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    Saturday, September 28, 2019

    Online indie games on Steam are slowly bleeding due to revenge/burned-out reviews

    Online indie games on Steam are slowly bleeding due to revenge/burned-out reviews

    Online indie games on Steam are slowly bleeding due to revenge/burned-out reviews

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 12:50 AM PDT

    Over the past 3 years, I've contributed tons of [hopefully useful] articles, post/mid-mortems, discoveries, and guides to this /r/ and I have been hesitant to post this article due to the emotional impact this has on me. However, I feel that it's part of our indie society to have awareness of the current trend of the industry, including the Steam review system.

    More specifically, online games on Steam. Even more specifically, online games on Steam that moderate:


    TL;DR (but still long):

    • According to @KingbladeDev, the average amount of reviews we get is about 1% of our actual audience.
    • For recent reviews, the average is about 10~15 per month (the lower-extreme is from my own experience). Since each review holds 7~10% "weight", it would only take as few as 5~7 negative reviews to drop you from 100% to 50% which is a quality control pool so low that it does not represent any form of accuracy, assuming that 10~15 players is significantly lower than your average MAU.
    • While most offline games don't experience "burned out" or "revenge reviews", online games suffer hard and every month.
    • "Burned Out" reviews are 200+, 500+, and often even 2000+ hour reviews that are "negative" due to enjoying the game too much and getting burned out, where it was enjoyable for the first 1999 hours but not the 2000th due to, usually, an obscure reason similar to when you're looking for an excuse to break up with your gf ;D
    • ^ The auto-response to this is "What if they suddenly started being shady, +lootboxes, etc" -- I know. However, when does this actually happen? Everyone knows in 2019 this is indie dev suicide. That's like if 2 people steal a yogurt from your office break room per year, the company would just remove the entire fridge based on that. I get why this is said, and those that do it need to be called out, but what about the 99.99%+ majority that don't? If we gathered a % of all the games that did this on Steam, would it be less than 0.0001%? I'm willing to bet it would be an even smaller # than that.
    • "Revenge" reviews occur in retort to a moderation action: As small as a warning (even meta; eg, Discord). Even as small as an unlogged "warning for a warning" (we call an "FYI"). These forms of reviews generally appear within 24 hours of a disciplinary action and has the same # of hours as "burned out reviews" and will attack the dev on a personal (RL) level instead of actually reviewing the game, or masking the real reason for the review.
    • The average revenge reviewer will continue playing after their moderation action is over for up months/years to-come. However, the review will always remain negative.
    • Example dump of recent high # playtime reviews (ordered by playtime - and only a small sample pool of many more): https://i.imgur.com/XyqUzDl.png
    • Moderation "reminds" players to revenge review. Online games are social: Expect many revenge reviews to be accompanied by bountiful amounts of comments / other reviews from the entire group that this user players with (including bulk marking the review as "helpful" within a small period of time).
    • Before our moderation efficiency patch, we held 93% average in both overall/recent reviews. Ever since then, our average "recent" score averages between 30 to 60% due to these two forms of reviews. The only reason our overall is still 84% (still a big drop from 93%) is because we have already listened to the dominant "real" negative reviews.
    • Here's the gross part: If I had no empathy and ditched moderation practices altogether (we won't), our reviews would be significantly better. Even at the cost of population dropping from toxicity, higher % reviews brings about higher population flows of new players. The fact is, while moderation actively triggers revenge reviews, toxicity passively hits players. This means if 7% of those that receive disciplinary action revenge review, only about 1% are likely to review for toxicity. This means that the current review system [indirectly] rewards devs that do not moderate their games and take care of their community members.
    • What's my point? Awareness, curiosity and perspective - consider it a blog of observations.
    submitted by /u/xblade724
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    Architecting game engine

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 04:04 AM PDT


    So, while I finish Jason Gregory's Game Engine Architecture - 3rd edition (I'm finishing the HID chapter) as well as gameprogrammingpatterns.com, I want to start developing my own 3D framework (learning purposes) and game.

    (optional) My background is quite strong C++ and a bit of experience with OpenGL and quite simple games, although I'm starting the development with D3D11 for now. At my current job I mostly develop inside the LLVM ecosystem, and I'm pretty comfortable with CMake, compilation stuff and Git.

    Now, I have a couple of questions and I'd deeply appreciate your feedback:

    1 - Should a game using my framework use a single API or be able to access individual components? I mean (taking Renderer as an example), I'm certain I'll have a Renderer interface which either a D3D11/OpenGL-based library can implement, and in compilation I can choose to link the framework against one or the other. Now, I'm not sure if I should let a game I develop with that framework #include <framework/renderer.h> or have a single public header which offers an interface to the renderer and all other framework components. Both approaches have pros and cons, but I can't find enough examples to make a decision...

    2 - Having in mind I'd want to extend the framework in the future with support for more than one game, how do you usually organize your Git projects? I'm totally out of git submodules, but I'm not sure git subtrees would be a good approach neither, although I think it'd work. Thus, the only other option I can think of is having completely separate projects and making each game link against an installation of the framework (probably using CMake's find_package magic). I'm sure there must be other typical approaches, can someone share some examples, blog posts or whatever?

    3 - Good objective articles, blog posts or benchmarks about using smartpointers (either STL's or custom ones) in a real-time application that you think are must-read?

    Thank you very much for your time!

    submitted by /u/jjimenezg93
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    Suspension Of Disbelief And Believability - What Many Modern Games Lack?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 04:05 AM PDT

    Is it just me, or do a lot of modern video games now not even try to suspend the disbelief of players? So many games are not believable at all. Realism =/= believability, so I'm not asking for realism. But for a believable world where everything within it makes sense within its universe and doesn't pull you out of the game.

    I was watching a The Act Man video about why Dead Space (original) was amazing. One of his points got me thinking about something that generally bothers me with many modern games. In that game the weapons, gameplay mechanics, even UI all make sense within the games lore and game universe. Nothing seems like it was just added for the sake of it or tacked on without much thought. You can get lost in its world and turn off the analytical part of your brain and just enjoy the sensory/emotional experience.

    Then I play something like Grand Theft Auto Online. Where a vehicle that has visual armour has weak defences vs a vehicle that has zero visual armour or special materials, that takes multiple rockets and survives. Or Call of Duty: Ghosts where in the tank level, crashing into a car flings it away like it has no weight. Then 5 minutes later, the same type of car stops your whole tank in its tracks. Or Red Dead Online where a bullet travels through hats to headshot enemies, unless you use a magic Ability Card that allows your fabric hat to absorb a bullet. These are only a few examples from AAA games but I could list much more.

    When you make a world, you're essentially designing your own universe with set limitations and characteristics. When you you make something that breaks the consistency of the experience, it's akin The Fourth Wall in movies. It causes the analytical part of the brain to light up, analysing the flaws of the experience. It causes frustration to the player if the inconsistency impacts gameplay. It causes a persons view of the overall game to drop.

    submitted by /u/MetalingusMike
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    How Legacy of Satos approaches data-driven design

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 09:23 AM PDT

    2D Lighting with Normal Maps - In Excel!

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 05:28 AM PDT

    Hi guys,

    As part of the ongoing series of gamedev techniques demonstrated in and explained via excel, I've created a relatively simple set of models that show the effect of normal maps being applied to 2D textures / sprites.

    I find it really interesting that a simple technique such as this can dramatically enhance the visual aspect of a game. There are some downsides of course - this takes a lot more processing power and additional art work to create the correct normal maps for each texture / sprite. But, ultimately, if done correctly, I think the results generally look great.

    All the calculations (vector math etc) are done via Excel formulae, so are hopefully easy enough to follow along. I also find the "visual" nature of Excel really drives these types of concepts home.

    The video demo of the models can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOBlQkimWlA

    And the spreadsheets can be found on my GitHub here: https://github.com/s0lly/2DNormalMapsInExcel


    submitted by /u/s0lly
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    Game design curriculum released by Riot Games - PDF format

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 09:47 AM PDT

    Physical copies of indie games?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 10:14 AM PDT

    I want to know how can indie game devs sell physical copies of there game to the market. What is the procedure. There are still a lot of people (including me) that prefer buying physical copy rather than buying on steam.

    submitted by /u/MysteriousPlantain
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    Towerfall's death replay

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 08:58 AM PDT

    Hi, does anyone knows what is the best option to make replays such as towerfall does? I've thought of some ideas, but none of them seems to be the best practice I guess... What do you guys think? How to make a good replay code for a game?

    submitted by /u/hiimdoggo
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    Game engine for wargame style game

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 08:41 AM PDT


    I'm thinking to build a wargame style game, I even have put all mechanics on paper, but I'm struggling right now with an actual game engine.

    I was looking on Unity because I have strong C# skills and because with Unity I could target multiple platforms. But after I tried it, it looks an overkill and to abstract for simple 2D game I want to make.

    Next I was considering something Web based and got look on to PixiJS... that looked fine for me, but raised a question how difficult it would be to target not only Web browser, but other platforms as well.

    Also I see dificulities in creating good AI on Web platform.

    So finally the question: are there any engine recommendations for building a 2D wargame? It would be nice if engine allowed multiple platforms (at least win/mac) and I'm not big fan of C++, anything else (C#, JS, Python, ...) could be acceptable.

    submitted by /u/valdisz
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    Finished my first game, Pong. What now?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 02:40 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    After having focused on building my own AAA game for years (and having produced nothing) I eventually decided to follow everyone's advice and just complete a very simple project first. So here it is: Nicola's PONG (source code).

    I did find rewarding to have a completed game, and challenging to implement things I would never think about (like trying to scale things on screen so that the play area is always correctly visible at any resolution).

    Is it okay for a first game? I mean, am I missing something one would expect in a Pong implementation?

    Looking forward at the next project, which game type/size should I consider? I've read very different opinions on that, some suggesting Breakout (not very fascinating, but it has powerups and levels), some other Super Mario Bros or Zelda (more engaging for sure but they seem a very huge step from Pong).

    submitted by /u/gawwo
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    I have an idea and I paid studio to make it for me. (Here's my idea)

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 11:59 AM PDT

    So I thought it be cool to have a game where players can create there own map/game modes.

    So for example. You can create a custom map for teamdeath match or a map for prop Hunt.

    Or if you like you can create your game mode, and add your own twist and play with your friends. (Not gonna explain how creating your gamemodes will work, you gotta wait and see)

    There will be default gamemodes, also match making and a server list

    Allow people to use steam workshop to upload there own models.

    Allow people to share there created maps, so others can play on it.

    Also allow players to create maps with friends and have friends help them in the process.

    The game will be very interactive and have freeroam, for those who like to create RP servers.

    There's many other features I'm adding But yup that's basically some main stuff I'm adding.

    Games in development. I'll be sure to release early alpha for public to play and a beta.

    People can give feedback and report bugs they find.

    submitted by /u/imanfakhargomi
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    Game Music Analysis: Guile's Theme from Street Fighter II

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 11:25 AM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    I invite you to take a look at my weekly bite-sized blog, delving into the works of my favorite game composers.

    This week's post will focus on Yoko Shimomura-sensei's Guile's Theme from Street Fighter II

    Thank you for checking it out :)

    submitted by /u/Beni-O
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    Good tool for a text game

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 10:50 AM PDT

    Hey, I wanted to try and nake a text game fir some time and I wonder what is the best tool to do it with. I know programming so I have no problem with it. I will actaully prefer a platform that offer good UI and a lot of programming freedom. What do you recommand?

    submitted by /u/idan234
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    Game Market Niches

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 06:22 AM PDT

    How much effort do you spend in identifying and learning about your niche before working on your next game?

    How important do you think that was for your previous success or unsuccess?

    Are there any niches in 2019/2020 that you'd like to explore or recommend others to do so?

    submitted by /u/ninqeu
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    I need.. some help?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 10:07 AM PDT

    TL;DR at the bottom

    Okay guys, im sorry to bother you again. This is probably the fifth (or fourth?) post i'm going to be uploading here.

    I need your help. (please keep in mind i have no previous experience in game dev)

    At first - I was going to be making games alone. Then I asked for help from a friend, said he could help me out, but now, I've decided that i'll be making games alone, instead. Simply because he's just too busy to help me out. oof

    So, i need help - some kind of tutorial, would be useful? Like - what are the very best tutorials out there? Because I need them. lol. Like - I'm only choosing this because I have a very good concept in my mind. Not just one, but a few.

    And I'll be focusing on Survival horror games. It's the genre I've studied the most, so far, and the one that is appealing to me...? the guy who I watched before, and tried to learn from was Jimmy Vegas. I got stuck in some of his tutorials because I just had no clue as to what i did wrong and what I should do.

    And another thing - Is blender good for game dev? Because its the one modeling/animating software that I'm going to be using, and the tutorial I'm watching is made by BlenderGuru. So far i havent learned anything, since I stopped watching quite some time ago... but is this.. good?

    And then the mathematics... I need some kind of tutorial for those too, don't I? But the problem is I know nothing about math since I always daydream during class, so.. are there any tutorials for math? like , game related math? because i really need them.

    At first it was depressing to hear that i need math skills but now im more interested, since its connected to something i have interest in. Basic Algebra and basic trigonometry are enough, apparently? Or the minium?

    like, this feels bad.. I'm almost 17, i need... some kind of .. job? I think i should hurry, yknow, to some extent..

    like, i don't fucking know about my future, is this even the right thing for me? I mean,modeling looks kinda fun. It's kinda like drawing. Okay, not really, but, they are.. somewhat similar, right?



    I have no previous experience in game developmet yay lol

    My friend is too busy to help me.

    I need some kind of help - some tutorials? plz

    Is blender a good choice? And is uh... blenderguru a good choice for tutorials?

    please gimme math tutorials related to game dev, since i know nothing about it.

    i feel like im fucked ;D yay

    Like, to some extent, I just want to tell a story. I have such a nice idea in my head, that i'd like to make it come true one day. idea for a survival horror game.

    submitted by /u/JuhpPug
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    E-Commerce Profits: How To Start A Business Dropshipping Download

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 10:00 AM PDT

    Is mobile VR a viable "market"

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 09:47 AM PDT

    So I'm a VR enthusiast but kinda poor and thus just own a Google Cardboard and Daydream View.
    I've had a few cool ideas for games I want to make, however.. here's the deal...

    Are people actually playing VR games on Android?
    I feel the market is dominated by the platforms on PC and PlayStation and mobile VR ist just a novelty you for five minutes.

    There seem to be too many different platforms (in terms of controls) out there.
    Samsung, Daydream and Oculus Go each have some sort of motion enabled controller.
    Cardboard has only one button on the viewer itself and many many other viewers don't even have that.
    When it comes to gamepads, I don't even know anybody besides me who has used one on Android.

    VR is exhausting
    You can play a mobile game for hours on your sofa, but many people (including me) will need a break after only fifteen minutes in a VR game. (I think this is why there is mostly arcade style games out there)
    With a story driven game however, I'm afraid they might not come back to play.

    Google Play sucks
    I have a hard time finding VR games. The Daydream app is a little better, but still far from perfect. Many apps and have VR features, but it's hard to find them, since there is no filter or dedicated VR category in the store. How many people will actually look up my app in the store, if they read about it on Reddit or Twitter vs. just typing "vr" into Google Play and scrolling through the results?

    Do I need to support multiple platforms?
    Do I need to have a non-VR mode?
    Do I need to have a no-controller option?

    What are your thoughts on this or experiences with your own projects?

    submitted by /u/SirRageAL0t
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    C++ or Java for RPG?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 09:38 AM PDT

    I want to make a simple rpg for fun, and I was wondering what language to use. I have some experience with Java (took AP comp sci) but no experience with c++. Should I stick with Java or would learning c++ be better in the end?

    submitted by /u/Albino-Octopus
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    Screenshot Saturday #452 - Top-Notch Pictures

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 08:04 PM PDT

    Share your progress since last time in a form of screenshots, animations and videos. Tell us all about your project and make us interested!

    The hashtag for Twitter is of course #screenshotsaturday.

    Note: Using url shorteners is discouraged as it may get you caught by Reddit's spam filter.

    Previous Screenshot Saturdays

    Bonus question: Is there an old game you would like to see remastered?

    submitted by /u/Sexual_Lettuce
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    Making a game with a friend - is this okay?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 08:21 AM PDT

    So, i'm not exactly going to be making these games alone - i'm going be making them with a friend, someone,who I have known for a *very* long time.

    Mainly because I don't really know how to do... games. y'know...

    Its worth mentioning that I really don't have any experience in game development. But he does, he has more than I do. Way more.

    He has been making one game for years now, and one day, a few months ago I decided to ask him, if we could make a game together.

    He agreed to it.

    But lemme explain as to how we will be making this; He's going to do most of the programming,coding,and modeling/animating.

    I'll be the one to design the games, and write them a story, if possible. And because I want to get involved into this more, I'm going to do some kind of programming/coding, and modeling/animating.

    I'll send him those models and scripts, and such. But he's going to do the majority of that type of stuff, but i'll still assist him in that.

    Is this okay? Is this fine? I'm just wondering whetever or not this is a good way of doing this type of stuff.

    edit; a big change in plans... I think... im going to make games alone, instead. My friend is simply just wayyy too busy to help me.

    submitted by /u/JuhpPug
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    Should I use unity or unreal for making first person shooter game?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 08:11 AM PDT

    I know that game engine Doesn't MATTER, but still which one is easier to get comfortable with? From learning to particle handling, graphics, audio, shader making, A.I. bots and offering better performance. Which one is just easier in workflow. Do you think C++ is less or more optimised than c#? Well it depends on the programmer. So at the end which one will cost less to me for development of fps game?

    submitted by /u/Joyjan1234567
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    Can a checksum comparison help detect hacks? How to do this?

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 07:34 AM PDT

    I just read some keywords about checksum. Seems like your binary outputs a hash of some kind that you can use to validate the integrity of the file launched, storing the hash server-side to compare.

    But -- how do I go about doing this and what are the best practices for this? If detected differently, I'd just send a signal to exit the app?

    submitted by /u/xblade724
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    Task Scheduler for unity

    Posted: 28 Sep 2019 06:57 AM PDT


    i'm looking to create a task scheduler for my game, so when i'm going to change something for example my UI system are going to update every change sequentially and i can choose if i need it updated per frame etc...

    well, witch is the best way? i need something "light" with memory...anyone have some experience about that and can give me some advice?

    submitted by /u/mirkojpn
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