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    Tuesday, December 31, 2019

    Ways to ensure my payment/reward on opensource project Ask Programming

    Ways to ensure my payment/reward on opensource project Ask Programming

    Ways to ensure my payment/reward on opensource project

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 12:57 PM PST

    Hi, everyone;
    I've got a kind-of urgent question to ask.
    I've spotted an opensource project on Github to which I've been a contributor in the past.

    The project's creator has opened an issue asking for help implementing several features and is willing to reward the person who does the job with a good amount of money.

    My question is: How do I ensure, upon implementation of the desired features that I will get the reward? (That is knowing that the person has agreed to pay me...)

    I am interested in something like a platform (Github included) that will tie both me and him to the transaction terms: me finishing the job, him paying me.

    To set things on the right track, I am not in any case thinking this person is going to trick me, though you can never be too sure, especially on places like Github where you have ability for no-commitment and somewhat of anonymity.


    submitted by /u/npyl
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    Is there a special name for classes that exist only to hold a few values?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 09:32 PM PST

    Something like container maybe?

    submitted by /u/actopozipc
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    What are unicodes used for, and why are they useful?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 05:57 AM PST

    I recently stumbled across some code that looks like:

    \x00-\x1F\x80-\x9F and

    const unicodeRegExp = /a-zA-Z\u00B7\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00F6 \u00F8-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u203F- \u2040\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF \uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD/; 

    I did some googling to read about unicode, and understand some of the basics, like it is a 'universal' ASCII for characters. But other than this, I feel kind of lost as to how I would start using this in my own coding practices.

    Appreciate any insights you guys can provide. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/mementomoriok
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    Bought a turkish friend a keyboard, need help mapping his g[x] buttons to various turkish characters

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 04:12 PM PST

    What's easiest to use? My initial thought was autohotkey, just make g10 output İ, g11 output ı, g12 output ğ, etc.

    submitted by /u/RedMelon424
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    Help with how to start a self-made project

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 04:08 PM PST


    I am currently setting the foundation for a program that I am creating with a small team of 3 other students in uni.

    The basics of the program are this:

    My college fraternity has just implemented a "point" system based on an individual (a "brother") attending certain events. There are events of different categories, which are weighted differently in terms of how many points you get for attending that event. You are awarded privileges based on the amount of points you have in a given time interval (probably a semester).

    Attendance is going to be tracked with a Google Sheet document, containing all brother names and events (plus info), as well as whether or not each brother attended a given event. This sheet will be updated regularly in a specified format.

    My program will scrape this data from the Google Sheet and store information and perform calculations for individual brothers to see if they have attended enough events to be able to partake in certain privileges.

    Currently, my idea is to have a Brother object for every single brother, and an Event object for every event.

    I guess my main question is this:
    My current plan is to have the program read brother information from the Google Sheet, mainly just name. I want the program to be able to create a Brother object so that the information about the brother (name, points for a given month, points for the semester) is easily accessible. Like I said I would like the object to be able to create objects (Brothers) on the fly as they are read from the Google sheet. But from what I'm reading, on-the-fly dynamic object creation is a complicated, confusing beast. Am I taking the right approach here? Or should I ditch the idea of Brother objects and move to a different approach to organize the data and be able to perform calculations?

    submitted by /u/ShittyCatDicks
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    Have you used Codementor? What do you think of it? Would you use it again?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 01:28 PM PST

    Hello. As the title says, I'm wondering if you could provide me with any insight into your experience with Codementor if you have ever used it. I'm looking into the current state of the tech and software development education industry.

    If you've used the service, what was your use case? What did you like or dislike about it? Would you use it again? How do you think it could be improved?


    submitted by /u/JamieCorkhill
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    When I have to write a path in something like package.json in Node, do I use \ or / or something else?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 11:57 AM PST


    I always get confused by this. I am writing on a Linux, but I know that Windows uses \ for paths. So I have no idea whether I am allowed to use one or the other. Do the paths get translated on the other systems if I write it the other way? Currently, I just want to write in an icon , but I want to put my assets in a special folder. It would be easy to just write "my_icon.jpeg, but then I would get a mess. I want assets/img/my_icon.jpeg.

    What do I do?


    submitted by /u/awwwes
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    Help with Academic Project

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 01:32 PM PST


    I will say upfront that I am not an advanced programmer. Most of my experience is in mathematics and statistics, and the only programming knowledge I have is basic things relating to courses I took in those.

    I am looking to create a program that queries academic search engines and compares the results. I found an article similar to what I wish to accomplish: http://papers.www2017.com.au.s3-website-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/companion/p823.pdf

    When I contacted the author to ask how they did it, I was linked to their github: https://github.com/sonaidgr8/Academic-Search-Engine-Disagreement

    I have tried to figure out what is going on with their program, but I am honestly completely lost. Would someone be able to explain to me what is going on in their program and if there is a way for me to update this to use for my future projects? If not, where is the best place to start creating a program that can query these search engines and compare results?

    Thank you all in advance!

    submitted by /u/nvinceability
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    Clarify or correct my understanding of OOP fundamnetals (Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance, and Polymorphism)

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 01:16 PM PST

    I don't have much experience with some of these concepts like polymorphism because I haven't worked on any large-scale projects, but I still want to understand at least what these things mean. I think I get it but there's some uncertainty.

    Here's my current understanding, it's most likely flawed or wrong:

    Encapsulation = Using proper access modifiers for variables (private variables with public getter/setter functions to access them, etc.) and exposing only the necessary functions for others to use your class?

    Abstraction = I know that in general, an abstraction is a general model of something. I am honestly not sure what this is in terms of OOP though. I thought with OOP that class design is already abstraction?

    Inheritance = Creating a class based on another class. The subclass gets all of the variables and methods of the parent class. This one I'm comfortable with and pretty sure of.

    Polymorphism = This is a complicated one. When I think about this I think about method overriding and the ability for objects that inherit from a base class to be treated as an instance of the base class rather than their more-specific derived type. This allows them to be added to collections of the base class type and to call the overridden versions of methods contained in the derived class even though they're treated as an instance of the base class.

    Set me straight on this.

    submitted by /u/-CJF-
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    Tips for dealing with Android Studio Layouts

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 10:01 PM PST

    The hardest thing about developing an app for me right now is deciding how to layout all of my widgets (TextViews, Buttons, etc).

    It's still just hard for me to put a textview beside an edittext widget, because I try to use a horizontal linear layout, and then that moves things around and so I think I'm supposed to use something else but I can't find relative layout so I mess around with constraint layout and it's frustrating how it's difficult to just put two widgets beside each other.

    What are the best tutorials/resources online to get better at organizing displays?

    submitted by /u/Swlonkro
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    What are some things to program to help friends, who can't program, out ?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 07:48 AM PST

    So I've programmed for a few years now, but feel like everytime I ask a friend of mine to help me out with something, I can't really pay him back by doing something he doesn't know for him. What are some things programming / tech related, that I could offer to help my friends with, who don't have a programming background ?

    submitted by /u/M3GT2
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    does anyone know a page or have a roadmap for becoming software developer without a degree?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 09:59 PM PST

    I have found roadmaps for web developers and devops in internet and I find them very detailed but I haven't had the same luck looking for software developer roadmaps.

    sorry for the way I sound. I do not have any background in software but I'm trying to learn and I do not know differences or similarities yet, or how web and software development are connected if they are. Thank you. Please answer respectfully. This is a seroius question.

    submitted by /u/aroba-
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    How to become standout Software Developer

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 11:23 AM PST

    Hey guys, starting with a little introduction, I'm a new (1.5 years old) professional in software industry and I really want expedite my career growth. I work with one of the big 4 tech companies.

    So I want some advice from the experienced professional software engineers to guide me. Currently I'm Software Engineer 1 and quickly want to be promoted to the next level. I'm already the best programmer in my team but still I'm not confident enough with my knowledge. Maybe because I've never designed the entire module by myself, thus I've started reading the book 'Head first design patterns'.

    So basically my point is, I want to be guided about how/what should I learn at this stage, that you people think would be most beneficial for my career growth? Such that people around me see as a mature programmer? Any suggestions are appreciated, thank you people!!

    P.S. It's a new year, end of the decade! Wish all of you a very happy new year!!


    Well, let me elaborate: The team I'm in was built last year (2018) around September. Now when it was built there were only SDE 1(freshers) in the team, no managers etc, hence no work was there. This went on for about a year (i.e. till I joined in July 2019). Now they never had written any professional code, they didn't know the industry standards (This is something I've already noticed), so that's why I can say that I'm the best programmer in MY TEAM, not best overall, you cannot be actually! (I'm also about the same experience as them, the difference is I had work in my previous company, so I already knew some)

    Now I won't deny the fact that I'm not the best at designing the software but none of the other guys as well. Thus I see an opportunity where I've good programming practices but not the designing part. I consider that you guys must be better than me, that's why I'm asking you people.

    P.s. I didn't compare myself explicitly with anyone, this was told to me by my mentor from my team only. Also, I don't look down on anyone rather I would want to teach people myself because people in my team, they have their other hobbies/work that they're not able to spare time to learn this despite they really want to.

    submitted by /u/Cool_nephilim
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    Integrating ISO Codes in Option tag

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 02:42 AM PST

    Hey there, I have a webapp made by a developer, where the user can submit his details and it shows up in the front-end (Ex : a job website, where user posts his requirements - the submit form asks for a name, country, website etc and it gets printed on front-end)

    I have been making few changes to the webapp by myself and i want to add a feature, i want to add country flags such as when a user is filling a form and chooses his country for example "Canada" his country name will be printed beside a flag. Similar to twitter

    I have added this Flags CSS on my website from the code i found on GitHub - https://github.com/lipis/flag-icon-css

    The code i'm using is written below,

    For printing flag :

    ' . $user['gender'] . ', <p class="flag-icon flag-icon-xx"></p> ' . $user['country'] . '

    here xx is country, i want to modify the code here [<p class="flag-icon flag-icon-xx"></p>] so whenever someone submit his country then the code overwrites the end tag like flag-icon-in [if a user is from india]

    In the <option> tag :

    <option value="AF">Afghanistan</option>

    how can i achieve this?

    submitted by /u/GeneralMeeting
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    What programming language should I start to learn?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 08:22 AM PST

    I work for a marketing firm, where we often have our design team busy with other projects so they cannot always produce social graphics on time. And options like Adobe Spark and Canva* don't tend to fit our needs due to the rigid basics of them and little ability to edit (leaving me to photoshop in what isn't able to be put in). My goal is to create a simple program via a website I host or application that allows me to create base templates geared toward each company we service - and allow other employees to replace select things on the template with different images or words. What programming language should I start with? I know this is ambitious and unrealistic for a beginner but I'm willing to put in the time and effort, and advice would be greatly appreciated.

    *(social media graphic creating services for those not graphic design inclined)

    TLDR: I need to create a website or application that works like Canva or Adobe Spark, what languages should I learn to begin to work towards this?

    submitted by /u/Schberry
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    Without the english language, how do you think programming would have come into existence?

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 04:51 AM PST

    I feel like there is something categorical about english, moreso than other languages, which lends itself to code.

    Side-note: (Not saying english is superior in any way, just feels more categorical with a prefix/suffix/alphabet system that kind of lends itself to code)

    submitted by /u/mementomoriok
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