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    Tuesday, November 26, 2019

    Can I deploy a personal mobile app for free? Ask Programming

    Can I deploy a personal mobile app for free? Ask Programming

    Can I deploy a personal mobile app for free?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 06:46 AM PST

    Hi, I've been working as a developer for 3 years now. My father has a cycle parts wholesaling business which he manages EVERYTHING himself and I might inherit said business in the near future.

    Now, personally I don't like being in the sales part of things, but I'd be willing to do inventory and supply management, so it got me thinking that I could develop a simple inventory/supply chain management mobile app for the business.

    Problem is, I have zero mobile development knowledge. I'm pretty optimistic that I can develop the app, but I'm not sure if I can deploy it on my phone (and maybe my dad's phone) for no deployment costs. Maybe I can use a spreadsheet as a database, or maybe I can invest a little bit for the database management.

    I will really appreciate any feedback on this. Maybe you could also give me some business advice. Hehe.

    submitted by /u/EphemeralEbora
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    Git question - Local document seems to have reverted to old version

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 06:30 PM PST

    Trying to figure out what happened here, thanks in advance for your help.

    I created a document inside of a folder that is tracked through Git. It was in a new branch of our project that no one else would have been working in. As I worked, I was pushing the changes up to the remote and I finally finished this afternoon. When finished, I saved, committed, and pushed. I can see the final version in Github.

    At this point, I needed to make another document that was very similar so I 'saved as' in Sublime and created a duplicate document in the same folder. As I was working, I made a correction that I realized needed made in my first document too. When I opened the original file, it's an old version that is missing half the content that I've finished since that time.

    I'm trying to figure out what I did and how that happened. Hopefully I can also get the 'final' version of the document as it currently exists in remote. Obviously I'm a novice, thanks in advance for the help.

    submitted by /u/anh86
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    Travel Expense Program Help!

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 06:26 PM PST

    Please help! I'm working on a travel expense program (C++) and I'm having trouble understanding part of the requirements for one of the functions in the program.

    The directions for one of the functions are: "getTime function asks to use 24-hour clock for time of departure on the first day of the trip, and the time of arrival back home on the last day of the trip. This function uses pass by reference for startTime and endTime. Using military time format: HH.MM. Use: while(startTime>23.59||startTime-int(time)>0.59) as your condition to validate startTime and endTime<24.00 in hour and <0.60 in minute."

    I have the basic code for collecting the departure and return times, but I am confused as to why the function should use "pass by reference". The getTime function doesn't need any data put into it to work and it doesn't return any data either, as nothing in the function is ever used again for the rest of the program (it's kind of a useless function imho). Additionally, I am having a very hard time understanding the part in the directions explaining how to validate the input, specifically when it mentions "int(time)" and then later when it mentions hour and minutes separately.

    Here is my code so far:

    #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; int getDays(); void getTime(); double getAirFare(); double getTaxi(int); double getRegistration(); double getHotelExpenses(int); double totalExpenses = 0; int main() { int daysOnTrip = getDays(); getTime(); double totalAllowed = getAirFare(); getTaxi(daysOnTrip); double allowedTaxi = 10 * (daysOnTrip); totalAllowed += allowedTaxi; totalAllowed += getRegistration(); getHotelExpenses(daysOnTrip); double allowedHotel = 90 * (daysOnTrip - 1); totalAllowed += allowedHotel; cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2); cout << "Allowable Expenses: $" << totalAllowed << endl; cout << "Total Expenses: $" << totalExpenses << endl; double difference = totalExpenses - totalAllowed; cout << "The difference is: $" << difference << endl; return 0; } //************ int getDays() { int days; cout << "How many days were spent on the trip?\n"; cin >> days; while (days < 0) { cout << "Enter a positive value.\n"; cin >> days; } return days; } //****************** void getTime() { double departTime; double returnTime; cout << "Using the 24 hour clock, enter the departure time (enter as HH.MM).\n"; cin >> departTime; cout << "Using the 24 hour clock, enter the return time (enter as HH.MM).\n"; cin >> returnTime; } //****************** double getAirFare() { double airFare; cout << "Enter the total airfare.\n"; cin >> airFare; while (airFare < 0) { cout << "Enter a positive value.\n"; cin >> airFare; } cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2); totalExpenses += airFare; return airFare; } //******************** double getTaxi(int daysOnTrip) { double totalTaxi = 0; double taxiFee; cout << "Enter the taxi fees for each day of the trip.\n"; for (int count = 0; count < daysOnTrip; count++) { cout << "The company covers up to $10 per day.\n"; cout << "Day " << count + 1 << ": "; cin >> taxiFee; while (taxiFee < 0) { cout << "Enter a positive value.\n"; cin >> taxiFee; } totalTaxi += taxiFee; } totalExpenses += totalTaxi; return totalTaxi; } //******************** double getRegistration() { double registrationFee; cout << "Enter the amount of the conference registration fee.\n"; cin >> registrationFee; while (registrationFee < 0) { cout << "Enter a positive value.\n"; cin >> registrationFee; } totalExpenses += registrationFee; return registrationFee; } //*********************** double getHotelExpenses(int daysOnTrip) { double roomRate; double hotelFee; cout << "Enter the nightly hotel room rate. The company covers $90 per night.\n"; cin >> roomRate; while (roomRate<0) { cout << "Enter a positive value.\n"; cin >> roomRate; } hotelFee = (daysOnTrip - 1)*roomRate; totalExpenses += hotelFee; return hotelFee; } /*Sample Output from Assignment Sheet: How many days were spent on the trip? 3 Using the 24 hour clock, enter the departure time: 13.00 Using the 24 hour clock, enter the return time: 13.00 Enter the amount of airfare: $1000 Enter taxi fees for each day of the trip. You are allowed up to $10 per day. Day 1: 15 You are allowed up to $10 per day. Day 2: 15 You are allowed up to $10 per day. Day 3: 10 Enter the amount of the conference registration fee: 400 The maximum allowable room rate is $90 per night. Enter the nightly hotel room rate. 100 Allowable Expenses: $1610.00 Total Expenses: $1640.00 Difference: $30.00*/ 
    submitted by /u/aarose10
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    Calling Static Function in Object Class PHP

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 06:01 PM PST

    I have a class that represents an entry in my DB and the constructor sets all the columns as properties plus I have a bunch of functions to manipulate the data of that entry. Then I have a static method in the class that should work by MyClass::MyMethod(); to add an entry to the DB. When I try running a script with the class included I get these errors:

    public static function MyMethod()

    syntax error, unexpected 'public' (T_PUBLIC)

    static function MyMethod()

    syntax error, unexpected 'MyMethod' (T_STRING), expecting '('

    static public function MyMethod()

    syntax error, unexpected 'public' (T_PUBLIC), expecting :: (T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM)

    I'm not understanding why these errors are happening. I'm pretty sure you're able to use static functions in a class that instantiates objects as long as you call them in a static context using the MyClass::MyMethod() syntax. Any help appreciated.

    submitted by /u/jockyboy_sacks
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    Using HTTP/REST for chess app

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 04:10 PM PST

    I am writing a multiplayer chess app. I am using flutter for the front end, and for the back end I am using Java. I am using http for messaging with the Jetty library (embedded).

    I have never done any web dev, or work with http, or anything around REST apis.

    I am confused about whether I should be leveraging the HTTP GET, POST, PUT, etc. I am also not really sure on the advantages of using a REST api design.

    In my beginner mind, I am thinking that every message from the server could be a POST to the empty URI, and then it would contain a JSON message body. The JSON body could then contain a field at the top level that would indicate the message type. Is this naive?

    So for example I could have the following messages...

    logon , get_games_for_account , make_move_for_game

    All of those messages could be sent to the server as POST("/"), then in the JSON body at the top level there could be

    message_type : "logon"

    Alternatively I guess I could use some sort of rest approach (which my grasp is rather tenuous) and the same message might look like...




    I am really not sure of the advantage of the second. For simplicity's sake, I am inclined to opt for the first. I just don't have any confidence in my decision, since I have never developed anything like this before.

    Insight, recommendations, general guidance all highly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/scorr14
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    How are SEO keyword to URL tools implemented?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 03:43 PM PST

    *Apologies if this isn't the correct subreddit to ask this.

    I am trying to imitate what other SEO tools, like SE Ranking, and SEMRush do, where they are able to show the "organic keywords" that were searched to find a particular URL. I want to know how this is done, especially how they are able to do this on any 3rd party website. How would I go about trying to implement something similar?

    submitted by /u/shazbots
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    Programming languages and questionnaire development

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 03:15 PM PST

    Hi, I would like to develop a questionnaire for my thesis. But I'm asking myself what is the best language to learn for reaching my goal. I have a year to work on it. (In the evenings) My goal for example: The end questionnaire could be something like this: You answer to multiple questions and cases. This would give you as a result a list of sentences that define you based on the answers. That's my end goal. But to make this possible I first need to attain data. That is to make people answer questions and afterwards select the sentences that matches best with this person. If possible I would like it if I could give the questionnaires on a tablet. This would make it easier to reach more people. But the most important part is the end goal that is the questionnaire with automated answers. (About myself: I think I'm not retarded, but never other then autohotkey and simple Excel, have I written a program) I appreciate all the feedback.

    submitted by /u/COMINGTHRU
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    Need help with concept for coursework.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 03:03 PM PST

    Ok, so this is probably going to be overly convoluted due to the circumstance, but basically my girlfriend is struggling right now with her coursework. It caused a lot of tension, and due to some reasons I personally fail to understand, she can't talk to her teacher about it.

    I was wondering if I attempt to explain the issue, could someone maybe lend some advice? There is a huge chance I am misunderstanding the question, but any advice that I can relay to her may get her out of this rut.

    So, as far as I understand it, she must run a system that has an input from a database that then must filter into three processors where I think they undergo a series of checks. There is an arrival and duration time for each task, alongside an ID. First it checks the ID's; if it's valid then this is where it gets filtered into the processor. The desired final result is that the valid tasks have been filtered into a list that has only valid ID's, but the arrival and duration accounted for and then listed chronologically.

    The issue seems to be that the processors are printing the tasks, but not in chronological order.

    The data is all coming out, but the order is wrong.

    I have no idea if any of that even made sense, but I hope someone can decipher it.

    submitted by /u/Doogle300
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    How does Templated Video Generation on the Backend or AWS work?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 02:32 PM PST

    Hey everyone!

    I was looking at a few examples from Anchor Trailers and BulletApp like:



    They're super well done and I can't find anything online pointing to how one could dynamically generate these types of videos if you're given an audio, an image and some words to put in frames of the video


    submitted by /u/novaape
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    How does debounce work? (VHDL)

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 02:08 PM PST

    I've been working on this college project that consist of a clock and a chronometer that we can toggle between using a switch. The project requires me to implement a pause pushbutton (the same button pauses and unpauses the clock) So, from what I read on the internet, I need a debounce module to make this happen, and that a debouncer gives me one '1' for a button click instead of so many. However, I wanted to see this so I linked the debounced signal to an led, and the led kept lighting as long as I held the button. This got me so confused, can anyone explain to me how a debouncer actually works?

    submitted by /u/waroudi
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    Is my GitHub page enough or do I need website and blog ?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 12:24 PM PST

    Hi guys, I'm software developer student at a technical college graduation this fall with associate degree and hoping to get a job and go to university for computer science degree, I work as an intern now.

    I have a lot of projects and I learn everyday, I have GitHub page where I uploaded some projects and I have some on my laptop 👨🏾‍💻. Is that enough or should I create a website where I blog too so employers can recognize me.

    I'm just trying to break into this industry. My GitHub page is C NASIR if you're interested

    submitted by /u/CNASIR
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    Programming a virtual printer driver for a word document

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 11:43 AM PST


    for a project we need to program a virtual printer driver so that you can create a (specific) xml file based on an invoice as a word document, so that you can use the print option in Word and you are able to choose this virtual printer and create a specific XML-File, where we need to define the structure. I've researched a lot about this topic but I didn't find much, because the last thread was probably created in 2003. I know that we need to use C++ and WDK but I didn't find much else. Are there any open libraries that we can use? Are there any special keywords we could search for that could make our work easier? Do you know how to proceed? I mean, now that we have 2019, this should be easier to program, right? Because I noticed that a lot of people in old forums said that it is very complex and it would take at least 6 months as a team. What do you think about it? Or is there any subreddit where these questions would fit better?

    submitted by /u/Speed30777
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    How can you use Spring Security's login with a single page Angular 2 application?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 11:31 AM PST

    Spring Security creates a default login page when adding its dependency to mavens pom.xml. I understand you can override this default login page using Spring's MVC pattern, e.g. Thymeleaf. However, my question pertains to the single page design pattern of Angular 2+, and how one could use a login page built and routed in Angular as Spring Security's login. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/littlepresman
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    Need Help Getting Started

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 10:51 AM PST

    I am a recently graduated Philosophy major working as a Technical Writer for a pharmaceutical company. I love my job, as I'm essentially an editor, fixing procedures for format and data integrity purposes. I work with Microsoft Word all day and have it mastered it for the purposes of my job. However, I want to write a program to identify some specific grammatical situations, specifically pertaining to verbs and possibly displaying imperative versions of the sentences that can be selected and replaced with the correct format with just a quick glance and a click. Obviously there are 10+ other ideas I have to automate a quick editing process, but I have to build them some how/way.

    To be honest, I'm really starting from scratch. I suffered through Symbolic Logic in my undergrad and feel really confident in dealing with operators and Boolean structures. I've messed around with Java and some other coding tutorial apps, but I really just want to jump right in to building a solution to Microsoft Word. I don't know what I don't know, so here are some questions that I have for some kind, knowledgeable tech-savvy people:

    What workstation should I download? Should I/can I utilize my MacBook or my Toshiba laptop for Linux for building programs? Is Ubuntu necessary for Mac/Linux marriage?

    How do you "hack" Microsoft Word/manipulate it? I don't even know what terminology to use here: how do you write a program to identify certain word patterns in a .docx? Or perhaps the question is: is there a way to replicate the HTML (might be wrong about that terminology) in another word processor, run my conceptual program on it, and move it back into Word 'fixed'?

    Are there any good, helpful tutorials you'd recommend for Penetration Testing?

    What language should I focus on? My other application ideas are in building education apps that do essentially what Trivia Crack does...what languages are good for developing that type of stuff?

    Are coding boot camps worth looking into? If so, any recommendations?

    Any advice/direction is greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/hitchslap1492
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    Help Us Design the Future of Design

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 02:00 PM PST


    We are Interaction Design Master's students from the Estonian Academy of Arts and it would be really awesome if you could give us some real human insight for our Service Design project.

    We are on a quest to bridge the gap between creative innovators and meaningful work.


    Take this short 3-minute survey and we'll show you what's cooking ;)


    submitted by /u/danae-ixd
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    Use search index for relational data

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 09:13 AM PST

    I want to use a variant of Lucene (ElasticSearch, Azure Search, ...) to index job descriptions that contain several full text search fields. Easy enough. The challenge is the client that is performing the search should only see the jobs that they have access to via various subscription mechanisms. In the relational world, we'd join our subscription tables and add where clauses. What would be the preferred approach here?

    submitted by /u/screwuapple
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    Visual Studio not showing Errors, yet Build fails

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 09:11 AM PST

    I keep having nuisance issues with error detection in Visual Studio 2019, often forcing me to close/reopen VS to fix it.

    Or all code will turn white, forcing me to close/reopen the file.

    It's a careful dance of build, save / build again, close class file / reopen, close visual studio / reopen

    I always manage to fix it, but goddamn it's a huge nuisance every 30 minutes or so.

    Also, when a build fails, it doesn't show me the line where it fails. I have to rely on try/catches everywhere, and even then I have to drill down line-by-line. Why can't I just see "Line 32: blahblah"??

    Btw I'm working on a Blazor project, if that makes a difference...

    submitted by /u/ViveMind
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    Simple/hard question: which is the best way to learn a programming language?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 08:53 AM PST

    I learn different programming languages in university, but now i wanna restart to learn the important ones (java, c, python, ecc.). How can i learn this programming language? I think that on internet there are a lot of site and tools to learn programming languages, but i don't know which one of these is the best. Please help me, i'm very interested to learn how to program.

    P.S.: english is not my first language, and i'm sorry if i make some mistake, but i can undestand it quite well so i don't have any problem with sites or tools that are in english.


    submitted by /u/Mister_Enzo
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    Best way to handle session state in UDP application?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 07:37 AM PST

    I was thinking of having a producer consumer model with the consumer directing the request to the correct worker thread by a unique identifier in the request. The worker thread would be a FSM storing state of that session.

    Is this a good idea ??

    Thanks in advance !

    submitted by /u/HyperioxxD
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    What are some good projects to have on a resume for intermediate programmers?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 11:49 PM PST

    Like the title says, what are some good projects to have on your resume for an intermediate programmer?

    One more question. What concepts of programming are considered beginner, intermediate, and expert?

    submitted by /u/dnlaua
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    Storing password hash

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 07:17 AM PST

    My c# application needs to get a username and password from a user and then store it for re-use. We only want to enter those credentials that one time and therefor need to save a hash of those credentials.

    I have created a salted hash using DPAPI in the form of a byte array but I am not sure of the most secure method of storing that hash on the actual users PC.

    Any ideas?

    Also, what should I be using for salt? I currently have just use a made up value

    submitted by /u/IIlIIlllIlIIlllIlIIl
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    The best way to debug a code is to stop coding

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 04:46 AM PST

    Think about the amount of bugs you solved while using the debugger, and now think about the amount of bugs you solved while trying to sleep, or taking a shower, or (in my case) pooping.

    If you step back from your computer and start doing anything else you will eventually start thinking about the bug you have and will eventually discover how to fix it. After thinking about the solution you will probably think something like "I'm so stupid, how could I not think about this?! It's so obvious"

    submitted by /u/BernardoPiedade
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    Best design pattern for chaining api commands

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 04:27 AM PST

    Essentially what the title says, I have a program that requires 4/5 api commands in sequence and using the result of the previous command to determine whether to fire off the next api command. So essentially

    commandA -> commandB(uses results of commandsA) -> CommandC(uses results of commandB) and so on and so forth

    the easiest way would be to do to an if-else... if(A success) do B etc..

    just some pointers would be great thanks.

    submitted by /u/z-2
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