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    Thursday, August 15, 2019

    Choosing the right React graphing library is difficult. I've written an article to take the pain out of it! (TLDR included) web developers

    Choosing the right React graphing library is difficult. I've written an article to take the pain out of it! (TLDR included) web developers

    Choosing the right React graphing library is difficult. I've written an article to take the pain out of it! (TLDR included)

    Posted: 15 Aug 2019 06:49 AM PDT

    For The Guy Who Just Wants To Make Websites For A Living

    Posted: 15 Aug 2019 10:47 AM PDT

    I've been going through Colt Steele's Web Development course on Udemy (badass name, btw), studying a bunch of design theory, and realized just how much I love playing around with Bootstrap and Sass.

    In short, I really like building websites.

    The only problem is I have no idea what you would even call that type of position in a business environment. I find a bunch of titles like "Web designer", "UX/UI Developer", and "Frontend Designer" but there's so much overlap between those roles that it's hard for me to figure out how to best prioritize my time learning what I need to build websites.

    I guess my question is what would a guy who wants to build websites on the front end try to learn and then look for in a job? I'm already familiar with the Big 3 and pretty comfortable with Bootstrap 4, FontAwesome, etc. for styles.

    submitted by /u/Schindlers_Fist1
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    Backup MongoDB inside of Docker the right way. Finally found a way to do this nicely. Hope it helps :)

    Posted: 15 Aug 2019 06:15 AM PDT

    Watching tutorials while coding along: A quick tip

    Posted: 14 Aug 2019 09:46 PM PDT

    Get a keyboard with media controls. If you have them already, utilize the play/pause button so you don't have to drag your mouse between your editor window and the tutorial window. (I pause a lot because I usually don't type at the video's pace. But I'm getting better)

    Seems silly but those few seconds add up, especially when you have to figure out where you were in your code when you go back to the editor.

    Hope this helps someone!

    submitted by /u/dogaroobarks
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    What do you guys drink while coding or designing and work for hours on your system?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2019 07:13 AM PDT

    I'm just curious and want to know what do you guys prefer to drink while working, a drink that lasts for hours and also gives you energy to work.

    submitted by /u/vishwajeet33
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    How to focus on project for my lazy ass?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2019 12:18 PM PDT

    I've finished school and i want to make a web app but i can't seem to get into the flow of things and begin to write code. What are some things that you find to help focus on one project because i always watch Netflix or play games instead. Also how much time should i spend on it (hours a day / week). thanks.

    submitted by /u/r-forwardslash
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    My experience shipping my first app ��

    Posted: 15 Aug 2019 10:02 AM PDT

    Today I shipped my first app! It's a service that takes screenshots of websites (link at the bottom of the post, this post is mainly to share my thoughts on the tech side of things).

    To be clear, this isn't my first rodeo. Software development has been my day job for a few years now, but this is the first app I've ever shipped from scratch all by myself outside of work.

    The gory tech details:

    1. Backend is written in Node.js with TypeScript.
    2. Frontend is almost entirely static HTML and CSS. There's some JS for progressively enhancing things, but everything should work without JS enabled.
    3. I used React as a templating language (not really conventional as far as I know, but it worked great! It's my new favorite way of templating!)
    4. Hosting is a combination of Zeit for the static files and the bulk of the backend, with some AWS containers sprinkled in to handle my background jobs.
    5. Database is hosted on MongoDB Atlas. I chose MongoDB because it's what I'm most familiar with, and Atlas has a generous free tier.
    6. Payments are proceed through Paddle.

    What went right:

    1. Static pages makes everything snappy and is a breath of fresh air after working in heavy Angular (both 1.x and 2+) for the last few years.
    2. It's amazing how much you can do without JS on the fontend!
    3. TypeScript makes JS so much more productive.
    4. React is really interesting and versatile, and I see now why it has so much popularity - This was my first time using React.
    5. Zeit makes it super easy to quickly deploy and iterate.
    6. Zeit takes Serverless/Lambda approach to APIs, and this was my first real project with that architecture. I really love it. It keeps things simple and separated, and you don't have this huge sprawling ball of server code that could be doing anything at any point in time.
    7. Once you get AWS's container service set up, Docker makes it a breeze to deploy there as well.
    8. Paddle is really easy to set up, and I love all the worries they take care of.

    What went wrong:

    1. Took too long. I thought this would be a two-week project max, I was very wrong. It took 2.5 calendar months, 33 days of which were development (not all days were created equal).
    2. The Zeit platform is still very much in flux, they broke my deployments a few times (though they have never broken a live site!). The speed and flexibility of deployment keeps me with them, but if they break me a any more times though I may look at switching to pure AWS.
    3. I suck at CSS. I kind of knew that in the back of my mind, but this project brought it to light. I've since done a bunch of learning and should be a lot better in the future.
    4. Re: #3, I tried CSS-in-JS tools and they just create more trouble than they solve. I recommend just avoiding them all together.
    5. Paddle doesn't do as much as I thought. I got the impression from reading their website that I could offload my user and account pages to them, but that's not really the case at all. You still need to do all that plumbing yourself, they just handle the payment-related pages.
    6. I am easily distracted. I went off on a few coding tangents that were ultimately just thrown out, and I probably could've thrown them out before I ever started. I constantly need to remind myself of David Allen's concept of "next actions" and having a list of things that are important and specific that I need to do next.
    7. I probably bit off too many new things at once (1. React, 2. CSS-in-JS, 3. Zeit, 4. Serverless architecture, 5. And the original app functionality itself!)

    Overall I'm really happy with how things turned out, and I think I'll be keeping this tech stack going forward.

    If you've got any questions on the stack or anything else, I'm happy to answer anything!

    URL: https://sitetoimage.com (if you've got any feedback or critiques, I'd love to hear it!)

    submitted by /u/tyler_church
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    Russian HostGater scam?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2019 08:27 AM PDT


    I just purchased web hosting service + domain on https://ru.hostgator.com

    What I got is an empty profile and toolkit, there's just nothing on their website. I called their 2 Moscow numbers, one was some house window repair service, and the other was some old woman, both had no idea what hostgator is. There is no way it's not a scam right? They charged me like $10 which is not a big deal, as I cancelled my credit card and I will file for refund at my bank in Russia. They probably also have my password and email address for sale or leaked somewhere I suspect, which I can deal with too. It was just a really frustrating experience. I'm just getting into web development and many people say positive things about hostgator service, yet their Russian sister scam service is just not acceptable in 2019 imo. If you go to https://www.hostgator.com from Russian IP address, it redirects you to their Russian version.

    I described this situation to [legal@hostgator.com](mailto:legal@hostgator.com), hopefully they can take down this mess.

    submitted by /u/Envis79
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    Why is Sublime Text so fast?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2019 09:29 AM PDT

    Hello everyone, so I was once one of those hardcore ST users, I would praise it to be the ultimate tool for any kind of development for how just it goodly performs. It is truly a capable text editor. But then, 2 years ago I made the switch to VSCode and I never looked back, VSCode had everything I asked for and more. Today out of boredom, I decided to re-install Sublime Text for the first time in 2 years and I was astonished how instantly it was able to open up our gigantic company source code, I'm talking an Ionic app of more than 100 separate modules to it. VSCode does the job just great, but it would take a good 20 seconds to properly open the project up and index it. With sublime text it was instantaneous. Even with disabling all extensions on VSCode and clearing the cache, Sublim Text stills somehow outperforms VSCode massively, I'm talking 2-3 seconds to open the same project that took VSCode almost 20 seconds.

    submitted by /u/Eoussama
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    How does a site like bitchute grab newly uploaded videos from youtube?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2019 04:00 PM PDT

    I'd like to try implement something similar without polling (which I dont think bitchute does or the number api requests would quickly get out of hand). In bitchutes case all it seems to need is the youtube channel id and it seems to then know when videos have been uploaded on youtube. Anyone have any ideas? Cheers!

    submitted by /u/eastern_sun
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    anybody know any green themed styled websites?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2019 03:25 PM PDT

    sites like techcrunch or hackernoon. I would like to get some inspiration green color schemes that works.

    submitted by /u/MistahQueen
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    Pagespeed Insights is saying to preload key requests for fonts that are being imported via @font-face in my CSS file. How can I fix?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2019 02:53 PM PDT

    From Pagespeed:

    * Preload key requests * 1.08 s * Consider using <link rel=preload> to prioritize fetching resources that are currently requested later in page load. * Potential Savings * 1,080 ms 

    @font-face declaration in my CSS file:

    @font-face { font-family: 'Neurial Grotesk'; font-display: swap; src: url('/assets/fonts/hinted-NeurialGrotesk-Regular.woff2') format('woff2'), url('/assets/fonts/hinted-NeurialGrotesk-Regular.woff') format('woff'); font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; } 

    CSS style declarations:

    <link rel="preconnect" href="{{ "/assets/css/main.css" | absolute_url }}" crossorigin> <link rel="preload" href="{{ "/assets/css/main.css" | absolute_url }}" as="style"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ "/assets/css/main.css" | absolute_url }}"> 

    I just added the preconnect to see if it'd do anything.

    How can I enable preload on the fonts inside the css file?

    Thanks guys

    submitted by /u/Mike
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    Squarespace breaks the law, considers us wanting to right things out a 'feature request'

    Posted: 15 Aug 2019 08:41 AM PDT

    We've been using Squarespace at our company for quite a few years now - and for the most of that time, the CEO has personally paid for it using her own credit card.

    However, one weekend - out of the blue - her bank blocked all Visa Electron cards they've issued for online use and started issuing new ones. In the meantime, we couldn't use any other card as all of our employees had cards that were 3D-Secure only, and Squarespace didn't support 3D-Secure at that time.

    As issuing new cards takes time, we asked Squarespace to extend our payment deadline, but they said that they couldn't do that.

    So, we decided to change the account ownership to our company and pay using the company card. As we changed the ownership, we expected the invoice to be issued to the company - however, that wasn't the case: Squarespace issued the invoice to the CEO instead of the company.

    In Croatia, where we're based, this is a tax code violation on Squarespace's part and we can't accept that invoice.

    We contacted Squarespace 5 months ago to ask them to issue the invoice to the company.

    Their response was this:

    Since I can certainly see where being able to customize your invoice information as much as possible would be a good option to have, I will make sure to note this with our developers to consider implementing in the future.

    After following up, their final response was this:

    As previously mentioned, we have forwarded your feature request to our developers for review. While we can't offer a timeline or guarantee a solution to your query, we appreciate your feedback.

    We've contacted their legal team and support quite a few times, however, we're still nowhere close to solving this.

    I don't know what to do. This is a legal nightmare for us, and they respond by claiming it's 'a feature request' to which 'they can't guarantee a solution to'.

    They're prepared to let their clients get sued by their local tax administration because they can't change a string on an invoice. I'm deeply disappointed.

    submitted by /u/iwebnawebu
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    How do JavaScript Promises Work?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2019 02:20 PM PDT

    Help with Youtube API: OAuth for a custom one-off application

    Posted: 15 Aug 2019 02:07 PM PDT

    Hopefully, someone with experience working with Google API's can help me out. I've got a client that wants an application, that among other things, scans his youtube videos for some metadata.

    I've got the app working for up to 50 video scans but I get a 400 error from the API after that which states that I've exceeded my daily quota for an unregistered app. It goes on to say that I should sign up.

    I'm guessing this has to do with registering the application (I'm assuming through the google developer console), however, the process seems to assume that this application is going to be something widely available/for public consumption. They want a registered domain, logo, etc and I'm supposed to wait possibly for weeks, to get the app registered. The process is similar to registering a mobile app.

    But, again, this is just a custom application for a single client to use with his personal Youtube account. Is there another way that we can add this functionality to the application? Perhaps an API key that he can access?

    submitted by /u/Kinthalis
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    Do I need backend to be front end dev?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2019 10:10 AM PDT

    On my portfolio, I'm a junior dev looking for my FIRST web dev role. I'm looking for a front end role. So for my projects do i need to have full stack projects that use APIs and Node/express?

    Or can I have a bunch of Front End projects using CSS/HTML/JS/React and have a couple projects use an API call. For example a simple weather app that gets the weather in your area, for my API app.

    Then the other front end apps would be more advanced in the front end, more complex. But not have a backend/API.

    Will this be ok for landing a front end dev role? As a junior I mean.

    I do have experience with Node and express. But I strongly prefer front end.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Jayboii478
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    What do you use for managing account subscriptions?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2019 01:48 PM PDT

    Say I make a web-app that offers a service if users have an active subscription? Is there a node package that I would use to monitor those subscriptions? My current knowledge would be to use passport.js for user accounts, but beyond that I am lost. There would be no need for a content management system for this app, just subscribed user accounts before access.

    submitted by /u/RecklessCube
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    Multiple Email Mailboxes With My Own Domain

    Posted: 15 Aug 2019 01:07 PM PDT


    I was wondering what Hosting service would suit me best; I registered a domain for my family and want each member to have its own mailbox PLUS the possibility to create unlimited amounts of email addresses.

    Like this: Let's say the domain is www.griffin.com

    Peter's email address is [peter@griffin.com](mailto:peter@griffin.com), however he can put whatever he want in front of 'peter', so that he can do the following: [google.peter@griffin.com](mailto:google.peter@griffin.com) (for his google account), [github.peter@griffin.com](mailto:github.peter@griffin.com) (for his github account) and so forth.

    Lois' email would be [lois@griffin.com](mailto:lois@griffin.com), and she too can put everything she wants in front of it like Peter (like [netflix.lois@griffin.com](mailto:netflix.lois@griffin.com)). I think you get the idea!

    Now - what provider does this kind of stuff best?

    Looking forward to replies!

    submitted by /u/Chaapps
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    Need some advice on charging for product data work.

    Posted: 15 Aug 2019 12:44 PM PDT

    I'm a private contractor and a buddy of mine wants me to help with a client who wants a magento store. They are going to have about 15k products, with about 5 manufacturers With 3k products each. The data isn't standardized between the manufacturers and its there is a lot of incomplete data from each. There needs to be about 15 different attributes with hundreds of values for color and sizes and what not because the owner doesn't want to standardize either, on top of the additional fields like price, description (which I will have to scrape from manufacturers website) etc.

    How many hours do you think this kind of work would take you or should take?And how much should I be charging for this kind of work with 5 years of experience?

    I feel like I could easily create a few scripts to do a bulk of the work and get it done much faster, but then I'd be hurting my bottom line. I know a lot of agencies charge out the ass for e-commerce stores with that many products, but my buddy only wants to charge 7k for this site. Any advice is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/accountadministrator
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    Introduction to WebAssembly: The Magic of Native Code in Web Apps

    Posted: 15 Aug 2019 06:23 AM PDT

    Would it be possible to integrate Python into an HTML page?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2019 12:07 PM PDT

    I'm more or less proficient with python, and was wondering if it's possible to integrate a python script into an HTML page for something that is basically a calculator.

    submitted by /u/Surpex
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    Deciding on how to build a ecommerce website?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2019 11:28 AM PDT

    Hello, My fellow graduate and I are looking to develop a "test" ecommerce site. One that we will be good to place on our portfolios. We want to be able to not only express what we know in developing but also learn something new. My question is what would the community recommend on building this kind of website. I've seen examples of building these sites from sratch with react or php. Are there any platforms that would be good? (I am aware of wordpress but would like to not use it.)

    submitted by /u/IzayaOrihara20
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    Anyone else exasperated by the amount of incompetence in this industry?

    Posted: 15 Aug 2019 10:57 AM PDT

    I know this sub is mostly juniors so maybe this will not be relatable. I'm a senior dev who has worked at a fair number of companies. There is always at least one peer who is just terrible at being a developer, usually more than one. It's often an H1B but not always. I've seen this at places like Microsoft and places like a small startup.

    Reviewing the code is an exercise in futility, as you essentially have to write it for them before they can make it right. They don't learn or improve. And maybe this is just me, but I get jaded and start letting shitty code through the reviews because writing a dozen problems and solutions for every PR is exhausting.

    Anyone know what I mean? How do you deal with it?

    submitted by /u/Blind-Mute
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