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    Tuesday, August 13, 2019

    Python programming for beginners learn programming

    Python programming for beginners learn programming

    Python programming for beginners

    Posted: 13 Aug 2019 06:28 AM PDT

    I have been working on a website for absolute beginners on python and have created tutorials on each beginner topic in detail. This course is interactive and I made it the best UX possible. I have some practice problems with solutions and some interesting codes like Guess game, time conversion, Voice-controlled assistant etc. I am open for any critics/suggestions. Visit my website at: https://www.masterpython.me

    submitted by /u/TheImmortal071
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    I found a mentor and it was the best thing ever

    Posted: 13 Aug 2019 05:55 PM PDT

    My background, I'm 27, decided to make the jump over into "tech" when I was 23, landed a roll in a helpdesk. Luckily it was at a small company that you had to figure stuff out on your own and learn. After I felt like I outgrew the position i jumped over to another company as a helpdesk engineer at a much larger company which is where I am now. Not to be dramatic, but It's pretty terrible. With such a large organization all the helpdesk does is walk users through literally basic steps then escalate it to the teams that own whatever app is having the problem. No one knows or cares what an IP address is, what or why a DNS server is important, no one is curious about technology. (This is fine, they are their own people with their own interests, but it wasn't what I was expecting.) I've recently passed my CCNA R&S and RHSA certs and while I like networking and sysadmin work I really want to learn how to automate and script out everything I do. I have a passion for it(Passion for being lazy). At my previous position when I realized what PowerShell could do all i did was try to learn it & put it everywhere. But I have been really struggling for a couple of years learning Python or Javascript. I've gone through so many courses, i have the basics down, i just couldn't figure out what to do with it or how to improve. This is normally where you start projects but for the life of me I couldn't be motivated enough to build anything. I'd start, then "meh".

    One of the perks of being a larger organization is you can sign up to be a mentor or a mentee so one of the first things i did was sign up looking for an experienced software engineer mentor. I'm pretty prideful so it felt bad to keep reaching out to people asking if they'd be willing to be a mentor to never get a reply. A friend told me about a senior dev they always run to for help, I just need to reach out to him because he wasn't signed up to be a mentor. So I sent an email about meeting up with him, he accepted. I watched him work for a couple of hours, see what he does and listen to his sage advice. We hit it off and I'm so thankful. I try not to take up much of his time but it's nice to know i can send him a slack about an issue or some confusion I'm having and he'll reply within a few hours. He's recommended different puralsight courses which is great because, as long as I've googled and really tired to understand, I'm able to ask him for clarification. Our biweekly meets have been a huge help too, tons of white boarding and memes.

    This has made me stay motivated and hopeful as I approach 30 I feel like I should have my career dialed in. If anyone is is searching for a mentor I'm not experienced enough to be one but I can at least say that don't stop asking even when you keep getting told no or ignored..

    Thanks for reading my long winded post

    submitted by /u/NetT3ch
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    Is it worth getting a degree?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2019 07:06 PM PDT

    I'm a rather poor web developer at the minute, I have a small company where I've designed websites for local businesses but it's mostly based off other's themes or templates and I then heavily edit them. I feel confident with HTML and CSS but I couldn't code you a website from scratch, using nothing but my own skills and knowledge. Well, I could but it would be very basic and bare bones.

    Anyway, I decided I want to really put my all into this and decided to go to Uni and do a degree in IT & Psychology. I don't want to piggyback off others work anymore and would like to be able to be competent enough to code stuff myself from scratch.

    The issue is, I see many people on here and other subreddits related to coding and web development, state that employers don't really care about a degree, sure it looks good but employers are more impressed by a portfolio of work that speaks for itself.

    Going to Uni will leave me with a lot of student debt (I'm UK Based), I mainly want the degree as I thought it would open up employment opportunities and also help develop my skills and knowledge. That being said, if employers really couldn't care less about the degree and more about a portfolio of good work, then I think I'd rather go down the root of FreeCodeCamp/The Odin Project as opposed to Uni because I could do without the debt hanging over me.

    What do you guys think, should I withdraw from the course that's due to start next month or should I stay enrolled and get the degree. I understand I could potentially do both and build up a portfolio of work myself but to be honest I still don't think it's worth the tens of thousands of pounds worth of debt if a portfolio trumps a degree.

    Any advice or input would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/C0NT4CT
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    Dealing with the Feeling of Wasted Time

    Posted: 13 Aug 2019 06:40 PM PDT

    I am going into my junior year in college and I've been trying to get more serious about programming. I always see people around me working on their own projects on the side and making progress, meanwhile I've only really ever focused on my classes. I want to start putting in my own hours for my own projects, but now I can't help and think that I've wasted so much time and can't catch up. What's worse is that I actually only have 3 semesters left, because of received credits in high school. Don't get me wrong I do have some work ethic considering I spend a lot of my time during the semester studying and then getting high grades, but every time I try and program outside I have this feeling like I'm a piece of shit who should have done this sooner and now it's too late. I recognize that its almost an irrational way of thinking, but I can't get over it sometimes. It's especially harder coming home from work or school and having little will to tackle anything.

    Honestly not sure what kind of answer I'm looking for here, maybe if anyone has felt this way and how they conquered it. I've thought about going to graduate school since I've heard you get to devote a lot of your time to researching into a specific field (which I'm curious about data science), and can also give me more time I need to really start developing my own stuff. My other biggest concern is finding an internship when I have practically nothing to show on my github and can put on my resume. How will I be able to land an internship I want without something to show to them?

    Thanks for any replies, and also taking your time to read this.

    submitted by /u/Ryzega
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    Thank you! Launched my first complete project!

    Posted: 13 Aug 2019 06:01 PM PDT

    I wanted to give a big thanks to r/learnprogramming for all the help and motivation in learning how to code and develop software! After a several year journey, I finally have launched my first full fledged piece of software to the world. I've had lots of small projects and prototypes I've made through the years, but never a complete package. I honestly don't think I would have made it this far without constantly being able to come to see this page and related pages on reddit not only for learning and asking questions, but also for motivation. Stack Overflow and other learning websites are great, but they dont offer the benefits of this community, and for that, I thank you!

    This particular project is one I've been working on through my whole programming journey, and is one of the reasons I started. I needed something to help me make better decisions with data and a computer simulation, and started with a vba encoded excel sheet. After reaching it's obvious limitations, I jumped in and began to learn C++. This particular application is only an annual thing (fantasy football, lol), so I always had to dabble elsewhere during other times of the year, but this was my passion, and I always returned to it. This year, I completed it and am so proud of this, and thankful to everyone who helped me get here.

    Never change reddit!!

    submitted by /u/throwawayappd3v
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    Sr. Fullstack Java developer

    Posted: 13 Aug 2019 11:46 PM PDT

    The Nielsen Company is a global information and media company with leading market positions in marketing and consumer information, television and other media measurement, online intelligence, mobile measurement.

    Come and join us as a Full Stack Java Developer to work for our TAM - National Product Pod. This position will allow you to do Data Deliveries, which provides our customers access to Nielsen Ratings Data through Flat Files and UI.

    Core Responsibilities:

    · Design and implement new functionality for Nielsen TAM applications

    · Participate in technical planning & requirements gathering phases including discovery, design, code, test and document engineering software applications

    · Guarantee the quality and the sustainability of the code

    · Support testing and UAT phases and participate in deployment

    Are you interested? Send resume to greciaanahi.laramerino@nielsen.com

    submitted by /u/grecia-laramerino
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    Mentoring with Open-Source Projects

    Posted: 13 Aug 2019 07:59 PM PDT

    I'm a full-stack developer trying to hone my skills, particularly in managing open-source projects. I also hear a lot that teaching and mentoring are excellent ways to solidify your own knowledge and close any gaps you may have, so I started an open-source project a few weeks ago that's moving along decently but lacks outside contribution. Does anyone have any tips on where I could find some people that would like to make some open-source contributions that are also new to or looking to improve some programming? Is it cool to post open-source projects here?

    Edit: Repo

    The project is inspired by Rhebus (the card game in which you combine letters and pictures to make words). It's a JavaScript and HTML project that will be extended into Vue and React versions on separate branches. The purpose is to help beginners get started with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, unit testing, using Git/GitHub (naming branches, making PR's), and then for intermediate programmers to practice refactoring into Vue/React.

    submitted by /u/eternal70200
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    (C++) Passing a function's argument by variable

    Posted: 13 Aug 2019 07:54 PM PDT

    Hello world! I'm having a byte of trouble with a function here:

    I'm drawing multiple sprites onto a frame, and the amount of sprites that need to be drawn will vary as the program runs, so I want to make a function that does it for me. Instead of writing:

    mainwindow.draw(this thing); mainwindow.draw(thatthing); mainwindow.draw(thenextthing);

    I want to make a deque or a vector or an array of strings, and have a function that passes those to the drawing function

    but my compiler doesn't like that.

    deque <string> displays; //I make the deque of strings, that will be passed to the draw function.

    displays.push_back("shape");displays.push_back("spritetest");displays.push_back("testtext"); //the names of the things to draw (an shape class named shape, an sprite class named spritetest, and a text class named testtext) are pushbacked into the deque

    deque<string>::iterator it=displays.begin(); //the iterator to pass the names is created

    void drawthestuff(){

    mainwindow.clear(sf::Color::Black); //reset the drawing frame

    while (it !=displays.end()) {mainwindow.draw(*it++);} //read the deque and "paste" the value of it into the functions paramer.

    mainwindow.display(); //send the drawn frame to the monitor


    and later in the int main I set up the window and then say


    But the compiler says something similar to "no instance of overloaded function (a bunch of names), argument type is string". Which, I suspect means, it wants strings of characters to be put in the function's argument, just like you would in any normal code, like so:

    myshape(circle,100); //create a circle 100 pixels wide

    mainwindow.draw(myshape); //here the programmer writes the name of the thing directly, and the compiler accepts this. but I want to have a function pass the names into it.

    I've frequently wanted to send the parameters of a function by variable instead of writing every single instance myself, and have never been able to figure it out (even outside of rendering graphics), and research hasn't proved very useful, so any help would be appreciated, thanks!

    Edit: Here's "the actual error message" and the code; I didn't post all of my code originally (such as the window definition) in an effort to save space. The error appears on the period in the function: while (it !=displays.end()) {mainwindow.draw(*it++);}



    submitted by /u/Dummyaccount7
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    object.transform.position in Unity not working, help!! (C#)

    Posted: 13 Aug 2019 11:12 PM PDT

    Hey, guys! Thanks again in advance for any/all help! I have an object's position set up like this, for example...

    Vector3 rightmostPosition = new Vector3(-4.88f, 2f, 29.2f);

    spawnees[randomIncorrectLetter].transform.position = rightmostPosition;

    Then, after some other things happen, I do a whole .SetActive(false); thing, which works perfectly fine, because I need that object to go away for a bit, but I need it to come back with a different z-value in the position... unfortunately, I have to do this:

    newZ += 20f;

    rightmostPosition = new Vector3(-4.88f, 2f, newZ);

    Why does this not work when it comes back? It seems to stick to the same spot. Thank you so much in advance, guys.

    submitted by /u/internshiphelp3014
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    Resources for learning computational physics (Python)

    Posted: 13 Aug 2019 03:30 PM PDT

    I took a computational physics course at my university but it was over a year ago so I didn't really retain much. Use it or lose it, I guess. I'm looking for a YouTube series or online tutorials to help me get back into things with Python. Preferably something free.

    I'm trying to write a code that would take regions of interest I manually created in ImageJ and fit a curve to the plot of intensity over time. I'm attempting to do this from scratch so I can really understand the process.

    Any helpful resources would be appreciated! Thanks!

    submitted by /u/simshady13
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    I'm being sent by my employer to take an AWS (Amazon Web Services) Essentials course some time this year - what resources could I use online to do some advanced studying?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2019 04:58 PM PDT

    I just want to ensure that I'm able to perform well during the training, especially to get the certification, and definitely to ensure that I don't pay the price of the course if I fail.

    Though in general, I just want to learn more and not go into this training blind. What are the best (preferrably free) resources online that I could use to learn AWS before I'm sent to my Technical Essentials course?

    submitted by /u/SkoivanSchiem
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    Are there any good resources to learn how to hack

    Posted: 13 Aug 2019 10:58 AM PDT

    I'm looking to learn common practices on how to hack into a website. I don't want to be a hacker or anything, I just want to know how its done in order to better secure my website. Does anyone know of any resources on how people can get access to your web application, and ways of preventing it? I don't need all the super advanced ways, I just want to know the simple stuff

    submitted by /u/Lofar788
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    Codecademy update

    Posted: 13 Aug 2019 09:17 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I'm just a rookie trying to learn basics to FED and was using Codecademy due to the praise of it being free for most of it. It looks like it they changed everything and you get one lesson free now and the rest is only with PRO. I am just curious if you think i should invest $240USD in to this or if there is another place similar to this. Please help a brotha out!

    Thanks yall.

    Peace and love

    submitted by /u/GeneralWukongXII
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    I made a small improvement to an R package. How can I make it public?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2019 05:25 PM PDT

    I made a small improvement to an R package hosted on github, but not on CRAN. I've never collaborated with someone else on Git or anything like that, and I'm wondering what would be the best way to make this improvement public? Should I simply contact the original author with the code improvement?

    submitted by /u/wakeforce
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    How do I read data from a field(textbox) from a form and process it in VB.net?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2019 09:00 PM PDT

    I have implemented a GET request that gets details of airlines from a website. But I can only get the data by passing the Air Way Bill ID(AwbID) manually through my code. The main form contains a GET button. On pressing the GET button, it should pop up a small window form that requests for the AwbID.

    After Entering the AwbID, the program should take the AwbID for the GET Api endpoint in the main form. How Do I implement that?

    submitted by /u/sawatdeeman
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    Are globals okay in game development [C]?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2019 08:58 PM PDT

    Hey all, I've been programming for a few years, and like most of us, I have been taught ad nauseam that globals should never be used.

    However, I have been looking into SDL2 just to do something at home, and when I look at games made in C in github... plenty are using a handful of globals for things like the Window and screen surface.

    Is this fairly common?

    submitted by /u/qspec02
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    Should I learn MERN or C# .NET?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2019 08:26 PM PDT

    I was planning on attending a coding bootcamp in 2020. One offers a deep dive into MERN for 3 mos and the other covers MERN and C#/.NET in 3 mos both Full-Stack programs.

    My goal is just being employable and as time goes on learn more technologies. I've began programming in JS to get the logic down and am halfway through FreeCodeCamps JS modules. Just wanted insight from you folks. Thanks for your help.

    submitted by /u/RedditDegenerate
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    Have no clue how to make source code into a final product (complete noob)

    Posted: 13 Aug 2019 08:24 PM PDT

    I have a friend who can code made a calculation program for others to download but i also have the source code for the program. i want to tweak some of the numbers in the code but i have the source code tweaked already. i dont know how to make it to the final product that is an exe

    submitted by /u/Chemicxls
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    New Web Development Youtube Channel

    Posted: 13 Aug 2019 07:52 AM PDT

    Hello I'm Peter and I've created a new web development channel, my goal is to teach people how to create web applications using Laravel and Vuejs(a little bit later) + maybe mobile development.

    All the apps that i will develop while record , will go to production or at least be usefull to someone.

    My channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqqQLR77gh9nB-HExBYVIoQ

    submitted by /u/mp941027
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    Need help with solving captcha

    Posted: 13 Aug 2019 07:53 PM PDT

    Hello everyone,

    I'm a beginner so bear with me:

    I'm trying to solve captchas using the python library pytesseract. It can convert simple images with text to a string, but it can't solve these more complicated captcha images.

    Does anybody know of any tutorial/guide on how to solve these types of captchas? It's for webscraping, BTW, but I'm trying to take one step at a time.

    I haven't found the library's documentation or a good guide, so I'm completely lost.

    Thank you in advance.

    submitted by /u/fanchiotti
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    Is the "The Complete Google Cloud Mastery Bundle" worth it for $39 ?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2019 12:16 PM PDT

    I found this offer here and it's a good amount of material. Now I am not interested in the certification per se, but more in what you would learn in preparation for it to get a better understanding of the GCP ecosystem. Keeping in mind that I am already fairly familiar with it but I wouldn't mind getting a deeper, well organized course about it (or courses).

    submitted by /u/QuantumOctopus_
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    Affordable Microservice (Java Spring specifically) Hosting for Personal Projects and Practice?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2019 07:43 PM PDT

    I'm interested in how some of you do your microservice development outside of your job.

    At work, we don't have to think about the prices of servers or instances, so deploying and scaling new services is "free" to us.

    At home, I like to simulate some of the work I'm doing so I can practice/improve and try new ideas within our architecture, but ive found its expensive to have a separate AWS EC2 instance for each microservice just for personal development.

    Any suggestions?

    What would you expect to pay for hosting 5 microservices that will only have local traffic during development?

    submitted by /u/excitebyke
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    When you are ready to be a freelancer

    Posted: 13 Aug 2019 07:34 PM PDT

    Most self learners I know became freelancers. They manage their own schedule, work remotely, and are their own boss. My friend took a year-long camping trip with his family while working from coffee shops. Being a freelancer is many a programmer's dream. But independence comes with a price. Here's what you'll need to know after seeing what a client wants.

    1. Know your skill level. It's inevitable that a client will ask for something you don't know how to create. Can you deliver the project? When you start working, you need to know what is within reach. Don't promise to deliver a project that you can't do.
    2. Estimate how long it takes. Have you coded enough where you know how long it takes to complete a project? Here's a tip. Take your best estimate and double (or triple) it. We tend to only see best case scenarios and it's better to set proper expectations to the client up front.
    3. Build features you don't know how to create. If you don't know how to build something, can you figure it out? If you aren't confident in doing this, then you aren't ready yet. When you're working, people become less helpful. Human nature makes it harder to help someone knowing they're getting paid for your help.
    4. Write manageable code. If you don't know how to architect your project, you may paint yourself into a corner. Architect the project so it grows in the direction of what the client may want in the future.

    Being on your own can be tough. If the life of a freelancer doesn't sound right for you, consider working for a corporation. You lose a little freedom, but it can be easier than a freelancer. If you go this route, find a program to study under. People who work in companies don't work in isolation. You have to adhere to best practices and standards when you work in teams. It is these practices that self learners are unaware of, that make it difficult to integrate with other programmers.

    When looking for a school.

    1. Find one with good teachers that you can interact with. Good teachers monitor your progress and challenge you.
    2. Find one that inspires and motivates you. Like having a workout buddy, other students encourage and push you to reach your common goals.
    3. Find one that is focused on making you a good developer. Getting your first job is one challenge. Thriving in it is another.

    If this type of school sounds like a fit for you, maybe you'll like 7forest. Our program is designed to give you guidance and a group environment to support you. We offer in-class and online classes.

    submitted by /u/7forest
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