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    Thursday, December 5, 2019

    Personal Invisibility Cloak Stymies People Detectors Computer Science

    Personal Invisibility Cloak Stymies People Detectors Computer Science

    Personal Invisibility Cloak Stymies People Detectors

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 08:52 AM PST

    Simple sharding in an asynchronous interval queue - theory

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 04:27 PM PST

    I've written minicaml, a didactical OCaml-like functional programming language that shows evaluation internals in the REPL

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 06:56 AM PST

    Creating NFA problem

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 03:41 AM PST

    The questions asks me to model an nfa, which I've done, but it states that "once an input has been accepted, it's behaviour is reset before further input is received"

    Don't know if I'm being blatantly stupid here but I can't seem to find an answer anywhere

    Thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/polhardy123
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    Possible stupid question

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 12:56 AM PST

    Are State Diagrams just another name for state machines. My Uni group is currently divided and the more I search Google the more unclear its becoming.

    submitted by /u/kyatorpo
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    Why are VFSMs not more commonly used?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 06:34 AM PST

    For a job several years ago I worked with a team using technologies built around Virtual Finite State Machine models for system fault analysis and remediation. Since then, I've found it to be a generally useful approach for making control decisions in instances when control logic gets complicated and/or needs to be factored out of the rest of the software.

    However, besides the initial set of publications that came out in the 90s to early 2000s (with some aborted attempts at commercialization), it seems like this topic has become completely dormant, and I've been scratching my head why. I've found it to be a very powerful method for addressing problems with an extremely compact implementation (I can write a functional, albeit basic, VFSM execution platform in less than 100 lines of Python code) - are there better methods that I'm completely unaware of? Outside of one team I worked with several years ago, none of my other colleagues are familiar with the model or technique.

    The Wikipedia Article gives an overview of what VFSMs are, and the publications that define the execution model.

    submitted by /u/vbtemp
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    Ideas about events to organize in college/outside it

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 09:21 AM PST

    Hey, I'm a member of a some kind of organization of CS guys at my school. The organization's main objectives are increasing awareness about CS in my country; talks with kids at high school, workshops...And I'm trying to come up with more interesting ideas. I thought about giving talks about the theorical aspects of CS, such us AI, Computational Complexity, current unresolved CS problems (PvsNP for example). This seems good cause this aspect is actually really unknown out here, since most people just know about your typical programming (and not even at the level of the US scene/"nerd" culture).

    But also we'd like to try to help other people using tech, for example we repaired some old computers from our university, repaired them and then sent them to a underdeveloped country's city because they didnt have any computer room in a school. This was really cool and we actually helped people who haven't got the resources we have.

    So I'd like to read your opinion about this type of projects and I'd love to hear some neat ideas!

    submitted by /u/Jack1eto
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    Algebraic data structure model (generation principle)

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 07:56 AM PST

    I have the following specification:

    1 spec Poly = Nat then

    2 sorts

    3 poly = empty | make(poly,nat)

    4 ops

    5 terms: (poly) nat,

    6 addPoly: (poly,poly) poly,

    7 evaluate: (poly,nat) nat

    8 vars

    9 p,r: poly,

    10 a,b,n: nat

    11 axioms

    12 terms(empty) = zero

    13 terms(make(p,zero)) = terms(p)

    14 terms(make(p,succ(a))) = succ(terms(p))


    16 addPoly(empty,p) = addPoly(p,empty) = p

    17 addPoly(make(p,a),make(r,b)) = make(addPoly(p,r),add(a,b))


    19 evaluate(empty,n) = zero

    20 evaluate(make(p,a),n) = add(mult(evaluate(p,n),n),a)

    21 end

    Now to my problem.

    I want to state a model A that satisfies the generation principle but i have literally no clue how.

    Maybe someone here could help me to get such a model and understand the subject better.

    Problem 1 that i have is to state the different types so poly = ............ so a symbol for empty like _ and what's with make(poly,nat)?

    submitted by /u/Rapiz
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    In Unix (or pretty much any OS), if each process was created by some other process, then how was the initial process created?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 07:13 AM PST

    Why do people try so hard to advance technology and create robots which can replace us in many jobs?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 07:48 AM PST

    Why is there such a hype creating artificial intelligence which would replace us, when it's clear that it's not a benefit for us? Why do people want to have robots doing all the work? What do they hope to do if they don't have any job?

    submitted by /u/SpecialistWriter
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