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    Friday, January 10, 2020

    HTML attributes to improve your users' two factor authentication experience web developers

    HTML attributes to improve your users' two factor authentication experience web developers

    HTML attributes to improve your users' two factor authentication experience

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 01:57 AM PST

    If i learn how to build these 6 projects will i be ready for a junior front end position?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 08:07 AM PST

    project 1: clock app

    project2: To Do app

    project3: rock paper scissors game

    project4: calculator app

    project5: Expense tracker app (with react)

    project6: Twitter showcase app

    Languages i will be competant in:

    1. Javascript
    2. NodeJS (Back-end Javascript)
    3. HTML/CSS

    Programming skills i will be able to demonstrate:

    1. Working with source control (Git)
    2. Capability of creating a web application (website with front-end, back-end)
    3. Ability to work with a Front End framework (React)
    4. Ability to work with a Node Framework (Express)
    5. Ability to deploy an application (Heroku)
    6. Interact with an external/public API (Twitter)
    7. Ability to create an internal-facing API (using Express)
    submitted by /u/cudder17
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    My worst hack

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 05:19 AM PST

    What are the best next steps for someone who just learnt CSS HTML and JS?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 12:48 PM PST


    In the last 6 months, I started to learn front end dev, I used codecademy which really helped me get a solid understanding of the basics.
    Now that I am comfortable in CSS, HTML and JS, I don't know what I should do next?
    Should I create a Front-End project to add to my portfolio? if so, I have absolutely no idea where to start! or Should I consider learning back end dev? I am really confused about what are the right next steps in order to be hirable ASAP!
    For more context, I am a 29 years old Female, I left my job in Marketing to take care of my son. And I don't want to go back to Marketing, I am enjoying programming, and the learning process so much!

    submitted by /u/Jadafaa
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    I made a course on Smashtest, an open-source language for generating web UI and API tests. Hope you find it useful!

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 08:05 AM PST

    Most efficient way of learning to build a functioning website without any prior knowledge

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 03:01 AM PST

    I've spent the last 5-6 months trying to learn web development in my spare time. I'm hoping to get a job at some point, and I have a few ideas for projects on the way. I was just wondering what the most efficient way of doing it would be. I guess my parameters would be that I want to spend as little as possible and learn as much as I can as quickly as possible. If I were to go back, my suggestion would be to do the following:

    1. FreeCodeCamp - Basic HTML and Basic CSS. (roughly 8 hrs)
    2. Create a fully functioning webpage on Github with the info just learned, and then use W3 Schools and youtube for help. (30hrs)
      1. Use W3 Schools for walkthroughs as to how to make different features
      2. Use youtube tutorials for inspiration and help. mmtuts and Traversy are very good.
    3. Free Code Camp - Javascript (20 hours)
    4. CodeWars - Use this to practice the javascript you've learned. Get to 300kyu (20hrs).
    5. Update the webpage with a slideshow, which plays through an image gallery automatically. It should also be controllable with left, right, and a pause/play button. It should also respond to the left and right arrow keys. (10hrs)
      1. W3 Schools has a few different walkthroughs for slideshows. These can be combined to create the desired slideshow.
      2. Wesbos has some useful tutorial videos. The drumkit tutorial is useful for learning about javascript and keystrokes. https://courses.wesbos.com/
    6. Node.JS courses by Traversy on Youtube to learn how to do the back end web-development.

    This is as far as I've got. I'm wondering if anyone has any opinion on whether the above is as good as it can be? Also, what's the next best thing to make a start on?

    Most of the above was part of the pre-requisites for applying to a bootcamp (Founders and Coders, based in London). So I'm confident it's roughly in the right direction.

    submitted by /u/JRD656
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    Whats the best way to go about authentication?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 02:19 PM PST

    Hey the beautiful people of reddit.

    I have a few questions about authentication. Sorry if its very nooby. So I am using Laravel + Next.js. Laravel offers Laravel Passport out of the box and honestly its pretty good. But its a pain in the ass to setup refresh tokens with Next js in a secure way (using cookies). I am wondering if refresh tokens are a must. Do I have to set them up? And would you guys recommend using a 3rd party auth instead like auth0?

    And I would honestly be very grateful if you link any tutorials/guides on how to setup an oauth auth system. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Sablac
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    Concurrent React - Suspense API and useTransition hook explained without using any data fetching library.

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 12:04 PM PST

    Images done right: Web graphics, good to the last byte

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 02:28 AM PST

    Any front end devs interested in partnering with a designer to refresh their personal website?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 03:28 PM PST

    I'm a designer and I think it would be an interesting exercise to team up with a front-end dev to make a great portfolio website that shows off your dev skills, and gives me an opportunity to do something challenging as well. I'm really inspired by the work that Ben Mingo and Aristide Benoist do together, so a mutually beneficial partnership along those lines is kind of what's on my mind.

    Does this type of thing interest anyone?

    submitted by /u/TheChariot77
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    Help With Safari CSS Issue

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 03:12 PM PST

    Working on finalizing CSS to support responsive dark mode and taking the opportunity to clean up unnecessary tags. In doing so, I've noticed that Safari (both iPadOS and macOS) doesn't play nice with a flex container on the right of the page (the author box) when using display: flex. Amending this with a -webkit prefix somewhat addresses the issue, but seems unnecessary for Safari 13 and breaks other containers on separate pages. This only occurs on the home page (content-list). Other pages operate as expected. What am I missing here?!

    Site in question: https://blog-stg.virtualprivateer.com

    submitted by /u/realvprivateer
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    After today's announcement, Postman is charging 50% more for ~5x less

    Posted: 09 Jan 2020 05:24 PM PST

    A great time to start accepting bitcoin as payments ��! Top Bitcoin Payment Gateways [No KYC]

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 03:02 PM PST

    FontAwesome Pro license server currently broken

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 05:08 AM PST

    Whats the correct order order of implementation in a scalable multi tech stack project?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 02:40 PM PST

    I'm in the planning stage of designing this hopefully scalable web application with two main modules, chat and auctions aka bids, this will be all bare bones as much as possible with no fancy ui.

    The stack I decided to use:

    • docker containers - so it can be fairly portable and easy to test anywhere,
    • container orchestration - Kubernetes, want to learn this as it seems like this tool is leading in the industry,
    • python django - this will be used to build my umbrella app to accommodate all modules, it gives you lots for free like auth, admin panel etc.
    • real time chat module, inspired by this yt video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shJo8Wj7jMA&t=3979s so the tech stack will be similar with exception I might use (RabbitMQ or Apache Kaffka instead of Redis)
    • auction/bid module - not sure about the tech stack here but since I want to explore lots of stuff I might choose something different than above
    • caching: lots of online examples uses Redis so I'll probably will do the same

    Few questions that I'm trying answer before I start coding:

    • I want to implement some statistics/metrics how my web app to keep tracking how this app is being used after deployment, who and where is using my app, something like google analytics but i want something open source, any options?
    • What is the best order of implementation? I was thinking that first I need to build the Kubernetes pipeline and then start with django with some analytics mentioned above and then finally add chat and auction, not sure if that's a good approach and if I'm not missing anything that will screw me up later on?
    • Hosting - initially I was planing to build on four Raspberry Pi's 3b+ but recently started using AWS Lightsail and I really like it especially for it's price but not sure if this env will be able to handle all of it with Kubernetes, unless something else good for the price?
    • Wondering also if having node.js application within Django is a good idea and not some anti pattern?

    Last step will be to stress test all of this!

    submitted by /u/mrfinancecracker
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    Is there an easy way to convert a website to a PWA?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 02:23 PM PST

    My school has a pretty nice mobile website for its course catalog. I added the website to my home screen on my (i)phone, but I'd like to have it as a standalone app type thing. That way, I can use it as a fullscreen app (no annoying browser buttons in the way) and access it offline. Also the current shortcut icon is just a preview of the website which looks pretty out-of-place on my home screen.

    So is there an easy way to convert the website to a PWA?

    submitted by /u/te91fadf24f78c08c081
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    Question - PHP processes observer

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 02:01 PM PST


    What I'm looking for might sound strange, so I will explain what I'm trying to do.

    We've faced at work interesting case where most likely events dispatched in symfony were not finished before the some of our logic was executed so when we've launched script with debbuger (stopped it for longer) - everything was fine, without debbuger few things were missing.

    After small discussion we were thinking that this might be indeed some problem with events. So far I've only used symfony events for automating my work where I was creating some strict logic for entities where once someone changed value X - given update logic was executed etc.

    But now well... I just wan't to know more and it won't let me sleep so I found just now this two articles to start with - yeah one bit older but I want to start somewhere:



    So now - I need to understand things on my own way this is always the best for me so what I'm looking for - if such thing even exist, or maybe there is some method:

    - can I somehow observe the dispatching logic on like for example timelines, how the processes are executed and being ran?

    - just now while writing this post I also thing that I can also make STDOUT on console, just wondering if there is any other possibility. I just have this vision of start point A - with executed events which either die on end or go back to point in main line.

    I mean we learn all the time and this is totally new usage of events so I want to test on my own how it behaves. I know i know I might be understanding this totally wrong which means I might work totally differently than in JS but still before I make some deeper tests would be nice to know if someone used/uses some kind of tool to observe the collisions etc.

    submitted by /u/Volmarg
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    AngularJS + Web API vs. ASP.NET MVC

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 01:45 PM PST

    I was born in web forms world and please, give me a quiet nod, I'm trying to broaden the horizon.

    After learning about how Angular is also MVC based, I don't understand why you would include all three technologies in a stack. I keep seeing it on job posts. If you're set on making your own backend and front end why would you not just use ASP.NET MVC and call it good? Is performance difference so big that's it's actually worth the development overhead, or is there another reason?

    submitted by /u/FuckingTree
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    First backend project: How to proceed?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 01:38 PM PST

    Hi all,

    I'm a fairly experienced frontend dev looking to teach myself some backend skills. Problem is, every tutorial either assumes that I've never touched backend before in my life or that I have a VERY firm grasp on it. No in-between. To learn, I decided to make a site that tracks how many Dunkin' Donuts iced coffees I've had this year. I created an API in Go with two endpoints: one that returns the amount of coffees I've had and one that increments the number. Here are the issues I have:

    The number of coffees is just a global integer in the Go program that starts at zero and increments when the router (using the built in http library and a routing library called Gorilla Mux) calls my increment function. Every time I restart the server, it obviously goes back to zero. Should I use a database for a single number, or is there an obvious solution I don't see?

    Next, I realized that anyone could visit the endpoint and increment the number. I decided that I would require a password before the number would actually change. Every tutorial I've found on authentication assumes I'm doing it for a larger-scale project, when in reality I just want a single hidden password for authentication. No need for hashing or salting, just one hidden value.

    How should I store the number on the server, and how should I begin making a very simple, single-user authentication?


    submitted by /u/LongJonB
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    Am I stupid for making a SPA with full-stack technologies C# asp.net?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 01:14 PM PST

    As the question states.. I have been working on my personal portfolio and I wanted to do it in c# because that is what I am focusing on learning and I wanted to showcase that I built the back end and everything in c# and used AWS to deploy it. Now that I am almost done with the front end I am thinking I completely did this wrong and can't really make a SPA with these technologies. I am a noob so any help or info would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Rnugg
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    What should I use to make this website?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 07:08 AM PST

    Hello r/webdev.

    I've recently been very interested in making my own website to help a community I'm a part of manage and get easy access to mods and other resources. I've since began to work a little on my website and was decided to use semantic-ui for the design and expressjs for the backend.

    I didn't go too far before realising express is way more suited for SPA's rather than my MPA modding website. Since then, I've haven't been sure what to pick to develop it. I just want to ask what you guys think I should use for the backend?

    (sorry if i sound like a complete newbie, i just want to start off on the right foot. i have some programming experience, just not in web development.)

    submitted by /u/RusuRP23
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    I got put into a class, were I have to use DreamWeaver as a way to program (Highschool)

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 08:40 AM PST

    I looked through the history of this subreddit, and it is not popular to say the least. Is there something I can take from this class?? and put that knowledge somewhere more efficient? I dont know how to code, so I'm basically starting from scratch.

    submitted by /u/DreamLikeFragments
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    Question about glitch.com

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 12:00 PM PST

    Hello all, I have recently run into an error when using glitch. I developed my personal project and it works fine when you go to the stand alone site. However, if you go to the glitch page where the small window houses the application, the page loads but the application does not advance. It is an express application, and the error message is that it refuses to load the correct url because it violates the Content security directive policy directive "frame-src 'self' url" and then the glitch urls and then I tried to change it by adding a meta tag in the html like <meta content = "frame-src 'self' https://accounts.spotify.com/\*"

    and adding the blocked url but to no avail. What am I doing wrong, and if there are resources you could point me toward that would be great. Thank you for your time.

    submitted by /u/CT-2497
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    Best general web app "stacks" for a non-web developer to learn

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 11:31 AM PST

    I'm a developer but I don't work in any web development areas so I figured I need to change that. I'd like to develop web apps for a plethora of purposes but also concentrating on misc web-tools and physical interfaces (for example a web based CNC controller) and was wondering what route I should take considering there are a seemingly overwhelming routes to take. I usually work in Java, Python and C++ so with some preliminary digging I learned about Flask (python) for the backend, and [xxxx] for the front end (not really sure it matters). Are there any other suggestions for backend frameworks to learn? I'm really walking into this with blind with hardly any web development experience but years and years of desktop application development experience. Curious to see what others recommend is all..


    submitted by /u/Xenthera
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