• Breaking News

    Thursday, September 19, 2019

    I just landed my first software dev role! But I'll be the only developer there. What should I know/take into consideration? learn programming

    I just landed my first software dev role! But I'll be the only developer there. What should I know/take into consideration? learn programming

    I just landed my first software dev role! But I'll be the only developer there. What should I know/take into consideration?

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 08:40 AM PDT

    I'm extremely excited, because I just signed a contract for my first software development role two days ago! I attended a year-long bootcamp (which included a 6-month long corporate internship) and worked very hard, and I was contacted about a role through LinkedIn and apparently smashed the interview! It's been a month and a half or so since my graduation.

    The thing is, the main reason my company (a small startup) wanted me so badly: My role was originally going to just be handling customer data and doing some customer service (I was looking to find an inbetween job to put me at ease since I wasn't making any income post-graduation), but then they found out that I had development chops, and explained to me that I could learn their software for the first month, and then take up more of a junior development type role and automate their processes, as well as develop software to assist in dealing with customer data, and possibly add features to their existing software. I believe that software was outsourced, because I'm the only developer on a team of less than 10 people.

    I don't have a problem with this; I feel like after my internship, which was a role where I was mostly left to my own devices and trusted to make decisions on the software I had to build, that I trust myself to make the right decisions with choosing technologies to build tools. However, I want to reduce technical debt as much as possible for the people that may come after me, and to make great software. I've been told to take a look at Clean Code to make sure that I'm structuring my apps well, but does anyone else have any other advice for someone in my situation? I want to learn as much as possible and do a great job.

    TLDR: I just got a job as the only developer in a startup with a team of less than 10 people in order to automate their processes with dealing with customers despite having just graduated a bootcamp. What should I know and take into consideration in terms of not messing up, structuring my code in apps, avoiding technical debt, etc?

    submitted by /u/CaliBounded
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    program selecting web page elements

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 07:11 PM PDT

    I want to make a programme, but i don't know much about programming (well if you're some programmer, lets just say I don't know anything in this matter).

    In the first place I want some kind of application which selects (like you would left-click on it) certain web elements. From here i would like to select a few things in a row in a repeating cycle.

    Imagine there is a web page with three buttons you can click on: on the top of the web page (a), left (b) and right (c). i want to set some cycle in motion so that my computer would click abc abc abc abc in a repetitive order. This can't really work like my computer would actually move the mouse to these buttons and click them, that's why i rather say "select" a web element. I can't let my mouse move to certain coordinates on the screen because of a few reasons. The browser could be on another zoom level, the window could be minimalised and it could be that some web element is not present at the time i would want the programme to select it. If this element isn't on the web page and you would click on a certain coordinate, it could maybe click something I really don't want to click at that time.

    I myself was thinking about writing a Chrome extension, but I have no idea of what to start with or if that's possible, (and maybe if someone already knows this would take a very long time to make, i would love to hear why)

    In short: i want to write some programme that can select (click) a bunch of buttons on a specific web page in a repetitive order, but this clicking can't be done by the mouse cursor. This cycle could for example be turned on by a hotkey i would choose.

    What's the best way to make this? What language should I (learn to) use? Is it possible in a chrome extension?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Lanvv
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    Advice for Junior Web Developer

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 06:57 PM PDT

    Hey all,

    I'm starting a new position as a junior front end developer on Monday and naturally am nervous. I currently code in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, and Sass. My version control is pretty good I would say and I was wondering if there is any other way to prepare myself. Any advice at all would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/mewonfire
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    Handler Interceptor to increment id for all post requests Config error

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 05:15 PM PDT

    I am trying to add an interceptor that will for each post request at the specified URL, it will increment that id of items by one. I followed online doc but I am getting some sort of config error. I am learning Spring/Springboot/Spring MVC so I am not too sure what beans are and how to use them (I have googled it but it is a bit over my head as of now).

    package com.openclassrooms.Watchlist; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration; import org.springframework.web.servlet.config.annotation.InterceptorRegistry; import org.springframework.web.servlet.config.annotation.WebMvcConfigurer; @Configuration public class WebMvcConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer { @Override public void addInterceptors(InterceptorRegistry registry) { registry.addInterceptor(new idAssigner()); } } 

    interceptor class:

    package com.openclassrooms.Watchlist; import org.springframework.web.servlet.HandlerInterceptor; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; public class idAssigner implements HandlerInterceptor { @Override public boolean preHandle(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object handler) throws Exception { if ((request.getRequestURI().equals("/watchlistItemForm")) && (request.getMethod().equals("POST"))){ WatchlistItem.index++; } return false; } } 

    all of my classes are under main java package name as of now.

    submitted by /u/theprogrammingsteak
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    [C] Confused on Some Logic in Program

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 05:32 PM PDT

    I have this terminal multiplexor and I am working on making it's toggling of windows better. I have made it so that when you cycle through windows (PREFIX + j/k) you don't cycle through the minimized ones as I found the behaviour extreme annoying. What I want instead is to make it so that you use a keybinding (PREFIX + x + j) to move to the minimized windows and then you just use PREFIX + j/k to cycle through them. The issue I am having is that I am honestly lost on how the hell to do this.

    To get rid of the old behavoir I made these changes, this now means I can't just cycle through minimized windows once I move to the minimized stack so to speak. Along with that I can't even figure out how the hell to move to the minimized stack, I wrote this function, but can't test it as I can't figure out how to add the keybinding in config.h, I was thinking something like this:

    { { MOD, 'x', KEY, }, { focusminimized {

    but I honestly don't know how to write the keybinding... I am confused and at the same time trying to solve another bug that I can't figure out how to solve (but I know what the issue is).

    submitted by /u/FOSSilized_D4emon
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    My first real code thing! Any feedback is appreciated

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 08:34 AM PDT

    My Program

    This is my first time doing any real programs or anything, and was wondering how i could improve it. I am all self taught so it's been starting off slow, but i'm really enjoying it!

    submitted by /u/TheDivingDodo
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    Keeping Track of Data Usage (nohup?)

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 11:42 PM PDT

    Am looking to record how much data my computer uses each week. I think I will need to have a program running in the background at all times, and nohup seems to be the way to go.

    Are there any alternatives or different methods of collecting this data that I am missing?

    submitted by /u/TehMightyDuk
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    Need suggestions regarding GitHub repository

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 11:36 PM PDT

    I want to start contributing to open source and an looking for some repository whose codebase can be covered in a few weeks and which leans towards the algorithm side and isn't something that just works on top of a framework.

    submitted by /u/MyPoopHoleHurts
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    Debugging practices for C++ Exams? Resources?

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 10:09 AM PDT

    I've started taking a C++ class for my engineering major, but there's one thing bothering me about the class.

    I'm pretty good at the programming itself, but a big part of the exams are kindove these "trick question" like segments. Pretty much "what is the output of this code etc etc" that have small unnoticeable changes. Very technical stuff. (My weakness as I'm pretty much known for going through a problem fast and skimming the small bits)

    Just coding well isn't going to get me an A. Are there any "debugging" or small mistake type resources and practice test that can help me prepare for this portion? I've checked the FAQs and they more so seem like projects and small programs you can write.

    submitted by /u/Isunkatlantis
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    Python newbie

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 07:08 PM PDT

    Hi, this maybe a stupid question but how does list work in python? Like if I put something in a list, does it save it somewhere that can be used in the future (like when you reopen the file again)?

    Another question, can I input multiple entries in a single line using list like a chart? Any help will be greatly appreciated. Like what the title said, I'm a newbie. I'm just trying to learn how everything happens.

    submitted by /u/SobStory1
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    Teaching 'FOR' loops to kids

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 08:02 AM PDT

    Part of my job is to teach programming to the future generation.

    I devised a little system to help them memorise loops:

    for = F;O;R

    First Value: What the first value should be set to

    Operation: What condition should be met in order to run the loop

    Rate: How much to increase when iterating through the loop


    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i += 3)

    First Value: "int i = 0"

    Operation: "i < 5"

    Rate: "i += 3"

    Here is a diagram: https://imgur.com/SKU6uIq

    submitted by /u/Lozmosis
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    question from a newbie who fell in love with VB :(

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 06:48 PM PDT

    tldr; I like the visual aspect of VB, are there serious programming languages that are similar to this?

    I started off programming in JavaScript, and it went great! I'm very math oriented, and I didn't have any problem with most of the concepts presented within the first few months. However, after a while, we had a seemingly (to other people) simple assignment, which was to make a battleship game. Ok, great. However, we used arrays to do it, and for the life of me I just can't visualize what is going on within an array. If you ask me to visualize where the "ships" are and to make sure you can't put a ship outside of the boundaries of the array, etc, it was just completely impossible for me. Couldn't do it. Then if you try to make the array more than just two dimensions I utterly lose my mind and there's no chance for me whatsoever.

    A few months later, I took an introduction to VB course. I know VB is the laughing stock of the programming world, but it blew my mind that I could just SEE everything in front of me. I could just click on a point in a grid, like actually physically click on it, and it made everything just so much easier. It was more than just words on a screen. It was like night and day. Putting aside the fact that things are just more...basic....in VB, it was the visual aspect that won me over.

    So my question is, are there any serious programming languages that are similar to VB in the sense that you can actually see what's going on? With Javascript, making a battleship game would be literally impossible for me since it's just so abstract and I can't imagine what's going on, but with VB I could make it in like an afternoon just because I don't have to imagine anything, it's actually there.

    Maybe a dumb question, but any kind of information would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/dogofthecentury
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    How to get into programming?

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 05:55 PM PDT

    I am a freshman and high school, and really havent been doing much with my life overall. Ive learned a bit about a few languages (java, c#, js) but nothing too difficult. I have trouble finding things to do with coding to make it interesting for me. Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/Harnessingxd
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    Packt books not good learning resources?

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 09:24 PM PDT

    I read some Reddit posts about this

    submitted by /u/alliwanabeiselchapo
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    How can I build a robo advisory system?

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 09:15 PM PDT

    I would like to build a robo advisory system in python. I haven't found any great resources or tutorials. The system should ask questions to users and based on the answers suggest some stocks to invest in. Even a tutorial of a system in a different domain but a similar flow would help me out. Also any advice is welcome.

    submitted by /u/bruhhnicornz
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    Code an app to help me with studying Japanese

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 01:44 PM PDT

    Hello everyone! First, I have never developed any app. My coding experience is just web development and data science (R, Python). I'd like to make an app (iOS, Android) for personal use helping me to study Japanese. The idea is to scrap articles from news websites and to provide in-app support and translation. For example, tapping one word will give it's translation. Another functionality that I'd like to make is exporting some sentences and translations and send them to me by email so I can find them on my laptop and add them to my Space Repetition Software (the export should therefore be in a format compatible with this software). As I have never developed any app, I have no idea if it's feasible alone, no idea of the time needed and of the technology to use. I already had a first glimpse of web scraping and NLP with Python which are made simpler thanks to packages but I really have no idea of how to create this whole app.

    Can you please, help me to get a clearer vision on that? I'm willing to learn!

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/djolablete
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    JavaScript Timer in Node (MMA Timer Project)

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 08:41 PM PDT

    I am working on a MMA timer for the gym I train at. Eventually I want to be add profiles for different matches. For example 5 rounds, 5 mins each, with 60 sec breaks to simulate a UFC Championship fight. For now I am just trying to emulate that concept in the console. So my question is? Why do the functions run at the same time and not run one after the other completes. I was expecting 012345 ding ding ding 012...9,10 ding ding ding. What I get is something totally unexpected which is 0011,22,33,44,55ding ding ding,6 7..etc....

    I hope I am explaining myself correctly. Any help is much appreciated. Thank you.

    const box = (roundTime,roundBreak,totalRounds) => {
    let count = 0
    let round = setInterval(function(){
    if (count >= roundTime){
    console.log('ding ding ding')


    submitted by /u/chanot
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    Is the book "Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++ (2nd Edition) " still any good for a complete beginner?

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 08:33 PM PDT

    or are there better alternatives now available?

    submitted by /u/MistahQueen
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    CS student with no front-end experience, best way to learn web development?

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 04:30 PM PDT

    I'm currently a college student and I've done C++, Java, and Assembly in my college courses and last summer at my internship I worked in Python, so I have some fundamentals in coding. I've never had the opportunity to do anything front end and would like to create a personal website.

    From a distance it seems like everyone who does front-end development knows 5 different languages which is intimidating to me. So my question is what's the best way to learn web dev, and do I need to buy a domain name to make a website?

    submitted by /u/Bikrant
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    How to deal with frustration while working on open source?

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 08:11 PM PDT

    I am currently working on a large open source project. It's actually a browser.

    Anyway I am finding it a bit frustrating at times. I am making decent progress I think but sometimes I just get truly stuck.

    It seems like I could be stuck on a problem for an infinite amount of time while one of the guys who works on the project who has become something of a mentor will still find it hard but I will watch him debug it and solve it after about an hour. So if you compare infinity to an hour, that's demoralizing.

    He has been at it much longer, which I understand. But sometimes I get frustrated because I'm not sure how I can become more like him, and when I get super stuck like that I just don't know what to do next.

    When you try everything you can think of and you're dealing with a huge amount of pretty cryptic legacy code, what next?

    submitted by /u/wandersii
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    Inserting autocomplete HTML suggestions into the search bar

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 12:28 PM PDT

    The autocomplete script:

    const search = document.getElementById('search'); const matchList = document.getElementById('match-list'); let states; // Get states const getStates = async () => { const res = await fetch('../complete/data/pictures.json'); states = await res.json(); }; // FIlter states const searchStates = searchText => { // Get matches to current text input let matches = states.filter(state => { const regex = new RegExp(`^${searchText}`, 'gi'); return state.title.match(regex); }); // Clear when input or matches are empty if (searchText.length === 0) { matches = []; matchList.innerHTML = ''; } outputHtml(matches); }; // Show results in HTML const outputHtml = matches => { if (matches.length > 0) { const html = matches .map( match => `<div class="card card-body mb-1"> <h4>${match.title}</h4> </div>` ) .join(''); matchList.innerHTML = html; } }; window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', getStates); search.addEventListener('input', () => searchStates(search.value)); 

    The code above generates autocomplete HTML suggestions. I want to add clickable functionality which would insert a clicked html element into the search bar.

    The closest I've gotten is this:

    matchList.addEventListener('click', () => {search.value = matchList.textContent.trim()}) 

    While this works if there's only one suggestion, if there's more, all the suggestions are inserted together.

    The problem seems to be the fact that matchList is an object which returns a single HTML element. How do I return an object which I can iterate over and place an onclick on every HTML suggestion within that object?

    Or, how do I return multiple objects, each containing one HTML suggestion on which I can then place an onclick ?

    Or some third option?

    submitted by /u/prp7
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    Help! Scan for an array of strings?

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 08:04 AM PDT

    Hey ya'll,

    Coding in C. I'm trying to figure out how I could ask for a user text input and save that input as an 2D array to later access the info stored. The idea is to have words separated by a space be inputed, so that i can access the words as individual strings. All help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Pitbull_Sc
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    What would be the best programming language to learn to create this piece of software?

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 07:48 PM PDT

    I'm a basically a complete beginner when it comes to any type of programming. I have an idea for a program (piece of software?) I would like to create for my own use, something that doesn't seem to exist yet. I was hoping I could describe my vision for this and get some suggestions on what programming language I should learn in order to create this software, because I've heard that different languages are better/worse for creating different types of software. I know that getting all the way from a beginner level of programming to creating a functioning piece of software is probably an extremely long and difficult process, but I at least want to give it a try and see how it goes.

    I would like to create software for analyzing music. Not analyzing the audio directly, but me (or the user) listening to a song and using information about the song to create a "chart" of it. The chart will be a horizontal visualization of the song over time that will include time stamps, measures, instrumentation, chords, and a lot of other information. Basically a big chart that I can fill in with information; a diagram of the song as it goes by. It will be color-coded, and ideally I'll be able to make hundreds of these song diagrams and compare them side-by-side, and have the software be able to calculate things like how repetitive a song is compared to another song, how an artist's music changes over the years, etc.

    What programming language would be best for this? Any suggestions, guidance, and advice is much appreciated. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/alloutallthetime
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    Question About Technical Presentation During Upcoming Interview

    Posted: 19 Sep 2019 07:47 PM PDT

    This is mainly directed towards those of you who are responsible for hiring. I've got an interview process coming up next week where part involves giving a 10 minute presentation. The description says, "This can be anything you know well. The idea is to see how effectively you can communicate technical information." I'm assuming most candidates will present something about a project they have recently worked on, an application they've built, or talk about a cool bit of research they are doing or are interested in - something along those lines. Although I could do that myself, I'm considering taking a chance to set myself apart and present something different.

    Before I became a programmer, I studied music. Jazz Studies was my major in college. I'm considering using this technical presentation to talk about some 'technical' jazz stuff and teach it in a way that somebody without any music experience could hopefully understand. I've got years of experience teaching private music lessons, and I think I could really nail something like this and do it in a fun and memorable way. I'm just not sure it's really a great idea since "technical information" is typically understood to be something related to applied sciences - and in this context especially programming related subjects.

    Any suggestions? If you were interviewing a candidate who showed that they could code, seemed like a good fit culturally, and then did something like what I'm considering in a presentation, would it help or hinder their chances in your mind? Thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/ThrownAwayMormon
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