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    Tuesday, August 27, 2019

    Did you know you can make dynamic colour picking for products by overlaying an SVG with CSS blend-mode? Check out my Codepen example (in comments) web developers

    Did you know you can make dynamic colour picking for products by overlaying an SVG with CSS blend-mode? Check out my Codepen example (in comments) web developers

    Did you know you can make dynamic colour picking for products by overlaying an SVG with CSS blend-mode? Check out my Codepen example (in comments)

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 09:49 PM PDT


    Posted: 27 Aug 2019 01:32 PM PDT

    I've been looking for some interesting subreddits around webdev and technology & innovation in general. Which subreddits do you guys often visit to broaden your knowledge?

    submitted by /u/Emilek1337
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    Learning Authentication, Solidly.

    Posted: 27 Aug 2019 08:11 AM PDT

    One of the most difficult things to wrap my head around is how authentication works. No matter how much I read about it, I never feel like I have built a 'fully secure' set up. There is so much to learn about authentication (browser cookies, jwt, cryptography, sessions, headers, authentication patterns). It is quite a challenge to pull all of these together in a sensible way.

    There are also different types of authentication (Basic, cookie-based, token-based, oauth, openID, etc). I feel 'insecure' about not knowing how something works behind the hood (and that is how I feel about JWT at times even though it is widely used in the industry). There is always that insecure feeling of "what if something happens in the future and I don't know enough about my set up to resolve it?". I'm pretty sure that quite a few of us feel the same way.

    I love to learn from the ground up. Historical aspects of a subject gives great context. I'd like to know what were the earliest dominant methods of authentication and how it has evolved. Why did it evolve? What changed in the environment that propelled its evolution? Where are we now? Where are we going?

    With this said, have did you grasp authentication? Please recommend a route for me. Is there a particular course that helped your knowledge finally click?

    submitted by /u/humanculture
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    Is backend developer a real thing in the web dev world?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2019 02:36 PM PDT

    For instance if one is not good at front-end stuff and not the art-/design-type-of guy. I just love to work on backend, I'm currently working on a project with Laravel and I just don't like the whole frontend stuff. I mean, yeah, it works - but it just looks so "bootstrappy" (MDbootstrap) because I had no idea what to use.

    submitted by /u/TnouccaEtaerc
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    Am I burnt out or just overwhelmed?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2019 03:49 PM PDT

    So I've been doing this programming stuff for quite some time now, I almost have a year under my belt. Still no full 9-5 job, just mostly small contracts tbh. But I expect that with the current saturation of the market. I want to become a master at a particular language or stack but I'm starting to lack motivation and guidance as to what to do next. Normally I'll watch a tutorial on a language I want to learn , but then I get bored because I know all this stuff from the last tutorial. So I'm watching different tutorials talk about something I already learned in a different tutorial... and it's a constant spiral of this. I guess it doesn't help that I Code literally EVERYDAY. But idk, I'm losing interest , and excitement, and I'm still a junior lol. How much trouble am I in ?

    submitted by /u/noblejosher
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    Easiest FREE continous deployment/integration tool

    Posted: 27 Aug 2019 03:40 PM PDT

    I really love how easy DeployBot is... but is there another option that is just as easy and more importantly free with around at least 100 builds a month?

    submitted by /u/blockchain_dev
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    If it came down to two things, would you choose a job that paid higher, but did not have a great code base, or a job that paid okay, but with a great code base.

    Posted: 27 Aug 2019 02:37 PM PDT

    Maybe the job with the good code base had good frameworks, libraries, and languages you like with good standards, processes, and a reliable team. Basically the complete opposite for the other job. Maybe the good paying job is okay, but they seem to be stuck in the past a bit, supporting old legacy project or not using decent libraries or frameworks on new stuff.

    submitted by /u/jaaywags
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    Forwarding a raw TCP connection and upgrading to WebSockets to use with Javascript

    Posted: 27 Aug 2019 01:45 PM PDT

    I have a bit of an odd question. I wrote a web app which runs locally with JavaScript. It is meant to connect to a program also running locally which sends information via TCP. What I didn't know before completing the JS app is that there is no longer browser support for raw TCP and JS refuses to connect without a WebSocket. Instead of rewriting the entire program elsewhere, I was wondering if it is at all possible to take the raw connection on the local machine and somehow upgrade it and forward it or make it accessible for the browser to use. To be clear I'd like to avoid writing a chrome extension using the experimental raw TCP framework.

    Any suggestions would be incredible at this point.

    submitted by /u/RightAngleBestAngle
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    Not a WebDev - How do you change the image that appears when you link your website on mobile? (Wordpress)

    Posted: 27 Aug 2019 08:40 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I'm not a web dev but my cousin has a website he had built for a project he's working on. It's a Wordpress based website. The issue is when the website is linked on mobile, like instagram chat, SMS, WhatsApp, etc the image that gets displayed is a random image that is from the website instead of the logo.

    Is there somewhere where we can change this? All I have access to is the wp-admin board.


    submitted by /u/Aramyth
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    How does the front-end of Twitter works? (Mostly React questions)

    Posted: 27 Aug 2019 01:26 PM PDT

    Hello, r/webdev!

    I've been using the new Twitter, and I like it a lot. I noticed it uses React to work, and I wanted to ask a few questions about it (as I'm trying to learn React).

    I know about components, how they work and that they can interact with each other, but I want to know how to do something like this (with images because English is not my native language):

    Let's say you are watching the @reactjs timeline, and you see this. Each red square is a component (Probably with other components inside). As you can see with the red circle, I've already scrolled a little bit down.

    If you click on that tweet, you can see the main container of the page is refreshed with the tweet in question, also the second container (The one on the right, changes it's components too).

    But then if you click on the arrow on top to go back, it shows you takes you back to the timeline, just were you were before you clicked on the tweet, no matter how down on it you were.

    This can be a lot of "steps" ahead (For example: You click a tweet, you then click on the user, then click on one of that user's retweet, taking you to another user, and on and on) and if you click on the back arrow it will always take you to the position you were.

    How can I replicate this? Do I need to save the scrolled position?

    submitted by /u/TheReverendIsHr
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    How does one determine what they will use in their code?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2019 04:19 PM PDT

    Say i am making a calculator and i need to make sure the buttons are being pressed and its showing up on the screen, how would you know that you need a for loop to go through each and every button and grab it to put it to use... just trying to think more like a problem solver. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/cjalta
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    Form For Custom Built Website

    Posted: 27 Aug 2019 04:18 PM PDT

    Hello friends! I am working with a client on a website I am designing through HTML5 and CSS3. Since I am not familiar with any PHP or Java, I am looking to buy a simple website form and am wondering where people may suggest to find one?

    I will be putting it on a singular page and the form should have text boxes for the users name, number, email, and a brief message or drop down box for what they are looking to do. I found some on envato market but I'm kinda uncertain what I will exactly get.

    Let me know what y'all think!

    submitted by /u/frisicchio
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    Writing scalable CSS for large applications

    Posted: 27 Aug 2019 12:29 PM PDT

    Hello all. I am currently on a small team working as a frontend dev. The system we're working on has a .NET MVC base, and we've recently started using Vue for new features. We decided to use BEM for the new Vue apps, and wrote SCSS straight into Vue SFCs. This seems like a nice approach, but I'm worried that as the applications grow, CSS will become a total mess, as it tends to do...

    Has anyone worked with css in very large projects? What are the do's and don't's? What methodology/preprocessors did you use, how did it turn out? Anything specific I should keep in mind?

    Thanks a lot to anyone answering!

    submitted by /u/aAmiXxx
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    How to set up user credentials for a website?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2019 04:12 PM PDT

    So, I am by experience a front-end developer and have been dipping my toes into the world of back end tech. So, forgive me if the scope of what I am asking is too great. If it is, breaking down the problems into steps that I could further research would be very helpful.


    In AWS I have created an S3 bucket that contains an image. The image is private and needs credentials to access it. I set up permissions and created a user in IAM that is able to retrieve the image successfully and render it on the front end.


    I want to create a way for a user to be able to create an account. I am not sure how I would go about storing the username / passwords nor how to check it. The purpose of this is so that a user's image is private and can't be accessed by another user.

    * My Research*

    I honestly don't know how to word this question well for google. Most searches brought up general stuff that wasn't generally related.

    submitted by /u/Mypronounsarexandand
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    Is it possible to edit the url footer of a chrome webpage when you print it to PDF?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2019 04:11 PM PDT

    When I go to inspect element, I see that the page Header text is in the <head><title></title></head> and so that when you go to print it or save it as a PDF from Chrome, that title text of the page is printing at the top of the page. I don't see similar html for the footer, however. The footers I'm looking at have the page url and number of pages/total pages. Is there certain html that normally handles that on most webpages?

    I know how to remove header and footer entirely when printing or saving to pdf. I'm trying to figure out if there is also a way to edit them.

    submitted by /u/hugmeiaffiliate
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    How To Manage Your Stress as a Developer: Practical Tips

    Posted: 27 Aug 2019 03:35 AM PDT

    Hello everybody!

    I just finished to write an article how to manage your stress as a developer. I thought it could help some people here, since I saw pretty often developers complaining about a high level of stress.

    As you can read at in the introduction, I was very very stressed at the beginning of my journey as a developer. That's why I'm trying to help a bit in that regard.

    Basically, I share tips how to have more control, creating more predictability (and consistency) in your work and in your life, overcoming compulsive behaviors as well as some tips around journaling.

    If you have any feedback about the article itself, please feel free to share them. Improving is what I'm aiming for!


    submitted by /u/phantaso0s
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    Looking for a particular conference talk about a company's outage (told from the inside by an employee of the company)

    Posted: 27 Aug 2019 02:48 PM PDT

    The first part of the presentation was a chat transcript from the company that followed an outage they were having in real time. It was some sort of cloud hosting provider.

    I think the purpose of the talk was to discuss the proper way to handle and communicate during an outage.

    submitted by /u/LittleJoeyHodges
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    Google APIs free usage $200USD. Where do I check the amount?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2019 02:33 PM PDT

    In my billing account, it only lists $400ish credit Free Trial, but it will expire in a week. I want to use it for uni project and I just activate billing today.

    submitted by /u/tanahtanah
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    Facebook links are adding extra text to my URL that I use to parse. Any easy workarounds?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2019 02:24 PM PDT

    For example, I have:

    www.mysite.com (not my actual url)

    And I allow the users to select certain fields which will create a shareable url like:


    For the example above, I do a search on "results" to determine it's a link to a results page, and I then display the content for #'s 1, 2, 4, and 8.

    It works for what I need it for. However trying things out on Facebook hasn't gone as smoothly.

    For example, after sharing a results link, I've had a bunch of extra garbage added on randomly to my url that I parse (ex. "www.mysite.com/fbclid=IwAR1jyKStXJw0dggPr8i"). And in the case of a results link after it's posted, they also seem to do some kind of URL shortening/modification which removed the "?results" part of the URL so it was just www.mysite.com/fbclid=IwAR1jyKStXJw0dggPr8i?1&2&4&8. This modification clearly breaks my parsing method.

    So I'm just wondering if there's any way I can make it so my links don't get modified when posted to facebook. Or is this just something that facebook has complete control over and I'm stuck figuring out a different way to parse?


    submitted by /u/Dont_tip_me_BTC
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    Wordpress -- Google GCP

    Posted: 27 Aug 2019 02:19 PM PDT


    I've been looking for a good host for just a small online resume / maybe blog. I've come across GCP and seen a decent amount of people talking about it. I do have a question though: is GCP free? People seem to say it is, but on their site it seems it is only for 12 months. I'm a bit confused...help?


    submitted by /u/BrokenBrain93
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    Only in the JS ecosystem do you need Adblock for your package manager

    Posted: 26 Aug 2019 04:11 PM PDT

    Kind of unbelievable that it's come to this, but I guess it's a sign of the much larger problem that is open-source sustainability.


    submitted by /u/Zipp425
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    Is this a dumb way to learn to code?

    Posted: 27 Aug 2019 01:59 PM PDT

    DIsclaimer: I understand there is no dumb way to learn, if it works it works but I just want some honest and strighforward opinions.

    I am currently going through W3Schools.

    I am literally taking notes of everything it says, even the most basic shit.

    These are my notes for the beginning of the HTML lesson:

    Learn HTML

    HTML is the standard markup language for Web Pages

    With HTML, you can create your own website

    What is HTML

    • HTML is the standard markup language for creating Web Pages
    • HTML describes the structure of a Web Page
    • HTML consists of a series of elements
    • HTML elements tell the browser how to display the content
    • HTML elements are represented by tags

    Is this overkill?

    submitted by /u/KtoMM199
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    How would you do this with html/CSS (flexbox)? Help a new coder!

    Posted: 27 Aug 2019 01:42 PM PDT

    Google Maps Bug! Insecure Reference to file from Chinese Google Servers

    Posted: 27 Aug 2019 01:24 PM PDT

    The first report of this issue (there are many more) came from one of our client's websites we host (didn't build) https://www.tendercarehh.com/ . We have a fully operating, clean SSL applied and zero insecure references in any of our included code.

    However, we are getting an insecure/mixed content reference from Google Maps Embed Iframe. This occurs even on their live site (https://www.google.com/maps). It will occur with or without an API key.

    It appeared as of two days ago.

    First insecure file being requested: http://maps.gstatic.cn/mapfiles/embed/images/google4.png

    File making the request: https://maps.gstatic.com/maps-api-v3/embed/js/38/1/init_embed.js

    Line in File making request where the first insecure reference is located: Line 23 un-formatted, Line 926 formatted.

    There are 18 insecure requests in this file, 16 of which don't seem to be conditional.

    Things I've tried to debug this issue:

    - Independent SSL check (Came back clean)

    - Full S+R in both code and database for insecure references

    - A complete upgrade of every service on the site

    - Isolating the iframe request without any other plugins, code or themes loading

    - A complete audit of all requests from the original DNS Query to the responding Server

    - Replicating the issue in a local environment

    - Using every private/public browser or browser configuration available

    - Replacing the maps with a direct query to Google Javascript API over SSL

    - Reviewing all Apache access and error logs form the last month

    - Googled for and read many, many Google Support/Stack Overflow articles that were similar but not identical to my issue

    I'm at my wit's end since all of my support requests have come to a dead-end. I even had one of the Google Support reps delete my post without warning.

    Can anyone reproduce this?

    submitted by /u/morethanccc
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