• Breaking News

    Tuesday, January 14, 2020

    For the love of god, PLEASE stop putting music in the background of programming video tutorials. learn programming

    For the love of god, PLEASE stop putting music in the background of programming video tutorials. learn programming

    For the love of god, PLEASE stop putting music in the background of programming video tutorials.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 05:00 AM PST

    Like there is nothing worse than finding a video that answers your question, to discover it has some cheesy, overbearing music playing in the background.

    It makes it so difficult to digest what the voiceover is saying. It's completely unnecessary and I will immediately exit the video in search of another.

    That is all.

    EDIT: Sigh... Can we just accept that there are a lot of ways to learn and what might appeal to you doesn't appeal to others? I knew this post would descend into a debate on video learning when I just wanted to rant about inappropriate music usage 😂

    You should use what works for you, sure there are some topics/questions/problems best solved by reading docs/articles or stackoverflow but I also enjoy code along videos or having things explained in different ways. I don't see how it's any different than having something explained to you by developer colleague or friend.

    If video was so pointless and unpopular then sites like Udemy wouldn't exist.

    submitted by /u/jubba_
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    Getting Started With the Terminal

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 07:26 PM PST


    Hello all. I wrote a guide on my blog on how to use the terminal. This guide only applies to Mac OS X/Linux users. In the article, I talk about the basics of using the terminal and go over the following commands:

    • pwd
    • ls
    • cd
    • clear
    • mv
    • cp
    • open
    • mkdir
    • touch
    • rmdir
    • rm

    Let me know your thoughts, opinions, or questions in the comments.

    Thanks and have a nice rest of your day.

    submitted by /u/DeviceOfNeed
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    Entry level Portfolio Projects

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 12:43 PM PST

    I am curious what kind of projects a company might like to see when hiring an entry level programmer

    If you have used portfolio projects yourself or hired someone else because of their projects, i would love to get an idea of what it was or any related advice.

    Ive worked with Python, Django, a bit of ML/AI, and js/html/css but im open any examples.

    submitted by /u/lpuckeri
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    during when do udemy courses go on sale for 10usd?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 12:28 AM PST

    it's 13usd now, but maybe they'd bring the 10 back?

    submitted by /u/whalien5230
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    Top 21 Machine Learning Project Ideas for 2020 [Source Code Included]

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 12:26 AM PST

    Machine Learning Project Ideas

    It is always good to have a practical insight of any technology that you are working on. Though textbooks and other study materials will provide you all the knowledge that you need to know about any technology but you can't really master that technology until and unless you work on real-time projects.

    In this tutorial, you will find 21 machine learning projects ideas for beginners, intermediates, and experts to gain real-world experience of this growing technology. These machine learning project ideas will help you in learning all the practicalities that you need to succeed in your career and to make you employable in the industry. Read More

    submitted by /u/VyasBharvi
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    What home programming projects do you do and why?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 04:21 PM PST

    Would you say you have a passion for programming?

    How much time does your program save you (if it was meant to save time) and how did you find that this was a problem in the first place?

    If you do it for learning purposes, do you do one thing at a time or more than one thing?

    submitted by /u/Chieve
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    Is time_since_epoch() the best way to manage in-game time with C++?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 11:45 PM PST

    Currently I'm using the following function to grab the time in order to maintain in-game time:

    long getCurrentTime() { milliseconds ms = duration_cast<milliseconds>(system_clock::now().time_since_epoch()); return ms.count(); } 

    The problem I have with this is that overflow can be a serious problem and running that function is returning a negative number, which means overflow can happen very often. (50 days apart is my guess) Is there a better way to keep track of time in game?

    submitted by /u/pebble255
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    can someone help me with assembly program for this question?

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 12:54 AM PST

    Write a program to multiply two numbers stored in memory locations 1000H and 1001H, and store the result in memory location 1002H. the multiplication should be performed using multiple addition, e.g. 7*3 = 7+7+7, 6*5 = 6+6+6+6+6.


    1000H = 07H

    1001H = 03H


    1002H = 15H

    submitted by /u/mhizzudin
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    [Python] Make bars for lists, even when there are repeating elements

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 12:44 AM PST

    I have two lists made, list of names and list of points, whose elements are taken from dictionaries, which are taken from their list, which is in descending order by points.

    List of names is [doe, doe, john, john, smith, stacy] and list of points is [300, 300, 500, 700, 800, 1000].

    Here is the problem. I tried to make a bars of these lists, using matplotlib, but it only drew a bar for only one john and only one doe.

    The bar looked like this:





    But I want it to be like this:







    submitted by /u/Dan_Mrm0ta
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    How short a string can you compress a sequence of zeroes/ones to?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 08:53 PM PST

    What I thought of was to take an array like this


    and turn it into this:

    [firstN, consecutiveFirstNs, consecutiveNotFirstNs, consecutiveFirstNs, etc.].join("-")

    = "0-3-4-12-3"

    This works somewhat, but I know there must be some algorithm that can already do this. I'm just garbage at maths so I don't even know what to search for. I'm using JavaScript and PHP if it makes any difference.

    If anyone could help I would really appreciate it. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/CasinoInMyHair
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    Advice please :)

    Posted: 14 Jan 2020 12:26 AM PST

    Feel like i'm in a bit of a pickle. I have spent around 4/5 months learning python, my degree which starts in less than 4 weeks which focuses of java but I personally want to learn c# or c++ for game dev. Obviously it would be unwise to learn three languages at once and I definitely don't want to be a jack of all trades, master of none so what do I do. Any advice will be greatly appreciated :) x

    submitted by /u/bolgz
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    My first rails app not following any step by step guides !

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 12:33 PM PST


    Check it out and maybe make a post!

    currently the only posts are from me and my little sister!

    submitted by /u/RobelS
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    “A class is an abstraction of an object.”

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 11:40 PM PST

    I am learning Java and this phrase is getting thrown around a lot. I am confused as a class contains and uses objects, thus how can it be an abstraction of an object?

    submitted by /u/IdkNeedHelp373834
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    Feature extraction from streaming dataframe using pyspark.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 11:30 PM PST

    How can we apply any builtin feature extraction algorithm on a streaming dataframe. Like if I load a json/csv file into a pyspark dataframe, I can directly apply any built in feature extraction algorithm like word2vec. But how to apply those algos for streaming dataframe.

    submitted by /u/dsmedium
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    How a new language/framework gets hyped? What made you change to another language?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 03:42 PM PST

    So, a little bit of a background. I was talking with my boss (actually the boss of my boss haha), that i don't have any domain about a stack/programming language, and that i would like to learn right now about the stack nodejs/react/react native. It's not for a specific reason, it's just that i have a very good course with great support available, friends in the area and i feel that the community it's very strong right now, what facilitates my study.

    My boss tried to convince me in getting into Angular. His reason is that Angular is more "structured", and he talks likes these new frameworks/languages are just "hyped", and not as good as it may seem. He said something similar with Java, that the Java programmers are the best in the market. As example, he said about a podcast he listened, that the recruiter wasn't finding any professional of a certain language, then he changed for a new one, and rained candidates.

    Then i started to think, what make a language/framework overcome the market so quickly? Why people change their stack? About the Java programmers he cited, i think that as they are one of the oldest, they are more experienced. Here in Brazil is missing Java professionals, seems everyone that gets out of the college wants to work with .NET instead. Don't know if i expressed my thoughts correctly, but i would like to know what you people think about and your experiences :)

    submitted by /u/alphmz
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    How to simulate balls bouncing off each other in Python?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 01:17 PM PST

    I am making a game in which balls will bounce off each other. How do I calculate the resultant velocities of the balls after they collide? I'm looking for some simple articles or tutorials. Thanks

    submitted by /u/jimmy0441
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    Open source methodology question

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 10:47 PM PST

    Hey all

    I've done some research online but I'm still confused.

    what are the main differences between the water fall and open source methodology ??


    submitted by /u/coolcat4223
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    Starting to get serious but feeling a bit lost...

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 10:26 PM PST

    So I just started learning C as a part of the CS50 course with Harvard on edX, and one problem set in and I'm already feeling lost. Sometimes, I just can't think out the algorithms, no matter how hard I try. It might be a problem with my patience, or maybe just weak in foundation. But then again, CS50 is a beginners course. And so I finally succumbed to looking up the answers online, and I found one answer key on GitHub which was concise but had lots of methods and terms that the lecture did not go over. I'm sure I could find a solution on Youtube with the relevant methods covered in the lecture, but thats not the point.

    My weak problem solving skills has been present in my high school programming classes as well. For instance, I had to get lots of help on coming up with algorithms for super simple problem sets/projects, while I see my peers just get to the answer right away. Obviously, some are more talented than others, but I see myself as someone who is not as talented in this field.

    So, given that, is there a way to practice problem solving, or getting better at writing algorithms? If I can barely devise algorithms for introductory courses I can only imagine how more advanced courses will go. Any help will be appreciated and sorry in advance for the lack organization. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/JichuPichu
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    How to Overcome Eye Strain whilst Programming/Learning to Programme.

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 06:17 PM PST

    Almost feel ridiculous asking this question.

    I'm learning programming and getting to a point where I should apply for jobs. However.

    The biggest obstacle preventing me from coding as much as I want is eye strain. Eyes genuinely ache like mad and it's preventing me from grafting.

    Anyone not ashamed to admit they have had this issues and could offer some advice?

    submitted by /u/bellsonreddit
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    How can I search for and scrape specific numbers from a site into Google Sheets?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 10:02 PM PST

    I'm working on a project that involves a Google Sheet list of music exported from iTunes - one column is the song names, the next is the artists, albums, genres, etc.

    I want to add information about the songs' keys and tempos to this sheet, and the only online database I know of is Tunebat. To help explain what I want to do, here's a table resembling my sheet:

    A B C
    1 Name Artist Album
    2 Clint Eastwood Gorillaz Gorillaz

    I want to find a web scraping method to get the text from A2 and B2 (song and artist), plug this into the site's search bar, get the song's tempo and key, and import it back into the right GS cell.

    I've been working with IMPORTXML for a bit and know how to find the xpath query for the tempo and key, but each song search makes a unique URL, so it's almost more time-efficient to just hand-type. Since my GS list is very very long, I want to try and find the fastest way to automate this process.

    Does any of this make sense to anyone?

    submitted by /u/stuffdninja
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    Helping a kid learn remotely?

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 09:43 PM PST

    So I know this girl from growing up whose son has been expressing an interest in programming and because I have some experience in it it eventually got back to me and I offered to help. Only problem is they aren't exactly local.

    I want to help him learn a language, but not sure really where to even start with a kid, not to mention a kid that won't be in the same building as me, but I am still trying to help. Does anyone have any experience with teaching a kid, or even just some ideas?

    submitted by /u/VAPRx
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    Solving a time conversion php code task

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 09:37 PM PST

    I have a task that asks me to convert a 12 Hour Format Time String to 24 Hour Format String. This is the sample code, and its partially completed and i need to fully complete it.

    <?php function convertTimeFormat($time12Hour) { $time24Hour = ""; $Split = explode(":",$time12Hour); $Hour = $Split\\\[0\\\]; $Split\\\[2\\\] = substr($Split\\\[2\\\],0,2); if($Hour == '12' && strpos($time12Hour,"AM")!== FALSE) { } elseif(strpos($time12Hour,"PM")!== FALSE && $Hour != "12") { } return $time24Hour; } $time12Hour = "06:40:03PM"; $result = convertTimeFormat($time12Hour); 


    From what i understand it it's splitting"06:40:03PM into an array. The variable $hour is set to [0] array which is 06. Split [2] = 03.

    For line 4 Its using the substring function and starting from char 0 cuts out the first two values which is 03 ( starting from [2] which is 03).

    I'm struggling to understand what the if statement says, and what i would need to add to the program to convert to 24 format string. I would appreciate any help.

    submitted by /u/semidesert
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    Definition of "Architecture"

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 09:28 PM PST

    I'm trying to find a definition of architecture I read in some book... I can't find it now, but I remember it was a list of definitions one of which was something like "architecture is a normative constrain on design". Does it ring any bells? I'd like to find where it came from.

    submitted by /u/dablya
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    Running two programs separately in Visual Studio under same project

    Posted: 13 Jan 2020 05:22 PM PST

    Hello Everyone! I started using Visual Studio Community 2019 for learning C++. I created a project and created a new cpp source file. The program ran fine. When I added second cpp source file and try to run it I get an error message-"The system cannot find the file specified". Doesn't VS allow to run multiple source files under single project?

    submitted by /u/sbhaukaji
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