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    Thursday, November 28, 2019

    What's your take on the team lead role? Ask Programming

    What's your take on the team lead role? Ask Programming

    What's your take on the team lead role?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 08:40 AM PST

    I've been a developer since school (B.Sc. in CS) ended ~13 years ago. Programmer/analyst mostly, although I've been doing BI for the last 5 years.

    I'm now in a small business, our product is a pair of software (one is a Windows app, the other web-based) that work hand in hand and I've been developing a third product (ETL/Cubes/dashboard) that exploits the data the other two products creates and manages.

    The dev team is a 'lead' programmer (been there 15+ years), a new guy (~6 months) and me. Those two guys develop and maintain the softwares. There are other people that do support / sales call / demo. And then there the pillar of the company : the co-owner that manages the whole show. He does most of the sales & demos, decides on the improvements on the software, manages the business (hires and such) and, when needed, leads the development team. We started doing bi-weekly meeting where we were supposed to discuss and share but it soon became a reading of our time sheets. ("I did this and that, will be doing such and such next")

    This is where it hurts. The boss admits he's not technical enough to challenge us (which is true) and, from my perspective, his plate is already full from all the rest. He has a business to make grow. He shouldn't have to waste his time asking where that task is or why it's taking that long.

    I have the feeling I could fill that void. I'm a pretty outgoing guy, I'm a good communicator and demonstrate interest in all the parts of the operation, not just my little world. I also have the impression it's his idea too. We have a pretty good relation. It'd be a good match.

    Thing is I don't know how to step-up. What should a team-lead do?

    Asides for the potential issue of managing the older guy (he's not opening to me that much, my guess is he feels threatened : he gives me and our boss different answers to the same question...), what's my angle?

    We talked about this in team and came up with ideas, work methods but I have the strong impression there's a role missing, not procedures. Is that crazy?

    We're not big enough that we need a dedicated person but a fraction of the time of my boss doesn't seem to be enough.

    submitted by /u/6mon1
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    Git Etiquette for Hard Forking Repo

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 10:45 AM PST

    I am wondering what the etiquette is for hard forking someone's personal library on github? The person who's project this is has a large area of work done within their repo, including documentation, and there are a lot of stars.

    And before people say, "talk to the guy". I've talked to him. A lot. And he usually goes rogue weeks at a time.

    The problem is that the repo owner does not communicate well with others and turns down most PRs for bug fixes or other items, just to say "I'll get to it later". Well, later has been 6 months now, and my solution works just fine! I get that we are all busy and being a library maintainer is a selfless task. But this has become a roadblock in my projects now.

    What etiquette and legality do I need to follow if I want to hard fork this repo and continue it's advancement? Are there any concerns I should have from doing something like this?

    submitted by /u/but_how_do_i_go_fast
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    Is it possible to create a conscious robot by giving it the ability to create its own IF statements and having them evaluate them using preprogrammed 'morals'?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 12:19 PM PST

    For example start with a new robot.

    Give it the function to 'help other people'

    The robot will know it is helping other people using special face recognition maybe?

    When the robot does not know what to do it creates lots of 'IF' statements and tests them all out and sees the results on humans.

    I'm not a programmer though. Just an idea.

    submitted by /u/MSDLF
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    HELP!! why array is out of bounds ? and can someone explain to me why my if statement is not working as it intended?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 05:23 PM PST

    int ctrRow = 0, ctrColumn = 0, check = 0;

     boolean colFlip = true; boolean rowFlip = false; int\[\]\[\] setSpiral = new int\[getRow\]\[getColumn\]; 

     if(colFlip == true && rowFlip == false){ 

    for(int i=check;i<setArray.length;i++){

    setSpiral[ctrRow][ctrColumn] = setArray[check];



    System.out.print(ctrColumn+" "+getColumn);

    System.out.print(" "+check);

    System.out.print(colFlip+" "+rowFlip);


    if(ctrColumn > getColumn){

    colFlip = false;

    rowFlip = true;

    System.out.print(colFlip+" "+rowFlip);



     } } 
    submitted by /u/jcarlo1
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    What are your honest thoughts towards programming/coding podcasts?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 01:14 PM PST

    I constantly find myself in a learning state. A huge topic of learning that I spend my time on is programming. In order to maximize time spent learning programming within a given day, I've tried listening to tech/programming podcasts while I perform mundane tasks like walking to my bus, uncreative cooking, and the typical morning routine; however, I just don't catch the appeal that others may find. Perhaps I'm listening to these programming podcasts for the wrong reason, but I would imagine most listeners tune in with the hopes of learning something new. Yet, the personal return on investment of an hour-long programming podcast episode is dreadfully low when compared to a standard YouTube tutorial; of course, video operates on two modalities (visual/aural) as opposed to the mono-modal podcasts, which in turn makes viewing videos unfeasible in situations and readily replaceable by podcast listening.

    I mean no offense to tech podcast content creators, but I'd really rather not hear details about your personal life for ten minutes that I'm going to forget two days from now or plenty of awkward jokes that last far too long or unprepared interview questions or -- I suppose -- really anything that delays or obstructs educational programming content from reaching my ears. Each podcast episode seems like an ill-balanced diluted mix of education, personal details, jokes, and other miscellaneous topics. My point is that I feel like I learn at such a slow pace from these podcasts. If I listen while driving, I constantly wish I was driving a legally auto-piloted Tesla that would give me an opportunity to watch a video or read a blog article instead. Kind of harsh for me to read back to myself, but it is how I feel.

    I'd love to see what this sub thinks. Do I have too rigorous of standards? If you have any suggestions for podcasts that don't mess around and get right to the point, I would love to know!

    submitted by /u/load_up_on_hummus
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    Raptor pseudocode help

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 04:21 PM PST

    Write a Raptor program that will get two values from user, then display values in ascending order; if the same values are received from the user, display "The same number was received."

    Does anyone know raptor?

    submitted by /u/lookatthedrip
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    Anyone help me with average case part d?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 03:13 PM PST


    can anyone do d for me? Its a practice paper with no solutions...

    submitted by /u/skladalsd
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    Calculating the amount of singularities on a three dimensional surface using sympy. The sympy solvers not working correctly(?)

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 03:00 PM PST

    SMS Gateway using Raspberry Pi: Sending notifications to clients

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 01:35 PM PST

    Hi r/AskProgramming

    Hopefully I'm in the correct subreddit to ask this kind of question.

    I have a Microsoft SQL Database stored with appointments and personal details of my clients. Sometimes an appointment has to be changed and I'd like to notify the client automatically by using a SMS Gateway which listens to changes in the database.
    For example: A manager got suddenly ill and all the clients need to be notified that the appointment is being postponed.
    Or: A client called and needs to change the appointment.
    The database will be updated by me and the client gets an notification.

    I've done some research and stumbled upon the raspberry pi gsm module to insert a sim card. I also checked github for projects which are based on a similar idea and found this: http://docs.jasminsms.com/en/latest/

    It's written in Python - so that's a plus for me.

    Now, the thing I'm asking myself is wheter someone here has done something similar and could give me a tipp on how to approach a task like this?

    submitted by /u/Ok-Suggestion
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    Airline Ticket Prices

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 09:33 AM PST

    Im trying to travel over the summer, but Im getting very tired of checking ticket prices on Kayak everyday. Another thing is that the notification settings on major websites really don't work that well. Has anyone made any projects that automated the system?

    I know Java, Javascript, Python, and HTML

    I have thought about programming loops that will reload the websites, and loops which will read all the individual values of ticket prices. The problem is that how do I make the program send me notifications, when the ticket prices have fallen below a certain value of x?

    Thanks for helping!

    submitted by /u/Shacreme
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    Classifying images (phone screenshots) into a certain category

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 12:42 PM PST

    I have a folder of all my screenshots (~2000) from my mobile. I was hoping to somehow categorize/classify them into what app they were taken from. I have some which have distinct properties (mostly color of the chat windows) e.g. Messenger.

    My first thought is a program that goes through each image. Count how much color it has in a certain shade (e.g. 60% white, 40% blue-ish means it's Messenger) and then assign. I have specific apps I want to filter for, in the mean time. Another way to determine which app is I know certain regions are always black (footer/header area). Is this something I should just develop organically?

    What sort of domain should I look into or existing projects? Is there a specific tooling / library made for processing lots of images?

    submitted by /u/Intentions01
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    C, getline, sscanf format

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 08:37 AM PST

    Hi, Im currently programming one program, I use getline for getting the user input, the user input format should be:"[x,y] string", where x and y are doubles(position) and string is name.(Plane with this name is at this positon)

    I use sscanf for controlling the input- great format, x and y are numbers like this: sscanf(string,"[ %lf , %lf ] %[^\n]",&plane[i].x,&plane[i].y,plane[i].name) where string is the line from getline, and then I save it in these 'variables'.

    Sscanf returns number of correct 'saves' to variable

    So if sscanf!=3 then its wrong input

    but the plane doesnt need to have a name and can be inputed also only like this:[x,y]

    So I wanted to use one sscanf: sscanf(string,"[ %lf , %lf ]",&plane[i].x,&plane[i].y) check it and then use second sscanf: sscanf(string,"[ %*f , %*f ] %[^\n]",plane[i].name);

    But the first sscanf isnt working and it will let through this kind of input: [10,20 British Airlines

    but I need it to take it as bad input because the numbers arent in parentheses [ ]

    Sorry for my english.

    submitted by /u/DominikMraz
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    C# Python or Kotlin for earning money?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2019 06:37 AM PST

    Please don't comment anything unnecessary like "The one that suits you best. The one you like the most"

    I'm an SE stundent and I currently only know Java. I thought about learning an additional language. So far I've looked into C# Python snd Kotlin.

    Which of these languages is currently the best to find a lot of jobs and which oneis the best to find well paid jobs?

    submitted by /u/pm_me_if_u_thicc
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