• Breaking News

    Sunday, September 1, 2019

    I took part in Google Summer of Code 2019 and for the first time developed a cross-browser extension. I was surprised to learn that it's not very complicated to develop a cross-browser extension. I am sharing the resources that have helped me during this awesome learning experience! learn programming

    I took part in Google Summer of Code 2019 and for the first time developed a cross-browser extension. I was surprised to learn that it's not very complicated to develop a cross-browser extension. I am sharing the resources that have helped me during this awesome learning experience! learn programming

    I took part in Google Summer of Code 2019 and for the first time developed a cross-browser extension. I was surprised to learn that it's not very complicated to develop a cross-browser extension. I am sharing the resources that have helped me during this awesome learning experience!

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 08:49 AM PDT

    Thanks to WebExtensions API, it's easy to make cross-browser extensions. In my opinion, Mozilla docs are the best out there if you need any beginner or intermediate help.

    Some notable links from Mozilla docs are:

    Blog posts

    Video tutorials

    • Nice introduction to chrome extensions by the amazing Daniel Shiffman - YouTube Link
    • A quick, beginner-friendly tutorial by Kyle Robinson Young - Youtube Link
    • Beginner-friendly playlist with over 40 short videos - Youtube Link.

    Porting Chrome extension to Opera is very easy. They literally state this fact in their extension documentation. Here is a handy table with the list of chrome APIs supported by Opera and the differences.

    Do check out the GSoC project on Github. I know I could have done some things in a better way.

    I will continue to maintain and improve the extension and any feedback from you is more than welcome :)


    submitted by /u/main_aisa_kyun_hoon
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    C# or C++ GUI Options

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 04:38 AM PDT

    What are my options if i want to create some gui for my c++ or C# app for windows, except using windows forms. I need elements as simple as textboxes and buttons and as complicated as timelines and keyframes

    submitted by /u/Grubzer
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    Anyone else hate assembly?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 06:57 PM PDT

    Taking an assembly college course rn and it makes me feel like a caveman. C++ was way easier for me to learn and I enjoyed the language. Assembly, on the other hand, cooks my brain. Does anyone have any tips for learning assembly? Also, if I end up not having a strong backbone in assembly, will that bite me in the ass in the future?

    submitted by /u/stillhazy
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    Api calls in JSON

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 09:57 PM PDT

    Hi, I'm currently working with api and I have Little knowledge about it. I queried an API and I'm getting a lot of JSON data. How do I use this data?? I'm working in python?? Is there a book that will help me??

    Edit : https://github.com/LEvinson2504/Football-Prediction-and-analysis/blob/master/iSports.ipynb

    This is my code so far, the resulting JSON is what I want to filter out to only get relevant data and use it. I lack in JSON knowledge.

    submitted by /u/tall_and_funny
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    Is there other ways to build booking website?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 08:16 PM PDT

    Hi, I would like to build a website, I know only CSS, HTML in web. I want make website which could be look like an analog of aviata etc. I searched in youtube many authors recommend to use wordpress but I'm actually don't know would it be wise decision to use it. Your suggestions

    submitted by /u/kindofgentleman
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    Name one thing, that changed how you learn programming in a big way.

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 08:39 AM PDT

    Name something that caused a shift in your learning for the better. For example, finding a tutorial series or reading the docs, going to a boot camp etc etc. Something that made an impact on you, and boosted your growth exponentially.

    submitted by /u/Ty_David
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    I'm stuck in tutorial hell

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 07:20 PM PDT

    tutorial hell everyone knows it but please tell me how to get out of it

    submitted by /u/madnomad18
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    Whats the best way for me to learn c# ?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 09:19 PM PDT

    I want to learn c# for unity but I dont know whats the best way... any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/Random_person06
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    I need some rules for how to turn a variable into only lowercase letters without changing the variable. - Python

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 11:40 PM PDT

    So I have a variable with a user input and I need to make my "if" and "else" statements reaction no matter if the user answered Yes or yes - with or without capitals

    I'm new to Python and coding in general so keep it simple please :) Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Gulle_Gaming
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    I made my first django app!

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 11:38 PM PDT

    I started learning django around a month ago and I wanted to do a project based on ML, so this is what I came up with. I made an app that takes an image from user and performs object detection on it using YOLOv3(implemented in PyTorch) and outputs the result image containing the bounding boxes around the detected image. The API also provides a URL where the result image is uploaded (using cloudinary API). Here's the link - https://github.com/atharva-18/Object-Detection-API

    submitted by /u/MISSIONCAP
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    Re-learning coding

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 10:58 PM PDT

    About a year ago I completed a 6 month boot camp at a university in my area while on disability for torn cartilage in my hip. I took the boot camp as an opportunity to change careers because I was told by my doctors that I would essentially need a desk job after having this operation. After completing the boot camp I was unsure of my abilities and kind of lost focus and motivation for coding and while searching for jobs (which I felt unqualified for) I ended up taking a job as an electrical apprentice ( I have an associates in Electrical technology so I was confident in this field mentally, not necessarily physically). Now after doing my apprenticeship for almost a year I feel that I will not be able to do this manual job for the rest of my life mainly die to my hip still getting sore after 10 hour days on my feet.

    So basically I am asking what you all would do to "re-learn" coding / web development? I still have all of the course material in a repository so I will be going back over that. but other online courses on udemy or something of that nature to get back into it so I don't feel broken after getting off work everyday?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/thrawnthrawn
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    PHP: Why use preg_match() instead of strpos()?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 10:51 PM PDT

    I've been given a task at work to redirect URLs with spaces (%20) to URLs with dashes. To do that I've written:

    if (strpos($path, '%20')) { $cleanUrl = str_replace('%20', '-', $path); header("Location: {$cleanUrl}", TRUE, 301); exit; } 

    But a senior developer (and code reviewer) here has told me I must use preg_match() instead. I don't understand why and he is not available to give clarification.

    Why is preg_match() better in this case?

    submitted by /u/MeltingDog
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    Learn Android dev for seasoned programmer

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 06:36 AM PDT

    Hey guys!

    I'm a fairly seasoned programmer, worked in the industry for a while, and a have a pretty good level in Java but building back-end APIs, nothing about Android dev.

    I find most tutorials either assume too much on what the reader knows about the Android SDK, or are for absolute beginners with no experience. Could you guys point me towards a resource that isn't going too slowly, but geared towards Android beginners?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/AbraKabastard
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    Largest factorial represented by 64 bits?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 06:23 PM PDT

    What is the highest factorial that can be reasonably represent by BOTH signed and unsigned integersin 64 bits. I've seen some people use floating point values to get around that cap of 8 to 16 quintilion, but for my purposes precision is more important than maximum value.

    submitted by /u/SH_Hero
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    Python programming Concatenate a sentence

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 09:27 PM PDT

    #sentence concatenator

    print("Sentence Concatenator")

    article=input("Enter an article :")

    adjective=input("Enter an adjective:")

    noun=input("Enter a noun:")

    verb=input("Enter a verb:")

    adverb=input("Enter an adverb:")

    preposition=input("Enter a preposition:")

    article_2=input("Enter another article:")

    adjective_2=input("Enter another adjective:")

    noun_2=input("Enter another noun:")

    #concatenate a sentence using the words above


    submitted by /u/cyberwiz21
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    What is a good IDE for C programming?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 09:15 PM PDT

    I am taking a programming class and I cant use Visual Studios because it has C# only and I need C for all of my homework assignments.

    So, What do you all recommend as a good C IDE? Or is there something I need to enable to get Visual Studios to work in C (preferred option)?

    Edit: Problem solved. Thanks for the help!

    submitted by /u/urquhartloch
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    How Front-End and Back-End merge?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 09:04 PM PDT

    So I learned HTML, CSS, vanilla JS and vanilla PHP with MySQL, but in order to run PHP I would need Apache running for a local server since browser don't read PHP codes.

    My confusion is how browsers actually send/request and show the content to the user? I know that they use a host (or something similar?) but even then.. what type of file do I need to insert, HTML (with CSS, JS and PHP attached) OR PHP (with HTML, CSS, and JS attached)?

    If you guys have any research or tutorial it would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/codebreaker21
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    Am I crazy to want to self teach and then work remotely?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 01:27 PM PDT

    What has interested me the world of coding is when I was younger I would do a lot of stuff with HTML that I enjoyed, I can work remotely so I can travel, and I have an idea of a program I'd like to create. In a perfect world what I would like to do is to do a coding boot camp and then start out as a junior developer at a company just to get a feel and also get some help if needed from the people around me. The city I live in now has a boot camp but I will be moving before I'd be able to complete it. Also, it's SO expensive. But unfortunately, where I will be moving to doesn't have a boot camp nor anywhere that would be hiring a junior developer.

    What I'm wondering is how difficult would I be making it for myself if I self-taught myself over the next year and then worked at a company remotely? Or is this a common path people take?

    submitted by /u/mmlqu
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    How does the clock app icon have functionality on Android/iOS?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 08:24 AM PDT

    I've always wondered how does the clock app icon has functionality (it tells the time), since icons are usually images. How do they achieve it being functional?

    submitted by /u/Cortive
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    Is there anyone on this sub that learned both Ruby on Rails AND Node/Express within a short amount of time? What has been your reasoning for learning both?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 07:55 PM PDT

    I often hear to stick to either Ruby on Rails OR Node/Express for the first backend web framework to learn.

    But has anyone on this sub learned BOTH in a short time frame (less than 6 months)? Why did you do it this way and what was your experience been in doing so?

    submitted by /u/csthrowaway9208
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    Switching careers when already making great money

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 07:45 PM PDT

    Thank God, I have a great job. I make $100k+ per year and I'm due for a promotion soon to a Senior position, whereby I increase my pay to reach $150k+ per year. My job is not that stressful and I'm comfortable where I am. The problem is this job is so comfortable and the pay is so good (to me at least, first time I make six figures in my life, last job I made literally less than half). I am constantly worried about losing this job and having to accept a major pay-cut at a different job because I have no hard skills and only a liberal arts bachelors degree. Also, i feel like I'm getting dumber by the day because I'm surrounded by morons who no nothing except how to speak well.

    I love the idea of learning to code so I can develop a profitable skill and at the same time challenge myself mentally. I have very briefly dabbled in learning some java and I can understand the basics of HTML and I'm obsessed with everything excel related.

    Based on my research, in order to reach $100k per year in a programming job, I need to have a few years of experience. I definitely would not be willing to switch careers if I wasn't going to make at least $100k working 40 hours or less per week.

    Based on the above info, do you think it's worth the effort to learn coding?

    submitted by /u/glockfanatic
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    Interesting challenges similar to 'Build a tiny-url clone'

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 01:27 PM PDT

    I really liked this challenge because by working on it I learned more about object oriented programming, system design, and hashing algorithms, as well as a ton of other stuff, while also building something useful.

    Does anyone have any ideas in a similar vein? (I am not looking for something with a big front-end)

    submitted by /u/danbshakey
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    Is a bootcamp title enough certification to go in the industry or a degree is almost a must?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 03:30 PM PDT

    Hello guys, like the title says, I would like to know if a programming bootcamp + some experience be enough for an employer to hire or if a programming related degree is more or less a must to be able to land a job.

    I was studying Biomedical engineering (was getting very interested in the programming area) but had to drop out because of a very complicated financial situation so now I'm doing some research about this to see if a bootcamp would be enough of a certification for a start.

    If some of you guys have been on a programming bootcamp please share your experience and if you have other certifications.

    My intention would be to learn about data analysis, machine learning or big data but also like UX/UI. I'm not very interested in web development.

    Thanks to anyone who takes the time to share some information with me.

    submitted by /u/Alol0512
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    Request for recommendation for entry developer workstation

    Posted: 01 Sep 2019 06:48 PM PDT

    Hey fellow programmers!

    I'm looking to buy my daughter an entry level laptop for learning software development. I'd love to hear some feedback, opinions, recommendations from y'all on a laptop for such purpose. It would need to be able to run Visual Studio and some other basic Dev tools. I'd also like to keep it budget friendly, but not at the cost of performance.

    So... Any recommendations would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/jsbrando
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