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    CompSci Weekend SuperThread (October 04, 2019) Computer Science

    CompSci Weekend SuperThread (October 04, 2019) Computer Science

    CompSci Weekend SuperThread (October 04, 2019)

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 06:04 PM PDT

    /r/compsci strives to be the best online community for computer scientists. We moderate posts to keep things on topic.

    This Weekend SuperThread provides a discussion area for posts that might be off-topic normally. Anything Goes: post your questions, ideas, requests for help, musings, or whatever comes to mind as comments in this thread.


    • If you're looking to answer questions, sort by new comments.
    • If you're looking for answers, sort by top comment.
    • Upvote a question you've answered for visibility.
    • Downvoting is discouraged. Save it for discourteous content only.


    • It's not truly "Anything Goes". Please follow Reddiquette and use common sense.
    • Homework help questions are discouraged.
    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    For professors' note: use PVS-Studio to get students familiar with code analysis tools

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 12:59 AM PDT

    Where to publish a paper

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 10:12 AM PDT

    I am an independent researcher, writing a paper, and it's almost complete. I just need to proofread and double check my math. Here comes the daunting part, publishing it, which journal and why.

    I have been researching many journals, ACM Transactions, Journal of the ACM, IEEE, Algorithmica, and many other. There's also the option of self-publishing through ResearchGate. What about their peer-review process? Some journals may have their own formatting template and rules, which adds the complexity and time to re-edit your paper to their templates.

    For those who have published a paper, how do you do it? Since I am not associated with any university, it's a bit difficult to find the right channel.

    submitted by /u/atedja
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    Transforming CRM Operations With Artificial Intelligence

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 12:26 AM PDT

    Are there any online websites that simply boolean algebra?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 01:57 PM PDT

    I need to check my answers for boolean algebra problems I did. Right now my best option is doing K-maps for all the problems I did, which is definitely do able but tedious as the equations are really long with 4 variables. So are there any alternatives?

    submitted by /u/lucky_ninja
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    How to find all palindrome substrings given a string with A TRIE?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 11:28 PM PDT

    Given a string ababacba, how can I generate all possible palindrome substrings USING A TRIE? MY GOAL IS TO USE A TRIE.

    I was thinking of an approach of the following:

    1. Generate a suffix trie with the original string
    2. Reverse the string
    3. Generate all suffixes of the reversed string
    4. For each of this suffixes, compare by going each node in the suffix trie to determine palindrome

    However, it seems that this might not work for certain cases such as it detects baba as a palindrome when it is not, because reading ababacba is the same as reading ababacba, both bolded statement have abab and its reversed baba.

    Hence, I think this approach is not valid, so how can I generate all palindrome substrings using a trie?

    Desired output for string ababacba.

    ababa bab aba 
    submitted by /u/anoystud
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    What is a 2-3 sentence explanation for the difference between a DFA and an NFA?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 12:26 PM PDT

    I'm taking a programming languages class right now where we are reviewing Finite State Automata and Context Fred Languages in our studies of the history and evolution of programming languages. I realized I'm a little rusty on some of the theory and wanted to pose the question on the very simple explanation of the difference between a DFA and an NFA.

    My answer is the following..

    A DFA's state is pre-determined and we have no choice in what our next state would be. A NFA's state has multiple choices in state change and can be chosen at random.

    How would you describe it?

    submitted by /u/bootyjugo
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    eqauls vs ==

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 08:13 PM PDT

    ive just begun learning java and am quite confused between when to use equals and ==. any help is appreciated, thanks in advance

    submitted by /u/midoweno
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    SICP for complete beginner?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 01:56 PM PDT

    I will keep it short but I work in technology and use cloud services everyday.

    I have never had any "formal" computer science education have no programming experience and would like to self-teach myself.

    I've seen SICP recommended as a good starting place/introduction to computer science but I have also read it's "mathematically rigorous" so I guess my question is... is this going to be a waste of time for someone with mediocre math skills and little programming exp?

    submitted by /u/unnamedplayerr
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    NVIDIA & ORNL Researchers Train AI Model on World’s Top Supercomputer Using 27,600 NVIDIA GPUs

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 08:02 AM PDT

    Are design patterns more harm than good?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 08:35 AM PDT

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