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    Monday, July 29, 2019

    Is React.Js better than Vue.Js for scalability? Ask Programming

    Is React.Js better than Vue.Js for scalability? Ask Programming

    Is React.Js better than Vue.Js for scalability?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2019 06:33 PM PDT

    If I want to build a scalable app. Is react .Js better than Vue.Js or does it not matter at all?

    submitted by /u/FridgeratorChan
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    What's the Stupidest Thing You've Done in Production?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2019 06:53 AM PDT

    I thought I'd ask this after I made a stupid mistake earlier today. It can be something serious or just something funny or dumb that you did. I'm interested in hearing other peoples' stories from other places.

    My mistake today wasn't especially dumb or funny, and in fact wasn't even due to a code change ( thankfully, we have a rigorous process in place for code changes made straight into prod), but I was investigating an issue a user reported regarding our system sending out multiple letters to a customer. Now I'd had our Production version of our main enterprise system open from looking at a previous issue, but I mistakenly assumed it was a test version, since I usually have it open anyway for testing and whatnot, so I ended up accidentally requesting about 9 letters for this customer. Most of our prod system is read-only for non-users like me, so I guess I've found another module that needs to be made read-only to prevent idiots like me from cocking stuff up. Sorry whoever has to ring up the customer and tell them to ignore the 9 letters they're about to receive.

    submitted by /u/Heck_
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    How to get GPU usage % on macOS?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2019 02:38 PM PDT

    I've scoured the web, but no one seems to know how to find GPU usage in percentage (just like CPU usage %) programatically. Any ideas??

    submitted by /u/password_js_taco
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    How to start learning Machine Learning in Python

    Posted: 29 Jul 2019 10:49 AM PDT

    I know Python programming language. Recently, I have decided to start learning ML. How should I begin. Is mathematics skill required because I really suck at it. Please recommend me any good book to start with.

    submitted by /u/webappy
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    What are some good resources to help me become a better programmer?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2019 07:16 PM PDT

    I am a sophomore just getting into the meat of the CS curriculum. I don't have much prior experience at all and I feel like I'm behind the curve compared to some wizards that have been coding/hacking since they were 10.

    submitted by /u/maco299
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    Posted: 29 Jul 2019 06:51 PM PDT

    I was just wondering if there is a way for me to create a live-stream using OBS for my own website (possibly using the <video> tag in HTML?) and just creating my own player from scratch? I want to stray away from using other platforms like Facebook live, or YouTube live. I want to create something like a twitch stream on my web browser, but I want to personalize it to my liking, creating my own video player. Is this possible with HTML5 and Javascript, and what would you recommend? Thank you for taking your time to read this, and any help is much appreciated :)

    submitted by /u/midnighttyph00n
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    Which agile team will give me the best skills?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2019 11:12 AM PDT

    Hey r/AskProgramming,

    I've just started my first job in industry and have been given the opportunity to join 1 of 3 different teams at the same company. I'd like to know which opportunity you think is the best, as I'm having a hard time deciding which would take my career in the best trajectory and could use some advice.

    Option 1) Web Development using Angular and mobile development with Xamarin.

    Option 2) Develop rest API's using C# .NET

    Option 3) ETL/Data Warehouse development using t-sql.

    submitted by /u/JusticiarIV
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    When you download TensorFlow, why isn't it pre-trained?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2019 06:21 PM PDT

    Microsoft’s IntelliCode - How does it work?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2019 01:15 PM PDT

    Much to my surprise, Microsoft managed to make code even more convenient to write without clogging us with new UI with their fancy ML based IntelliCode model. I'm very curious on how they set this up; I would assume that they're sourcing their data from GitHub (I believe they recently bought it?), but beyond that, does anyone have any ideas on how the ML works? I have limited knowledge in ML, but a strong mathematical background, but even if you need the ML jargon to get the point across, please respond!

    submitted by /u/FuqNick
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    Functional programming (currently in Racket) problem for efficiency

    Posted: 29 Jul 2019 10:44 AM PDT

    My problem is this:

    Write a function that takes a list of streams and produces a new stream that takes one element from each stream in sequence. So it will first produce the first value of the first stream, then the first value of the second stream and so on, and it will go back to the first stream when it reaches the end of the list. Try to do this without ever adding an element to the end of a list.

    So far I've solved it, but I do append to the end of a list. Is there a way to do this problem without appending to the end of a list and without using mutation (set!) ? I'm in Racket right now, but any language will do

    submitted by /u/aryzach
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    Interview question

    Posted: 29 Jul 2019 09:02 AM PDT

    I have a tech question to do where I essentially built an MVC application that connects to a database and takes in inputs and returns results .

    As I am not wanting to pay for hosting for a server as this is only an interview, I am using a localDb on SQL Server Management Studio.

    I need to give this application to the interviewer but I don't understand how it would work on their machine as all database connection strings will be to the local DB, something they will not be able access.

    Like I said before I don't really want to pay for hosting as this is only one interview but I can't seem to think of a way around this database issue without hosting it.

    Has anyone encountered this issue before?

    submitted by /u/Swannyj95
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    Would it be possible for someone with very little coding experience (me) to make a simple program as a gift for someone?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2019 12:38 PM PDT

    I'm not at all sure how attainable this is, but for my boyfriend's birthday, he is amazing at coding and studies computer architecture, and i want to program something he could see or use as a gift (in addition to real gifts)... not as complex as a modern app, but maybe some kind of animation or simple game?

    My experience is practically nothing, one semester of MATLAB basics and one semester of Java basics, never anything past studying 2D arrays and Inheritance. For reference I used 'A Practical Introduction Using BlueJ, Objects First with Java', and our class got through chapter 12 (Not sure if that helps, but that's the extent to what I understand).

    Would I be able to program some sort of simple animation or useful function? And does anyone have any ideas for what I could create? Is this even an attainable goal??

    Thank you for any advice!

    submitted by /u/sycau00
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    To people who have programmed clients/software/something similar, i am asking if this idea is possible to make.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2019 04:13 PM PDT

    I don't know any other place to post this to, so its my fault if you downvote this for being in the wrong place.

    Would it be technically possible to make some sort of download client specifically for Google Drive/MEGA.nz files I, as in myself, have uploaded? I have uploaded and documented over 500 links to Google Drive and MEGA, and i have a small community on Discord who downloads these links, but the clutter and talk of stuff often gets trying to search for a certain link/file hard. What I imagine is some sort of download client that reads off a host that has a .txt file with a bunch of google drive/mega links already in it, and formats it in a clear selection with rows of links by alphabetical name, but is able to show new links when the .txt gets edited with newly pasted links, in an "update" sort of way. For an example, Jdownloader2 is a piece of software that can pretty much act as a downloader for a lot of things, not filehosters, but images too, but for an example, when you put a google drive link in Jdownloader2, it can read the .rar/name google drive gives it, so I imagine that also being feature in here, but i am confused on whether if this is possible or not, it sounds simple. I believe the FBI datadb for 3DS homebrew has something similar like this, it reads off one file and thus gets more info on said things that were updated

    submitted by /u/gcharles0
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    How do you introduce new team members to your codebase?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2019 10:57 PM PDT

    Hi folks,
    we've been struggling effectively introducing new team members to our codebase. Maybe there's someone more experienced who could help.

    • Do you practice some techniques that seem to work?
    • Do you keep some internal programming knowledge for your team? If so, what software do you use?
    submitted by /u/mlejva
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    move files from folder 1 to folder 2 as soon as there's a file in folder 1

    Posted: 29 Jul 2019 08:40 AM PDT

    can anyone help me with this?

    folder 1 will be on a rdp while folder 2 will be on another rdp but they're both in the same network.

    I've tried reading up on this and it seems robocopy is the solution? can anyone help me with the steps to do this?

    submitted by /u/NoRecording1
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    Why doesn't my code work?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2019 01:55 PM PDT

    I am a beginner , I was reading a book about javascript and it gave me information about creating a Bingo Card , The bingo card is supposed to be populated with random numbers, However when I try running it I receive a error on the bottom. Can someone help, I have it on solo learn, Here : https://code.sololearn.com/WhqM1I533Gd0/#html

    submitted by /u/bitceedd78
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    Under a per-seat SaaS license, how are downgrades usually handled?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2019 01:53 PM PDT

    If I'm offering a per-seat contract and someones bought 5 seats, then they downgrade to 2 seats. Is there an industry best practice as to how to handle this? Does the customer select which 3 seats get deleted?

    submitted by /u/MCsmalldick12
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    How to choose web development language and framework

    Posted: 29 Jul 2019 08:38 AM PDT

    I've worked with LAMP stack, Java, C++, Ruby, R, and Python. But I've always had guidelines for the project that predetermined what language I worked with.

    Now I'd like to start a website from scratch that will primarily feature a visual editable calendar, but will also have e-commerce and blogging, as well as a few interactive text tools. There will be an integrated user database but there doesn't need to be excessive updates or any web scraping. Should I start with Python? PHP? Node.js? How do you make these decisions?

    submitted by /u/ThinkingAboutBaby
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    Are there any advantages to using R instead of python?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2019 03:37 AM PDT

    I'm a decent python programmer, but lately ive been learning R (just out of curiosity... I like learning new languages). Is there any reason to use R instead of python for data analysis or machine learning projects (computational afficiancy / overhead etc.)?

    submitted by /u/tomerha
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    What software/method should I use to store and read/write data between iOS and Web applications?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2019 11:29 AM PDT

    I want to make an iOS app which helps improve oracy skills (speaking skills) in schools. The app would allow pupils to login and carry out educational activities mainly involving listening and speaking. I want this data to be stored where the teacher is able to login to a web portal and see their pupil's results to evaluate in order to provide feedback in school. It's not required but I'd also like the ability for teachers to edit content on the iOS app specifically for their own classrooms.

    At first I was thinking of just using Firebase with an iOS and web app, however I'm not entirely sure how this can be done without relational databases. If it can be done please let me know. Keep in mind this might be a future business, with additional schools, teachers, classes, and pupils being added.

    I've been searching for solutions and my head is fried at this point. If anyone can help out I greatly appreciate it.

    submitted by /u/TheUniquestUsername
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    Multiplayer Game Creation

    Posted: 29 Jul 2019 05:01 AM PDT

    Hi all, so I've been working on a card game simulator (yugioh, if you're familiar), involving C# forms interfaces and a lot of real ugly code. I've got it to a point where I'm happy with the base functionality, and the remaining bugs involve tailoring the program to multiple players (I.E. not showing your opponents' cards to you). So, I looked a bit online, but could only really get results for other sorts of game engines, and I'm not sure if that's what I need in this scenario, so I'm looking for some resources on how to learn to make my game multiplayer. I'm well aware that this is likely no easy task, as even forwarding ports for Minecraft and stuff is something that I have to find an in-depth tutorial for. Creating a full multiplayer program from scratch can't be easy, I imagine.

    That being said, I don't really do excuses, so I'm still gonna give it a shot. Where do I begin to learn how to make my program multiplayer? I don't really care too much about the specifics at this point, I just need a point that I can start looking at and learning with, ideally with examples to help me see the implementation of the features. All I really need is two separate client interfaces (players) to share the same set of information and field and such, while being able to separate the information that each player sees.

    Any good resources that would be a good fit for my scenario?

    submitted by /u/Retroroid
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    Converting an old VB6 program; Hiring question

    Posted: 29 Jul 2019 06:03 AM PDT


    I use an older VB6 program called Grapevine for a World of Darkness LARP i run. The program just keeps track of character sheets/creation, NPC's, etc. Its really the best program out there for what we use it for, but I'd love to see if i could hire someone to convert it to vb.net or newer language. I'd even love to see if its possible to convert this into a Docker program so i can use it on my Unraid.

    I pretense this all because i do not know what i'm getting into; Cost, Timeframe, Skills required. And i don't want to get in over my head if i start looking to hire a programmer to get this done. Any help/expertise/direction would be greatly appreciated.

    Note: The software is open-source and there is a source-code available on the website.

    submitted by /u/remamian
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    Hibernate sending incorrectly altered queries while Grails app is hosted on Ec2, but not when running locally

    Posted: 29 Jul 2019 05:57 AM PDT

    EDIT: go figure it being something unrelated, just found that the jar created in the pipeline gets corrupted somehow causing these errors. Gotta figure out what's wrong with that now.

    I've setup a grails application that runs on an EC2 instance with the appropriate structures such as an application load balancer, target group, RDS instance, etc. Everything works except for certain queries, Hibernate seems to switch out certain fields with other fields, sending an incorrect query and results in an invalid identifier error.

    I've tried a variety of things from simply rebuilding the stack from the cloud formation template to changing the structure of the template, changing code in the app to try to fix the data access issue, changing the structure of the database, and running the application locally while connecting to RDS.

    Here's an example of the domain structures

    class Area { Set fences static hasMany = [ fences: Fence ... class Fence { Area location static belongsTo = [location: Area] ... 

    And so, an example of the code would be

    def checkFences(Area area) { def fences = area.getFences() ... 

    then the (shortened) hibernate query goes something like this:

    SELECT fences0_.area_id AS area_id2_36_0_, fences0_.location_id AS location_id3_38_0_, fence1_.id AS id1_8_1_, fence1_.location_id AS location_id11_8_1_, fence1_.locationDescription AS locationDescripti12_8_1_, 
    submitted by /u/SalaciousDog
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    Which language shall i start with C or C++?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2019 09:13 AM PDT

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