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    Friday, July 12, 2019

    Someone posted a video showing off their pseudo desktop UI last week and I tried to make my version of it as a self challenge. web developers

    Someone posted a video showing off their pseudo desktop UI last week and I tried to make my version of it as a self challenge. web developers

    Someone posted a video showing off their pseudo desktop UI last week and I tried to make my version of it as a self challenge.

    Posted: 12 Jul 2019 12:06 PM PDT

    54 applications; 2 new hires! Lots of interest in good jobs out there but also first time we were rejected so much. It is an employee's market!

    Posted: 12 Jul 2019 01:24 PM PDT

    How to plan out a big project as the single developer?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2019 01:11 AM PDT

    Currently I am working on my first big personal project, as the only designer/developer.

    If I had to take a guess, it would still take me 750+ hours to finish the project. I work full-time (40 hrs/week), and I do this project completely on the side. So on average I work on the project for 2-3 hours a day. In the weekends I try to do 3-5 hours a day, depending on what other activities I have scheduled.

    It's a project that I really want to finish, and I have been working on it for 1-2 months already.

    What can I do to plan the project out? Currently it's all in my head; I know what's missing, so I just do what's needed (and especially what I feel like doing). It's quite a mess currently: For example, one day I will work on the database structure/routing, and the next day I will work on the front-end. Then the next day I will do some database queries or illustrations. As I said, it's quite a mess, but it also makes it so it doesn't feel like a chore, and it keeps it fun for me.

    I'm basically wondering how you guys plan out big projects, what do you do first, what do you do last? Or does it not matter at all? And how do you stay motivated and/or feel accomplished after a couple hours of work done?

    Hopefully some solo developers could give their insight/experience.

    Edit: Thank you all for the advice. It certainly is very detailed and helpful.

    submitted by /u/physiQQ
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    self doubt

    Posted: 12 Jul 2019 10:25 AM PDT

    Did you guys ever feel like you were in the wrong field while you were studying web dev?

    submitted by /u/Wh00pity_sc00p
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    Resume Audit - What would you change?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2019 02:32 PM PDT

    Invitation from Web Developer Guys

    Posted: 12 Jul 2019 04:06 PM PDT

    Popups: 10 Problematic Trends and Alternatives

    Posted: 12 Jul 2019 05:47 AM PDT

    I want the internet to be a little more punk rock. Where are all the experimental UIs!?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2019 03:50 PM PDT

    How to more effectively understand people and their ideas?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2019 06:16 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    so lately I've been realizing that I have a tough time understanding clients/coworkers and their ideas. Say someone presents me with a task for a site, they want to reorganize a page. It takes me like an hour of familiarizing myself with the page and seeing how it works before and all the moving parts of it, to understand what the person wants.

    Is this normal? It seems like my coworkers just understand these things right away and can implement the changes without any trouble.

    Are there any techniques you implement in these situations? I try to break the task down to small parts, but that doesn't help much as I still don't really "get" it.


    submitted by /u/moonsout_goonsout
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    Using an AOL or Hotmail Email Makes You Unhireable, Career Experts Say - any devs here using a hotmail address?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2019 11:46 AM PDT


    This is a question specifically for us devs, note the article above isn't specifically about the tech sector.

    I can understand the AOL angle in the article given I can't imagine many devs would have an AOL account or be using an AOL email address. BTW, from a quick google, there looks to still be about 2 million people in the states using AOL in 2019.

    As someone with a FirstNameLastName@hotmail.com account which I've had for, well, probably 20+ years or so now, I've always used my hotmail account on my resume and when applying for jobs.

    Why not gmail? Simple, I couldn't get FirstNameLastName@gmail.com. I tried some variations and didn't like what I could get so I've always stuck with hotmail because it's easy to remember, both professionally and personally. The value in my hotmail accout is the address, not the domain.

    I do have a gmail email, but don't use it much. It's kind of a throw away account and isn't tied to my name in any way.

    I do have FirstNameLastName.com but it's just parked. It used to be a personal/portfolio site but I moved all that to github a long time ago. I'll always renew the domain even if I'm not using it.

    Any other devs here using a hotmail account and if so, have you ever felt discriminated or looked down upon when it comes to your career?

    submitted by /u/magenta_placenta
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    How to achieve Kerberos authentication in my web app?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2019 04:20 PM PDT

    Hi All! Some context behind my question: I've just come in to a new job and there is a really old sharepoint 3.0 site as my companies intranet page (landing page for all users who open ie). It runs terribly as it's bloated with tons of unused plugins, so I want to create a brand new page using some modern frameworks. I have the most experience with Flask as a backend and I really want to try to create the frontend using Svelte 3.0.

    The only really nice feature that the current site has is Kerberos single sign on. I don't have to log in to the site, it just does it for me using my windows credentials (domain and active directory). I have tried to make sense of how it currently works but I have no asp.net knowledge, and I haven't deployed any apps with iis either.

    My question is this: What's the most elegant way to implement Kerberos authentication? Is it possible to have Apache handle it, and be able to pass user sessions to the front/back-end? Or, would I have to have Kerberos support in front and back-end?

    submitted by /u/Arrowtica
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    Switching courses - Okay to start in the middle?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2019 03:39 PM PDT

    Disclaimer: I am super novice and only dabble in dev... I'm just getting my feet wet at the moment, so please be forgiving if my question is super basic or if it has already been answered.

    So I have been working through Colt Steele's bootcamp on Udemy. I came across THIS thread which recommended to change courses, and the logic behind it is rather convincing... So I did.

    I made it through Colt's HTML/CSS sections and a few videos introducing JS. In essence, I haven't' gotten that far.

    Should I/Do I need to start all the way over with HTML/CSS in the new course? Or can I just kind of figure out where to jump in with JS?

    I mean, I'm sure I could bone up on my CSS and/or Bootstrap a bit, but honestly, even as a novice, it doesn't seem like there is SO MUCH to those two components that I couldn't learn along the way and/or look up bits when I need to...

    Thanks ahead of time!

    tl;dr - Switched Udemy courses after HTML/CSS - Jump into JS or go back to review the whole thing?

    submitted by /u/lusciouscactus
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    How to send and receive large file upload streaming in NodeJS

    Posted: 12 Jul 2019 03:22 PM PDT

    I've been banging my head for a week now and every article out there does not help. I am familiar with NodeJS with its streaming and buffer concept.

    What I want is simple. I want to have two servers:

    - clientServer

    • serves static file with simple input and button to upload file
    • when the button is clicked, it will take the file and send it to this server's `/upload` endpoint
    • the endpoint `/upload` need to receive file by streaming
    • as soon as it receives the file, it has to stream it right away to the `fileServer`'s `/save` endpoint

    - fileServer

    • receives the file from `clientServer` by streaming
    • as soon as it receives the file, it has to stream it write to a folder

    Basically, it has to get the file from the browser, stream it end to end until it gets saved to a folder. Because of this, the heap and the buffer memory of these two NodeJS processes (`clientServer` and `fileServer`) needs to be kept small. The file will potentially be gigabytes.

    Bonus constraints:

    - clientServer's front end need to use `fetch` API

    - clientServer's back end need to use axios to send file to `fileServer`

    submitted by /u/christiansakai
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    Multiple questions on the web developer career

    Posted: 12 Jul 2019 03:15 PM PDT

    Hey everyone!

    I'm currently a CS student about to graduate pretty soon, I have multiple questions regarding to the web developer career.

    1. Is it true that you ALWAYS need to work in your free time to be proficient at what you're doing (up to date with the newest technologies)? I do enjoy programming, I do like to work on my personal project from time to time but if you need to code all day long from morning to evening, yeah no thanks... I have other hobbies in my life.
    2. Any career prospects in the long term?
    3. Hopefully this one makes sense : I do enjoy having this feeling of becoming good at something, like when you become a better cook by knowing how to cook multiple dishes. I just have this feeling that web development is about using tools that change every 2 months, so it means you can be a good web developper today but total garbage 2 months later if you haven't followed the trend. Is it actually true?

    Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/itsdaly
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    Tracking voting history to stop users from voting more than once

    Posted: 12 Jul 2019 03:01 PM PDT

    I'm building a polls app using PHP and React for my final project, and I'm stuck with tracking the voting history of users. Only registered users can create new polls, but both registered and anonymous users can vote on them. I want to avoid multiple votes on the same poll by the same users as much as possible, but I'm having trouble with the anonymous users and I'm not sure what's the best way to go about it.

    Below are the database schema I have so far:

    questions table: id - PK question - varchar user_id - FK created_at - datetime updated_at - datetime

    responses table: id - PK response - varchar question_id - FK votes - int created_at - datetime updated_at - datetime

    voting_history table: id - PK question_id FK user_id FK (for registered users only. So can be null?) response_id FK voted_at - datetime

    users table: id - PK username password email

    I thought about adding an ip field to the voting_history table, and fetching the IP address when a vote is submitted, but what if more than one user is using the same IP (e.g. registered and anonymous)?

    Another thing could be creating a hash when the voting request is processed and returning it as a cookie, so if the user tries to vote on the same question again, and the cookie is set, the request won't be processed. Would this be a better solution?

    submitted by /u/goodatfalling
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    How to modify a code generated from a dynamic code?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2019 10:51 AM PDT

    This may be a stupid question but sorry I am not a dev. I want to change only

    <h3>SẢN PHẨM</h3> 


    <h1>SẢN PHẨM</h1> 

    on this page https://tolelight.com.vn/, the rest <h3> tags should remain unchanged, it should be

    <h1>SẢN PHẨM</h1> <h3>CHỨNG CHỈ</h3> <h3>TIN TỨC</h3> 

    How to do it?

    PHP code:

    <div class="head"> <h3><?=$name?></h3> <div class="gach"></div> </div> 

    Full code:

    <section id="slider"> <div class="wraper"> <div id="slide" class="nivoSlider"> <?php $sql=mysql_query("select * from advertise where catid=3 and block = 0 order by id desc "); while($r=mysql_fetch_array($sql)){ ?> <img src="<?=$root?>uploads<?=$r['image']?>" data-thumb="<?=$root?>uploads<?=$r['image']?>"/> <?php } ?> </div> </div> </section> <section id="boxCenter"> <div class="wraper"> <div class="boxCenter"> <div class="carouselSlider"> <div class="jcarousel-wrapper"> <div class="jcarousel"> <ul> <?php $tbl=new table('content'); $res = $tbl->loadAll('order by id asc' ); while ($row = @mysql_fetch_object($res)) { $id=$row->id; if($_SESSION['lang1']=='vi'){ $name=$row->name; $url=$row->summary; $de=$row->details; $link=convert($row->name); }else{ $name=$row->name_en; $url=$row->summary; $de=$row->details_en; } ?> <li> <div class="head"> <h3><?=$name?></h3> <div class="gach"></div> </div> <div class="img"> <a href="<?=$root?><?=$url?>"><img src="<? $chuoi=$row->image; if($chuoi1=substr($chuoi,0,7)=='http://') echo $chuoi; else { if($chuoi=='') echo $root."images/noimage.jpg"; else echo $root."uploads".$chuoi; } ?>" /> </a> </div> <h4><a href="<?=$root?><?=$url?>"><?= substr($de,0, 110) ?></a></h4> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> </div> <a href="#" class="control-prev"></a> <a href="#" class="control-next"></a> </div> </div> <div class="standard"> <img src="<?=$root?>images/iso.jpg"/> <img src="<?=$root?>images/astm.jpg"/> <img src="<?=$root?>images/sgs.jpg"/> <img src="<?=$root?>images/pret.jpg"/> </div> </div> </div> </section> 
    submitted by /u/tronatula
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    Is my University scamming me?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2019 01:50 PM PDT

    I'm a distracted college student who has tired of academia and just wants to make more than $10/hr. My university, like many others, offers a six month webdev certificate. They claim on the website that I will be prepared for an entry level webdev job upon completion, but this seems too good to be true to me. Have any of you done a similar program and found a job upon completion? Will I just make no money?

    submitted by /u/throwawaybanana99
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    Is it okay to be horrible with creating UI?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2019 01:42 PM PDT

    I'm horrible at design issues, not at turning pages to code, but in a matter of being bad at creating UIs, such as creating beautiful ones without "copying" from any website. Or understand things like typography and color palette.

    I thought of doing some design course, but from what I've seen, even in small companies (4 ~ 10 people) they have someone to do only the pages on something like Figma and adobe XD, and the developer's job is to only write html, css and js to turn that into web pages.

    So, is it okay to not be good at it? From what I've researched, only people who are completely dedicated to the front end do some degree in design. But I think my goal is to plan, at least for now.

    submitted by /u/rootuser_
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    Restrict access to part of website based on Stripe Subscription

    Posted: 12 Jul 2019 07:40 AM PDT

    Hi guys,

    I am a teacher and have developed my own website for teachers to use as a productivity tool.

    Over the last month or so, I have been developing a section of my website for students to use (learning resources etc). Currently, it is not live.

    My website model is a free membership site but with an affiliate ad placed on each page to try to generate revenue to cover my hosting costs (it's not working as nobody clicks/buys).

    As I mentioned earlier, I have been developing a 'student' section of my website that's yet to go live. I am looking to restrict access to this section so that users have to pay a monthly subscription fee to gain access.

    I have researched a few options and Stripe has been recommended a lot. I should mention that I develop in PHP.

    I have signed up to Stripe and have a set of test API keys to use.

    Now, I think I understand how to implement a payment button so that when a user clicks on the button, they are redirected to the Stripe website to enter their payment information. If payment is successful, they are redirected back to a 'success' page which I specify.

    My question is, how do I know who has an active subscription or not so that I can restrict/grant access to my website depending on whether a user has paid? At the moment, I have written a script which inserts the users email address, date of payment, and then when their subscription expires (lets say 30 days) in a database.

    So I am able to restrict/grant access based on their first payment. From then on, how do I know if a user is making further payments (grant access for them), or whether their payment failed or is cancelled? (restrict access).

    I want the process to be as automagic as possible (i.e. no manual checking) without costing me money.

    Does anybody have experience of this? I think I read somewhere about using webhooks but I have no experience using them, or even know what they are.

    submitted by /u/Activeguy
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    If you have a Wordpress site with 500,000 or more posts, how are you keeping it fast and stable?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2019 01:35 PM PDT

    I run a Wordpress site with around 100,000 posts, and it's both slow and resource intensive.

    So, I was wondering if anyone out there with a larger Wordpress can explain the set-up they use for speed and stability.

    Namely, I'd be curious to know any of the following:

    *What theme?

    *What plugins?

    *What host and package?

    *Any other tools you use keep it fast and stable?

    (Also for what it's worth, I'd normally post this in the Wordpress subreddit. But, I'm looking for suggestions from folks with a broader interest in web development. Hence the post here.)


    submitted by /u/chriscasemart
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    Showoff Saturday & My 1 year journey into web development

    Posted: 12 Jul 2019 01:27 PM PDT

    Hi, my first post ever in r/webdev & also, Reddit

    I graduated university with a bachelor degree in Computer Engineering, a not-high-enough-to-be-of-use GPA & a few research project yielded no paper. After a semester working as a teaching assistant, I set off finding a job. And, here I'm now, a 1 year experience web developer working for a travel tech startup, doing both front-end & back-end tasks daily. About 6 months ago, my big brother asked me if I wanted to start a business with him & I said sure, let's do it. So, we gathered up, forming a small real estate agent team, he & few others was out on the road, leading clients and I started making a website for us, at home. At times, we might not score any contracts but clients were always a lot so initially, we needed a web app which could help storing & organizing data about properties around the city. Later, we also used it to organize client's information. These features were done in simple admin interface and used internally only. The website at the time only had a landing page, even now, there is only 1 significant page added which is properties search page for clients. With the intention to scale up one day, I used the first & only web framework that I have worked with in the last 6 months: Rails and, as a eccentric young man I once was (probably still am right now), I added a few more trendy tech to the stack. To highlight somewhat about the web app:

    - Rails 5, Postgres & images stored locally on server

    - ReactJS (provided by webpacker & React Rails gem) with Material UI library

    - Graphql (provided by graphql-ruby gem)

    - Apollo Client to interact with graphql server

    - No redux, react-router as of now, I have started to learn to restraint myself from unneeded complexity (sadly, only after working with these tech for a while). Routing is instead, handled by Rails with support from js-routes gem

    - Deploying using Capistrano (don't know Mina at that moment) to a 5$ Digital Ocean droplet (still 5$ now since we only approach about 100 clients per month)

    - Admin interface created with the support of ActiveAdmin. AA can be annoying at times without auto resource detection feature like RailsAdmin but after a while, I actually find it enjoyable to work with since I have to customize the interface & filters a lot to support my team operation. Great work, AA team! Really appreciated, I'll start making my first open-source contribution soon and I now know exactly what repo that I should contribute to!

    Here is the real estate website for you guys to take a look at. If you guys feel like it, I will screenshot some pages in the admin interface as well.


    I welcome all constructive criticism & comments. There are probably tons of things that I don't know of to improve the website, hope you guys can give me some suggestions!

    Continue to read more about my journey and 2 valuable lessons that I learned

    The travel startup company is my 9-to-5 job (main job - MJ), the real estate team is my after 5 and weekends job (side job - SJ).

    At MJ till today, we use Rails 4 for backend & React 15 + erb + Semantic UI for front-end. MJ's back-end still works great, the ugliest piece of code is not too ugly, most of the codes are kind of clean for a 4 year old codebase but front-end is screwed tho, probably by some guy like me who overly loves trendy things at the time (haha). Semantic UI's classes are overwritten everywhere, misused Turbolinks (removed later on), React 15 used together with JQuery in anti pattern ways, most React components are coupled tightly together, the almighty window object, etc. The job was stressful when I started, my senior even told me once that a fresher shouldn't face things like this head on. But now, rethinking back 1 year ago, I don't really regret anything, even tho I didn't have a chance to learn a more proper way to do things at first, I got a chance to freely make mistakes (which pale in comparison with the existed problems) & learned to avoid using a great amount of anti patterns along the way. And I realized one day that the codebase is not the most important thing, the team - the people are what matters. Most startup are more about the CEO than the developers, the CEO is the person who in most cases would stick around the longest, make the most decisions to speed things up, to release early, to change the product's direction, to hire inexperienced developer, etc. everything accumulated more technical debt, which because of the business context of any startup, hardly can be avoided. Developers are different, with the right mindset, can reduce his stress of the technical debt by knowing that whether the debt is low or high, he'd still benefit from it, either through learning the proper way to do things or learning to avoid the mistakes that have been made by others. We just have to do our best in our 8 hours, repay the debt when the business earns money and not overthink about things too much, help & encourage the new guy next to us & don't curse the guy whose name appeared in git blame too much.

    At SJ, as a sole developer in the team, I have to do all things by myself from design, implement, maintenance & backup. At first, aside from Rails & React JS, all other things that I threw into the tech stack were either because of its popularity or convenient usage. Most were new to me both in concept & practice. Sometimes, I struggled so much due to my lack of experience that I wished I had used only Rails and nothing else. If I can go back and remake my decision, I'd certainly just try using Rails alone effectively. But well, after stumbling around, reading docs, trial and errors, I pulled the stack together quite neatly, came up with my own way of organizing things which still ensure a high level of flexibility if I ever need to add/remove anything to/from the web app. And, as I come to understand more about each of the tool that I'm using, I believe I can ensure that I'm going to use them effectively without making the app bogged down much by all the complexity. The lesson I learned is that, we young developers who nowaday likes the fancy stuff can actually don't have to care too much, just keep going at it, experiment things and doing things the stupid way, making mistakes, correct them then going forward again. I feel like in today everyday life, we have too many options to choose from, literally in everything, from daily goods on e-commerce sites to traveling services, phone models, etc. All these make an indecisive person like myself waste tons of time. But, in the end, do all these things hold that much value over the time that we used to pick them? In my opinion, it doesn't, so I come up with a solution: don't dig too much information on things, don't try to make everything perfect & use your intuition then ...just keep going at it, experiment things and doing things the stupid way, making mistakes, correct them then going forward again.

    Thanks you guys for reading and bearing with my post (I'm not a native English speaker), I just have the mood to share these things & hope that someone will find this useful.

    submitted by /u/hmobs
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    Career Options (Graphic Design to UI/UX or Web Dev)

    Posted: 12 Jul 2019 09:37 AM PDT

    I've been a Graphic Designer for almost a decade professionally and have been doing freelance work since I was in high school, mostly focusing on apparel and web design. Today I work for a massive eCommerce company where I am a lead designer working on apparel graphics. It's a fun job, but I can't help but think I'm missing out on other growing industries and I'm growing bored of the things I design every day.

    I've recently completed a Web Development crash course on Udemy solely concentrating on front end web development and I've been doing Daily UI challenges for awhile now and have learned a ton. The problem I have is I have no idea how to turn any of this into an actual career. I much prefer to stretch my creative muscles on the visual aspects of website design and creation, although I have a ton of fun coding and problem solving. How much development knowledge will I need if I want to transition to a UI/UX Designer? How much actual designing will I do if I want to transition to a Front-End Developer? Job searches have done nothing but complicate things even more, with some companies using generalized job titles that have completely varying responsibilities.

    I'm in this weird spot where I'm not quite sure what exactly I want out of all the web development knowledge I've learned or if it is at all useful for the things I enjoy about designing. Is it possible to be a UI Designer who also handles the code, or are companies moving away from generalized roles and hiring specialists who focus on each part of the process?

    Just a bit lost and could use any advice from those who have made similar career changes. I would really appreciate it. Thanks

    submitted by /u/TheOnlyMook
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    What are best practices for server-side date storage from different time zones of a JavaScript web app?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2019 01:13 PM PDT

    I'm wondering how I should send datetimes to my server from a client-side webapp, where the clients can all be on differing timezones.

    Should I convert the datetime to UTC locally before I send it, where my server can assume that everything coming in is in UTC?

    Should I send the local time and the local timezone and let my server store that?

    I'm a little confused on how to keep times synced up across timezones, and I wasn't sure how to google this methodology.

    submitted by /u/King_Joffreys_Tits
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    Consolidating redundant code

    Posted: 12 Jul 2019 01:05 PM PDT


    I'm just starting a project for work where we are tasked with updating and improving a clients web site.

    It seems pretty home grown. Not a Wordpress or Magento site or anything like that.

    I'm noticing in his HTML, though, that the first 500 lines across 4 or 5 page files are exactly the same. It's a sidebar that, apparently, whoever originally created the site for him thought needed to be there every time.

    I know there's a way to put that 500 lines into another file, get ride of the redundancy across his other ones, and insert the new file into each page as it loads. I'm just not sure exactly how to concisely search something like that. Anyone got a term I can google to point me in the right direction?

    submitted by /u/prncrny
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