinking about running a Python course for beginners live streamed on YouTube so it can be interactive. Would you be interested? learn programming

    I'm thinking about running a Python course for beginners live streamed on YouTube so it can be interactive. Would you be interested?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 03:54 AM PST

    It's just an idea. Would you join? I've already run a course at my company so I've got all the materials and everything.

    submitted by /u/Odz86
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    Can C++ be used generally?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 09:44 PM PST

    So I'm thinking about learning a new programming language, probably to make games or apps. I heard C++ is used to make really high quality games, which is great and all, but I don't want to necessarily just make games with great graphics. So can C++ be applied to just about everything successfully or is it specific? If so, what else could I start with?

    submitted by /u/Mrintroverted
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    Is Codeworks a good bootcamp? Is a degree a deal-breaker (especially without bootcamp experience)?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 10:05 PM PST

    Does anyone here have experience with Codeworks, specifically the Austin campus? Looking around online, it has great reviews- 5 stars across the board. I know that just because there's nothing negative about a course, doesn't mean it's good, oftentimes the exact opposite is true. However, with the delayed payment and supposed 100% placement rate, it does seem promising.

    I realize people have very different views on bootcamps, but I am looking to transfer careers from a trade to developer and going about a traditional degree would likely take me 6+ years with my schedule, but I would love to still get a degree later on. Also, how much of a barrier will I face without having a degree? Most jobs seem to require a degree of some sort, but I went into the trades right out of high school, so I only have a diploma currently.

    tl;dr: Codeworks: yay? nay?

    Degree: How big of a barrier to entry is having no post-high school degree?

    Thanks for any insight!

    submitted by /u/Weldakota
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    Python Discord Server

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 10:33 PM PST

    I am fairly new to programming, and a buddy of mine who is a software engineer turned me on to the Python's Discord server:
    https://discord.gg/python . They have sub-channels that are tailored to specific topics (web development, projects, WSL, etc.). Long story short, just going into the different channels and reading / observing what other people are asking and the responses from the moderators / engineers is pretty cool. I wish I had known about this when I was brand new.

    Trying to pass it forward...cheers.

    submitted by /u/I_Jackal_I
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    What am I doing and what should I do?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 08:59 PM PST

    I've been teaching myself coding for about 2 weeks now and I'm getting intimidated from just how much I don't know compared to what I want to know. I know to take my time and I will since I have a lot of free time but I just don't know what to learn and when. I'm a little familiar with c++ and python but I'm most familiar with c# and I even made a calculator that could take two user-inputted text variables, convert them to doubles then it will add, subtract, divide, or multiply the doubles based on what the user wants. I would've stuck with c# but I heard that it wasn't too good for what I wanted then I second guessed myself.

    That being said, I know I want to do stuff with robots, and I even have a model MEGA 2560 arduino a friend gave me. I heard c++ and python were good for robotic stuff then I heard that arduinos are coded in c++. Then I remembered that I saw someone code one with c# online before.

    basically what I think I'm asking is: What language(s) are best suited for robotics and where do I learn more about the hardware?

    submitted by /u/itisAids
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    Best way to get freelance work?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 08:59 PM PST

    Are there any specific sites for getting freelance jobs?

    submitted by /u/Nomorepoopies
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    Lets say an interviewer asks "what is multi-threading and what are issues with it ?"

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 08:54 PM PST

    I've been asked this two times in phone interviews and I either gave long winded answers or half-assed answers. I usually say something like:

    Multi-threading is where a program is running multiple tasks and is common in operating systems. An issue with multi-threading is is commonly a race condition, in where two or more threads try to access a shared data point. This can be fixed by creating a lock on the share data point, usually an if statement.

    I think my answer is not good enough. Of course I Googled it and I'm sure it will be suspicious if I memorize textbook definitions. Can someone tell me what multi-threading is and what issues can arise from it, as if you were asked this in an interview ? Thanks for the help !

    submitted by /u/thesquarerootof1
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    How to actually use youtube tutorials to build projects ?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 07:32 PM PST

    Hey everybody, so I started learning python a while back and I am trying to build little games in tkinter. Firstly, I went through a tutorial on tkinter and after each video I tried to implement what was being taught into my game. But the problem is each time I want to do something new, like add a feature, I am unable to find a proper answer on stack overflow or any other website which gets me stuck quite a lot of times. Going to stack overflow confuses me even more because the code is usually way complex than the answer I want and i end up not finding the answer. Where do I learn all these new features because there's a lot of stuff to digest. Yes, I understand there is no one resource which has everything but any tips on how I can improve this problem ?

    submitted by /u/_dd140_
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    Is anyone else unable to get themselves to start a project just for the sake of building something?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 02:21 PM PST

    I've been learning about programming for a few years now, and I understand a lot of (computer science) concepts by now, but I have made very few actual things.

    The thing is, any time I think about picking a random project from one of those project lists, I just can't do it. Probably because building yet another text editor or chat application has been done a million times already.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is that I need a project to solve an ACTUAL problem. I can't get myself to do it just to learn programming better.

    submitted by /u/cosideci
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    Is it worth learning R in 2020?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 07:41 PM PST

    hello ,I study industrial engineering.I want to be a data analyst or data scientist in the future.When i talk to most of the data scientist they mostly used python.I started to think that there is no point of learning r in 2020.Also , i am a 1st year student right now , i am studying with datacamp.What should i do after i finish a career track, how can i keep getting better and better , because i am really scared that i am going to forget things after i finished this course since there is no real way i can use it.I am really lost here,i would be really glad to hear your suggestions.

    I study industrial engineering

    submitted by /u/cagan1999
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    First buck from web design

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 09:42 PM PST

    Hey guys. I decided to learn front end development and i already know some html/css which just needs a lot of practice. My plan is to make living from front end in far future, but i am not talking about that now. I saw there is a lot of developers selling their services on fiverr. So my question is: Is it possible to make a little penny on the side from that (it's not that much of the money, i want to make it a mile stone), even a little on a side, just to prove my self that it's possible, and what skills should i concentrate on.

    submitted by /u/chewduss
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    Looking for a good Pdf-sheet or website to look up the basics in Java!

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 09:20 PM PST

    It gets tiring googling basic stuff, for example operators.

    I'm looking for a good pdf sheet or similar that covers the basics.

    submitted by /u/Cute_Bubble
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    Can someone look over my predicate logic please

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 02:12 PM PST

    I have a been working on a predicate logic question and wondered if someone could check my answer and possibly point me in the correct direction should it be wrong.

    question: Let A be the set of DM students, B the set of BA students and S all students. Formalise the following.

    P: If someone is a student of DM, then they must study BA.

    my answer: ∃x A(x)-> B(x)

    Q: If there exists atleast one student of DM, then all students of BA study DM

    my answer; ∃x ∈ A(x)-> (B(x) and A(x))

    R: If all students of BA study DM then none studies DM

    my answer; ∀x (B(x) and A(x)) -> ∀x A(x)

    submitted by /u/PantherPi
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    How do I go about making an app?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 12:36 AM PST

    I've been wanting to learn on how to make a hybrid app which works cross platform (on Android as well as iOS). I have a bit of experience with C++,Java, HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

    Anybody have an idea on what to get started on first or any resources? And maybe how to make my own database system/server?

    submitted by /u/MrDanIce
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    Commonly Used JavaScript Design Patterns Summarized

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 08:35 PM PST

    I found most design patterns articles online to either outdated or not geared toward Javascript beginners. As I was learning JS design patterns in JS I took notes and documented my understanding. Finally, I decided to write a blog post summarizing the concepts. Feedback is greatly appreciated 📷


    submitted by /u/UncleBen2015
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    How do you estimate accurate deadlines?

    Posted: 04 Jan 2020 12:18 AM PST

    One of the hardest parts of being a software developer, at least for me, is to provide an accurate deadline while not spending too long to determine it. So far what really worked for me is to design a flowchart of the feature, so that I could envision the feature in detail and estimate the time for each micro task.

    Do you have any way to go that you'd recommend?

    submitted by /u/VolkovSullivan
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    Self-studying Python...are user-made functions extremely common & standard?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 11:40 PM PST

    Currently in chapter 6 of Murach's Python Programming book. My process so far has been to pay attention to the code output (usually what's presented first), then think of how I would be able to program that, then scroll down to check if my thought process aligns with what the book has.

    While my ideas should work, it won't necessarily be the easiest way to accomplish the task at hand. I find that a lot of why my answers don't match the book's is because there's a huge usage of user-defined functions. I have no struggles with making my own, but user-defined functions aren't my immediate thought/reaction for trying to replicate output (most of my programming experience is in R and haven't had much need to make my own functions).

    Just trying to gauge how common user-defined functions are in Python so I can get used to thinking about them more. I imagine it's more common due to having, say, a main function in most code I come across for Python anyway.

    submitted by /u/goinaday2nohio
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    Is there AKS/Kubernetes learn through a project tutorial/book?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 11:38 PM PST

    I am basically an Systems/Appilcation programmer. Started from the world of Assembly to desktop to mobile apps. I have built small backend services, but my expertise is limited. I wanted to learn building something on AKS, like a simple twitter clone, Insta clone etc. I am finding it hard to find any resources. Is there a hands on (coding driven) tutorial / book to learn AKS?

    submitted by /u/codevalley
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    Help decide project and language for beginner, plus VocRehab ideas.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 11:37 PM PST

    Hi Reddit! So first, my programming experience. In the mid 90s, I taught myself how to program a Choose Your Own Adventure book in QBasic. It was a boredom project, and I had a ton of fun with it. I don't remember much from it, other than needing to leave room in the instruction numbers to add things in case I forgot things, it processes from start to finish except where you tell it to wait for input which can take it non-linearly through the lines of code.

    So basically, nothing. I have no experience coding. It was QBasic, I'm guessing that is like learning to count to 100, whereas modern coding is like algebra+. Here I am, 40 years old, having lost my marbles (seriously, newly diagnosed schizo) and on disability, wanting to learn to code so I can contribute to society again. I have the brains for it, and as long as it makes sense (which it must) my brain will love it.

    So here's my questions...

    1. I'd like help figuring out a challenging project to work on, which may dictate which language I am going to learn. I have some frustration with several apps on my droid, so making an app might be a tasty idea, but really I just want to learn to code, and if someone has a good idea of something that I can work up to, I am interested in hearing about it.
    2. I expect to learn multiple languages eventually, but for now I want to figure out a first... I know this might be dictated largely by the kind of project I decide to go with, but again, interested in hearing about why x language would be a better choice than y language. I want to learn to code, plain and simple, so if x is better than y, maybe language will influence project a bit, too.
    3. I'm a disabled vet, which means I have access to Vocational Rehabilitation through the VA. What help should I be looking for from them? I need to start small, so I'm not going to look for GI Bill and college first thing... I know this is out of y'alls scope, but any help here would be appreciated.
    4. Is CodeAcademy worth starting with?

    Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide.

    submitted by /u/KindaCrazyCorn
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    Is Hackerrank more beginner friendly than Leetcode?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 07:39 PM PST

    Im not necessarily new to programming but I am somewhat new to algorithms so I want to take it slow. It seems like hackerrank starts you off with general programming challenges instead of throwing you headfirst into hard algorithm questions. I am trying to get better at interview questions and programming in general. Even though i've been doing Java for 3 years I feel like there is a lot I don't know yet.

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    Facebook Messanger Script

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 07:35 PM PST

    Would it be possible to write a script or program that changes or reverts the group name of a messenger group constantly. I would really appreciate it if anyone who has done anything of this sort or knows about it can point me in the right direction. I did my undergrad in cs so I do know who to code decently well but I have no clue how I could do something like this. Any help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/realfakedoorsjohnson
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    Need Help

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 10:53 PM PST


    Idk if my approach is wrong for this question.

    I tried to take S=2*10^n+A



    so S=A+B+C+D+E

    it doesn't say S has to be a perfect number so i used this.

    submitted by /u/rpan901
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    I want to learn how to use AI. I have a bit of coding experience.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 10:46 PM PST


    I'm an engineer and I've been watching a lot of AI. Particularly Tensorflow, Deepmind, and OpenAI. I love the information, and I would love to get to that level of coding and understanding.

    What do you think would be the best path to take to learn this?

    I have taken a 4 month course in c++ and a seperate course in python. Any information would be great!

    submitted by /u/Ptolemy222
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    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 10:44 PM PST

    i'm beginner in programming with c and i'm facing a lot of difficulties on how to write a program for a simple problem/question, i don't know what I should start with or what i should use (whether i should use for eg while loop or if else etc) and basically i get very confused, i can't seem to get started on a question bc idk what to do, any tips??? also, i'm really confused about while loop and for loop, are there any websites that provide free practices or exercises?

    submitted by /u/jtksm
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