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    Monday, September 30, 2019

    Start my first job tomorrow at IBM! learn programming

    Start my first job tomorrow at IBM! learn programming

    Start my first job tomorrow at IBM!

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 04:27 PM PDT

    I am very excited. Software Engineer Apprenticeship.

    Started from here - moved on to udemy - then to a coding bootcamp. I cant believe it really worked.

    To those who are trying to find a job right now. The biggest piece of advice i can give you is be as honest as possible about what you want to learn and why. I had the basic knowledge for a junior spot without a doubt - but what got me into this job was apparently my ranting about docker aws quantum computing just being interested in general.

    We are all feeling like imposters but if you're going for these junior spots - they really want to see that you have natural interest in this field and express enthusiasm about its future.

    Idk im sure there will be some that just want to see you reorder the alphabet without applying any object methods too - but i think enthusiasm and modesty nailed me my job.

    Idk im just excited and i hope somebody even just one person can take that and maybe it'll be helpful.

    Good luck to all

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    What is a feature you learned late in your programming life that you wish you had learned earlier?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 10:57 AM PDT

    I met a guy who, after 2 years of programming c#, had just learned about methods and it blew his mind that he never learned about it before. This girl from a coding podcast I listen to was 1 year into programming and only recently learned about switch cases.

    edit: the response was bigger than I expected, thanks for all the comments. I read all of them (and saved some for later use/study hehe).

    The podcast name is CodeNewbie by the way. I learned a few things with it although I only finished 1 or 2 seasons (it has 9 seasons!).

    submitted by /u/vksdan
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    Resource I can watch alongside of starting The Odin Project

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 10:50 AM PDT

    I'm embracing a career change at 32. Luckily, there is a lot of downtime at my current job but not quite enough to pop open my laptop and continue my lessons with TOP.

    Is there a series, user, youtube, video collection that sort of closely follows the same progression of TOP that I can watch at work that will supplement what I learn from TOP? I'm currently just setting up now and getting through WebDev 101.

    To be clear, I don't want to replace anything in TOP, just looking for a video series to help me supplement my learning.


    submitted by /u/mazterofpupetz
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    CS50 course worth it?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 06:34 AM PDT

    Hi im 16 learning python and thought why not try to take the CS50 course is it worth it? And am i too young or is there anything i should learn before taking it like some advanced math or something

    submitted by /u/Aldorixus
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    Ethical Hacking

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 01:15 PM PDT

    Does anyone know any good websites to learn ethical hackers for beginners that doesn't cost too much

    submitted by /u/DynamicDonk
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    Starting an online programming club as a beginner yourself?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 04:25 PM PDT

    Currently I've been still in the learning curve of learning syntax and watching lessons to 'getting it' in depth, and have really wanted to find some sort of community I could figure this out with and join, but there have been virtually none in my area, so to begin I wanted to make a virtual code club for people in my area to meet any schedule issues or lack in resources to find clubs, and had the idea in a book club-esque design in the beginner-intermediate level which one buys then distributes a course, and we all take it and document our thoughts, try and help each other with our issues, but I've been a bit worried and overwhelmed on administrating our courses and lessons when trying to sort out the right curriculum to learn on my own as well, but this is something that I really need to achieve and need right now not having a community to go to. What would you suggest for finding the right curriculum, and finding mentors and instruction, and generally facilitating a club online? Right now I've been trying to learn beginners game development in c++ and was thinking of trying to link the current YouTube course I'm taking into the group resource website I'm trying to make, but I know that running a successful programming club will require more than simply locating YouTube courses and placing them on the website and discord. Any advice to make this possible would be beyond helpful, thanks again.

    submitted by /u/apple3331
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    Binary Search

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 09:12 PM PDT


    I have been working on a binary search assignment and my code works until there is a duplicated item. If there is an element that is duplicated, it should return the 1st occurrence, but I am not sure how to do that.

    This is my code:

    public class Searcher {

    public Object doBinarySearch(int\[\] arrayToSearch, int i) { int first = 0; 

    int last = arrayToSearch.length - 1;

    while (first <= last) {

    int middle = (first + last) / 2;

    if (i == arrayToSearch[middle])


    return middle;


    if (i < arrayToSearch[middle])


    last = middle - 1;




    first = middle + 1;



    return -1;



    submitted by /u/hannah888oui
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    Learning while working

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 10:35 AM PDT

    I wouldnt call myself an expert in any language, but I do have plenty of time to get better as a 17 year old. This is a question from anyone new to learning programming and are serious about getting into the field quickly.

    I was wondering if it were possible to find some entry level job (not looking for millions) in which one would be able to learn as they worked. If so, would it be easier to become employed stationed in an office or online? Any information helps really.

    submitted by /u/yittey
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    Pseudocode and abstraction are easy for me. But how do I improve implementation in a specific language?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2019 12:42 AM PDT

    I know people always say do projects. And that's probably true. But then I see tons of questions on here asking the next logical question: What projects? I have various ideas of things to do, ranging from near trivial to probably quite huge, but I wouldn't know how to start these, I'm still quite new to coding. I'm thinking I should learn a bit more first? Like from a textbook on Python or C++ or something. There are also things like leetcode.com that I've heard about.

    What would reddit recommend as a way forward? I am educated as a Mathematician, so logic and abstraction are my strong suits. What I lack is knowledge of computer science, but from my understanding that's not crucial for all programming. I'm not a software engineer nor do I necessarily want to be. But I love coding, or at least pseudocode so far. Abstracting a problem and working it out logically. I also love maths. So yeah I don't know. Maybe Data Science?

    Thank you for any and all advice on this matter, and sorry if this question gets asked a lot.

    Keep it nerdy :)

    submitted by /u/andywantstocode
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    I have to select 2 of the following for my uni: Security, Networking and Databases. What's your opinion?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2019 12:36 AM PDT

    What the title states. I need to choose 2 categories of the 3 categories of courses: Security, networking and databases.I have no idea for any of these.

    Which combination should I select and why? Thanks!

    (ps. I feel like going for security and databases. Security has difficult courses but sounds very interesting. And I pick databases over networking because I have the impression that is gonna be more useful for jobs. Anyway, still I need opinions.)

    submitted by /u/sahgon1999
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    Quick regex question re: escape characters and [^ ]

    Posted: 30 Sep 2019 12:06 AM PDT

    I want to exclude all tags from a substitution.


    The problem is [^ ] matches everything literally, and I don't know what or how to properly escape out

    I want to substitute everything with # except for html tags and a set of Chinese characters. Here's what I've tried so far.

    common_characters = re.compile(r"[^\(\<\/\?\w\*\>)\W的一二三四五六七八九bunch of chinese characters父母姐哥妹弟兄是不了在]") colorcloze = common_characters.sub('#', colorized) 
    submitted by /u/Abort-Retry
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    Need help on this part of my program (c++)

    Posted: 30 Sep 2019 12:04 AM PDT

    I'm trying to finish up one of my labs for a class I have but I'm having a very slight issue that is bugging me. My program displays when the Triangle is a right triangle but it doesn't display when it isn't a right triangle . I'm not sure if i'm over thinking this

    I put the " ( 0 ) " as a filler because I wanted to test the program but I needed something in there to test it

    // Find out if the triangle is a right triangle or not doing the py theorom

    if (sideA * sideA == sideB * sideB + sideC * sideC || sideB * sideB == sideA * sideA + sideC * sideC || sideC * sideC == sideB * sideB + sideA * sideA)


     cout << "This is a right triangle"; cout << endl; 


    else if ( 0 )


     cout << "This is not a right triangle"; cout << endl; 


    submitted by /u/I_SHOT_A_PIG
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    Stack overflow error (c++ templates and classes)?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 11:36 PM PDT


    So I am kinda trying to wrap my head around templates (and intricacies of classes) and how to use them with functions and classes and im still kinda confused why im getting a stack overflow error if I don't comment out lines 32 and 33?

    I understand because they are part of the base class they are accessible regardless because of public inheritance but I just don't understand why leaving those two lines in there causes a stack overflow. I get that it is redundant but also wouldn't it also be calling pair.first() regardless of whether I have it in there or not because I never made them virtual?


    submitted by /u/mushi1996
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    What Softwares and Tools i need to start learning python?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 11:30 PM PDT

    Like the title said, i want to learn python, but i heard that it require many add-ons and tools.

    so what i need to install to start learning python?

    submitted by /u/Greyhat101
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    'No available video device'

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 03:39 PM PDT

    I am trying to create my first game using python. I am using the website ide.cs50.io to do all my programming. I got to the point in my program where I have to create the window for the game to be displayed in (the beginning). Then when I run the program to make sure it works it gives me the error: 'pygame.error: No available video device.' I looked through the settings of the website and saw nothing about video source. I am very confused and have been looking for a solution for an hour. If anyone can help this beginner out, it would be much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/PhantomAnt56
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    How does changing a java project into a maven project affect the classpath?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 11:05 PM PDT

    I have made a simple hello world program. One is a java project, while the other is a copy of the other, but modified into a maven project. Here are two examples of .classpath files of the two projects.

    1. Why did Maven change so much the .classpath, considering I added no more dependencies? What is exactly the relationship between the classpath and maven?
    2. Why when I turn a java project into a maven one, I get a /bin and /target directories added to my project?
    3. What is the different between /bin and /target? Both contain the compiled .class files of the source code. Why does java create duplicate files for the same build?

    This classpath concept is really holding me back from solving a lot of headaches. I already scoured wikipedia and the oracle docs so I hope you could help me.

    submitted by /u/BigBootyBear
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    How to get obsessed with coding through gaming?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 11:05 PM PDT

    Learning how to code can be the most tedious thing ever at time. Most people give up just because of how boring and exhausting it can be.

    But those same people are those people playing League of Legends or World of Warcraft for 10 hours a day.

    Many games are extremely complex at first, so that goes to show that even complex games can be fun to the point where people are playing those games every hour of the day.

    My question is if there are any "programming" games that would serve that purpose? So in my case, instead of playing chess or some other game, I could become obsessed with a programming game to the point where it literally boosts my learning tremendously.

    Any websites, apps, etc that you could recommend to me?

    submitted by /u/19keyaswt
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    why isn't the two-column approach working?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 10:54 PM PDT

    I'm having trouble and its possible its because its late at night and I'm seriously tired but I am trying to get this CSS code to style in the form of two centered columns and it only works as one column:

    * { box-sizing: border-box; } .container { background-color: #07575B; height: 400px; margin: 10px; display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; flex-direction: column; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } .container > div { background-color: #66A5AD; color: aliceblue; text-align: center; padding: 20px; margin: 1px; border: 3px #C4DFE6 solid; float: left; } # facebook { font-size: 10px; } 

    Ideally, it would be two columns and in other cases it was. I think I screwed something up.

    What is it that I messed up that is causing the code not to work? I am trying really hard but I'm having a hard time figuring out what it is that's screwing up my code. I know its like one little syntax error but I can't quite find it with my eyes.

    submitted by /u/psychoticAutistic
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    Good, low-level tutorials Neural Networks

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 07:08 PM PDT

    I am a pretty experienced programmer and know a fair bit about neural nets. I am at a honors highschool graduate level of math skills, I was wondering if there were any tutorials explaining all the math behind a neural net at the lowest possible level maybe in a low-level language like C?

    submitted by /u/Soren11112
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    Thoughts on college methodology of teaching programming?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 10:53 PM PDT

    I'm a freshman in college with a decent amount of coding experience.

    Going into college I read a lot online about the average college's methodology of teaching. I've heard all sorts of things such as how it lacks practicality and doesn't really prepare you for the workforce. Rants and whatnot which I'm sure have some truth embedded in them.

    From what I've now experienced first hand, a lot of what they are teaching here is at time purely abstract. I like to get hands on so I program on my off time and take online courses that are more practical.

    To be honest, there are some days when I question if going to lecture is any better than me staying home and learning programming myself.

    What are your thoughts on the abstract methodology most colleges use to teach not just programming but basically everything else?

    submitted by /u/19keyaswt
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    [Conceptual] Is this problem a dynamic programming problem?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 01:59 PM PDT


    So, some basic help here...


    So, I'm curious: can this be solved using dynamic programming, instead of the canonical solution of testing the individual substrings until you encounter repeating characters? Intuitively, since this asks for an extrema, this is one of the two cases (the other being the number of ways you can do something) that indicates a dynamic programming problem, from what I recall from MIT OCW a few years back. But I want to get better at formally diagnosing DP problems when I encounter them, and this might be a good counterexample to my informal diagnostic. I need something more reliable than what the problem is asking for: I need to know when something fulfills the conditions for DP more reliably. Since DP is so omnipresent in interviews, this is obviously useful on a practical basis, but I'm also just not satisfied with my fragile ability to detect better ways of solving problems beyond brute-force or other "obvious" solutions, and getting better with DP is a great way of getting the hang of that. It's simple in theory, but you have to get good at detecting when you can use it and how you would...

    So, how can I tell if something has optimal substructure and overlapping subproblems, using this problem as an example? Two birds, one stone.

    Thank you for your time.

    submitted by /u/PerkunosRising
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    What is the difference in knowladge between a a selftaught programmer and an CS graduate?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 11:21 AM PDT

    I have never taken a cs class and I've been programming for years

    I was always curious about what I missed by not having a CS background

    submitted by /u/Eaves12
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    Can someone explain to me what semaphores are like I'm five ?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 04:26 PM PDT

    I am taking an embedded systems course (pretty much all Real Time Operating Systems stuff) and I've been having a hard time deeply understanding everything because it is fairly new to me.

    I know semaphores are important when talking about operating systems. It seems to me like it's either a variable with an integer greater than 0 or it can either be a flag/boolean value of 1 or 0.

    I know I can Google this question and I already have, but I want a real simple definition to grasp the concept. Can anyone tell me what a semaphore is in simplest terms ?

    submitted by /u/binarySearch_recurse
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    Reading through Modern C by Gustedt and theres this explanation I don't understand.

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 04:25 PM PDT

    The code:

    int main (int argc , char * argv [ argc +1]) ;

    Author's explanation:

    "The second summarizes the fact that main receives an array of pointers to char: the program name, argc-1 program arguments, and one null pointer that terminates the array. "

    So, the author is referring to the line of code above with this sentence. What I don't understand is what he means by the entire statement. What does he mean by "receives array of pointers to char"? Is he saying that main function receives an array of pointers to an array of characters? I know in this instance of main being called, argc is declared as an integer and represents the count of arguments. argv[argc + 1] is declared as a character pointer array so I assume its storing characters for each argument (hence the name argument vector)?
    By definition, characters usually can only store 1 character symbol. However, character arrays can act like strings. But, why is a pointer being used? From his explanation, it seems that every argument is being stored as a string so argument[0] contains the program name, argument[1] through argument[argc-1] contains program arguments, and the last argument in the array (argv[argc]) contains a null pointer that terminates the array. How is the null pointer achieving this?

    submitted by /u/NoBrightSide
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    CSS Positioning Tool?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 10:13 PM PDT

    Is there an app or setting on Safari that allows the developer to see the position of the window with cursor position? I'm moving stuff around with css and it's annoying to keep guessing positions.

    submitted by /u/KingOfSenpais
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