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    Saturday, January 25, 2020

    I’m in my early 40... I would like to be a web developer...but I am having serious doubts about it. learn programming

    I’m in my early 40... I would like to be a web developer...but I am having serious doubts about it. learn programming

    I’m in my early 40... I would like to be a web developer...but I am having serious doubts about it.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 03:59 PM PST

    A little about my background first, from the time I was sixteen years old to now. I have been working in retail and warehouse jobs, I have a high school diploma and only about one year of community college. The only computer experience that I have is basic Windows, MS Word, and MS Excel.

    The main reason why I want a career change now is that my body cannot handle physical labor anymore.

    My plan is to be a self-taught web developer. I have purchased a course from Udemy called Modern HTML and CSS from the Beginning (including Sass) from Brad Traversy about a year ago, and I also subscribe on my YouTube channel to freecodecamp and Traversy Media.

    My goal is to learn HTML, CSS, Java, JavaScript, and Python. Can anyone recommend which other programmer languages I should also learn to be able to reach my goal of becoming a web developer? My goal is to spend about 15 hours per week on learning, and I hope I could get a job in two or three years.

    But what I am doubting this right now, is because of my age and lack of experience in the computer world that the employer won't hire me.

    And when I went to YouTube to research a web developer, I find two or three-channel that said that you could find a job in about a year. So, is that true or false?


    Edit: Sorry Grammar.

    Edit 2: Thank you to everybody's reply, after reading the reply it gives me confidence that I came to do this. But I know that I need to work my butt off to become a web developer.

    submitted by /u/pulse2075
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    "Enter the 1st, 3rd, and 6th letter of your password" How is this implemented without storing passwords in plaintext?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 04:46 PM PST

    I've seen an online bank do this, ask for an arbitrary 3 characters of a longer password.

    Does it create hashes for every permutation and store those?

    Does it actually store the whole password in plaintext?

    submitted by /u/Colonel-Panics
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    What are some project ideas that involve algorithms and data structures?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 04:20 PM PST

    I already have some apps in my portfolio but what if i want to show potential employers algorithmic skills?

    submitted by /u/selfaware_bot
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    C++ overloading operator[]: Is there any benefit to having both one that returns Type& and another that return Type

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 09:30 PM PST

    So when I first learned about operator overloading in C++, my professor mentioned to have both

    Type operator[](int i)


    Type& operator[](int i)

    and that the compiler would infer which one to call based on context.

    But now I'm taking another course and the book we're using is Tour of C++ and in their Vector class I noticed how they only have an operator[] that return double& and not a second one that returns just double.

    So I'm wondering, within the same class, if there's any benefit to having both one with a Type& return and another with a Type return. Since by using Type& you cut down on copying so I wouldn't see the need for a Type return if a Type& return is already present.

    submitted by /u/KalegNar
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    Alright. I'm gonna take a dive into C++. What resources would people recommend for starting?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 11:07 PM PST

    That's it, folks. I've been down the Python road. One of my classes took me down the glorious, but much more lengthy road of Java. After finishing up Swing and JavaFX, I'll be done with (formally) learning Java. Eventually, I'll head back to Python.

    I always hear the horror stories about C++. How the low level access brings much joy in performance, with a headache of equal magnitude sacrificed for such. It sounds a lot like a thrilling roller coaster ride that's been known to have killed a few people in its operation. Do you cower in fear, or do you nut up and play the odds for that sweet thrill?

    It's nutting up time. So, ladies and gents, how might I best go down this path? Any resources out there that have proven to thoroughly go over some of the more difficult niche topics exclusive to C++? I'd be starting this over the summer to fill my free time.

    submitted by /u/Who_The_Fook
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    Data Science Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning Projects – Python Programming

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 10:41 PM PST

    Data is anything that can be stored, associated, linked, processed to form formatted information. The process, procedure and methods to explore data is Data Science. If we try to dig more into history, we could see data in every bit of it. IncBit has attained expertise in Data Integration with Data Science Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning techniques/tools used Python technology.

    IncBit in its endeavor to explore more into Data Science with Data Profiling, Data Classification, Data Relation, Data Format leading to useful Information, IncBit is executing Data Projects.

    Wireless Temperature Monitoring based upon real-time temperature data at different location and generate understandable reports. Using data analytics tools and programs, apps one can remotely monitor temperature.
    Incbit has created data reports and charts based upon real-time artificial intelligence data programs for commercial dishwasher.

    Recently, we did Data Science project for Commercial Dishwasher where we used data integration, validation and verification using Data Science Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning

    To identify and calculate total no. of cycles run and no. of cycles above 160F of a commercial dishwasher in 24 hours using the temperature data recorded.

    Note: Time is less important than change
    General Description of commercial dishwasher: You push the dishes and close the lid in close. At first it is wash water w soap the is about 150 degrees. Then clear rinse water that is 180. The health code requires that the plates reach 160 during the cycle. So you need to look at the peaks in the data. Count each peak and record the temp.

    submitted by /u/incbit
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    Paying it forward to the community – Serverless architecture for beginners

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 07:21 AM PST

    Hi everyone! On Tuesday, my workmates are organising an online webinar for people who want to learn the basics of serverless architecture. They will talk about reasons (not) to go serverless, basic cloud computing service models, serverless providers, Lambda-based apps and so on. They will also answer questions during the Q&A session, so if you struggle a bit with serverless-related issues, maybe they can help. 👩‍💻

    We've all learnt a lot from people online and it's our turn to give back to the IT community – so the webinar is completely free, and all the details can be found here. Feel free to check it out!

    submitted by /u/Elektryk91
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    Need help drawing moving shapes on JFrame

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 04:15 PM PST

    Hey guys, Im trying to make a simple space invaders game and i'm having trouble shooting bullets.

    my problem is that I can't have more than one bullet on the screen, as pressing the spacebar resets the x and y positions of the bullet. So everytime i press the spacebar the bullet fires, but pressing it a second time causes the bullet to disappear and reappear wherever your current position is. So how can I make it so that i can draw multiple bullets at once regardless of how many times i press the spacebar? heres my code for reference

    import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyListener; import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D; import javax.swing.*; public class second extends JPanel implements ActionListener,KeyListener{ Timer t = new Timer(5,this); double x=0,y=0,velX=2,velY=2,bulx=0,buly=0,bulvel=0,size1=0,size2=0; public second() { t.restart(); addKeyListener(this); setFocusable(true); setFocusTraversalKeysEnabled(false); } public void paintComponent (Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); Graphics2D g2=(Graphics2D)g; Ellipse2D circle=new Ellipse2D.Double(x,y,25,25); g2.fill(circle); Ellipse2D bullet=new Ellipse2D.Double(bulx,buly,size1,size2); g2.fill(bullet); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (y==334) { velY=-1; } else if (y==0) { velY=1; } if (x==564) { velX=-1; } else if (x==0) { velX=1; } x+=velX; y+=velY; bulx+=bulvel; repaint(); } public void up() { velY=-1; velX=0; } public void down() { velY=1; velX=0; } public void left() { velY=0; velX=-1; } public void right() { velY=0; velX=1; } public void stop() { velY=0; velX=0; } public void shoot() { bulvel=5; size1=10; size2=10; buly=y; bulx=x; } @Override public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub int code=e.getKeyCode(); if (code==KeyEvent.VK_UP) { up(); } if (code==KeyEvent.VK_DOWN) { down(); } if (code==KeyEvent.VK_LEFT) { left(); } if (code==KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT) { right(); } if (code==KeyEvent.VK_SPACE) { shoot(); } } @Override public void keyReleased(KeyEvent arg0) { //stop(); } @Override public void keyTyped(KeyEvent arg0) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } } 
    submitted by /u/GreenDolph1nSt
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    What ways do you use programming to simplify or improve your life outside of work?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 06:44 PM PST

    I don't know any programming languages. I am going to be taking a Udemy class on Python, and will be also reviewing some Youtube tutorials in the near future.

    I recently found out that I will not be able to apply any skills that I learn at my job. Reason being is that upper management doesn't want us using the programs - they prefer us to field any suggestions to the team that is the experts with programming. Not interested in that mostly because projects tend to not be prioritized towards what I want to do, so it will either sit in the queue forever or never get authorized.

    However, I am interested in the idea of making programming work for me in my personal life, however I am having trouble thinking of some ideas since I have never seen in real time how programming can make a difference.

    So hopefully you all can give me some ideas that will make me optimistic about applying programming in my personal life!

    submitted by /u/Semitar1
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    To those who go to a University for a CS degree , how do you manage time for doing assignments as well as learning programming?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 08:36 PM PST

    I can't seem to manage time for both and i need so tips

    submitted by /u/CraftyTarget
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    I messed up somewhere...

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 04:45 PM PST

    It should print out 15 but prints out 3...

    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    using std::array;
    int sum;

    int array1[10] = {3, -5, 3, -9, 3, -2, 3, -7, 3, -6};

    int addpositives(int[10]);

    int main() {
    sum = addpositives(array1);
    cout << "The sum of the first five positive integers is: " << sum;
    return 0;

    int addpositives(int array1[10]){
    int count = 0;

    for(int i=0; i < 10; i++){
    if(array1[i] >= 1){
    count = count + array1[i];
    return count;

    submitted by /u/gtrman571
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    Do I need a database if I just need to store things and read once?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 08:11 PM PST

    Hello, this thing have been bugging me for a while since I am designing the schema. I have several kind of things I need to store and retrieve when my application start. I would imagine these information could be cache in the application. There would be no dynamic data insert. On the other hand, it might be a kind of overhead if I call the database in each API each, ideally I would have to cache the information in a way.

    submitted by /u/gunbuster363
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    How to create a haar cascade which recognises only me?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 11:56 PM PST

    I'm thinking of making my first haar cascade for object detection but I'm thinking of making one which only recognizes my face and nobody else's which means I can't use a general purpose cascade. How do I do this

    submitted by /u/TechstarkR
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    AMA: I am a web app/software developer with an associates degree in computer science. Ask me anything!

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 11:22 AM PST

    I went to college for an "ASOE in Computer science". I've worked as a data analysis, Summer school teacher (programming) for elementary kids, and am currently a full stack web app developer. I love making games in my spare time, especially fantasy text/command line interface games that work with 2D arrays.

    I've programmed in many languages including: Python, Angular, Typscript, C++, C, Java, Javascript, .NET and more.

    If you're wondering where your progress is at, where you should be going/what you should be working towards, or anything else regarding programming ask away!

    submitted by /u/Bread_Sheep
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    Do you guys take breaks in your learning?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 07:52 PM PST

    I'm not talking about 1 hour breaks. I'm talking like two weeks break away from the computer. I've been learning since September and recently finished CS50. However I feel kinda sluggish and burnt out recently and can't really focus when I'm trying to learn a new language. I was just wondering if other people do this or if everyone's on the 24/7 grind.

    submitted by /u/realblingy
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    can i rant?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 11:05 PM PST

    I have this project, where android is listening to a msg and forward every msg to a php script, and then the php will process every process that must do depending on the command of 'text' in the msg.

    then there's this client just gave me last tuesday night the list of final 'format' of every commad to process and wanted everything to work on wednesday morning. i did it. it worked. i just hate how the client took all my credit and never did gave me even a single coin/compensation. what must i do? can you recommend me a better idea on how to work with this kind of client?

    btw, the client is my boss, and i do receive a monthly salary, but the project im talking about is out of our agreement. seems like he sold it for his own. damn

    submitted by /u/t00thless_21
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    What's the best way to learn Kubernetes? Is there an official certification?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 07:04 PM PST

    I recently took a crash course on Kubernetes from A Cloud Guru and this stuff seems extremely powerful and useful. It was part of my Google ACE training.

    The training on A Cloud Guru was thorough, but it seems like it only scratched the surface. I want to an environment where I can use actual labs to do this stuff, preferably on Google Cloud Platform.

    Also, is this official certification? https://training.linuxfoundation.org/certification/certified-kubernetes-administrator-cka/

    submitted by /u/papertowelengineer
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    Is there a difference between an array and a direct address table?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 12:57 PM PST

    Basically the question in the title. From what I've read they seem to do exactly the same thing, so I was wondering if there was any difference at all between the two.

    submitted by /u/DanteIsBack
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    Do you keep notes when learning a new language?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 02:47 PM PST

    Right now I'm trying to tackle JS to help step up my web design.

    I have a basic grasp on variables, arrays, conditions, loops, etc. from my college courses (all taught in C++). Alot of things in JS are new to me like the syntax, and I'm having trouble remembering everything I'm learning in both class and what I'm self-taught.

    Do you keep notes (typed or written), or do you just look up what you need when you're lost?

    Thanks reddit!

    submitted by /u/ArcherAndrew
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    Which database is best to go with(requirements in post)?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 10:18 PM PST


    • data will be JSON
    • 20 million + records
    • user will only be accessing read only
    • easily searchable(user will be searching for a unique ID that a block of records have and potentially doing a general word search through that returned block )
    • takes up the least space
    • free or low cost

    Also if you terms like "vertical scaling" or "Active data" please explain what they mean. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/gratitudeisbs
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    I do not understand this question in C

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 04:08 PM PST

    Write the function pb1
    that prints, on four separate lines, and with no leading 0:

    1. The binary representation of FEBADC9816.
    2. The hexadecimal representation of 101011110101001110111001100010102.
    3. The decimal representation of AB16.
    4. The decimal representation of 111111102.

    Do not print anything else beside this.

    submitted by /u/look8089
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    A datacenter with GPU servers empowers data scientists and AI engineers to run complex and distributed deep learning algorithms, through all kinds of Neural Networks.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 10:05 PM PST

    A day in the life of a data scientist is, at the very least, multi-threaded (in terms of task processing, that is). Not only do they deal with several internal stakeholders to get their ideas through, but they are also required to ensure their machine learning models are adequately trained in the requisite volume and dimensionality of data. Even more so, we may add, if Deep and reinforcement learning is at play.

    Truth be told:

    Computer storage has followed Moore's Law, sure, but computing prowess that is a prerequisite for Artificial Intelligence model development has not. And at the core of this problem lies a technology relic from decades ago – The Central Processing Unit. This article aims to make the case of the CPU being closely supplemented by Graphical Processing Units, or GPUs, to accelerate AI model training and deep learning exponentially- something the industry needs very badly today, indeed.

    So, what's a GPU and what's its role in AI Engineering? Read Here.

    submitted by /u/ariaareeds02
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    Should I learn Ruby on Rails for simply making a SaaS Startup?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 09:48 PM PST

    I am currently a Full-Stack JavaScript Developer (MERN Stack). I am thinking of developing a SaaS Web App Startup, and am considering what tech stack to use for the startup.

    The obvious choice is to stick with the MERN stack, which I am comfortable in.

    However, I keep hearing only that Ruby on Rails is THE BEST Back-End language for developing New Web Apps from a developer experience perspective and that Node/Express sucks since it's so barebones.

    I am completely language agnostic, and was just wondering if learning Ruby on Rails is worth it for my use case or if I can do everything with JavaScript in 2020?


    submitted by /u/csthrowaway9208
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    What's the easiest way to package a single-page web app into an Android and iOS app?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 09:45 PM PST

    If I have a single page web app ready to go, and I wanted to make a basic iOS and Android app for the service (quite possible a temporary one while native apps are being developed), reusing as much of that web app as possible, what's the simplest way of doing it? I'm thinking something with an embedded browser designed to preload that web app from disk, and maybe also be used to load external web pages if required, or external pages can be directed to the real browser on the phone. Does anyone have a recommendation for a library that can accomplish this?

    submitted by /u/AgreeableLandscape3
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