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    Saturday, August 10, 2019

    I made a Chrome Extension that skips Ads on YouTube learn programming

    I made a Chrome Extension that skips Ads on YouTube learn programming

    I made a Chrome Extension that skips Ads on YouTube

    Posted: 09 Aug 2019 10:52 AM PDT


    So I've been learning to code for about a year now, messing with javascript on and off for that time. A few weeks ago I got the idea to automate clicking the "skip ad" button on youtube. When I located the element that listens for the click, I realized that you can do .click() on it even before the skip "countdown" is over and it will skip the ad! From here I thought it would be easy to make an extension that skips all ads. However, it was not easy! Here are some of the challenges I ran into and what I learned. Hopefully it will help anyone trying to make their own chrome extension.

    Content Script only fires with domain change I was under the impression that your content script was reloaded into the page every time the URL changed. Not the case! From what I now understand, content scripts only run when you change wbesites, so going from video to video within youtube wouldn't trigger it. After a lot of searching I learned you can use a background script to listen for changes in the url of a specific tab and send a "message" to the content script of that tab. You can add an "onMessage" event listener in your content script that effectively is turned into a "onUrlChange" in my case.

    EDIT: someone informed me that this is not true. The reason that switching videos doesn't reload the script is because they are loaded into the existing page with javascript.

    Content Script Timing I'm still unclear about how the Content Script loads in relation to the rest of the document. It seems to fire long before the DOM is finished loading. I tried using jQuery's "$(document).ready()" but my script was still trying to define elements that weren't loaded yet. I eventually used an "onLoad" event listener which was better but still didn't completely solve the problem. It seems like internet speed had something to do with it as well. I gave up and resorted to a brute force approach which used setInterval to continually try defining the element (every 200ms). If it became defined the click() would execute and the interval would be stopped. If it tried to define the element more than 21 times, the interval was stopped as well. This leads to a lot of unnecessary script-running but almost guarantees the element will be found and clicked.

    Detecting mid-video adds I also had to figure out a way to detect ads in the middle of videos. I found a function called mutationObserver that listens for changes in the DOM. Every youtube video has a DIV that contains all the ad elements. When the video is playing, it's empty, when an ad starts, child elements are appended to it. I had mutation observer fire a script when any elements were added or removed to this parent. This method definitely triggers some "false positives" (script fires even when there's no ad) but I couldn't think of anything better.

    submitted by /u/69leafclover
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    A Defense of Books for Programming

    Posted: 09 Aug 2019 05:04 AM PDT

    Hey all!

    So I've been a dev for a couple years and I work in web development. When I first started out as a dev, I wanted to move up relatively quickly. It was important to me, to expand skills but not in tertiary way, but to actually absorb ideas and concepts.

    So I was faced with an issue. How to learn something and keep it. For a long time my issue was I was unable to retain anything and on top of that I have a lot of trouble focusing. There were other things are play too, but I won't dive into those here. Anyways, on my journey to learn, I received a lot of recommendations for online videos and tutorials.

    My problem with web content, is it feels like there isn't enough due diligence and often, it feels very surface. At first, I didn't agree with this idea. I was convinced I could learn all I needed from the videos and tutorials. Then I got my hands on my first book and I dug into it.

    It was a used textbook from Amazon. I got myself a note book and I started reading and taking notes. I would hit a local workspace style cafe where you pay for time not consumption and I studied. I made sure the laptop I used didn't have any entertainment software on it. No games or anything. Just my IDE and Office Libre. With a couple other productivity tools.

    Reading the book really changed how I saw software and every book I've read on software, since, has continued to evolve my understanding. One of the important things books do is they deep dive into the content. Often there are very in-depth conversations about things that don't up in video tutorials or video courses. But the nice thing about the book, is it actually felt like a more active process for learning. While yes, the videos were nice, there's a passiveness about watching them and that didn't resonate with me.

    I think it's important to understand one's environment when studying. I think environment dictates purpose. I think it's important to "set yourself up" in an environment that let's you read and take notes.

    Since I started that process two years back, I've went from Junior dev, to Technical Lead. Doubled my salary and have many opportunities to build really great things. I've helped build and design two platforms.

    All I'm saying, is yes videos are nice (I have a subscription to Pluralsite), but when it comes to fully understanding any topic, it is my experience there's no replacement for a book.

    Thanks for reading.

    It's my understanding that people often want to know the details a bit. So here's the books I've read, in order:

    • Clean Code
    • Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and Iterative Development (3rd Edition)
    • C# 7.0 in a Nutshell: The Definitive Reference
    • Head First Design Patterns: A Brain-Friendly Guide
    • Clean Architecture: A Craftsman's Guide to Software Structure and Design
    • Teach Yourself Data Structures and Algorithms in 24 Hours
    • Productivity Project, A Mind for Numbers and The Power of Habit
    • Peopleware
    • Mythical Man Month
    • Pro C# 7: With .NET and .NET Core
    • Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code (2nd Edition)
    • Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture

    ... and many more. But these books laid my foundation. I actually have a lot more. I maintain a list of books to eventually read. You'll also note, many of these books are language neutral (not paradigm neutral though, it's oop heavy).

    submitted by /u/CodeTamarin
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    What to do when you're learning to code, but feel stuck and lost

    Posted: 09 Aug 2019 07:22 AM PDT

    I recently got this question as a message in my reddit in-box.

    I just wanted to ask a question because I have been looking to switch careers from [redacted for privacy] and get into CS. I've been self-teaching and I'm stuck. I'm not sure how to advance from the "basics' of any language that I learn. I always end up finding new resources and starting from the beginning again. Any tips?

    Thanks!!! :)

    This question, and others like it, seem to be a pretty common theme on this thread. I'm curious how you would respond. Anything I missed? Any extra advice? I ask because I get (and see) this question a lot.

    The answer I give (see below) seems to me like a solid answer. But, when I give this answer, it doesn't seem to stick, or gel, or ... I dunno... people don't seem to grasp this concept. I'm wondering if there is a better way to answer.

    Here's what I said...

    Hi! And thanks for the note. Your question is a very common one. So if it helps at all, you're not alone!

    I think the problem that lot's of people run into when learning to be a developer is that they set out to learn without having any kind of destination in mind. And as a result, they just end up wandering.

    Imagine, if you will, trying to learn how to be a car mechanic without actually getting under a car, or leaning over the hood, and getting your hands dirty as you actually remove broken parts and replace them with new ones. If you want to learn to be a car mechanic, the only way to learn is to have a car in front of you, and to have a very specific task: This car has a dead alternator. Replace it. Once you master that, then move on to bigger challenges. The transmission needs a tuneup. Take it out, pull it apart, tune it, then put it back together and re-install it.

    Or imagine trying to learn how to be a builder without ever picking up a hammer or a saw and actually building something. If you want to learn to be a builder, the ONLY way to learn is to have a very specific project. Start small. Learn how to replace a window in your house. Then learn how to replace a counter-top. Then remodel your bathroom. Watch YouTube videos, learn, and then immediately apply when you saw in the video by actually doing it in real life.

    My point is... nobody would ever dream of learning to be a car mechanic or a builder by doing nothing but taking online courses.

    If you really want to learn how to be a developer, then you need to build your very own application from scratch. The key here is your own application. Just following along the course examples will never be enough. It doesn't matter what your app is. A game. A business application. A hobby application. Anything. Just pick something!

    Once you picked something you want to build, then, go out and find the courses that teach you what you need to know, and immediately adapt what you're learning and apply it to your own project. This is such an important step. This vital mental exercise of learning a new skill, and then immediately using it and adapting it to meet your own needs... this is where the real, long-term learning happens. This is where you go from being a guy who took some online courses to being an actual software developer. This is when your brain starts to make it's own neural-connections and really grasps the concepts.

    If you can't think of any personal apps you want to build, then ask around. For example, we once hired a entry-level, junior developer just out of highschool. When he was first starting to learn to code, he asked a bunch of adults he knew if they needed any custom software. One of them happened to own a non-profit that worked with troubled teenagers. He needed some software to help run his organization. He'd been unable to find any free (open-source) solutions that fit his exact needs, and he couldn't afford the commercial options. He explained what he needed to this kid, and then kid then went out, learned how to do it, and built it. It took him a while, and he had a lot of frustrating moments along the way. But he stuck with it and ended up creating a pretty useful little app for the non-profit owner.

    Needless to say, we hired him!!

    This isn't just the best way to learn how to be a developer. It's the ONLY way.

    Does this help? Keep the questions coming!

    submitted by /u/CaseyCrookston
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    I got my first programming job as a junior c++ dev and I'm so excited that I have to share!

    Posted: 09 Aug 2019 04:09 PM PDT

    After deciding to make the most fun part of my job as a sysadmin (scripting) to my full time job (developing) this january, a lot has happened. I started with quitting my job (risky I know, but I had the financial cushion to deal with a few months off) and started learning full time.

    To learn the basics, since I didnt know anything about c++, I took a course offered by a remote college here in germany that offered a 16 month program, which I finished in two. After that, I wanted to get applications out asap. But I took a step back and thought about a project for my resumee first to show off the skills I aquired, since I didnt have any real degree, other than the course I did.

    A whooping five applications later I got an on-site interview in a city a few hundred kilometers away. I had to do three coding challenges of which I successfully completed two, and theorycrafted the third one with a little help. A day later I got the confirmation for the position and found a new apartment within a week!

    I'm really happy that I took the risk and had everything work out very positively. I'll gladly answer any questions. Also if you are in a similar situation or want to switch over to development, keep going. There are (at least in germany) hundreds of companies looking for competent devs (AND trainees for junior positions!) so dont lose hope.

    submitted by /u/zippso
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    Are there any good resources to understand makefiles and how to create/use them? Same question to coding in shell.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2019 10:31 PM PDT

    So I've been coding in a lot of C lately and its come me across multiple times. I don't understand it/see it often since its automatically generated by my IDE. I read briefly that it basically tells the compiler what to do. I'm realizing that I won't always have the luxury of being able to use an awesome IDE and may have to program/compile off of Shell or a terminal. Therefore, this seems like a very useful skill to develop.

    In addition to that, I really want to learn how to code/execute commands in shell in regards to code. What would be the best way to start?

    submitted by /u/IWantToDoEmbedded
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    Are there bootcamp style courses on Wordpress and PHP?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2019 04:09 PM PDT

    Most of the ones I've found seem to target RoR or JS/React, and while there are plenty of "learn wordpress quick for your business" type classes online and in person, they seem very scammy and nowhere near the education quality as, say, Hack Reactor or App Academy.

    What's your take on this? Do these courses exist? Also open to Udemy or something along those lines, but the Udemy courses I've found on PHP also look scammier than the Ruby/JS ones.

    Asking because where I live (and everywhere else I've lived) Wordpress/PHP/Shopify jobs are plentiful, Javascript jobs are much less so, and typing 'ruby' on any job forum only gives me Ruby Tuesday.

    submitted by /u/WITCH_KING_XXYBORG
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    How can I make this shape divider not resize when I scale the window?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2019 09:01 PM PDT

    This is what the problem looks like.

    I want it so it maintains a set width in pixels (3440) regardless of the window size, which I've done already.

    But the problem now is that it stays in the same position, I want it to be where the centre of the shape divider stays in line with the rest of my website when I scale down the window.

    Thanks to anyone who can help!

    submitted by /u/isaacfuzeallen
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    Why does My code keep carrying out a FileNotFoundException in java?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2019 11:20 PM PDT

    If I were to have this code

    import java.io.BufferedReader;

    import java.io.File;

    import java.io.FileNotFoundException;

    import java.io.FileReader;

    import java.io.IOException;

    import java.util.Scanner;

    public class Quiz_bdm {

    `public static void main(String[] args) {` `// TODO Auto-generated method stub` `File file = new File("qa.txt");` `try {` `Scanner Filer = new Scanner(file);` `String line1 = Filer.nextLine();` `System.out.println(line1);` `} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {` `// TODO Auto-generated catch block` `System.out.println("Can't get the file");` `System.exit(0);` `}` 



    And the text file (qa.txt) just says "Hello | Hello" on one line and "Bye | Bye" on the other. It seems like no matter what I do, the program is incident on running the Exception. I swear, I was looking at countless online resources and YouTube videos trying to find out what is going wrong with this for hours, but nothing seems to be working. Is there something wrong with the code? Could there be something wrong with Eclipse? What? I am not looking for a completed set of code that will do the trick, just point me in the right direction.

    submitted by /u/neoFranzA
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    OK I understand I need to use PBDKF2. But how? Do read my previous post for more details

    Posted: 09 Aug 2019 11:15 PM PDT

    So the original problem I posted here was, I was saving a simple sha256 hash of a user password and simply keeping that in an SQLite database in the time of registration for my password manager. During login, I was again hashing the user password and checking, if the stored one and the user one matches, then if true, use the same hash to encrypt OR decrypt data with AES. Now the problem is very visible. Anyone that can query the DB can find out the hash, and use it directly as the key to decrypt the encrypted data.

    By posting the problem here, I came to know about somethings that I need to use like Key Stretching and Password Based Key Derivation Function. From even other Stackoverflow pages, I came to understand that PBDKF2 uses salts, iterations and is very secure way of storing the hash into the database which will be hard for hackers to crack. But I also got a concept from those pages, that a key can be derived from something called HMAC within PBDKF that can be used as the KEY for encryption. So I can just check by some varification function within PBDKF and if the user's login time password matches, A KEY can be derived from/with the function that can be used as the Encryption/Decryption Key. Now the whole concept to me is blurry, I know I am ranting mistaken concepts, but that's why I am here to clear out.
    And also, Pycrypto has these PBKDF2 functions in built that I can use, But How The concept works I can't understand.

    I want to understand from step 0 - 100. Like How I am going to use the salt, password and hash them securely with PBDKF2 and save it onto the DB, And then how can I check/authenticate and then USE or STRETCH or DERIVE a key for enc/dec during login. I can't find a single tutorial or blog that has implemented the same in Python. Java Key Factory is there but I can't quite understand that. So anyone that likes to help, is greatly appreciated.


    submitted by /u/C0DEV3IL
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    Codewars, Exercism expect learners to already be familiar with the language? Am I missing something?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2019 07:07 PM PDT

    I've currently been looking to see if there are any free, interactive resources for learning Rust and found that many people recommended the services Codewars and Exercism.

    Just signing up and looking at the lessons (it annoys me that I wasn't able to get an idea of what the problems would look like before signing up) it was quickly apparent that these resources expect you to already be familiar with the basic constructs of the language, and the lessons seem to be more geared at correctly computing something than actually learning the language at hand.

    Codewars went so far as to require fixing a function before even being able sign up. I already know python, so I was able to get by, but how is someone with no experience programming going to deal with that?

    I'm planning on turning to books now (as I understand there are some good ones on the subject) but surely I am not completely alone in this frustration?

    submitted by /u/chrisreall
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    Is a "Computer Programming Certificate" from a private university worth it?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2019 10:27 PM PDT

    Specifically, this program from Hofstra University. It seems to cover Python and C#, but I have little experience in programming at all. I've already graduated from a different university with a B.A. in Music, but I've realized I don't want to pursue a career in Music/Education. I'm 24 working in a restaurant and really don't want to/cannot go back to a four-year program for a Bachelor's in a Computer Science related degree, so I'm looking for other options to get into the IT field.

    Based on the very limited descriptions of the courses, is this worth the money? Or should I look to learn online? Could this add any value to my resume?

    Thank you very much!

    submitted by /u/WalkerFlockerrr
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    Postman POST request to .Net Core API adds user to database. POST request from Javascript doesn't add to database.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2019 10:11 PM PDT

    Hello all,

    So I'm making a web api in .Net Core using EntityFrameworkCore and the Pomelo MySQL database connector. I'm testing the Post method with Postman, sending a JSON object.

    [HttpPost("post")] public async Task<IActionResult> Post([FromBody] User user) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var NewUser = new IdentityUser { UserName = user.Username, Email = user.Email }; var result = await userManager.CreateAsync(NewUser, user.Password); if (result.Succeeded) { return Ok(); } } return BadRequest(); } 

    My .Net Core works when Postman sends the POST request. I check the MySQL database and the JSON from Postman populates the database. Great

    Now in my HTML page, I'm trying to capture form data for user login. So far my form snippet looks like:

    <form id="login"> <input type="text" name="email" id="email-input" placeholder="Email" required> <input type="text" name="username" id="name-input" placeholder="User Name" required> <input type="password" name="password" id="pw-input" placeholder="Password" required> <br> <button type="submit" id="submitbtn">Register/Login</button> </form> 

    This seems all dandy except when I click on the submit button, it puts the login information into the URL. I don't wan't that to happen for obvious security reasons. To attempt to capture this data and NOT use php, I used javascript w/ jQuery:

    $('#submitbtn').on('submit', function() { let oForm = document.getElementById('login'); const user = { "Username": oForm.elements["username"].value, "Password": oForm.elements["password"].value, "Email": oForm.elements["email"].value }; const urls = 'http://localhost:5003/User/post'; $.ajax({ type: "post", url: urls, data: JSON.stringify(user), dataType: "json", contentType: "application/json", success: function (response) { console.log(response); } }); }); 

    This doesn't populate the database and I am left wondering why it doesn't. Any suggestions?

    Edit: I am running the HTML on a live server extension in vs code on linux. I'm running the .net core on a local host. Both are at different ports, so I don't know if that would make a difference.

    submitted by /u/redbeat0222
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    How to complete projects without moving to others?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2019 09:59 PM PDT

    I'm having a hard time managaing acivities. One day I get a good idea and start implementing it and the next I lose motivation and commence doing something else. I have like 6 folders in my projects repository and they count doesn't seem to shrink.

    How do you guys deal with this situation?

    submitted by /u/12qwww
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    How To (Help) Create a Searchable Database of PDFs and/or Word Documents in SharePoint

    Posted: 09 Aug 2019 09:25 PM PDT

    Hello everyone, I have to first apologize if this is the incorrect subreddit and will happily move along if corrected. I am by no means a computer expert but I do dabble and did a lot of computational chemistry work in college so I'm not totally computer illiterate, just my current project is beyond my immediate knowledge.

    At work (pharma company), there is an initiative to essentially create an internal, searchable database of our methods, reports and processes. These are final versions that do not ever change once entered. The issue is our current "collection"/ library system is completely unsearchable unless you know the exact document number your looking for (a number which is generated at time of entry and has no real relevance and is just randomly assigned). This system is completely useless if you're trying to mine for reports from years ago that you and your colleagues have never been involved with but might offer some insight into your current projects.

    The goal is to basically completely upload these files (in PDF and/or word document format depending on what's easier/needed) into a program (like DocFetcher) or management type system (like MySQL) that can have the front end basically be linked on a SharePoint for anyone within the company to access and use without having to download anything.

    Before Windows 10 file explorer searching entire documents, I had great success using DocFetcher on Windows 7, Mint, and Fedora to keep all my personal texts and academic literature in order. The thing that is really getting me is figuring out how to get a front end on a SharePoint because there's a large number of scientists that aren't great on computers that can download new software and learn how to use it, people have different versions of windows, and the shear volume of files means that they can never be locally stored on everyone's work laptop. Ideally, I'd love it if there was a way to do index type search (clearly I really love docfetcher's methodology) for speed, full content search for longer exact phrases and, as if I'm not being completely unreasonable already, perhaps a hierarchical search of first index search for "drug x" and then from there do a full content search for a defined string of words in whatever was returned from the indexed search to maintain comprehensiveness without sacrificing speed. Final consideration (promise) and it's key, is that attaching keywords to these documents isn't sufficient by itself for how we need to use it.

    For what it's worth, I don't like MatLab but I know some of it and know people who could help and I'm proficient in SQL (technically have only done MySQL), R and Python.

    If you've made it this far, thank you so much, any help (I don't expect step by step instructions) on what to look at, how to go about it, or even why this is just fundamentally infeasible (I have never made nor really ever use SharePoint) would be amazing.

    submitted by /u/SkeetersCousin
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    MySQL 14 seems wrong, what version do I have?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2019 09:20 PM PDT

    On my local machine, Lubuntu 18.04

    owner@G700$ mysql --version mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.27, for Linux (x86_64) using EditLine wrapper 


    The MySQL Yum repository includes the latest versions of: MySQL 8.0 MySQL 5.7 MySQL 5.6 

    I downloaded mysql about a year or 2 ago. How can I find the actual version I have? I doubt it's 14.14 given the info on the website.

    submitted by /u/javascript_dev
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    Have fun debugging this IO game that the Dev abandoned!

    Posted: 09 Aug 2019 08:43 PM PDT


    So pretty much the Dev abandoned this game, it's kind of like Slitherio but you use the arrow keys and you cannot cross yourself. You gain speed by getting close to other snakes or by grabbing food.

    My friends and I have been playing around with this game, let me know what you guys come up with!

    submitted by /u/PowerlineIOking
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    Adding unreleased projects to my LinkedIn profile?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2019 08:37 PM PDT

    I am currently writing my own game engine and thought that it would be a good idea to show it off as a project in my LinkedIn. It has plenty of code written in it to where it can render objects but it isn't ready for release yet. Is it a good idea to add un released projects to my LinkedIn profile?

    submitted by /u/TheOGWaffle
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    Is there any fully online course that teachers desktop software development from beginner to a somewhat high level of expertise?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2019 12:48 PM PDT

    course that teaches**

    I have a Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering but I have always been interested in computers and now I want to dedicate serious amounts of my time and energy into learning programming. At first I was thinking of switching careers completely but now I've decided that I want to learn to develop desktop software to a reasonable extent, find applications in my Civil Engineering profession by using it to automate some processes and design personally customized software to do things I would've otherwise felt the need to do manually, etc. Then later on, gradually transit into a career purely in software engineering.

    I have searched online for different resources and most of what I've seen are programs or courses for Web Development. I'm the kind of person that would need a structured, organised curriculum to stay focused for now, especially with work and all, instead of grabbing bits and pieces from several different sources. This is why I'd be willing to pay for a course if necessary.

    So far I've seen courses like the "Full Stack Web Developer Master's Program" offered on edureka.com, or the program on codeinstitute.com, or even the freecodecamp curriculum, but all seemed to be geared towards web development, whereas I'm interested in learning about desktop software development.

    I have enrolled in the CS50x course offered by Harvard University on edX and I'm currently enjoying it, although its a bit challenging.

    I hope my dreams and demands aren't too wild, I'd love if someone could offer me more realistic advice about how to go about this.

    submitted by /u/jollofandspag
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    Leveraging IAsyncEnumerable in Blazor w/ C# 8.0

    Posted: 09 Aug 2019 08:14 PM PDT

    Using IAsyncEnumerable is a game-changer when it comes to retrieving and populating data - check out how I put IAsyncEnumerable into action with Blazor!

    (Source code included)

    submitted by /u/HassanRezkHabib
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    Child coding advice?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2019 08:02 PM PDT

    My brother (7years old) wants to learn coding because he wants to make video games when he's older, are there any good apps or methods or something he can learn from. He thinks very direclty if that helps. How did you learn coding when you were younger?

    submitted by /u/CiderApe
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    Anyone ever use Slick2D

    Posted: 09 Aug 2019 08:02 PM PDT

    Hello, I was wondering if anyone here has ever used Slick2D to make a game? I am making a game using the API in my summer class and am having trouble with my init method. Anything I put into the method crashes the game. Like Animation code, map creation code, etc. (Things that are supposed to be in the method.) If anyone has any experience with 2D game APIs or Slick2D advice would be highly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/emokii
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    Freecodecamp Frontend Certification

    Posted: 09 Aug 2019 07:54 PM PDT

    Hello all! I have seen online that many people have gotten front end developer roles by completing the "front end certification" on freecodecamp. However, when I look at the certifications offered on freecodecamp, I cannot seem to find it. I only see front end libraries. Is the front end certification a combination of some the six 300 hr certificates offered? Any insight you have would be appreciated.

    Note: My plan is to get a front end development certification, get a job in front end (since I want to leave my current career as soon as possible), then complete the rest of the fullstack course while working and transition to a fullstack position.

    Note: These are the certificates offered by FCC:

    There are six freeCodeCamp certificate. I want to know which one(s) are for front end development:

    Responsive Web Design Algorithms and Data Structures Front End Libraries Data Visualization APIs and Microservices Information Security and Quality Assurance Each certificate curriculum should take approximately 300 hours to complete and includes 5 required projects, while other challenges are optional.

    submitted by /u/divinebovine1989
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    overthewire - Natas4 Completed but confused

    Posted: 09 Aug 2019 07:26 PM PDT

    When you get to the web page it says:

    "Access disallowed. You are visiting from "" while authorized users should come only from 'hteeteep://natas5.natas.labs.overthewire.org/' "

    I think I get that you are 'denied access' because it doesn't have a referer (doesn't know where you are coming from - which is Natas3) but why would authorized users come from Natas5? That's going backwards isn't it?

    It just makes more sense in my head that I would have to put natas3 in the referer header because of the sequence in which you do the exercises

    EDIT: edited to take out hyperlink and line spacing... wouldn't let me take out the hyperlink the normal way lol

    submitted by /u/Rex_Goodman
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    EE student with little programming experience, what are some concepts I should focus on learning to make myself a better engineer?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2019 07:17 PM PDT

    Sorry if the question is a little vague or unclear, I'm entering my senior year as an EE. My school has a traditional and a digital track, and I'm a traditional student. We get practically no programming taught in school. As a first year student we learned MATLAB for like 6 weeks, and I've used MATLAB basically as a calculator for other classes like Signals and Systems. I also had a lab on microcontrollers with C but basically learned fuck all since it was literally just a lab and half the students were like me with basically no programming knowledge.

    I've been teaching myself Python through Automate the Boring Stuff and it's been going good so far. I'm just kinda unsure on what exactly I should be trying to focus on once I get some more programming experience, like Data Science or Machine Learning or something else.

    Programming is such a huge world and all I know is that the skills an EE who works in embedded systems needs versus someone in CS who works in web development aren't the same. The fields I'm mostly interested in are RF, Signals Processing, and Controls

    submitted by /u/ECE058
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