What is the worst thing you've been taught while learning to program? (By Tutorials, teachers, forum people) learn programming |
- What is the worst thing you've been taught while learning to program? (By Tutorials, teachers, forum people)
- How should beginners go beyond the basics of programming?
- Are web developer bootcamps enough to get a job?
- How would you go about creating a baisc API?
- Any third-world web developers managed to get a job in Europe/North America ?
- App Academy Open vs CS50 series?
- ELI5 backend technologies and how they relate to each other...
- Learning c#
- Should I test one public method or many private method it consists of?
- Imposted syndrome in my own projects?
- What do you do when two classes need to contain each other to have access to their private variables?
- Nand2Tetris advice?
- Good resources for learning dotnet entity framework from the ground up?
- [Python]
- How do I make a 2d array with one of each number in order in java?
- Which modern web languages have good free libraries for generating and modifying/pre-filling PDFs based on user input?
- How can I improve my portfolio page?
- Ideas for projects
- C# pictureBox images not being disposed of.
- Is there any real use with One/Two's Complement?
- I'm 14, having trouble with learning more than one language at a time
- About a calculator program that can calculate integer addition / subtraction written using the MIPS assembler.
- Clean/readable B+ tree implementation for find, insert, and delete operations?
- How to Escape Salesforce
- Greenfoot prompt
Posted: 14 Jul 2019 02:17 AM PDT For me it was "every attribute in a class must have a getter and a setter". [link] [comments] |
How should beginners go beyond the basics of programming? Posted: 14 Jul 2019 10:13 AM PDT Hello reddit, i've heard this question several times now: "I know all the basics, how loops work, how a program runs and everything. I just don't know how to combine that knowlegde to something big" I know several people who seem to be stuck in writing simple currency converters and such, simply because they don't know "how to build something cool with the basics". One explained it to me like this "I have all the basic ingredients for a cake, and i know for example how to make scrambled eggs or dough, but i don't know how to combine the eggs, flour and sugar to make a cake". How would you explain these people the next steps? [link] [comments] |
Are web developer bootcamps enough to get a job? Posted: 14 Jul 2019 04:47 PM PDT I'm 4 years into my career and I don't have a Computer Science degree, but I'm looking to possibly switch gears and become a web developer (or something similar). My question really is whether or not these bootcamps are taken seriously by employers and whether or not I'll learn the necessary skills and how effective it will be in helping me get started in a web development career. [link] [comments] |
How would you go about creating a baisc API? Posted: 14 Jul 2019 06:11 PM PDT So I recently went through a tutorial for an application that demonstrated pulling data down in the form of an HTTP request. This is very similar to what I am trying to achieve in the app I am building. I want to perform the same process but need to know how to set up the API to retrieve the information. I will be using axios in order to make my requests. Link to Tutorial API: https://rallycoding.herokuapp.com/api/music_albums How would I go about setting something like this up? For example, what if I did this with employees at my work (employees could be added or removed in the backend)? Thanks in advance, sorry if my question seems vague but I am not really sure what to call this. [link] [comments] |
Any third-world web developers managed to get a job in Europe/North America ? Posted: 14 Jul 2019 11:57 AM PDT Hello everyone, I've lately been considering looking for how to leave my country (Morocco) either by getting a job or getting a permanent residency somewhere in Europe or wherever, since there seems to be a high demand for developers. I'm a self-taught web developer with 1 year experience and I have a scientific bachelor's in a non related field. Any of you care to share their story ? Thanks. [link] [comments] |
App Academy Open vs CS50 series? Posted: 14 Jul 2019 04:48 PM PDT Currently working as a business analyst. I want to move into a more technical role and ultimately have the option of freelancing. Strongly considering web development or maybe app development. Considering starting with either App Academy Open or doing CS50 - > CS50 web - > CS50 react native - > maybe CS61A and B. CS50 route would have the advantage of covering Python (and Java if I do CS61B), which I am interested in and could be useful in my current role, but I'm concerned about it being too broad (and I'm guessing not nearly enough to be job ready since it probably takes half as long as AAO; would I end up just doing App Academy anyway?) Anyone finished the CS50 route? What were your thoughts and did you feel comfortable building anything yourself afterwards? Did you feel like you had a good understanding of any of the frameworks covered? Feel close to job ready? Where did you go after finishing that path? Does App Academy go into enough computer science depth or did you take additional courses? [link] [comments] |
ELI5 backend technologies and how they relate to each other... Posted: 14 Jul 2019 10:20 PM PDT Hi guys, I've been learning html, css, and JavaScript for a few months now. I'm still having trouble understanding async/await and "this" and APIs in general (I'd y'all wanna also help with that) but kinda wanna start moving on to learning some react and some backend, particularly in node and sql. The issue is that I don't quite understand backend jargon and how all the technologies interact. I spent about a week researching front end and how all those technologies work together and that was quite simple (html is like the skeleton, css the styling, JavaScript the functionality, React a JS framework/library to more easily organize all of those things), but backend is kinda confusing. How is node and express connected to sql or mysql or nosql and how are those connected to things like AWS, Axure, Firebase, etc. I just need a visual roadmap of how these things are all related. So an ELI5 or literally a diagram would be helpful. I'd like to understand how the things I want to learn interact with each other before I actually learn them. Any help would be great! Thanks! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 14 Jul 2019 06:34 PM PDT Hi, I wanted to see if anyone has any suggestions on classes, sites, or tutorials to learning c#. My background is currently System Administrator and I am looking to move to the development side of things. I see positions that looks like entry level, but are either looking for 2 years experience and bachelors degree. How would I get that type of experience with my current background any suggestion? Also, how much weight would my current system experience help with a position as a developer? Thanks for the advice [link] [comments] |
Should I test one public method or many private method it consists of? Posted: 14 Jul 2019 10:11 PM PDT Suppose you have private methods: ``` fun validateName(doc *Document) []ValidationError fun validateDOB(doc *Document) []ValidationError ``` And a public method that aggregates the above methods:
What should I write unit test for? [link] [comments] |
Imposted syndrome in my own projects? Posted: 14 Jul 2019 03:22 PM PDT So i got experience with Python, Django and MongoDB. For some reason, every-time i start a project on my own i feel like i always forget how to do stuff so i just google it quickly but understand how it works. I feel everyone i know in school just creates their projects and know what they're talking about. I'm a 4.0 senior student and feel extremely dumb for not knowing the stuff i got experience in. Even if i know the Data structures and Algorithms pretty good i still kinda take a bit of time to google some small stuff like how to take an input then i would see it and remember. Does that mean software ain't for me? I have experience with multiple areas like Machine Learning, Android Development and Game development. Finished some projects in each but still this imposter syndrome is killing me. EDIT: Maybe i should focus on one rather than many? might that be the problem? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 14 Jul 2019 03:16 PM PDT For example, I was just writing a snake game for practice, trying to not look at tutorials or anything. I have two classes in it called "Map" and "Snake", map containing the matrix of empty spaces and wall characters and all the information about the map itself like width and height etc. and a Print() function, and the Snake class containing all the information about the snake like its head coordinates, tail coordinates, methods like move() etc. At first, I realized Map should have access to Snake's variables, since in the Print() function needed to have access to its coordinates so when I print the map I also print the snake at the same time, else I couldn't do it in a console application, you can't delete and overwrite characters written to the cmd. So my idea was to contain the Snake class inside the Map class, by having a Snake object inside the Map class. But then I realized my Snake class needs to have access to Map's variables as well, since I need to know whether a specific coordinate inside the matrix is empty space or not for the move_tail() part of the move() function (it looks in all 4 directions and in whichever direction it's not empty space, it goes that way, so it sticks to the snake). But two classes can't just contain each other, right? Else we'd have a Snake object which contains a Map object which contains a Snake object which contains a.... What is there to do in such a situation like this? I assume not making everything global. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 14 Jul 2019 01:00 PM PDT I have heard Nand2Tetris mentioned on this sub an it sounds incredibly interesting, so I am thinking of giving it a go and see if I can follow it. What I have found by googling a bit is that the original material should be what can be found here https://www.nand2tetris.org/ , but that it was used in a gazillion other programs since. So... in 2019, if I have no formal background in any of this (learning to program at 35, currently taking the MIT intro to CS via edX and loving it), would you advise for using the material on the nand2tetris.org website, or another of the resources derived from it? If so, which and why? (also: people who took nand2tetris, are you happy you did?) [link] [comments] |
Good resources for learning dotnet entity framework from the ground up? Posted: 14 Jul 2019 06:30 PM PDT I'm a Java dev, already knowledgeable with APIs (Spring boot) and OOP. Now I want to learn building web APIs using dotnet with entity framework. I have almost 0 experience with C#. Can anybody guide me to how I can achieve this? I am aware microsoft has documentation for dotnet, but is there like a step by step way you'd recommend? e.g.
The type of content I'm looking for besides syntax is those related to data types, best practices, etc. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 14 Jul 2019 02:42 PM PDT Not sure if I should post here or go to the specific Learnpython subreddit, but figured the logic might be the same around the board. I've been pulling my hair out trying to figure out the issue with my code, getting this TypeError: The error I'm getting: File "test2.py", line 62, in main quesAns = eval(str(rand) + opsRand + str(rand2) + opsRand2 + str(rand3)) TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "builtin_function_or_method") to str I've spent hours trying to find the solution and I'm getting nowhere. [link] [comments] |
How do I make a 2d array with one of each number in order in java? Posted: 14 Jul 2019 11:08 PM PDT Probably a terrible question, but how would I go about making a 2d array with one of each number? As in, if I were to make a 3 by 3 array with numbers ranging from 1 to 9, or a 4 by 4 with 1 to 16. My main goal, in the end, is to find a way to shuffle this, but all I need now is to find in numerical order. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 14 Jul 2019 05:06 PM PDT I recall Python having a good one back in the day, are others superior? [link] [comments] |
How can I improve my portfolio page? Posted: 14 Jul 2019 07:43 PM PDT So I already have 2 projects: an ecommerce website and a python real estate scraper. Im looking for a critique of my portfolio webpage, the UI design (the part where there is plain text) doesn't convince me. Also it isnt responsive even though I included "content="width=device-width" , initial-scale="1.0" />": the divs get on top of each other if I minimize it a bit. What did I do wrong? Also, what would you change in terms of code structure? The code: view-source:https://myfirstportfolio.netlify.com/ Its 100 lines of HTML + 100 lines of CSS + 50 lines of JS. If anyone knows another place where I can post this "critique my web" request, I'd appreciate if you let me know. [link] [comments] |
Posted: 14 Jul 2019 04:34 PM PDT Hello fellow programmers ! Before I begin with my question I need to give some information so let me begin with that, I am long lurker on this sub and finally got courage to post so let me begin that I am 16 years and not that good english speaker (since it isn't my main language), I've settled long ago that I want to become DevOps and I've been dead serious on learning stuff and building my knowledge on stack that I settled on (RHEL/CentOS, Python, JS, Go, Java, Gitlab-CI, Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes, NGINX, AWS, Terraform, Ansible...). I am currently trying to "crush" Python completely this summer so that I am confident with my skills (I've worked with Python in past a bit), my first project was automated script for deploying certain containers in Docker on my server (NGINX, MySQL, Gitlab, Node.Js - Most of these containers were just for experimental reasons). I am currently looking up for bigger projects that will later be able to be used as example for learning advanced stuff (CI/CD pipelines, AWS...), maybe web app (Recommend me a framework which will be suitable for that job since I am still learning Python) or CLI tool ? I welcome any suggestion and will be grateful for any piece advice / information. [link] [comments] |
C# pictureBox images not being disposed of. Posted: 14 Jul 2019 05:10 PM PDT I am trying to create an image viewer that allows me move forward and backwards through the images in a directory. The problem is I keep "running out of memory" after a few images. I have searched around, but most places tell me to dispose of the image, which I am already doing. files is an array of filenames (String) and index is pretty explanatory I think.
Edit: I figured it out! In case anyone is interested, I wasn't checking to ensure that the image was a regular format (jpeg, PNG etc). My programs was hitting a .PSD file, which is a lot larger, and then freaking out. Now that I am checking the file type, that issue has stopped. [link] [comments] |
Is there any real use with One/Two's Complement? Posted: 14 Jul 2019 04:34 PM PDT I'm still going through this video someone sent me on Intel x86, and got to this slide: https://i.imgur.com/MWMb7H1.png Before this, was a conversion chart between decimal, binary and hexadecimal, which I understood quite easily, but then it started with this one. But I have some questions regarding this. I thought 0xFF was 255, but this is saying it's -1. Does it change its meaning if somehow defined as a negative number? I mean I get it, you invert the bits and add one, but I don't know how 11111111 can be -1 when it's also 255. I'm also not sure about the distinction between positive and negative bytes, although I guess this also applies to the question above. Edit: Is this like, in a situation where you have to count backwards it can be used as a shortcut? Like lists in JavaScript where you can type "-5" in square brackets it'll count backwards from the end of the list? [link] [comments] |
I'm 14, having trouble with learning more than one language at a time Posted: 14 Jul 2019 08:16 PM PDT I'm still very much a beginner at programming but I have learned HTML and CSS (I know they're not really programming languages), JavaScript, Python, and lately a lot of Java with CTY courses and bookwork. Even though I spent almost a year learning each of these languages, I still have trouble switching from one to another, and I especially get confused between Python and Java. If you know a lot of languages at once, do you have any advice for me on how to learn them at the same time and not get confused or forget it? [link] [comments] |
Posted: 14 Jul 2019 11:32 PM PDT Im having trouble completing and understanding this mips code About a calculator program that can calculate integer addition / subtraction written using the MIPS assembler. im trying to complete mips program code about a calculator program that can calculate integer addition / subtraction written using the MIPS assembler. The input is given to the array of Formula char (base address $ s0) in the form of a formula. .text main: Loop: lb $t0,0($s0) End: li $v0,1 Plus: addi $s4, $zero, 1 add $s1,$s1,$s2 beq $s4,1,Join //im not sure here Subn: sub $s2,$s1,$s2 Exit: .data However when debugging this code produce 23, but the correct result is -83 However when debugging this code not work, is there wrong part?? [link] [comments] |
Clean/readable B+ tree implementation for find, insert, and delete operations? Posted: 14 Jul 2019 02:35 PM PDT In school, I've recently learned about B+ trees, but we didn't have any practice writing code for them. Does anyone know of a clean, readable B+ tree implementation (in Java) for the find, insert, and delete operation? Everything I've come across while searching the web is either poorly written or more complicated than I'm looking for. I'm aware that implementing a B+ tree in Java has issues because of indirection, but I'm looking more for 'proof of concept' than anything so that I can practice writing a functional BTree class. Any appropriate textbooks/links/repos you guys know of? Thanks! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 14 Jul 2019 11:18 PM PDT So I got a big break with Salesforce. No college and early 20s, no coding, and I got an admin job which has been great exposure to dealing with systems, databases, and shudder -those- users. Anymore, I want to break free of Salesforce. Its a great product but I have visions for apps and software that isn't just a database. I know well enough now to follow code, though I'm still learning the tags and how to apply them effectively. Anyways, I keep having ideas for apps and software that might help people, but I only know Salesforce. I was looking at javascript as a start. Salesforce uses it a lot and even if my employer gets rid of salesforce I'm still useful with websites and front end development. Plus, i hear it's relatively light compared to Java. At the same time, when I read on javascript I get overwhelmed by concepts (jQuery, angularJS, etc.) That steal away the simplicity and make me wonder if hitting Java would be a better investment. Theres also the other languages like Ruby and the well known Python that im aware of (dabbled in python and liked it) My ideal scenario is that within 6 months I could learn a code competently enough to match my current salary in a skill dependent role (jr developer in most cases) that would also allow me to start benefiting my life and others with at least simple programs. I'm guessing my description is more backend development which I know to be more Java than JS My question is, is this a reasonable goal? What language might fit this description best? Am I overthinking it and should just pick one and dive in? Any guidance is greatly appreciated! [link] [comments] |
Posted: 14 Jul 2019 07:31 PM PDT Good day, redditors. I seem to be stuck with number 11. When code (on the left) is run, the sound effect doesn't fully work and it doesn't stop when said so. Overall, it's not working as I'd hope and I'm close to giving up and crying. Please help me. greenfoot [link] [comments] |
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